Egg Tosser exposed

Founding Bloggers has the scoop:

Turns out, it might be this dude right here: (Hard to tell though… IYKWIMAITYD)

It’s not surprising at all, that the accomplice is a black man. I mean, who else would throw eggs at a bus of evil white racist Obama haters? (Sarcasm) Thank you Abe Lincoln for betraying America. (Not Sarcasm)

More of that black liberal tolerance on display. See why I won’t vote for Democrats no more?

Others: The Daily Caller, Big Government, Erick’s blog, RedState, Gateway Pundit and American Power

For the record, No, I do not think this is acceptable

In light of my posting yesterday, that not only succeeded in pissing off some liberals; but also my Mom. I thought I would clear the air on something.

It appears that some people who are not happy with the passage of this Healthcare reform bill, took it upon themselves to conduct some terrorism on the brother of one of the members of the house. It also appears that Bart Supack, received some threatening phone calls.

Here is the video on that story:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Okay gang, here’s the deal. I do not like this healthcare bill no more than the next “Right of center” blogger. But I want to be perfectly clear. I do not support the idea of conducting terrorism on anyone. The proper definition of terrorism is:

The root word for terrorism is terror and that is defined as: (Source)

Main Entry: ter·ror
Pronunciation: ?ter-?r, ?te-r?r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French terrour, from Latin terror, from terr?re to frighten; akin to Greek trein to be afraid, flee, tremein to tremble — more at tremble
Date: 14th century

1 : a state of intense fear
2 a : one that inspires fear : scourge b : a frightening aspect <the terrors of invasion> c : a cause of anxiety : worry d : an appalling person or thing; especially : brat
3 : reign of terror
4 : violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands <insurrection and revolutionary terror>

I mean, it is one thing to get on a Blog, such as mine here, and hurl insults and verbal flourishes at those that I disagree with on politics. It is another entirely to show up at someone’s house and do something destructive. That my friends is not promoting freedom, Democracy or anything else like that. Committing acts like that, makes you a two-bit thug; and basically no better than those who want to undermine our capitalistic society.

I said this before, and I will say it again; this sort of nonsense right here is why Conservatives, Republicans and Tea Party folks are losing the battle, when it comes to the political conversation in America. It is simply because the American people simply reject extremism in any form. We have a system in this wonderful Country of ours that allows the American people to choose whom they wish to lead their Country, and that is the inalienable right to vote. So, to my follow Americans, Conservatives and Tea Party folks; please, in the name of America —- stop the stupidity already! Committing acts like this makes you no better than those who slammed those planes in the World Trade Center in New York.

My good friends, anarchy never did a thing to promote freedom and peace or birth a Nation. Remember this, we are a civilized society, we are not Palestine, we are not a terrorist nation, We are Americans and we are much more better than that. Please, lets try acting like it.

If we are to win the battle come the 2010 and 2012 elections, we have to stop with this sort of nonsense and get back to the intellectual debate. We have to demonstrate to the American people that we as those who reject socialism are better than the average liberal and not some sort of knuckle-dragging terrorist from the backwoods. Until we can overcome that hurdle and get our own ranks in order, purge ourselves of the extremists. Until this happens, our cause will be a lost one.

Update: On the other hand

Dana Loesch lays the smack down on the idiotic accusations on racism and gay slurs

Remember what I Blogged about Yesterday? Well, looks like someone was full of crap.

When faced with intellectual argument, and a litany of polls which prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Americans do not want this fake reform, this health control bill, socialists fall on the only tactics they know: identity politics.

A plethora of shrieking socialists around the webernetz (again) defamed an entire movement today by insisting that these peaceful (even when being beaten by SEIU folks) protesters are RACISTS! and HOMOPHOBES! (they’ve obviously never listened to my weekday show) for – well, if someone calls someone a RACIST! or HOMOPHONE! then surely, they wouldn’t just casually throw the term out due to spite out of respect for those minorities who truly do deal with discrimination, right?


No, the word on the webernetz is that you are a RACIST! or HOMOPHOBE! for opposing big government.


No, I’m completely serious. What those who are actual bigots and prejudiced against minorities are called now, I dunno, because that term has been co-opted for application against those who stand against a bloated federal government.

via Video Debunks Lib Accusations That Slurs were Shouted (and Thoughts on Identity Politics) «.

I highly suggest that you go over and read this; looks like the Democrats are using the most used and usually last stand that they usually run to, when nothing else works —- Race Baiting. 🙄

Good job on Dana for pointing this out.

Now if I could just get Dana to smile on her blog picture. 😉

President Barack Obama and Fox News's Bret Baier politely spar over Healthcare and Foreign Policy

Here’s Part 1 and 2 of that:

You can go read the entire transcript of this interview by going here and reading it.

I have to give President Obama credit, after bashing Fox News and calling it “nothing more than a propaganda outlet”; he did show some guts by going into the lion’s den and going head to head with Bret Baier. That took some serious guts. It could help his image too; not with those on the hard right, but the independents, who voted for the guy with the “spine of steel”, as Vice President Joe Biden called it. Truthfully, the President has not been showing that so-called “Spine of Steel” here as of late. Maybe the White House is trying to improve the President’s image a bit, seeing that his poll numbers are down. Hence the interview.

I saw the interview on T.V. myself; I would not call it “combative” as I have seen it called on other blogs. I would call it politely testy, at times. I mean, there was no swearing and no calling the President an out liar, when he was obviously lying. I mean, If I would been running that interview, and he would have started in on the talking points; I would have stopped him and told him he was flat out lying and full of shit and would have demanded short and straight answers out of him. I would have also demanded that he answered the question of just who the hell does he think he is, to just swagger into the White House and start changing the established Heathcare system in this Country. I would have said, “You can do this, why? because you are black and entitled to it?” Which is probably why the interview was not giving by me. It would have lasted all of about five minutes. The next thing I would have asked him, was why he will not produce his original birth certificate and I would have brought up the fact that EVERY last damned President since the United States started keeping birth records has produced a birth certificate; and I would have asked him why the hell he feels exempted from this practice. Again, I would have asked him if he felt it was because he was black that he could bypass such things. I would have also brought up the fact that the so-called document that his campaign produced was, in fact, a forgery, which was pointed out by several well-known bloggers and was proven to be by three different forensic experts. None of whom would publicly identify themselves, for fear of reprisal from Obama’s campaign and from the Government itself.

So, in closing, it was a decent interview, not nearly as tough as it should have been. But it was and still is worth watching.

Finally: Rielle Hunter speaks

I know, I could write this as a snark filled smarty pants sounding blog posting. But, I do try to be better than that.

It seems that Rielle Hunter has decided to speak. There are some interesting bits to this interview; I highly suggest that you do go read it.

Some excerpts:

Let’s start at the beginning. February 2006. How did you meet him?

I met him on a street corner. [laughs] A lot has been written that I met him inside the

Rielle Hunter - Now tell me you wouldn't tap that! I would!

Regency [hotel in New York City], that I walked over to his table. That is all 100 percent fiction. I saw him in the Regency, in the Library, which is the restaurant-slash-lounge. And he saw me. And it was a mutual unusual staring going on. There was an instant and odd connection that we both felt. Like, “I know you, you know me, who are you?” Anyway, he then got up and left.

So you didn’t approach him in the Regency?

No. One thing I’ve learned about relationships and men is that you can never walk across the room for a man. If a man is attracted to you, he needs to take the first step.

Did you know who he was?

I did not know who he was.


I did not. The John Edwards I saw in 2004 on TV I believed to be a disconnected, two-dimensional-geek kind of guy. And the man sitting across the room was not that at all.

Then what happened?

He got up and left, and Josh Brumberger [one of his aides] left with him. But the other person they were with—a donor, a lawyer named Tony—stayed. And when they left, my friend went over and asked Tony if that was John Edwards, and he said yes. And my friend turned to me and said, “See, I told you it was John Edwards.” And then I came over to the table, and I said, “I can’t believe that was John Edwards; he’s so hot. He’s really got it going on. He’s got something unusual about him, and I never would have recognized him.” And Tony said, “Oh, my God, you should have come over and told him that. He would have loved to have heard that.” Anyway, my friend and I stayed there, and we had another friend come join us. And then Josh came back. And when I went to the restroom, I stopped at Josh’s table and gave him a card and got Josh’s card. I did that because my friend really wanted to work for John Edwards. So I gave Josh a card. And my card, by the way, never said truth seeker on it.

What did your card say?

It said rielle hunter. being is free.

And that was because—

It was the Web site that I had. Which is a whole other topic. Anyway, when my other friend came—she was about to get married, so it was all about that. There was no more talk of John Edwards.

The fact the she is even speaking out, is pretty brave in my opinion and the stuff she goes on to say in the interview about Elisabeth about confirms what I and many others have suspected about the woman. Although, I will be honest with you. Rielle Hunter does tend to seem to be “In the tank” for Edwards, she sees him as a victim in all of this, which is, in this writers opinion; laughable.

All in all though, if you can get past the stupid liberal bullshit of, “Oh I was spiritually attracted to him!” which sounds like some idiotic giggling schoolgirl nonsense; it is not actually a half bad read.

There’s more:

And that president thing, whatever.
Yeah. So I said, “I can help you.” And he said, “I want your help. I need your help.” And he told me how to contact him [at the Regency]. He said, “Please call me.” I said, “How long are you staying?” He said, “Until tomorrow morning. Please, call me. Call me.”

What did you mean by “I can help you?”
That I could help him see who he is instead of what he’s not. The person standing in front of me was not the person they were selling, or his public persona. He was completely opposite from his public persona.

So it’s not like you were thinking, I can help you by videotaping the campaign?

You were thinking—
That I could help him become more integrated so that people could see that he had it going on.

And you knew that in the first few seconds?
Upon sight. So I called him about a half hour later. And I got a voice mail in the room, so I hung up. Did not leave a message. Because I did not know what was appropriate. I knew he was married, and I didn’t know if his wife was with him, you know; I didn’t know what was appropriate. And this was not—there was no sexual intention here at all.

Really? C’mon.
None. I really just thought I could help him. So I hung up. And about ten minutes later, my cell phone rang. And I looked down, and I said to my friends, “What is this number?” One of my friends said, “That’s the Regency.” And I said, “He’s calling me back? I didn’t even leave a message. How is he calling me back?” And he, you know, star-69’ed or whatever the caller ID was. And he left me this message, “Hi. Call me. I really want to hear what you have to say.”


Rielle Hunter - Who obviously did not swallow

So I called him back. And he said that he really wanted to hear what I had to say. Would I mind, um, meeting him in his room? And I said, “No, I wouldn’t mind at all.” And the reason I wouldn’t is because he’s a celebrity. I have a lot of celebrity friends, and I know their rules are different. Also, it felt completely familiar, like I’d known him all my life. Anyway, so I said, “Let me eat my Caesar salad, and I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” And I said to my friends, “I’m going over there.” And it was funny, because they were like, “You cannot sleep with him! You cannot sleep with him, because you can help him!” And I said, “I am not going to sleep with him.” I gave them my word: “I won’t sleep with him.” [laughs] And so I went over to his room, and I walked in, and I. Was. Terrified.

Why terrified?
Because I had never experienced anything like what was flowing between us. I sat on the other side of the room. I wouldn’t go near him. And he kept saying [she mimics his southern drawl], “What are you doin’ over there? Come over here. I can’t even see you. Come closer. I won’t bite you.” I was just—there was sooo much attraction and sooo much… I want to say love, but it wasn’t love at that point. You know, it was just this, this magnetic force field like I had never experienced. It terrified me. Absolutely terrified me. And, um, I eventually walked over to his side of the room. [laughs] He was pretty relentless. And that’s all I’m gonna say on that! Now fade to black!

Oh, don’t fade to black now.
I used to make a joke that I could have helped save the world, but I had to sleep with him. You know? It was kind of like that.

So there you have it. The crux of what this woman is about. Fell in love with him, had his kid and now is the “Third Woman.” It is good work, if you can get it. I bet Edwards is thinking, “If only she had swallowed…” 😯

I must confess, I’d hit it; hell yes, But I would wear about 5 condoms, and she would be on the pill.

Also, there is a great deal of talk about “Poor Elisabeth” and such. I must confess, I have zero sympathy for her at all. Because it is quite obvious that Elisabeth was not keeping her man happy. That relationship had broken down, somewhere along the line, and John was looking for some tail, because he was not getting it from his wife. That is quite clear. So, While I do pity her, that she is dying at all. But this whole thing could have and would have been avoided, if Elisabeth had been treating John right. Just that simple. I make zero apologies for feeling that way.

It is a fact of human nature, if a woman is getting her due share of sex from her husband, she will see it elsewhere. Same goes for women, they will do the same thing; and please, do not try and hand me that crap about Christians not doing much things, or Conservatives either. Because I happen to know, that is a bunch of bull as well. In fact, the man who was my youth Pastor back in the 1980’s, when I was growing up in Southwest Detroit; did the same thing. She was not getting it from her husband and she sought out another man. Ended up marrying him too. So, that line is out with me. As far as Conservatives go, Newt Gingrich is perfect example.

Crazy, Lonely, White Women?

There seems to be an uptick in this sort of a thing, as of late:

Last Easter, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom with a $30,000-a-year job as a medical assistant, announced to her family that she had converted to Islam. A few months later, she began posting to Facebook forums whose headings included “STOP caLLing MUSLIMS TERRORISTS!”

On Sept. 11, she suddenly left Leadville, Colo., a small town in the Rocky Mountains, for Denver, then for New York, to meet and marry a Muslim man she connected with online, her family says. Ms. Paulin-Ramirez, who is 5-foot-11 and blonde, phoned her mother and stepfather in Leadville, providing them with an address in Waterford, Ireland, they say.

Toni Axelrod for The Wall Street Journal/Courtesy of the Holcomb Family

Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom, is in the custody of the Irish police, along with six other individuals, arrested as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder.

Now, she is in the custody of the Irish police, along with six other individuals, arrested as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder, according to officials familiar with the case. The nature of the authorities suspicions about Ms. Paulin-Ramirez couldn’t be determined on Friday.

via A Colorado Mom Is Arrested in Terror Plot Case –

There is a tiny bit of me, that seems to believe that this might be something more, than what meets the eye. I could be wrong and goodness knows, I hope I am. But it just makes me wonder. Obama’s FBI now scapegoating White Americans as crazed Muslim converts? I have no proof, but it does make me wonder. It just seems funny that suddenly this stuff starts happening, that’s all.

Others: The Jawa Report, Althouse, KUSA-TV, Atlas Shrugs, Jules Crittenden, The Other McCain, Jihad Watch, The Lonely Conservative and The Corner on National …

Dan Rather explains himself

I am, of course, referring to this little poor choice of words.

First off, Dan explains in his own way, that he is from the pre-internet generation. This is understandable. The man is just old. You have to remember, he was one of the reporters in the trenches in Vietnam. He did work under Walter Cronkite. So, he is old, as in almost my dad’s age. Even I can understand that.

He explains his rather “off the cuff” remark:

All this is the backdrop for what I said on the Matthews show. I was talking about Obama and health care and I used the analogy of selling watermelons by the side of the road. It’s an expression that stretches to my boyhood roots in Southeast Texas, when country highways were lined with stands manned by sellers of all races. Now of course watermelons have become a stereotype for African Americans and so my analogy entered a charged environment. I’m sorry people took offense. – Source Huffington Post

He goes on to say, and I believe this is important:

But anyone who knows me personally or knows my professional career would know that race was not on my mind. Reporting on the injustices of race was part of the reason I became a reporter. I grew up in segregated Texas on the same side of the tracks as the African American community. At the time, enlightened people called them Negros. Many people called them much worse. When I covered the Civil Rights movement, I saw sheer hatred in ways that still haunt and shock me. For doing my small part in reporting on the South in the 1960s, I was called a traitor to my roots and other names not fit for print. I was threatened with death by people who would have welcomed me to their church on Sunday on account of my white skin if they didn’t know what I was there to do. I do not take this issue lightly.

I am inclined to believe him here, as I do agree with his position on the subject. Also too, I believe it is important to understand the framing of the comment as well. He did just say, in his own southern style that President Obama is, in fact, a lousy salesman. Now he said something to the effect of, “That Obama isn’t nothing more than a stupid Watermelon eatin’ so and so…” it would be quite different. But it was not said in that matter. Yes, I know, Rush Limbaugh and we Conservative Bloggers did raise the “If a Conservative have said that” flag up; Which I believe is valid. There is a double standard in this country when it comes to race and political party affiliation, I know that. However, I believe this one here was just a tad bit blown out of proportion.

Finally, Dan Rather makes this very important point:

What saddens me is what this experience has made all too clear. Much of what we call news, isn’t. Much of what we Tweet, or post, or chat away at under the guise of news, are distractions.


The optimist in me believes that we are not as polarized as the partisans on the left and right would want us to believe. They make money on division. I have gotten dozens of letters from viewers for my HDNet show saying that they thought I was a left-wing partisan hack until they sat down and watched our reports. This is not meant to be self-aggrandizing. It is just evidence that if we stopped worrying about political point-scoring and sat and listened to the issues that matter, we would be less distracted and more focused on the problems that we all face and must solve together.

Sorry folks, I cannot argue with that. Thanks Dan for the clarification.  I know I might take heat for highlighting the above, but you know what? I do not care. I think if both sides would simply work together and stop with the decisive nonsense; we might just be able to fix the Nation’s problems; like Healthcare, like Jobs and many of the other problems that are hurting Nation right now.

Why Do Conservative Republicans do STUPID stuff like this?

You see now why I am sort of taking a break?


In this country, we had slavery for God knows how long. And now we look back on it and we say “How brave were they? What was the matter with them? You know, I can’t believe, you know, four million slaves. This is incredible.” And we’re right, we’re right. We should look back on that with criticism. It is a crushing mark on America’s soul. And yet today, half of all black children are aborted. Half of all black children are aborted. Far more of the African American community is being devastated by the policies of today than were being devastated by policies of slavery. And I think, What does it take to get us to wake up?

via GOPer: Abortion taking worse toll on blacks than slavery – The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room.

😯 😮 Wow. 🙄

Man, Election 2010 cannot come quick enough time to get the stupid people out. 😡

Democrats are rightly pissed:

Frank’s comments raised the ire of Democrats.

“To compare the horrors and inhumane treatment of millions of African Americans during slavery as a better way of life for African Americans today is beyond repulsive,” Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Deputy Press Secretary Stephanie Young said in a statement. “In 2010, during the second year of our first African American President, it is astonishing that a thought such as this would come to mind, let alone be shared.”

…and naturally this damned genius is hiding. 🙄

Frank could not be reached for comment because he is currently on a plane back to Arizona, according to his spokesperson.

So, not only is this man an idiot; he’s a coward too! 🙄

Oy. Back to my break.

and finally

A song that I happen to like quite a bit. It has been said that music often tells a story. Paints a picture, if you will. That being said, here is a story or picture, from a very unique perspective.

This is Resurrection Band

Lincoln’s Train


Resurrection Band

Passin’ through these ruins
Mr Lincoln’s train goin’ by
Spilling smoke into these bloody fields
All the people stood and cried

Our tears are the same color
We can all hold hands and mourn
But me, I’m still asking myself
Why I’m not any freer than I was before

Mr Lincoln are you free now?
Was it worth what it finally cost?
If I had somethin to believe in
I could bear this endless cross

I got no home, they sold my family
I got no job, ain’t got no vote
Them books they’re all mysteries to me
Can’t read or write, I got no hope

The train it just keeps rollin’
Cold as steel and dark as night
It don’t give me no answers, no
No, it don’t pay me no mind

And the scenery just keeps changin’
But these folks, they just stay the same
Same old fearful eyes a starin’
Askin’ me to take the blame

For their shame, for their shame