This is another reason why I do not support Santorum

I have nothing personally against Catholics. I just disagree with their theology. However, when a wife of a Presidential candidate spouts stuff like this here; I am afraid that I get a bit worried.

Via Washington Post:

Rick Santorum’s wife granted a rare interview Thursday, telling conservative talk show host Glenn Beck that she initially had been against her husband running for president but finally concluded it was “God’s will.”

Speaking in deeply spiritual terms, Karen Santorum said she had been reluctant to throw her support behind the idea because her husband’s failed 2006 Senate re-election campaign had been so brutal. Also, she said, her husband had become more involved with the family after leaving the Senate, and was even coaching Little League.

But she said she prayed on the matter, and finally changed her mind after the passage of the 2010 health care overhaul.

“I did always feel in my heart that God had big plans for Rick. Eventually it was there, tugging at my heart,” she said. “When Obamacare passed, that was it. That put the fire in my belly.”

Sorry to say this; but I happen to agree with the commenters over at, this just does not look good for Rick Santorum. I also dislike his stance towards Libertarianism,  which I happen to find highly offensive. Furthermore, I believe that any person that is running on some sort of a “God Mandate,” should never, ever be take seriously as a candidate for President of the United States of America.

Speaking of HotAir, this comment made me almost fall out of my chair, laughing!:

Religion is like a penis.

It is fine to have one.
It is fine to be proud of it.
It is NOT fine to whip it out in public and wave it around.
And PLEASE do not shove it down my children’s throat.

SurpriseRolling on the floorLaughingHee heeDohIt’s a bit crude; but I happen to agree. Tongue

Again, I am all for a President who is truly a Christian believer. Reagan was a Believer in Christ; he did not attend Church very much, but I digress. However, if their overall reason for running for President is a “calling from God,” then I believe that this said person should be not be taken seriously for running for President. I want a Constitutionalist Conservative in the White House, and not a Christianist Theocrat. The two cannot co-exist; theocratic folk are statists and are not truly Conservative.  Furthermore, many Conservatives, including myself, are totally against radical Islamists and their quest to bring jihad to America. To me, it seems a bit hypocritical for those who advocate the destruction of said radical Muslims to be advocating the Christian equivalent of it.

Not only this, but allow me to float this question as well — at the risk of being accused of playing the “race card,” as it is called:  Mrs. Santorum feels that fire in her belly for her husband to run; now, if I may, why does she have that fire? Is it because she is genuinely concerned for her Country, because of the socialist polices of President Obama — or is it because of his black skin? Confused Hopefully, it is the latter; but with the majority of the Republicans in this race, I suspect it is the former.

Just a thought. Nerd


Detroit’s Autorama is in town

Now here is something that makes me get a bit nostalgic:

Now that Detroit has had a month to bask in the future of what the automotive industry has to offer, the Motor City will now take a look at its past.

The 60th annual Autorama begins noon Friday and runs through Sunday at Cobo Center, One Washington Blvd. in Detroit.

Around 100,000 people are expected at the annual car event, which will feature about 1,000 exhibits with celebrities, attractions, beer and — of course — more than 700 hot rods, classic cars and customized vehicles.

via 2012 Autorama Detroit: Motor City revs up for ‘America’s greatest hot rod show’ |

When I was a little kid, my Father and I would always head to Cobo Hall in Detroit every year to go to this show.  It was like a year religious pilgrimage for us.  Some years, like back in the 80’s, my cousins, my Mom, and her sister and hubby would trek down to the show.  Back in the 80’s stars from shows like “The Duke of Hazzard” would be there.  People like Tom Wopat, James Best — who played Roscoe P. Coltrane — were there.  What I remember the most, was the walking; we would walk that entire show, all rooms, upstairs and downstairs of that hall and look at everything.  We used to go to the auto-show as well; it was fun time.  I remember getting my picture taken in the car from the T.V. Series “Knight Rider,” You know K.I.T.T.?  I got it taken in the car from the first season and I believe the second season.  It was a Polaroid, and it cost my Dad five bucks.

My Dad, because he worked at General Motors, used to get free tickets to all of those shows.  I miss those old days; they were the “magic years” for me as a kid.  Sadly, we stopped going to those shows, mainly because it was such a pain in the rear to get down there and the walking was not easy on my Dad or me, as we both got older.  In addition, in addition, we started hearing about incidents happening at those show, shootings, robberies, and so forth, so we just quit going.  I went to an Auto Show once, by myself, back in the days when I was actually working.  I actually found a good parking spot on the roof of Cobo, I went inside, and the place was heavily crowded.  I went and looked at a few cars, fought my way through the crowd; and finally got disgusted and left.  After that, I never went back.  In addition, people were rude, and one person even hurled a racist remark at me, for simply being in his way.  Naturally, he was black and I was white; so in that City, this was considered normal.  This was, for what it might be worth, in the 1990’s.  Things changed in 10 years, I suppose.

The bottom line is this; if you do not mind crowds, rude people and want to see some nice classic cars, this is the show to see.  The cars, of course, come from an era when Detroit was on top of its automotive game.  Like good, moral women —-they just do not build them like that anymore.


Why do Christians do stupid stuff like this?

The reason I ask this, is because every time a Christian does something as ignorant as this; it never ends well.

Videos: (Via Mediaite)

The Story:

On Tuesday, Franklin Graham appeared on Morning Joe and made some statements that threw the show’s panel — which included Alex Wagner, Willie Geist, and John Heilemann — into disarray. Graham questioned President Obama‘s faith and contentiously explained why Mormons aren’t considered Christian.

Graham, throughout the interview, repeatedly said he didn’t know if President Obama was a Christian.

“I asked him when he was running… how he came to faith in Christ. He said that he was working in the South Side of Chicago in the community and they asked him — the community — asked him what church he went to, and he said ‘I don’t go to church.’ They said, ‘If you’re going to work in the community, you have to join one of our churches.’ And of course, he joined Reverend Jeremiah’s church. So that’s what his answer to my question was.”

“So therefore, by your definition, he’s not a Christian,” Geist said.

“You have to ask him,” Graham said. “I cannot answer that question for anybody.”

Mike Barnicle then asked why Graham couldn’t just say, “Yeah, I believe he’s a Christian,” in light of him saying he is, going to church, and practicing his faith.

“I accept him as what he says. If he says he’s a Christian, I accept that, I’m not going to say he’s not,” Graham said. “All I know is what Jesus Christ has done in my heart and how he’s changed my life.”

Graham also explained how the Muslim world sees President Obama as a Muslim, but he doesn’t believe he’s a Muslim. He did stop short of categorically saying he wasn’t a Muslim. “I can’t say categorically because Islam has gotten a free pass under Obama,” Graham said, pointing out the Christian minorities throughout the entire world coming under attack by Muslims, especially after the Arab Spring.


“His values are so clear on moral issues,” Graham said on Santorum. “No question about it.”

“[That’s] an amazing double standard that you just applied,” an incredulous Heilemann said. “Your reaction to the difference — The question about Rick Santorum and President Obama, I think, just exposes an incredible double standard you’re applying to those people. They’re exactly the same situation!”

“No, I asked President Obama how he came to faith in Christ and he said, ‘I don’t go to church,’” Graham replied.

“Have you had that conversation with Rick Santorum?” Heilemann asked.

“I’ve talked to Rick Santorum, yes.”

“And he was just more persuasive to you?”

“I think so,” Graham said. “But you have to look at what a person does with his life. Anyone can say he’s a Christian. But you look at [how] do they live? Where do they go? And act? Listen, Obama is a nice man, I’ve met him on several occasions–”

“But you think he behaves in an un-Christian way,” Heilemann interrupted.

“No, he is a nice man. And his wife is a class act and their kids are class — You can’t help but like them,” Graham said. “So I have no idea what he really believes and I really don’t have any idea other than what Rick Santorum stands for or what he really believes.”

“What about Mitt Romney?” Wagner asked.

“I like him,”

“Is he a Christian?”

“He’s a Mormon.”

“He says he’s part of the Judeo Christian faith, do you take him at his word?”

“Most Christians would not recognize Mormonism as part of the Christian faith.”

“So he is not a Christian…”

“I’m just saying most Christians would not recognize Mormonism. Of course they believe in Jesus Christ, but they have a lot of other things that they believe in, too, that we don’t accept theologically,” Graham explained. He then added that Romney, “would be a good President if he were the nomination, because I think the man has got the ability. He’s got the strength, business-wise, political-wise — he’s a sharp guy, and he’s proven himself. Any one of these candidates–Newt Gingrich, all of them. Now, newt’s been married several times, he’s had those issues, but he could make a good candidate. And I think Newt is a Christian…at least he told me he is.”

“So Newt Gingrich is a Christian,” an exasperated Geist asked, “but you’re not sure that President Obama is!”

Again, I am not saying that these men not do not have the right to believe what they do; they do, and I also happen to agree with their assessments of Romney and somewhat on Obama. However, to haul themselves to the biggest liberal network in America and do something like this, makes these men, Christianity, the Church — look like complete buffoons. Perhaps Rev. Graham and his Ministry should concentrate more on furthering the Gospel of Christ and not be going to a liberal network and making statements which, in all honesty, does more to hurt the cause of Christ, than it ever does to help it.

In other words my friends, as a 29 year veteran of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; I just do not see the Godly wisdom of doing this sort of thing. It just does not strike me as something helpful for the body of Christ. Let those who have ears to hear; let them hear.

Former Ron Paul Ally confronts Paul on double dipping on expenses

Proving my ever-growing suspicions on this guy:

In March 2005, David James called Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-Texas) Congressional office for some documentation.

James’s nonprofit group, the Liberty Committee, had paid for one of Paul’s flights, and James needed a receipt or boarding pass to document the expense. He’d been pushing Paul for the paperwork and now, on the phone, he was “putting his foot down.”

“So I called the office manager,” James recalled. “They knew me, like, as well as they knew Ron. And I said, ‘Liberty Committee is paying for this expense. I need to get the boarding pass or the ticket or something.’”

The office manager said Paul’s Congressional office no longer had documentation for that flight; Paul had sent it in to the House Finance Office for reimbursement. But Liberty Committee had already sent a check to American Express to cover the charge on Paul’s credit card.

“I don’t care what flights the Liberty Committee pays for,” James said, “because Ron never took enough in expenses to come anywhere near his value to us. And this was piddly. But it’s just what it was.”

James first thought it was accidental and faxed a letter to Paul’s office, requesting that its money be returned for the flight. Paul did repay the $403.70, but the episode strained their relationship and led to a falling out a year later.

In a subsequent conversation, James raised the issue, and Paul “was very curt, and he simply said, ‘Yep, well, happens all the time,’” James, 64, told Roll Call.

via Associate Confronted Rep. Ron Paul About Flights : Roll Call News.

Ed Morrissey also writes about this, and thinks that Ron Paul should come clean or face a house ethics committee hearing. I wholeheartedly agree. If you are going to pawn yourself off as the most honest person on capital hill; you should try actually being the most honest person on capital hill.  I have written on my previous blog about this man’s claims to be the most honest politician, and for a short time, I actually believed that, but as time wore on, I began to read about the stuff that Mr. Paul does and does not want his own followers really knowing about it.  But, I, as well as other bloggers have documented his antics for a while now.

While Mr. Paul might have some very good ideas on capitalism, free trade and our monetary system; his utter hypocrisy when it comes to issues like this and his utter idiotic ideas on foreign policy handicap him. Not only this, but his past writings that did have his name on them, and his associations with Jew haters, racists and other such sort of nonsense make him someone, despite what I said recently, which was honestly in jest; that I could never, in good conscience vote for in a million years.  All one would need to do is look through the archives of my previous blog to see all the stuff that I have written about the man over the past 6 years.

Again, while I can appreciate his opposition to Wilsonian foreign policy; something that I have spoken out against myself here, and I can and do agree with very much, as much as I agree with his idea of free trade, free markets and the gold standard. I cannot side with this man because of the rest of his problems.  As I have said on this blog and my previous blog many, many times; Ron Paul is NOT, nor has he EVER been the Messianic figure that many of his well-intentioned followers assumed him to be.  This proves that and if the Ron Paul crowd had any sort of common sense at all; they would back away from Ron Paul and support someone who could actually fix this Nation’s problems.

However, if I know the Ron Paul crowd like I do; they will simply dismiss this true story, as some sort of Jewish conspiracy by the Illuminati and the Bilderberg boys to keep him from winning the White House, which is pretty much par for their course. I could tell you stories of how when I, on my previous blog, would write something even remotely critical of Ron Paul; my inbox would overflow with Ron Paul supporters calling me everything from a Neo-Con (which is Jew in Ron Paul speak) to a Bush-lover. Once, though, one of them went over the line and sent a death threat via e-mail. I did report that to the FBI in Detroit. This is why I try to avoid writing about the man. Because his most devout followers are absolutely insane.

Trust me, when I tell you this; the left’s crazies, have nothing on Ron Paul’s crazies. 😯

Black CNN Commentator plays race card with GOP

…and openly admits he is doing it!

Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) — In case you plan to see Wednesday’s GOP debate, allow me to offer up some crib notes so you don’t get lost.

First, when you hear the candidates talk about “job creators,” that’s just another way of saying “rich people” or “the guy bankrolling my super Pac.”

When someone says “family values,” that’s to remind the audience that they don’t like gay people; “religious freedom” means “Christianity”; and it’s not really a GOP debate until a candidate attacks the “liberal media” for asking questions they’re too afraid to answer.

LZ Granderson - Playing the race card!

Now there will be plenty of other buzz words and euphemisms that will be tossed around during the debate, but since it is being held in Arizona, chances are the most popular phrase will be “secure the border.”

We must secure the border.

The candidates will argue that it’s a matter of national security. That it isn’t just the friendly illegal immigrants looking for work we must worry about, but terrorists, drug lords and other criminals who seek to make their way through our porous border. They will say if they were president they would build walls, add troops, even commission a Death Star to keep this country safe.

Newt Gingrich has promised to build a double fence along the entire southern border, adding, “”The United States must control its border. It is a national security imperative,”

Ron Paul said “If elected president, I would move to quickly end foreign nation building efforts and use many of the resources we waste playing world’s policemen to control our southern border.”

They all will receive applause, and it will all sound great … until you realize that “secure the border” is slang for “keep the Mexicans out.”

Oh boy, here comes the black guy playing the race card again.

Yep, that’s me

via Does ‘secure the border’ mean ‘keep America white’? –

Imagine with me, for one second, if a white conservative political commentator had said something like this in an op-ed. The outrage would be deafening. But, because it is a black liberal, taking pot shots at the GOP; it is just fine! This is why the removal of Pat Buchanan was so important; it is the stifling of political debate in this Country, by the radical left.  When the radical left in this Country is controlling the media and setting the rules of the political discussion in this Country; stuff like the above happens. It is unfair, it is liberal bias and it must be exposed.

Memo to Rick Santorum: This is not helping your cause

This is not a smart move, Mr. Santorum.

Via the Detroit News:

Washington — Rick Santorum on Sunday condemned what he called President Barack Obama’s world view that “elevates the Earth above man” and requires insurers to pay for prenatal tests that will encourage more abortions.

A day after telling an Ohio audience that Obama’s agenda is based on “some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible,” the GOP presidential candidate said he wasn’t criticizing the president’s Christianity.

“I’ve repeatedly said I don’t question the president’s faith. I’ve repeatedly said that I believe the president’s Christian,” Santorum said in a broadcast interview. “I am talking about his world view, and the way he approaches problems in this country. I think they’re different than how most people do in America.”

The former Pennsylvania senator said Obama’s environmental policies promote ideas of “radical environmentalists,” who, Santorum argues, oppose greater use of the country’s natural resources because they believe “man is here to serve the Earth.” He said that was the reference he was making Saturday in his Ohio campaign appearance when he denounced a “phony theology.”

“I think that is a phony ideal. I don’t believe that is what we’re here to do,” Santorum said. “We’re not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.”

Obama’s campaign said Santorum’s remarks were another attack on the president’s faith by Republican rivals in a nominating contest that has grown increasingly bitter and negative.

“It’s just time to get rid of this mindset in our politics that, if we disagree, we have to question character and faith,” said Robert Gibbs, Obama’s former press secretary. “Those days have long passed in our politics. Our problems and our challenges are far too great.

I really hate to be the one to bring this out; nothing bothers me more than to have to point out the obvious.  However, because I am a Lincoln Conservative, a libertarian-minded Conservative and because I happen to believe that all forms of bigotry are simply immoral, I must address this issue.

Mr. Santorum, your dog whistle racism needs to stop.  This idiotic notion that President Barack Obama is not a Christian because he happens to disagree with your political stance is asinine at best.  Mr. Santorum your use of the word “worldview” is troubling.  Because I happen to believe that what you are actually saying is that because President Barack Obama is a man of color, because he is a black man; that somehow or another he views American differently than say yourself or even me.

My simple question to you sir is this; would you make the same statement of that nature to a Democratic Party Presidential candidate who was of the White race?  I happen to believe that the answer to that very important question would be a resounding no.  Because sir, it is a fact that your Party and the Conservatives that happen to reside in have been fanning the flames of an belief that because President Barack Obama is a black man and has ancestral ties to the African nation of Kenya; that somehow or another he is a communist.  Further that he somehow or another loves the Nation of Kenya more than he loves the United States of America.

Mr. Santorum because I grew up on the southwest side of the City of Detroit, in the state of Michigan here, I find all of this to very mightily offensive.  Furthermore, sir, I have a solemn warning to you and your campaign, and to the Republican National committee.  If you do not drop this idiotic and utterly contemptible pursuit of dog whistle racism in your pursuit of the White House, you sir will lose and the Democrats will win the election in 2012.

Because there is something that you, your campaign and the Republican National Committee need to know, Michigan is a very diverse state; racially, politically and economically.  Good portions of the residents of this wonderful state of ours are neither Republicans nor Democrats; many of them, like me, indentify ourselves as political independents, who usually vote for other third parties, if the candidates in the two major parties do not meet to what we feel meet our needs as citizens of this great Country of ours.

Mr. Santorum, if you continue this practice of “dog whistle” racism during this primary, you might actually succeed in defeating Mitt Romney in the primary here in Michigan.  You might just also successfully be able to win the nomination of your own party.  However, I assure you that you will lose the general election, not only here in Michigan, but nationally as well; because the America know when nuanced racist language is used against a black man.  We knew in 1964, when the southern Democrats wanted to keep blacks in the south from being truly free and we know it now. We knew it during World War 2, when people from your own party objected to rescuing Jews from the insanity of Hitler. Sadly, some of your people in your party are still bigots of that sort.

So, please sir; stop this madness while you still can maintain control of your own message.



This is the way that politics used to be

I think that this is a great story.

Via NYT:

LAKE JACKSON, Tex. — Once there was a challenge of a softball game from the Ron Paul clan to the Mitt Romney clan. “They didn’t show up,” Mr. Paul says. “We didn’t schedule it. We really razz them about that, ‘You guys chickened out!’ ”

This is the way that politics should be today!

In a Republican presidential contest known for its angry rivalries, the Romney-Paul relationship stands out for its behind-the-scenes civility. It is a friendship that, by Mr. Paul’s telling, Mr. Romney has worked to cultivate. The question is whether it is also one that could pay dividends for Mr. Romney as he faces yet more setbacks in his struggle to capture the 1,144 delegates needed to win the nomination.

Ideological similarities among supporters of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich suggest that if Mr. Gingrich dropped out, many of his backers would coalesce behind Mr. Santorum. But as Mr. Paul steadily collects delegates, one thing that remains to be seen is whether his affinity — at least on a personal level — for Mr. Romney could help the former Massachusetts governor as the fight drags on.

Mr. Paul, a 76-year-old congressman from Texas, sees his three Republican rivals as more or less the same politically. He can be tough on Mr. Romney, whom he describes as a flip-flopper with a dubious political core.

“He’s been all over the place on some of this stuff,” Mr. Paul said in a recent interview near his Texas home. But he seems to segregate those views from his personal feelings for Mr. Romney, whom he sees as a steady, dignified personality whose devotion to wife and family reflect his own values.

I would recommend that you head on over and read the rest of that; it is a truly great story of how two men who disagree on much and still are friendly to one another. This is the way that it was back in the days of Ronald Reagan, him and Tip O’Neil would fight like dogs during business hours and then after business hours, Tip and Ron would have a drink at the White House and discuss the days events.

Again, at the risk of sounding like a nostalgic old fogie, this is the way things were done in the olden days. When leaders were statesmen, and not the idiots we have today. We could learn much from these people of old, it is tragic that people like Ron Paul are not more followed in the way they do things. Not that I support all of Ron Paul’s policy positions, but his statesmanship is something to be admired.

By the way, yes, I did give Althouse a little grief on her blog; she is a two-bit phony, in my humble opinion. She gives Ron Paul and Mitt Romney grief for their kindness toward each other. I think Ann Althouse could learn a little about what true Conservatism is from Rep. Paul. Because it is surely not what she pawns off as Conservative; that is for sure. Sorry, but voting for a liberal socialist Democrat is not conservative, not even close.


Open Message to Bill Donahue: Where is the fatwa on Nicki Minaj?

I am shocked he did not issue one, after this asinine performance:

21221223435 by YardieGoals

Gateway Pundit calls this “brave.” What a fool. 😡

Rod Dreher says it is part of the Anti-Christian and Anti-Catholic culture in America. Which is very true.

Dreher also says this:

It’s tiresome when Christians respond to things like this by saying, “They would never consider doing something like using Islāmic imagery.” But you know, it’s true. It’s always true. Let those with eyes to see.

Amen to that; and it is true, had this been a song mocking the religion of Islam. This young woman would be either in hiding wishing she was dead or would be dead. It is too bad that Bill Donahue, who did issue a statement about the performance, which I feel was totally inadequate for the scope of mockery here — did not issue a fatwa against this woman. I mean, it should have read something to the effect of, “The Catholic League will pay someone 1 million dollars, if someone will take this little black mocker of God out.” I believe it would have caused an uproar, but it would have gotten her and her managements attention.

A few days ago, Whitney Houston died of unknown causes. At the moment I found out, I thought, “How unfair.” For all Whitney’s problems and personal issues; she was still a wonderful talent that had so much more to give to her fans. Such is not the case with this idiot mocker of the Faith. So, seeing that I am a controversial blogger; I will say this — Here is hoping that this little classless black hoe meets the same fate as Whitney Houston and I mean very quickly. Anyone who mocks religion, does not deserve the breath the they keep in the lungs. This was not art; this was open mockery of Roman Catholicism, The Church, and Christianity in General.

Again, had this been a song about Islam and its repressive Religion, she would be in hiding; but, because it is a mockery of the Christian faith, The “LA CROWD” was fine with it. This tells you how far that the music industry, Hollywood and the L.A. Scene has fallen in the last 50 years. This wasn’t cool, this wasn’t ironic, this wasn’t funny, this wasn’t hip; this was a disgraceful attack on God, organized Religion  in general, the Church as a concept, Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church. Because of this; I found Mr. Donahue’s statement a bit lacking. Could it be that Bill Donahue has lost his edge? I sure haven’t, nor will I ever.

I end this blog posting with this, a Bible scripture that says:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

Here is hoping that Mr. Minaj reaps the whirlwind of her actions and quickly.

The truth is, she will, whether in this life or the next; the fact remains is she will face a Holy and Righteous God, and will have to explain her actions. Based upon what I saw last night, this will happen, before she is cast into a godless hell and then the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:11-15 KJV:
(11)  And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
(12)  And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
(13)  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
(14)  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
(15)  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

The quicker, the better; if you ask me.

Update: Heck even TMZ didn’t even like it!

Here’s the roundup, mostly of liberals mocking Bill Donahue’s statement: Speakeasy, CBS Los Angeles, Rolling Stone, Big Hollywood, Religion Dispatches, BuzzFeed, The Raw Story, Joe. My. God. and Gothamist

I hate to be one to say it about….but

You guys are screwing up….badly.  Sexism? Please, this is reality people. Get with the program already! 🙄 is supposed to be a Conservative Blog. I find that to be unbelievable, considering this video that was posted today.

Ed, Allah, and yes, you too Tina! Please, don’t go the Ann Coulter route okay? It cheapens your message and it makes you look like hypocrites.

Tina, you are a Catholic, try actually dressing like one and not like some office “MILF” looking for a place up the corporate ladder. I did not even watch the video; I was that sickened by what I saw and I am sure that Rick Santorum just loved being next to a chick that was essentially him a peep show of her hoo haa. (if you know what I mean….)

Because you see, this right here is one of the biggest reasons, in litany of other reasons; why I left the Evangelical, Pentecostal Christian circles and went back to the Independent, Fundamental, KJV Baptist Circles. It was the, “We’re Christians and we love Jesus; but don’t ask us to dress like it, talk like it or not drink bear and not wear mini-skirts!” thing that really put me off. In fact, I went to a Church just like that and it got the point where I just did not even want to go there, because of the lack of a dress code. Some men might actually like that kind of thing; but when you are trying to serve the Lord and keep your mind pure and your Heart right, when you are single man, and you have to look at that sort of thing —- it wears on you greatly.  I can honestly tell you that my three years that I attended that Church which I linked to, was one of roughest periods in my walk with the Lord. Needless to say, I am glad I left there for good finally in 2004. (and I am sure they were glad to be rid of me; but considering what their former Pastor was revealed to have done with someone other than his wife —- They really do not have a thing to say to me!)

To be fair to the one’s who I did level some criticism at; the Baptist circles are not much better. When I left the tongues crowd in favor of Baptist Christianity; I landed at this Church here. I went there back before they changed their name — twice. I left once to check out other Churches in the area and ended up coming back there in 2006 and then leaving again. All I will say about that Pastor is that I take Matthew Chapter 18:15-17 literally — and this Pastor, did not. Sorry, but calling me on a cellphone is not a way I consider to be a proper way to level accusations against me. Especially after I have spent over five weeks helping remodel your little Church office that you just had to have for free!  Not to mention the fact that not a darned word of the idiotic accusations against me were even remotely true. In case you are wondering, that hick of a Pastor considered me looking this up here to be and I quote, “getting on the internet and looking up private information about HIS Church.” His words, not mine. Needless to say, I left and never went back again; nor will I ever.  Will I ever go anywhere ever again; I highly doubt it. I just do not need the headaches anymore. I will just stay home, read my Bible and wait for the Lord to come back and sort all this mess out.

Before anyone says it in the comments; I know there is no such thing as a perfect Christian. I know this all too well. But, I think some so-called Christians could really try, just a little bit harder. Especially, when they are in the public eye and they are supposed to be representing a Conservative viewpoint and in this young lady’s case; the body of Christ.

One thing I will give to the Jewish people and to the Muslim people; at least they are sincere about what they believe and actually act like it. More than I can say for the people who claim to be the blood-washed believers in Christ Jesus.


My feelings on the Josh Powell tragedy

Things like this are never, ever, easy to write about, because if you take a position that is outside of the normal realm of opinion; people tend to think you are someone who justifies murder or crime.  Let me say emphatically that I do not condone, justify or even remotely support what justify that which Josh Powell did to his Children or even possibly to his wife.

However, yesterday I wrote a posting on this blog, which shows that something is seriously wrong with our Government.  It just so happens that if the Government decides that you have committed a crime, the burden of clearing your name falls on the person accused of the crime; and if you happen to not be a person of great means of wealth, you basically become a slave to the judicial system. Sometimes that judicial system becomes poisoned —- whether by bias, religious discrimination or some other poison.  Furthermore, if you marry a woman and that woman’s family and parents decide that they have a vendetta against you, and they have the Government on their side, you are twisting in the wind, my friend. As for Powell’s wife, the authorities have no idea what happened to his wife. All they have are theories.  The truth is she could have left the Country or State with another man for all we know. But, it will not be properly investigated; because they have to pin the murder on someone; so, why not Josh? He killed himself and his two kids, did he not? It is an conviction of convenience; something big, intrusive Governments are known for.

Such is the case of Josh Powell — From the Salt Lake City Tribune:

Graham, Wash. • Relatives of Josh Powell blamed government officials, media and Internet media pundits for setting in motion the terrible tragedy that has now rocked two families.

The statement signed by Maurice and Patti Leach said they were “grievously saddened” by the loss experienced by both the Cox and Powell families and that there was no justification for the deaths of Powell’s two innocent sons, Charlie, 7, and Braden, 5.

Patti Leach is Steve Powell’s sister. They attended a September custody hearing to support Josh Powell. In a statement they said that he had asked for their support in helping him as “the next patriarchs of the family” following his father’s arrest on pornography and voyeurism charges.

“We were also asked by Josh if we would offer a safe haven for his sons should the need arise,” the Leaches said. “Our answer was absolutely yes.”


The Leaches said they had become disillusioned with the legal system during the court proceedings. They said government agencies, religious bias, “Internet kangaroo courts and sensationalized media had circumvented and “completely compromised” due process rights in the case.

“America, this is not only a tragedy, Sunday was a dark day for all of our families,” the Leaches said.

On May 18, 1927 a School in Bath, Michigan was bombed.  A man named Andrew Kehoe was the culprit.  The media then made him into a monster.  The truth is, the man was pushed into foreclosure on his farm, because of excess taxes brought on a levy to pay for a school.  The point here is that Andrew and Josh both have one thing in common; they were pushed to the brink of violence and committed these acts of violence because they were pushed; by an intrusive Government that would stop at nothing, to get what it wanted. Sadly, because of this, in 1927 — 45 people; 38 children who never got a chance to grow up and be adults, 2 teachers, 4 other adults and the bomber himself were killed and 58 people were injured. All because the Government just had to have its taxes.

I think we can do better than this — much better.

I leave you all with a picture that was made by Andrew Kehoe before his death:

Such is the case with Josh Powell and Andrew Kehoe