The U.N. comes to the rescue!

This is the third time, that I am linking to the same article; pretty neat huh? Hee hee It is pretty bad, when you can make three blog entries from the same news article.

Anyhow, The United Nations is coming to the rescue of the Hamas Government and will most likely get them some more money.

The article via CNN:

Gaza City (CNN) — International pressure mounted Monday for an end to the Israeli-Palestinian violence that has left dozens dead and hundreds wounded, with the United Nations chief flying to the region to personally appeal for a cease-fire.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s call for a truce came on the heels of the single deadliest attack — an Israeli airstrike that killed a family of 10 — in the conflict that began with militant rocket attacks from Gaza that saw Israel respond with an aerial offensive.

“This must stop,” Ban said late Sunday. He called on both sides to cooperate with Egyptian-led effort to broker a cease-fire.

“…I am heading to the region to appeal personally for ending the violence and contribute to ongoing efforts to that end.”

Here is the reason Hamas is firing the rockets, it is over money:

An Israeli special envoy was in Egypt for cease-fire talks Monday, the Egyptian government said, and a steady stream of Arab League, U.N. and European diplomats were arriving in the region to promote a cease-fire.

Hamas is putting conditions on any truce offer. In addition to an end the airstrikes, senior Palestinian negotiator Nabil Sha’ath said Hamas is demanding the end to Israel’s long blockade of Gaza.

The territory has been under a crippling economic embargo since Hamas won control of the territory from the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank.

Hamas also wants Israel to stop targeting the leadership of Palestinian factions and to expand the waters Palestinian fishermen are allowed to trawl from three miles offshore to 30, said Sha’ath, who is also a Fatah leader.

“The attempt is to reach a real stable situation. That’s why they are asking for commitment on Israeli typical aggression and periodic incursions and constant shooting and firing at the fishermen in the sea,” he said.

Israel, meanwhile, has demanded an end to the rocket attacks.

If Israel is wise, they will say, “no conditions” and tell Hamas to either stop the rocket attacks or the war continues. This is how this little conflict should end. But, if I know Israel and its idiotic leadership. They will cave to the demands. You watch and see.

Video: More Videos from

Like I said before, seeing CBNNews sent me this great T-Shirt, I should post their videos. So, here we go!

CBN NewsWatch: November 16, 2012

On CBN Newswatch, Nov. 16:

  • Hamas rocket targets Jerusalem from Gaza; Petreaus
  • CIA knew Benhazi attack was terrorism
  • Franklin Graham: US has turned its back on God
  • and more.


Christian World News: November 16, 2012

On Christian World News, Nov. 16:

  • Gaza Rockets rain down on Israel as Israeli defense ramps up
  • Franklin Graham: US has turned its back on God
  • Imprisoned in Iran: One missionary’s journey
  • and more.

Videos from

CBN NewsWatch: November 13, 2012:

On CBN Newswatch, Nov. 13:

  • Top general being investigated in Petraeus scandal
  • Netanyahu: ‘It’s our right to defend our people’
  • Secession requests flood White House after election
  • and more
Stakelbeck on Terror: Post-Election, What Comes Next?:


On this week’s edition of the Stakelbeck on Terror show, we examine the national security implications of President Obama’s reelection and what comes next in America’s battle against radical Islamists. We also take an on-the-ground look, from Europe, at the Muslim Brotherhood network and the rise of anti-Semitism in the West. Plus, our panel of Bible prophecy experts breaks down the coming Middle East war.

Huckabee: Timeless Thoughts on the Important Things:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has worn many hats in his lifetime. But he says his most recent role as a grandfather is the most important yet.


Video: News and World News Via CBNNews


On CBN News Channel Morning News, Oct. 26:

  • Deadly ‘Frankenstorm’ Bearing Down on East Coast
  • Could Monster Storm Affect Presidential Election?
  • and more.

World News:

On Christian World News, Oct. 26:

  • US Christians Urge Terror Label for Boko Haram
  • Prayer Group Pitches Tent on White House Lawn
  • and more.


Kudos to Glenn Greenwald

I realize this posting might just harm my so-called “Conservative credentials,” if I actually had any to begin with; but personally, I really do not care, to be quite honest. Glenn Greenwald is a liberal, Democrat and has written very extensively on the misdeeds and unconstitutional acts of the United States Government. One of the of the good things about Glenn Greenwald is that he is absolutely consistent in his stance against some of the unconstitutional acts of this Government under the banner of the “War on Terrorism.” When I was still a part of the “cheering squad” for the left and Bush was still much in control; Greenwald was a daily reader for me.

One thing you should know about Mr. Greenwald is that the same criticisms that Glenn has against the Obama Administration is the SAME ones that he had against the Bush Administration. This is why I do truly like what he is doing; politics be damned, we must hold this Government’s feet to the fire at all times. Otherwise, they will trample over us, like we do not exist. This is what Glenn Greenwald does, and this is why I am adding him to my “Honest Liberals” blogroll on this site. While I disagree with him on politics; I agree with what he is doing, which is keeping them honest.

One of the reasons why I say all the above, is because of pieces like this here, which Glenn writes about Obama Administration:



Anyone who observes politics closely has a very low bar of expectations. It’s almost inevitable to become cynical – even jaded – about just how inept and inane top Washington officials are. Still, even processing this through those lowly standards, I just find this staggering. Staggering and repellent. This is an elected official in Congress, the body that the Constitution designed to impose checks on the president’s abuses of power, and she does not have the foggiest idea what is happening in the White House, and obviously does not care in the slightest, because the person doing it is part of the party she leads.

One expects corrupt partisan loyalty from people like Wasserman Schultz, eager to excuse anything and everything a Democratic president does. That’s a total abdication of her duty as a member of Congress, but that’s par for the course. But one does not expect this level of ignorance, the ability to stay entirely unaware of one of the most extremist powers a president has claimed in US history, trumpeted on the front-page of the New York Times and virtually everywhere else.

Amen. While I believe the war on terrorism is an important battle; I do not believe the best way to fight it, is by dancing around the constitution to do so. This is why I respect Mr. Greenwald, because he believes that as well. Good show Mr. Greenfield; keep it up! Peace Sign

Update: I realized after I hit publish, that Greenwald is gay. So much for me being a “right-wing gay hater” eh? The truth is, what Glenn does in his private life, is his own damned business. Do I support the lifestyle? No. But that does not mean I cannot respect a man, who happen to be gay, for supporting our constitution — because now, that is what is important. Social Conservatism is great, and it is what I am; but it is not what I want my Country to be modeled after. Because it is the Christian version of Sharia Law and I do not want that in this Country ever. Sharia Law or a Christian Theocracy.

Again Good Job, Glenn — keep it up! From a fan on the “so-called” right.

Dinesh D’Souza must resign from King’s College and stop this madness

What an absolute freaking BONEHEAD! At wits endRule number one, when confronting enemies, Spiritual or Political; be absolutely sure that you have your OWN spiritual house in order! 

I know that this blogger thinks I am crazy and I am not too fond of her either; but when she is right, she is right. This blogger called this guy a two-bit fake a long while back. So, kudos to her for calling this one out, before anyone else did. Now, if Debbie was not such an a$$hole, and self-centered; she would be a decent person. I know, I helped her out once, and kept her blog from getting hacked and when she wrote a bunch of stuff about Poland, I defended her right to freedom of speech, on this blog. You think she would return the favor on her blog? No. She thanked me, on twitter; and this was after I griped about it. I learned my lesson with her; I will  never ever defend her or really support her ever again — in fact, she even angered me so bad, that I removed my Israeli flag from my blog for a LONG TIME. I did end up putting it back, after praying and thinking about it quite a bit. But, I still cannot stand Jews, who do stuff like this feckless woman is known to do; especially towards people like me. Truth is, she HATES Christians and anyone else, who is not a Orthodox Jew. 

Just the same, she was right, and a bunch of other people, including many of the right; were wrong — and unlike her little self-centered little fake blonde self, I will give her credit and link to where she brought this fact up. I’m doing what Jesus told me to do; and “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”  Hope she reads this and tries to sue me; she would not get jack, I am poor and unemployed for 8 years. I bet that would look really nice in the media; “Jewish blogger sues white Christian Blogger who is unemployed.” Frustrated 

Now on to the important story here, this comes via World Magazine, which is a Christian Magazine:

After a meteoric rise in the evangelical world, The King’s College president Dinesh D’Souza now faces his board’s likely questions about his relationship to a woman not his wife

Dinesh D'Souza

About 2,000 people gathered on Sept. 28 at First Baptist North in Spartanburg, S.C., to hear high-profile Christians speak on defending the faith and applying a Christian worldview to their lives. Among the speakers: Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell, and—keynote speaker for the evening—best-selling author, filmmaker, and Christian college president Dinesh D’Souza.

D’Souza’s speech earned him a standing ovation and a long line at the book-signing table immediately afterward. Although D’Souza has been married for 20 years to his wife, Dixie, in South Carolina he was with a young woman, Denise Odie Joseph II, and introduced her to at least three people as his fiancée.

Finally, near 11 p.m., event organizer Tony Beam escorted D’Souza and Joseph to the nearby Comfort Suites. Beam noted that they checked in together and were apparently sharing a room for the night in the sold-out hotel. The next morning, around 6 a.m., Beam arrived back at the hotel and called up to D’Souza’s room. “We’ll be down in 10 minutes,” D’Souza told Beam. D’Souza and Joseph came down together, and Beam took them to the airport.

The next day another conference organizer, Alex McFarland, distressed by D’Souza’s behavior, confronted him in a telephone conversation. D’Souza admitted he shared a room with his fiancée but said “nothing happened.” When I called D’Souza, he confirmed that he was indeed engaged to Joseph, but did not explain how he could be engaged to one woman while still married to another. When asked when he had filed for divorce from his wife, Dixie, D’Souza answered, “Recently.”

According to San Diego County (Calif.) Superior Court records, D’Souza filed for divorce only on Oct. 4, the day I spoke with him. Under California law, that starts the clock on a six-month waiting period for divorce. D’Souza on Oct. 4 told me his marriage was “over,” said he “is sure Denise is the one for me,” and said he had “done nothing wrong.”

That second picture is of the woman in question; Denise Odie Joseph II and as it says, that is not his wife Dixie. Now, as for the Movie; I will admit it, I never was really a fan of the Movie at all. I never promoted it, that I can remember anyhow. The movie honestly sounded like something straight off of WorldNetDaily or that sort of a website. I have never been a big fan of conspiracy theories about the President. I have enough “ammo” (so to speak…) with Obama’s record, I just do not think that all of this conspiracy crap is really needed. Not to mention, it is not totally lost on me; the racist undertones of the movie as well. Which is why I never gave it much thought at all.

What is interesting, is that this story is not originating out of Liberal circles, but they sure are talking about it! But, rather, it is coming out of Christian circles — which I find to be very encouraging. Because I feel and have always felt; if we cannot police our own circles. we should not go after the left for being evil. Here is hoping that Mr. D’Souza does the honorable thing and resigns as the President of King’s College and apologizes to those who really held him in high regard.