Video: News from CBN


Please note: At one point, I had thought about not posting these videos anymore. Mainly because of criticism from a well-known atheist. Well, after praying about it and really reflecting on it; I have decided that I am not going to allow other people tell me how to run this blog. It is mine, and I reserve the right to publish whatever I darned well please here. If fundamentalist atheists don’t not like it; too bad. This is a political blog, and not a Christian one; however, I will not hide my Christian beliefs, just to appease someone, who’s mission in life is to criticize with whom he disagrees with. I don’t work like that, never have, never will….


I have to agree with this one here.

Ron is right:

Was anybody’s mind changed by that speech? I can’t imagine it. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t convincing either. It’s about the best attempt one could imagine to sell an incoherent, bad policy.

Early in the speech, the president talked about how we know for a fact that Assad’s military carried out the gas attack. Sorry, but I don’t believe the US government. If I were a betting man, I would lay money on the likelihood that the Assad government did this thing. But after Iraq, I don’t believe what our government says about such things. ABC’s Terry Moran, reporting from Beirut after the speech tonight, said that people in the Middle East simply do not take America at its word when it makes these claims, not after the Iraq debacle. All credit to the prudent judgment of the people of the Middle East.

via Obama Speech: Weak Tea | The American Conservative.

I was not overly sold on Obama’s speech either. He sounded like a college kid trying to sell marketing plan really. Plus too, after Iraq; I simply do not trust this Government to tell the truth.


Two very interesting reads

Here and Here.

Two things here:

  1. This is why I do not get into blog wars with anyone anymore. It just isn’t worth it. Especially not all that.
  2. This too is why I keep my distance from hacker groups. I used to run a BBS many moons ago and used to play on usenet, in a CB Radio newsgroup, but that was it for me. I never got into anything illegal, ever. That second link above there, is why.

Doing that stuff is always a losing bet. Why I don’t play that sort of game with anyone. I just don’t need the hassle. (This here was not a blog war, nor will it ever be.)

I do opinions here and that’s all I’ll ever do.


It’s open season on white people

Another day, another racist black person attacking a white person…..

See here:

An attacker pummeled a bus passenger so hard he smashed the bones in his face after calling the victim a “cracker” in Manhattan – marking the second time in two days that people appeared to be randomly targeted in racial tirades against white people, authorities said.

In the latest incident, the suspect passed a 31-year-old rider on the M60 bus riding through Harlem, on West 127th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive, around 2:45 p.m., Friday, when he shouted the racial slur and punched the victim in the face, breaking his nose and eye socket, cops said.

The victim was treated for facial fractures at New York Presbyterian Hospital and released, police said.

The incident occurred as authorities reported that Jeffrey Babbitt, 62, fell into a coma after being punched and knocked to the ground in Union Square Park on Wednesday. He was taken off life support and died Monday, sources said.

via Bus rider’s face smashed in during ‘hate attack’ | New York Post.

Watch yourselves out there, ever since George Zimmerman was acquitted; this stuff has been going on. This is why I stay away from the east side of Detroit. That is simply the wrong side of town for a white guy like me to be anymore.

Of course, when blacks are not trying to beat us up or kill us, they are making up lies about people, like me; to keep them from being able to get a job and better themselves. So, it is nothing really new at all.

Others: The Gateway Punditneo-neoconWeasel Zippers and Moonbattery

No, The Neoconservatives lead by NORMAN PODHORETZ did that

InstaPundit Highlights the following:

NORMAN PODHORETZ: Is Obama Wrecking Our Foreign Policy On Purpose? “The president may look incompetent on Syria. But his behavior fits his strategy to weaken America abroad.” Well, we’re certainly seeing fundamental transformation.

No, Glenn, actually; it was the neoconservatives who wrecked our standing in the world for eight goddamned years in a war that had zero to do with 9/11. Ironically, it was ol’ Norm there that leaned on George W. Bush and pressured him into invading Iraq — and for what? The assurance that Israel would be protected.

…and what did we get for those eight years? We hobbled (We didn’t destroy them) Al-Qaeda, we created this thing called the arab spring, and now we’re having to deal with Assad. All of this would have been avoided, had we just left Saddam alone. But, No, Bush needed to finish the job his daddy started, so sonny boy Bush would look good in daddy’s eyes. So, we went in, based upon bogus intelligence from none other than Germany.

So, if you neoconservatives want to talk about the destruction of American’s foreign policy. Try being a bit more honest about it! 😡

This is why I loathe neoconservatives and their neolibertarian counterparts. Because they live in some freaking sort of alternative reality. It’s been that way for eons and it does not look like it is going to change either. Not as long as people like Podhoretz and Kristol are around.


Best take down of Bill Keller ever!

I am, of course, referring to the idiotic op-ed piece by Bill Keller over at the NYT.

Here is the best part:

The truth is that America’s role in the world will not be significantly altered by refusing to attack Syria, and its truly vital interests will not be harmed. It is possible that the attack on Syria could end up being just as “unbelievably small” as John Kerry says it will be, but if there’s one thing Americans ought to have learned over the last decade it is that official promises that military action will be “limited” and of “short duration” are unreliable. This is partly because administration officials consistently underestimate the difficulty and risk of what they propose to do, and partly because launching attacks on other countries inevitably has effects and consequences that they fail to foresee. Instead of reassuring the public of their limited goals, administration efforts to downplay the significance of the attack they are proposing tells us that they may be oblivious to the risks of military action.

via Keller and the “New Isolationism” | The American Conservative.

So very true; and seeing how our men came back from Iraq, do we really want to do that again?