Um, did someone open the door and let the weirdos out again?!?!?

Man, this stuff comes in waves….. 😯


Video: (Via C & L)

The Story:

SABATTUS, Maine — David Marsters said Tuesday night that the wording of his Facebook post was a mistake, but he defended it, anyway.

“(The Secret Service) didn’t see no pictures of Obama with bullet holes in his head,” Marsters said. “It’s not a threatening statement, in my opinion. People take it out of context as a threat.”

He added, “I didn’t say I was going to shoot the president, or kill — shoot the n*****. Shoot the n***** — that’s what I said.”

He insisted no threat was made because he didn’t say he or anyone else was going to do it.

“I’m pissed off at the system, OK,” he said in an interview at his house Tuesday night. “We’re about to lose our benefits because of this ass****.”

Marsters said his wife, Mary, had been in and out of the hospital recently and if they lose spousal benefits, something he fears Obama will suspend, his wife will die.

He said in retrospect that he should have chosen his words more carefully, adding, “I’m a forward man. I say what I mean.”

He said his comments would have been no different had the president been Mitt Romney. “I would say, ‘Shoot the n*****, because white people are n******, too.” He said where he comes from (Massachusetts) black people call white people by the same slur.

“I fought 30 years for this f*****’ country,” he said “I’m not gonna let him take it away!”

Marsters commented on Facebook that “(Obama) is not a legal president.” Marsters was adamant that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.

“They’ve shown us how it’s done,” he said. “It’s all done in layers on computers. How come nobody from his school’s come forward to say, ‘Oh, I know him.’ How come people from his family never say, ‘I know him. I went to his wedding; I was his best man?”

Nobody’s saying, ‘I’m a friend of his.’”

Not to be outdone in the world of Wierdoville, there is this here:

The FBI has arrested a man accused of threatening to decapitate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), federal officials announced on Thursday.

The FBI took custody of Aniruddha Sherbow on Wednesday after Mexican police in Tijuana arrested him on an outstanding federal warrant.

Sherbow allegedly sent Gabbard two emails earlier this month threatening “to sever her head from her body.” The FBI on Thursday said it had deemed the threats “credible.

Oh yes, don’t like what your elected representatives do? Threaten to cut their damned fool heads off…. 🙄 ….and they call me crazy?!??! Yeah sure. 🙄

Don’t get me wrong here, I am not a huge fan of the Democrats and Barack Obama at all; but I don’t ever go that far! Maybe the guy needs to start a blog or something.

Others: Crooks and LiarsPortland Press-HeraldTalking Points MemoThe Democratic Daily,News OneThinkProgressThe Raw Story and Mediaite

Best thing written on Syria so far

I hate to say it, but, Larison is right:

This is one of the problems with an attack on Syria that I mentioned yesterday. When the U.S. was declaring its intention to arm the Syrian opposition, it seemed that this could derail any attempt to reduce tensions with Iran. A direct attack on Syria would make it virtually impossible for Rouhani to pursue a more conciliatory course, which in turn makes conflict with Iran more likely in the coming years. Iran might not respond militarily to an attack on its ally, but if hard-liners in Tehran are as blinkered as our own “credibility”-obsessed politicians they very well might feel that they have to respond or risk being perceived as weak. Whether Iran retaliates or not, Rouhani will be in no position to offer concessions, and Iran hawks here will use this to justify their own demands for even more sanctions and more aggressive measures against Iran’s nuclear program.

One of the more curious things about arguments for intervention in Syria is that most of them have focused on Iran’s support for Assad as a reason to enter the war, but they never consider the possibility that Iran could strike against U.S. interests or clients in response. Most Syria hawks think that using force against Assad will prove to Tehran that the U.S. is serious when it makes threats against other governments, but they assume that hard-liners in Tehran will react to an attack on their ally by becoming more accommodating, which is the exact opposite of what they themselves would do if a U.S. ally were attacked. Most Syria hawks have tried selling war in Syria as a way to avoid war with Iran, but with each step towards direct military intervention in Syria war between the U.S. and Iran is becoming more likely.

via How Attacking Syria Makes Conflict with Iran More Likely | The American Conservative.

The only thing I have to add to the above is this here; once the genie is out of the bottle, it is out and there is no putting back in the bottle at all. If the United States and Great Britain attack Syria, then the wheels for there being a World War III will be put into motion in short order; and Israel and Russia will be involved, as well as Iran. Biblical prophecy will begin to be fulfilled in short order.

This why I believe Obama really needs to think this through in a big way; and really ask himself, “Do I really want to be the President that puts the United States in this sort of place?” Also too, Patrick J. Buchanan is absolutely right, there needs to be a debate and Congress, not the President; should be the ones to decide if we should go into another protracted Military conflict.

Because frankly, there are no short wars at all. Period, End of story. Anyone who believe that this would be short battle ought to remember Iraq and how we thought that little foreign policy blunder was going to be a short war.


Changed the look a bit

I basically decided that I was not very happy with the site’s look. So, I reverted back to old theme that I was using. I like the Red, White and blue look; some might think it is corny or even lame. To which I ask, what do you have against America?

Anyhow, I think this look is much neater and clean.




For those losing their minds about Miley Cyrus’s performance on VMA’s.

I know that there is a good deal of buzz over it and I simply give you the following…..

This is from 1967:

The good stuff starts at 4:42 into the video. But the performance itself was considered controversial in it’s day.

Others: Us WeeklyPerezHilton and POPSUGAR CelebrityMTV Buzzworthy BlogDlistedPeople.comThe Blemish,PerezHiltonOK! MagazineOK! and New York TimesMTV Buzzworthy BlogWhat Would Tyler Durden DoPop CrunchSocialite LifeIn Case You Didn’t Know , Oh No They Didn’t!Oh No They Didn’t!Cele|bitchyOK! MagazineOK! and The Wrap

Another one of those “F— the troops!” blog postings….

Well, it appears again that the anti-american left is showing it’s ugly face again. This time it is at  (I know, big shocker! 🙄 )

Now, I won’t quote none of that anti-american bile on this blog. Just go read it.

Even classic liberal blogger James Joyner had a problem with it.  Kudos to Joyner for speaking back to the ugliness that has become the Democratic Party.

While I may have issues with the foreign policy of the neoconservative right and the neo-liberal left, which is basically Wilsonian foreign policy. I will never use those issues to slam the Military. I know the reasoning that people like Lew Rockwell and some of the left use for bashing the military and it is stupid, and quite frankly, Anti-American. 😡

This posting is dedicated to my great-uncle John Franklin Hayes, who served in World War 2. Thank you uncle Frank for your service to your Country.

My Great Uncle. John Franklin Hayes
I miss you so much uncle Frank. Thank you for being faithful to the Lord, Your Country and your family.


Setting the record straight about Unions and the Civil Rights Movement

I notice with a bit of sadness that NeoConservative Blogger Glenn Reynolds AKA InstaPundit has taken to outright lying about the Unions and the Civil Right movement.

Allow me to point this out to Glenn and anyone else who happens to read Glenn Reynold’s blog.

This is from the UAW Region 8 Website’s entry about Walter Reuther:

The rights of all people was another battle that found Walter Reuther on the frontlines. In 1959 he met Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the two became fast friends. While some labor organizations were slow to come on board with the Civil Rights movement, President Walter Reuther committed the UAW’s help up front. Reuther joined Dr. King on many of his marches and gave an address to the crowd to open the historic “march to Selma.” Again he joined Dr. King to protest in Birmingham as the crowd was met with fire hoses and police dogs. It was in fact Reuther who bailed King out of jail following the demonstration.

In 1963 Dr. King felt the time was right to take their message to the national stage and became planning a march on Washington. However, being the methodical thinker that he was, King decided to hold a march in Detroit to test the waters before going to Washington. The “Walk to Freedom March” was organized from an office at the UAW’s headquarters Solidarity House, with space donated by Walter Reuther. Dr. King also planned the March of Washington from the same office.

During the March on Washington, Walter Reuther was the only Caucasian to speak from the podium that day. Afterwards, one of Reuther’s aides overheard two ladies backstage discussing who he was. One asked the other is she knew him, to which the reply came “that is Walter Reuther, and he is as good a man as Dr. King.” It is said that Reuther always considered that statement a great complement.

President Reuther knew that education was the key to social improvement and late in his life he dedicated much of his time to that cause. His final achievement was building the Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center (better known as Black Lake) in northern Michigan. The visionincluded classrooms and facilities so UAW members could assemble and be educated on the issues of the day. Reuther took an extreme interest in the project, even personally decided which trees would be saved in the construction. The center rivals anything of its kind in terms of design and purpose. On May 09, 1970 Walter and May Reuther, Architect Oscar Stonorov and their pilot were on their way to view the completed facility just prior to the official opening. Their plane went down in a rainstorm near Pellston, Michigan.

Walter Reuther is quoted as saying “There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow man. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well.” If this is the case, then Walter Reuther must have surely died a satisfied man. His contributions to working class people the world over should never be forgotten. Reuther knew that social justice is at the heart of everything that organized labor stands for and his legacy is an inspiration to all those who continue his work today.

So much for that little talking point, eh Glenn? 🙄

This is my problem with the NeoCon right; they just cannot tell the truth about anything related to blacks, unions and foreign policy.  Which is why I simply will not vote for them, at all. 😡

I do not support the politics of the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson; but I also do not support the lying idiocy of the likes of Glenn Reynolds.

A Liberal Blogger bemoans the police state of Washington D.C.

I might not agree with this site’s political stance; but I do give them credit for realizing that police state tactics are simply wrong and Anti-American.


The day was symbolized for me on multiple levels by seeing DC Park police seize 200 professionally printed placards from activists that were distributing them for free. The placards read, “Stop Mass Incarceration. Stop the new Jim Crow.” Police said that it was “unlawful solicitation”, even though they were clearly giving them away. When those having their signs seized complained, they were threatened with fines or arrest. I heard one DC police officer say, “Hey, you can get them back at the end of the day. On second thought, given your attitude you cannot. “

I have never seen free placards confiscated at a national gathering by DC police. Then again, I’ve also never seen a demonstration so thickly monitored, with park police, the Department of Homeland Security and the military on every corner.

Today, those “triplets of evil” King warned us about 1967 still strangle this country. If we are not talking about the New Jim Crow, Wall Street and militarism, then what are we doing? King said, “If an American is concerned only about his nation, he will not be concerned about the peoples of Asia, Africa, or South America. Is this not why nations engage in the madness of war without the slightest sense of penitence? Is this not why the murder of a citizen of your own nation is a crime, but the murder of citizens of another nation in war is an act of heroic virtue?” Given US foreign policy, how can one say that they stand in King’s legacy and not raise these issues?

I would ask those who find this objectionable to ask themselves, “What would Dr. King/Ella Baker/Fannie Lou Hamer/Malcolm X think about today’s march?” I don’t presume to know the answer to that question, but I know that we only honor their memory by asking it.

via Seeing ‘New Jim Crow’ Placards Seized by Police & More From the March on Washington | The Nation.

Now, if I were a cynical smart aleck, I would say something like “Well, this is what liberals want, right?” But, I know better, most American progressives simply want responsible Government.  They do not want repressive Government.  In other words, they want European-style socialism in America, with American freedoms; and not Soviet-style repressive Communist rule.  Those on the right argue that European-style socialism cannot be obtained without the loss of personal freedom.

What progressives do not get, is that we are right at the stage now here in America, of corporatism or the corporatization of America. Many on the left and some on the right bemoan this fact greatly. This is one stage away from Soviet-style repressive Communist rule.  The seizure of these signs, ought to be a clear sign of that moving towards a Soviet-style of oppressive Government. 

Liberal progressives need to wake up and realize that the sort of new left and neo-left form of progressivism, that was promoted from President Johnson till President Clinton and now the neo-leftism promoted by President Obama is not the classic liberalism of the old left. New-leftism, and Neo-leftism is nothing more than diluted soviet-style of oppressive Government and militarization of the police force. It is textbook Fascism in it’s rawest form.

The Saturday Night Music Express Presents Linda Ronstadt

This is for Linda Ronstadt, who is fighting for her life. Fight like hell woman!

Legendary singer Linda Ronstadt, 67, told AARP today that she “can’t sing a note” because she suffers from Parkinson’s disease. Diagnosed eight months ago, Ronstadt began to show symptoms as long as eight years ago. But she ascribed her inability to sing to a tick bite (“my health has never recovered since then”), and believed the shaking in her hands resulted from shoulder surgery.

In a wide-ranging interview with AARP’s music writer Alanna Nash to be published on next week, Ronstadt revealed how she discovered that “there was something wrong” with her voice.

“I couldn’t sing,” she told Nash, “and I couldn’t figure out why. I knew it was mechanical. I knew it had to do with the muscles, but I thought it might have also had something to do with the tick disease that I had. And it didn’t occur to me to go to a neurologist. I think I’ve had it for seven or eight years already, because of the symptoms that I’ve had. Then I had a shoulder operation, so I thought that’s why my hands were trembling.

“Parkinson’s is very hard to diagnose, so when I finally went to a neurologist and he said, ‘Oh, you have Parkinson’s disease,’ I was completely shocked. I wouldn’t have suspected that in a million, billion years.

“No one can sing with Parkinson’s disease,” Ronstadt said. “No matter how hard you try.”

Ronstadt walks with the aid of poles when on uneven ground, and uses a wheelchair when she travels.

Others: TelegraphPower LineScared MonkeysKTLA 5 and

Bradley manning wants to be a girl

Oh brother….

Via CNN:

Bradley Manning wants to be a woman.

The U.S. Army soldier sentenced this week to 35 years in prison for leaking 750,000 pages of classified documents to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks said Thursday in a statement read on NBC’s “Today” show that will seek hormone therapy and live as a female named Chelsea.

“As I transition into this next phase of my life, I want everyone to know the real me,” Manning said in the statement. “I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition.”

Oh he’s gonna be a woman alright! When he is the pivot man in the prison circle jerk.

Sick bastard. Hope he rots in jail.

Video: This is why I do not trust Al-Jazeera TV

American version of it or not. I simply do not trust it and this here is why. This comes via Memri TV:

Some of you might say, “But, aren’t you a Buchananite type?” Yes, indeed I am. Which simply means that I am not a fan of Wilsonian Foreign Policy and that’s all it means. If Al-Jazeera TV is putting this sort of garbage on it’s Arab speaking network, it has zero business being in the United States of America. This is nothing more than Anti-Jewish propaganda and it furthers the blood libels that the terrorists thrive on and use to commit acts of carnage.

If our President were actually worth a tinkers damn, he would tell Al-Jazeera TV, “You either do something about that, or you can pack your little network up and go back to mecca, where you truly belong.” But, because we have a President who kowtows down to Arabs and their religion, instead of defending Jewish Americans, you have this network Al-Jazeera TV here to brainwash Americans into believe that 9/11 was somehow justified.

…and that, my friends, is a great American tragedy.

(H/T to Commentary Magazine)