The Democrats are scamming the American People with Obamacare, So says, Gary Greenwald?!?!?!

I could not believe this one… but hey, I give him props for standing up and speaking the truth: A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about what seemed to be a glaring (and quite typical) scam perpetrated by Congressional Democrats: all year long, they insisted that the White House and a majority of Democratic … Continue reading The Democrats are scamming the American People with Obamacare, So says, Gary Greenwald?!?!?!

The Political Reality of Obamacare sets in for the Democrats

It is not everyday that you see this sort of candor and honesty in the Washington Post, mark this day on your calendar: Bluntly put, this is the political reality: First, the battle for public opinion has been lost. Comprehensive health care has been lost. If it fails, as appears possible, Democrats will face the … Continue reading The Political Reality of Obamacare sets in for the Democrats

Is Obama selling Judge Seats to pass Obamacare?

I generally like to avoid crap like this, because it makes me look like I am a part of the right wing echo chamber. But if this right here is even remotely true, ol’ Barry could be looking at trouble come midterms, especially if the Congress flips back to a Republican Majority. Now according to … Continue reading Is Obama selling Judge Seats to pass Obamacare?

Nancy Pelosi's Obamacare Bill is chock full of Taxes

Seriously, it is the classic class warfare nonsense that the Democrats are known for. The Americans for Tax Reform has the Taxes outlined: Employer Mandate Excise Tax (Page 275): If an employer does not pay 72.5 percent of a single employee’s health premium (65 percent of a family employee), the employer must pay an excise … Continue reading Nancy Pelosi's Obamacare Bill is chock full of Taxes

Video: The Day Obamacare Died

I saw this one on Twitter, and man is it funny! Although, I believe the celebratory tone is a wee bit premature.  But that face! Oh my goodness! 😆

CBO Says Obamacare will save no money over 10 years

Do you think that maybe NOW Obama will understand why the blue dogs revolted? For the second time this month, congressional budget analysts have dealt a blow to the Democrat’s health reform efforts, this time by saying a plan touted by the White House as crucial to paying for the bill would actually save almost … Continue reading CBO Says Obamacare will save no money over 10 years

Michigan Democrats meet at Cobo to figure out the mess they made of the party

This is a nice thought, but, if I know the modern Democratic Party; it will accomplish nothing at all. Detroit — Michigan Democrats are gathering Saturday at the Cobo Center in Detroit, where they’ll look to regroup after a series of stinging election losses and choose new officials who will lead the party into the … Continue reading Michigan Democrats meet at Cobo to figure out the mess they made of the party

Conservative Media figures are grumbling about the GOP Congress

Already? Yeah, I figured this would be coming. 🙄 Here’s Sean Hannity, and he is not happy: It is not just him. AllahPundit over at observes the following: It’s not just Hannity among the conservative A-list who’s grumbling about the tortoise pace of legislative action. Some House conservatives, like Jim Jordan, have complained about … Continue reading Conservative Media figures are grumbling about the GOP Congress

What we’re in now, is nothing new

I know that title sounds a bit odd, but I wanted to share something with you all. The feeling around now, in the paleoconservative circles, is one of utter dread. However, this isn’t anything new. consider something that I read over at (H/T UNZ.COM): The Rise of the Evangelical Right It wasn’t particularly difficult … Continue reading What we’re in now, is nothing new