Plot to Murder President Obama Exposed in Turkey

Now this is quite interesting!

As United States president Barack Obama began an official visit to Turkey on Monday, reports surfaced that a Syrian man was arrested in Istanbul in connection with a plot to kill him. The man – who sought to disguise himself as a journalist for the Arab TV network Al-Jazeera – managed to obtain press accreditation and allegedly planned to stab the US president with a knife, said Saudi daily al-Watan.

The Saudi daily contacted Al-Jazeera’s bureau in the Turkish capital Ankara and spoke with the bureau’s director Yusuf al-Sharif who claimed the Syrian man never worked with Al-Jazeera.

The suspect was arrested last Friday in Istanbul, where he had been permanently living for a number of years. After his arrest, al-Watan said he confessed to having planned Obama’s murder and that in case he failed, there were three other accomplices that would carry out the assassination.

via Turkey: Syrian man arrested over ‘Obama murder plot’ – Adnkronos Security.

As Dinah Lord put it, we might not be at war with Muslims, but they sure are not happy to see us! This is to be expected though, as there are many angry Muslims out there; who are still angry at the United States for invading Iraq. Then again it might have had nothing to do with that, this guy could just have been some sort of a fruit loop or a terrorist. We will not know for sure, until more information comes out.

As an American; I am just glad to see that the plot was exposed, because the LAST THING this Country needs is our President hurt or killed. I may not agree with Obama’s Politics, but I do not want to see the guy murdered. Anyone that would say anything any different is either crazy or just an mean spirited asshole. It is one thing to chide the President because of his politics, but it’s an entire other matter to do something like this.

Let’s hope this idiot remains behind bars for a long time or worse; and considering where it happened, he will most likely end up hung. Which is just fine with me.

Update: CBS NEWS is now reporting the story….finally.

Obama says "We're not at war with Islam"

I really don’t get why this is new, as Bush said this as well. But Here goes!:

Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as president, declared Monday the United States “is not and will never be at war with Islam.”

Urging a greater partnership with the Islamic world in an address to the Turkish parliament, Obama called the country an important U.S. ally in many areas, including the fight against terrorism. He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who do not represent the vast majority of Muslims.

“Let me say this as clearly as I can,” Obama said. “The United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. In fact, our partnership with the Muslim world is critical … in rolling back a fringe ideology that people of all faiths reject.”

The U.S. president is trying to mend fences with a Muslim world that felt it had been blamed by America for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

via Obama declares US not at war with Islam- AP.

From what I understand there are some that are not happy about the statement underlined above. Ed Morrissey weighs in here:

Obama spoke in the tradition established by Bush over the last seven-plus years of emphasizing that America did not declare war on Islam.  That’s been obvious through our partnership with Islamic nations, such as Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, just to name a few.  And he’s right; the last thing we would want to do would be to declare war on a billion people just on the basis of their religion.  The more we can keep the Muslims on the sidelines, the better off we are in fighting against the radicals.

However, the AP wants to pretend that this is some new effort by the US to assure Muslims of our intentions.  It decidedly is not, and perhaps a mention that Bush tried making these same assurances for almost his entire presidency would be in order here.

Well Ed, When your name is George and you are a Christian white man from Texas, it is a bit harder to sell that idea. Let’s face it; Obama is a black man with a Islamic middle name, it’s just going to be easier to sell that idea for President Obama; than it was for President Bush. I believe the majority of “Americanized” Muslims understood this, but it was the Muslims abroad that felt it was an attack on the Islamic Faith.

I just hope that Obama is able to make that sell. Because the last thing we need is war with Islam itself.

If Sean Hannity's Show fails it will be because of stuff like this….

As some of you know, I have begun to watch Fox News, after all I am a right-leaning Blog after all. It is a refreshing break from the “In the Tank” Liberal Media of MSNBC and to an extent, CNN. I find most of the players over there tolerable. However, Sean Hannity is another story.

A perfect example:

HANNITY: You know, I’m going to — I resent this. When you consider…all we have done just in the last century alone to save Europe from themselves. I resent this. I think it’s outrageous, the media’s ignored it. But don’t you think this is like the Dixie Chicks? […]

HANNITY: But didn’t we see all of this in the campaign? As I was bringing up — didn’t Reverend Wright give us a little insight into his thought process? Didn’t, you know, Michelle Obama, America is a downright mean country. … But I’m thinking, didn’t we get some insight? When you sit on a board and give speeches with Bill Ayers, didn’t this — Do you think he harbors deep resentment that he just hides? Because I believe he does.

via Think Progress » Hannity: Obama ‘Harbors Deep Resentment’ Of America, Just Like Dixie Chicks.

You can go see the video over at the “Think Progress” site, I have no interest in embedding that fools nonsense on my site. The problem with Sean Hannity is this; Sean Hannity is still repeating the same dead tired talking points of the last President Administration and he is also still reciting the talking points of the McCain Presidential campaign. Earth to Hannity: The Campaign is over, McCain lost, your hero Bush is out of office, you can stop carrying water anytime you like.

The real kicker in all this is the following. Sean Hannity calls himself a Libertarian. Seriously. Sean Hannity is about as much as a Libertarian, as I am a sworn Communist. This idiot sits and defends the Iraq War and how necessary that it was to the security of America and so on. In case anyone does not know, that is the line of the Wilsonian, Neo-Conservatives. The Libertarian Party has never, ever, been pro-war at all. I just wonder, does the Libertarian Party know that Sean Hannity is identifying himself as a member of that Party? Sean Hannity is nothing more than a Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative Republican. No libertarian, that I know spouts those talking points, none of them.

I said back when Alan Colmes left that show; that it would never last and if Sean Hannity continues doing what he is doing now. He very may well end up without a job. It is one thing to criticize the President’s policies, it is another when that criticism rises the level of slander. Which is what Sean Hannity is doing. It is one thing to criticize the President with facts, but it is another to using long discarded talking points of the Pre-Obama Presidency Republican Party and of the McCain campaign.

The very strange and almost twilight zone aspect of the whole thing is, I find Bill O’Reilly totally tolerable. Which is quite strange considering before the Presidency of Obama. I could not bear to watch him. Bill does seem to have toned his show down a bit. He doesn’t cut the mics off anymore, he allows the “Other Side” as he calls them, to voice their opinions and views. Which I think is so much more professional. Which leads to me to wonder why Keith Olbermann continually attacks him. I believe it’s because Keith is still bitter at Fox News because of his firing, due to his behavior at the network.

Now if Fox could get Sean to be more like O’Reilly, I’d be more inclined to watch.

So much for Obama's Christianity…

I must confess… When I read this little gem, I let out a snort:

In an age when people are naturally preoccupied with the coldly rational reality of a troubled economy, it is reassuring to know that the finer details of political theology are still subject to debate.  According to a recent statement out of the Vatican, President Obama appears to have a passing interest in medieval gnosticism.  Father Raniero Cantalamessa, a preacher to the Pontifical Household, has stated that the president referred to Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) at least three times in his speeches during his election campaign.  This Cistercian abbot with a heretical reputation was praised by Obama as a “master of contemporary civilization” who sought to create a better world.

The reason why this strikes me as so funny is because during the election, there were so many people falling all over themselves declaring that Obama was some sort of “Born Again Believer.” I said at the time and I’ll say it again; According to which Bible? Not the one I read! That is for sure.

Judgmental? Hardly. I base what I say upon the Bible, and according to those standards, Obama falls dreadfully short.

Updated! Read the Update Please! A Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative Zionist Loon Blog attacks Pat Buchanan

They just cannot just leave Pat alone. Once again, the Wilsonian, Neo-Conservative, Zionists are on the rampage against Pat Buchanan:

Meanwhile, so-called “anti-jihad” bloggers continue to promote DeWinter and the Vlaams Belang, despite his longstanding alliances with Le Pen and American Jew-haters like Pat Buchanan, because his anti-Muslim bigotry agrees with theirs.

via Little Green Footballs – Le Pen Calls Nazi Gas Chambers ‘A Detail’ of WWII.

Why is Charles Johnson attacking Pat Buchanan? Because of this:


I don’t speak french, or I would have an english translation, but here’s the article:

Via: JTA.Org:

PARIS (JTA) — Extreme rightist Jean-Marie Le Pen told the EU Parliament that “gas chambers were a detail in the history of the Second World War.”

Following the remark, which he made on Wednesday, European Union Parliament members drafted an accord that could prevent the 81-year-old Le Pen from presiding over July’s inaugural session of parliament, Reuters reported.

I find it very ironic that every time someone, who does not buy into the Wilsonian, Zionist, Neo-Conservative Propaganda that is peddled to the American people, that they’re called a hater. This is why Pat Buchanan’s name was brought up. On the other hand, the other blogger that he brought up; she is a loon, almost as much as the person referenced in this posting.

I will be forwarding this posting to Pat’s people.

Update – August 18, 2009: I noticed that this Blog entry, which is quite old, has been searched and viewed view Google cache. Let me simply say this; I now know that Charles Johnson, who runs little green footballs is NOT a Conservative, nor a Zionist. But rather a Liberal Blog. Johnson could be summed up as a “September 11’th Liberal”. Charles Johnson did something that I felt was totally inexcusable, he stabbed some people, who were and still are involved in the crusade against Global Jihad. Let me say this to whomever is looking at this and hopefully Google cache updates. Count among those who reject Islam as a Religion of Peace, it is a Religion of war and killing. It is a direct threat the Republic of the United States of America, and to the Nation of Israel. Islam should be outlawed and the people that practice it deported from our Country.  When I originally wrote this entry; I was well within the court of Paleo-Conservatism, of which some of the tenants, I still agree with. But as of late I have noticed that Pat Buchanan and some of his so-called “followers” have been partaking in some questionable activities; like writing articles at websites that politically; are diametrically opposed to what Paleo-Conservatism is supposed to be about.  Further more, I have been noticing that some of followers of Mr. Buchanan have referred to members of our Military as “Battlefield terrorists” and that they partake in torture for sport; that my friend is a problem and a huge issue for me. As I have family who served in the Military. So, for those wanting to try and find fault with me in this posting. Let me simply say this. I simply was misinformed about Johnson and at the time. I was defending Pat. Which I still will do, but to say that I am a Paleo-Conservative, would be a misstatement. I simply want to be addressed as a Independent Conservative. I claim no stripe. While Pat might be right on SOME things, there are just some that I totally disagree with.

Honestly, When are Journalists and Bloggers going to get a clue?

This is going to most likely be with of those kind of posts, that is going to cause a bunch of people to either like me a whole lot, or it is going to going to cause a good number of people to hate my guts.  Either way, I could honestly give two shits, because I am just sick and tired of the damned media and the damned Blogosphere reporting half truths and outright bullshit. Yeah, I am in on of those kind of a moods right now. So, be warned this might veer off into bad language and poor manners.

I was over looking at the HotAir headlines and I saw this:

Surprise: Pittsburgh cop-killer was anti-semitic, white supremacist, Alex Jones fan

My initial reaction was, “Oh Shit… here we go, profiling someone who most likely isn’t anything like, what they’re trying to say.” Needless to say, my gut feeling was correct. The link leads over to Charles Johnson’s Blog, Little Green Footballs, who gleefully reports a story written by the Pittsburgh Post Gazette:

Richard Andrew Poplawski was a young man convinced the nation was secretly controlled by a cabal that would eradicate freedom of speech, take away his guns and use the military to enslave the citizenry.

His online profile suggests someone at once lonely and seething. He wrote of burning the backs of both of his hands, the first time with a cigarette, the second time for symmetry. He subscribed to conspiracy theories and, by January 2007, was posting photographs of his tattoos on white supremacist Web site Stormfront. Among his ambitions: “to accumulate enough ‘I punched that [expletive] so hard’ stories to match my old man.”

“Crazy to me is going through the motions,” he wrote on his MySpace profile three years ago. “Crazy to me is letting each day slip past you. Crazy is being insignificant. Crazy is being obscure, pointless.”

No longer obscure, the 22-year-old is charged in the worst police shooting in the modern history of Pittsburgh. No one is calling his actions anything but pointless.

“He was really into politics and really into the First and Second amendment. One thing he feared was he feared the gun ban because he thought that was going to take away peoples’ right to defend themselves. He never spoke of going out to murder or to kill,” said Edward Perkovic, who described himself as Mr. Poplawski’s lifelong best friend.

Mr. Poplawski’s view of guns and personal freedom took a turn toward the fringes of American politics. With Mr. Perkovic, he appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews secretly ran the country.

Believing most media were covering up important events, Mr. Poplawski turned to a far-right conspiracy Web site run by Alex Jones, a self-described documentarian with roots going back to the extremist militia movement of the early 1990s.

Around the same time, he joined Florida-based Stormfront, which has long been a clearinghouse Web site for far-right groups. He posted photographs of his tattoo, an eagle spread across his chest.

“I was considering gettin’ life runes on the outside of my calfs,” he wrote. Life runes are a common symbol among white supremacists, notably followers of The National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group linked to an array of violent organizations.

Seriously, does anyone do any kind of  investigative journalism anymore? You see that line up there, that I have bolded and underlined? That is nothing more than a bunch of biased bullshit propaganda. I happen to have an account over at, I use it for research purposes. I will be the first to tell you, that I do not agree with ALL of the stuff that is printed there. I will say this however, as I have written on this Blog many times, I have zero use for the Post Racial Racialism in this country, I also detest the identity politics of the left. I also whole heartedly reject the liberal idea of celebrating diversity.  But I am just not wired to hate people, because skin color or race. I am sympathetic to the feelings of those over at Stormfront, I just disagree with their whole idea of a solution or their stance towards those of a difference race or color. My battle is purely a political one, not a racial one.

The reason I am bringing all this up, is because I saw the article about this guy supposedly being a “White Nationalist” and so, I went to stormfront and created a thread mentioning this. Very quickly it was pointed out to me, that this guy had posted all of one or two postings over at stormfront. A posting showing off a tatoo. Can someone tell me please, when did making a single posting over on a Forum, showing off a tattoo makes someone a hardcore white nationalist?

There are many people here to blame. The Post Gazette for not fact checking thier article. Blogger Charles Johnson for not checking this story out, and finally Blogger Allahpundit or Ed, who posted this headline over at Hotair. Come on people, we can do better than this. I can understand the liberal mainstream media, but Conservative Bloggers?

I mean, I have no idea what this guys true motivation was, but I can tell you, he was most likely not a true blue white nationalist. I can also tell you, that the White Nationalists do not, nor have they ever, condoned this sort of behavior. As user “PerturbedCitizen” of stormfront says, and I am sure that this can be taken as a statement from the site itself:

My deepest respect to the three fallen heroes, who do more for our country and the future of our kind on a daily basis than most people dream of. This board is not a meeting place for cop killers and psychos. Stormfront exists to discuss the future of the very families and the people men like those officers left behind. To honor a race of people that shape our world which those officers were very much a part of. They are the brightest and most powerful examples of what we cherish and devote our lives to protecting and paying tribute to.

To the public servants who wake up every morining and put your lives on the line to make my country a better place for my family to live, I salute you.

To the degenerates who do good folks harm and make our world a darker place, the time for honoring yourselves is coming to an end.

Now, on to a related subject. It seems that we have some idiots on the far left, who are now using this tragic event to take unwarranted potshots at Bloggers and media types on the right. HotAir’s Ed Morrissey points out this little gem taken from Kos’s Twitter feed:


Now this is the same crap that has went on in the past, when Mr. Kos said screw them and then tried to cover it up.

Tommy Christapher Weighs in here:

Dana Houle is a Daily Kos frontpager, not some tinfoil diarist, and Markos is the public face of the liberal blogosphere.  Granted, his influence isn’t what it used to be, but he is still the most recognizable, the most closely-associated liberal blogger out there.

When I saw his re-Tweet, I was stunned, and I hadn’t even heard about the Pittsburgh shooting yet.  I thought he was talking about the shooting in Binghamton.  When I looked back at Houle’s Tweet, and I found the story of the three policemen who were killed yesterday, I could not believe my eyes.  As you can see, I tried to get Markos to explain his re-Tweet, unable to believe that these two would be joking about this at all, let alone hours after the tragedy. …

Maybe there’s something wrong with me, but I think this is shameful. This is the kind of thing I would probably delete at Political Machine.  I don’t even see the humor in it, even setting aside the heartless ghoulishness involved.

One word to sum this up, well, actually two; Fucking Pathetic. It is no wonder that Time Magazine basically dismissed the DailyKos as an irrelevant Blog. I do not think that Irrelevant even begins to cover the surface of those ignorant bastards. But I will refrain from ranting anymore about them, they’re not worth the effort and bandwidth wasted.

Update: Right Voices links in, Thank you! So does Memeorandum, who has me on the list of blogs to scan, Thanks to Gabe as well.

North Korea Launches Rocket, Obama and World React

Something tells me that this is either going to be a whole bunch of nothing or this is going to escalate into a big bunch of ugly:

North Korea defied the United States, its allies and a series of U.N. resolutions by launching a rocket on Sunday that it said propelled a satellite into space but that much of the world viewed as an unsuccessful effort to prove it is edging toward the capability to shoot a nuclear warhead on a longer-range missile.

The United States Northern Command issued a statement that North Korea’s Taepodong 2 missile flew over Japan, with its payload landing in the Pacific Ocean. “No object entered orbit and no debris fell on Japan,” the assessment said.

Still, the launching drew swift international condemnation and prompted the U.N. Security Council to convene an emergency meeting on Sunday in which the United States, Japan and South Korea vowed to penalize the North.

via North Koreans Launch Rocket –

Meanwhile here is President Teleprompters Response:

More bluster and bravado from a empty suit. The worst that is going to happen is that the U.N. will send a letter to the North Koreans and tell them; “Now if you will agree not to do that again and we’ll send you more money!” and they will stop for a short while and then when they need more money, they will launch another rocket like this and the process will repeat again.

It would be simple minded of me to just sit here and say that the United States should just nuke North Korea off the map. That might work in simplistic terms, but when you really get into the meat of this matter, it is very complicated. Because North Korea is being backed by China and Russia, and if we started launching warheads into North Korea, China and Russia would start launching missiles at us! This is why the U.N. and the United States have been urging Japan and South Korea to show restraint.

Luckily for us, South Korea and Japan, along with the rest of the U.N. have been showing the uttermost restraint. I will say this about our President, if does have any clear leadership abilities, he had better start showing them now, because this little incident right here is no laughing matter. If he does have the steel in his backbone as Vice-President Biden says he does; he has better start showing it and better yet start using it.

Mr. President, if you ever happen to read this; the time for political bluster and childish games with the Republican Party is over. The campaign is now officially over. Now is the time, for steel-eyed leadership, American grit and determination that America’s interests come first. For the sake of the American people, for the sake of the stability of the entire world, for the sake of peace throughout the world, for the sake of Almighty God; LEAD!