In Support of the National Blogger Day of Silence

I want it to be known that I stand in full support of the National Blogger Day of Silence.  Further more, I applaud Congressman Kenny Merchant for standing with us.

And Booman, screw you idiot, seriously….screw you hard, you asshole piece of shit! 😡

Please go and click the links of these blogs below as they could use your support:

The Jawa Report, The Other McCain, American Spectator, American Power, Nice Deb, Wizbang, The Conservatory, The Lonely Conservative, Sister Toldjah, Datechguy’s Blog, Right Wing News, The Camp Of The Saints, Hot Air, Pirate’s Cove, The Sundries Shack, National Review, Pundit & Pundette, alicublog Patterico’s Pontifications, protein wisdom, The Camp Of The Saints, The Lonely Conservative, The Jawa Report, Conservative Hideout 2.0 and “The Lid”

A further update on Aaron Walker’s day in court

Finally, We are getting to the bottom of this story.

Patterico gets to the bottom of it:

Aaron Walker (aka Worthing) was arrested today in a Maryland courtroom. Several days ago, convicted bomber and perjurer Brett Kimberlin had obtained a “peace order” against Walker, and today Walker was arrested for violating the order. My information is that the judge claimed that Walker violated the provision against electronic communication with Kimberlin, because Aaron blogged about Kimberlin — thus “inciting” others to contact Kimberlin.

In other words, as best as I can tell, Aaron Walker was arrested today in the United States of America for blogging about a public figure.

via Patterico’s Pontifications » Aaron Walker Arrested for Blogging? Clearing Some of the Fog Surrounding Today’s Litigation.

I know this is going to make me sound like a hater. But, sometimes things just need to be said. Whatever happened to the days, when people said and did stuff that you did not care for, like this idiot here; that you could go over to their house and invite them into the street and beat the living crap out of them? Whatever happened to those days?  It is quite obvious to me, that this son-of-a-bitch needs to get his ass kicked in the biggest and baddest of ways.

For the last couple of days, I have watched the Hatfields & McCoys miniseries on the history channel. One thing that I noticed about that serious is how men settled feuds, they did not run off to courts of law to settle their differences. They either used their fists or they used their guns. I happen think that in the case of this Brett Kimberlin fool; it is truly a pity that we cannot go back to that era and finish this damned problem once and for all. But, because we live in a liberal society; which gives common thug criminals like this Brett Kimberlin more rights than law abiding citizens like myself — we have to use the court of law against the idiot, so that he can go to jail cell and taxpayer dollars feed him and clothe him. It would be so much cheaper on the state of Maryland, if things were done the old-fashioned way again.

Let me be clear, I am not advocating any sort of violence at all. I just wish things could be different in this would today, when it comes to asshole jerks like this Brett Kimberlin idiot and all of his little Progressive friends.

Others on this story: LEE STRANAHAN dot COM, The Volokh Conspiracy, Villainous Company, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, National Review, That Innocuous Girl, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Cold Fury,,, hogewash, The Daley Gator, Pink Flamingo Bar, SOOPERMEXICAN, Datechguy’s Blog, Twitchy, Truth Before Dishonor, Examiner, The Lonely Conservative, Nice Deb, American Power, Michelle Malkin, Atlas Shrugs, Instapundit, The Gateway Pundit, and FilmLadd Blogs

UPDATED: Victim blogger Aaron Walker who was harassed by Brett Kimberlin arrested today in Maryland at hearing

This is nuts.

Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, Maryland.

One person who attended the hearing in Montgomery County District Court said that Kimberlin asserted that Walker’s continued blogging represented a violation of a “peace order” Kimberlin had obtained against the Virginia attorney, who says Kimberlin tried to “frame” him for assault earlier this year.

During the course of the hearing — which reportedly lasted about an hour — Judge C.J. Vaughey appeared to become increasingly hostile toward Walker, who was taken into custody when the hearing concluded.

via REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case : The Other McCain.

Arrested for blogging? How does one violate a “peace order” by writing? Something stinks. I wonder if the judge is a liberal Obama supporter?

Others: The Jawa Report, The Spectacle Blog, PJ Media, The Gateway Pundit, Dedicated Tenther, Wake up America, American Spectator, Bob Owens, Capitalist Preservation, WorldNetDaily, The Daley Gator, FilmLadd Blogs, That Mr. G Guy’s Blog, hogewash, Allergic to Bull and Truth Before Dishonor

UPDATE: Aaron Walker has been released, but is asking for help, click to read more.