Afghanistan is not going to be an easy war

This does not look good at all:

Tactically, the U.S.-led night raid in the village of Bagh-i-Soltan was a success. U.S. military officials said the dead man and an accomplice now in custody were bombmakers linked to recent insurgent attacks. They said that they had tracked the men for days and that one was holding an assault rifle when they shot him.

Strategically, however, the incident was a disaster. Its most incriminating version — colored by villagers’ grief and anger, possibly twisted by Taliban propaganda and magnified by the growing influence of independent Afghan TV — spread far faster than U.S. authorities could even attempt to counter.

Worse, it happened in an area where the Obama administration has just launched an expensive military push, focusing on regions near Kabul, the capital, where Islamist insurgents are trying to gain influence. Several U.S. bases have been set up in Logar and adjacent Wardak province, and 3,000 troops have arrived since January. Their mandate is to strengthen security, facilitate aid projects and good government, and swing local opinion against the insurgents.

via Washington Post – Tactical Success, Strategic Defeat.

Folks, I am not and nor have I ever been under any illusion that the Afghanistan War was going to be any kind of a cake walk.  I realize that Pat Buchanan and many other Paleo-Conservatives and Libertarians (like Lew Rockwell) feel that this war is not winnable. The problem with that mentality is this here. It is founded in the notion that; like Iraq, it was unjustified. Well, let me be plain about it here. That line of thinking is just plain bullshit. Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is very justified, that was the country of origin that the September 11’th attackers came from, most of them anyway. This is where Osama Bin Laden is holed up, in that tribal region.

What cheeses me the heck off, is the fact that these Anti-American, far lefty nut cases and some Paleo-Conservatives, like Pat Buchanan and Lew Rockwell want to see America just say “Oh well, we can’t get Osama!” and just pack up and leave. I am sorry to be the one to say this, but if we do this in Afghanistan, basically the Al-Qaeda terrorists that attacked on September 11’th and the bastards hold up in that tribal region will have won the damned battle. As much as I hate like hell to sound like former President George W. Bush, who when he said this about Iraq, may have been wrong; but when it comes to Afghanistan was and still is absoutely right, if we cut and run from Afghanistan, we will be worse off, than if we stay and fight till we either capture or kill Osama and root out Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan or at least topple the leadership there.

I just hope like hell that the Liberal media and Blogging World does not hand this victory to Osama Bin Ladin on a silver platter and in doing so put our Nation at greater risk than it is already.

(H/T Freedom’s Phoenix)

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It is official: Ann Coulter is a clueless BOOB!

She now says that Afghanistan is lost! 😮


Then when someone asks here if she’s helping or hurting the Conservative cause, she basically tells them to shut up.

I mean, Afghanistan was the damned reason we went to war in the first place, that is where Osama Bin Laden is at! Duh!

Like a said, Ann Coulter is nothing more than a idiot clueless BOOB!

Report Says that Gitmo Meets Geneva Convention Standards

There is a quite a bit that could be said about this and I know some of you are thinking that I am going to sound like some of the Neo-Cons. But as some of you know, I am not on Neil or John Podhoretz’s payroll; so I do think for myself. So, no, I am not going to rile Obama for breaking his campaign promises. That’s because Obama has not broken any, when it relates to this….yet.

Via The Washington Post:

A Pentagon review of conditions at the Guantanamo Bay military prison has concluded that the treatment of detainees meets the requirements of the Geneva Conventions but that prisoners in the highest-security camps should be allowed more religious and social interaction, according to a government official who has read the 85-page document.

The report, which President Obama ordered, was prepared by Adm. Patrick M. Walsh, the vice chief of naval operations, and has been delivered to the White House. Obama requested the review as part of an executive order on the planned closure of the prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on the southeastern tip of Cuba.

Another aspect of the closure — what to do with the approximately 245 detainees — will be considered by an interagency task force, and yesterday the Justice Department announced the head of that group: Matthew G. Olsen, a 12-year career prosecutor and acting assistant attorney general for national security.

Review teams will examine each detainee’s case and report to Olsen, who will make recommendations to senior officials from Justice and other agencies, including the departments of State and Defense and the CIA. Those officials will make the final decision on each prisoner.

“The Task Force will consider whether it is possible to transfer or release detained individuals consistent with the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States; evaluate whether the government should seek to prosecute detained individuals for crimes they may have committed; and, if none of those options are possible, the Task Force will recommend other lawful means for disposition of the detained individuals,” the Justice Department said in a statement.

Now here is where most of your Neo-Conservatives, or those who supported George W. Bush’s asinine idea of going to war with a country, that had zero to do with 911; start carping, “See! I told you so, I told you so, I told so!” But that, as always, is not the point. The point is that Obama wanted to know the standards being used at Gitmo, but he is going to close it anyhow. The Neo-Conservative fear mongers are playing this as some sort of horrible security risk. Which has to be one of the biggest insults to Nation’s various law enforcement agencies. We have had like death row inmates in California and Texas for how long? They have not escaped. I do believe that our Nation’s law enforcement agencies would well handle some of these guys. I must confess that the idea of a couple of them getting “bumped off” in a prison really does not bother me at all. I mean, after all, I do remember what happened on 9/11 and turn about is fair play.

On an unrelated matter, Ed Morrissey,  comments over at Neo-Con Central about this article here, spouts the following Neo-Con Stupidity:

All statements from Barack Obama come with expiration dates.  That’s something that the HopeandChangizoids have begun to learn just a month after the dawning of the Age of Obama.  A lot of them owe Bush — and us — apologies.

His sentiments about “The Magic One” aside, I will take issue with the whole “A lot of them owe Bush — and us — apologies.” line. Ed; if anything, George W. Bush, The Republican Party and every last one of the fucking Neo-Conservative leaders; owes the American people an huge apology for lying to America about the fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, owes the American people for consistently moving the fucking goal posts every time one of his hair brained conclusions about Iraq was proven wrong, Owes the American people for illegally spying on million of Americans without warrants, owes the American people an apology for taking the damn focus off of Afghanistan and for allowing the actual mastermind of the 9/11 attacks escape and now leaving us with a situation where we might not ever be able to capture him. The Liberals and those of us who were against the war in Iraq owe the Neo-Conservatives nothing at all. Get used to it and enjoy being in the damned Minority, because, quite frankly, that is where you bastards fucking belong.

I know, you’re thinking, “Damn that’s harsh!” There’s a reason I got a huge beef with Morrissey and his clan of “Go along to get along” crowd over there at I was tossed and banned from’s Commenting section AND Ed’s Chatroom that he runs during his show. Because I refuse to go along with the notion of embracing diversity, and because I dared to speak my mind about race of people that I personally believe have contributed to the moral decline of this country. No, I am not talking about Jews. I am talking about Negro race. That’s right folks, that is how I feel, I make no bones about it. Want to see a perfect example? Look at Detroit. Look at the rap music scene and you tell me, that the Negro race is not contributing to the moral decline in this country. Plus, my own cousin was shot and killed by two corrupt Negro Detroit Cops and one Mexican cop. I admit the details of that killing was some of my cousin’s fault, mostly because of some rather bone-headed stupidity on his part. But the Detroit cops that killed my cousin went way, way, way overboard on their use of force. It happened back in 1992 or 1993, I cannot remember which, it was never in the media. Oh they checked into it, but once they saw that my cousin was White and cops were black, they retreated from it, in a big hurry. Had the roles been reversed? It would have been on the front page of every newspaper in this country. But yet, Morrissey and his clan over there resented me coming in there and saying how I feel about blacks. Sorry, I categorically reject the notion that “All men are created equal” horse shit that the father of “Big Government”, Abe Lincoln opined in his document that basically sold the American White man up the damned river. So does my dead cousin, Michael Hill.

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Update: Ooops, Forgot these: QandO, Pirate’s Cove, Stop The ACLU, Power Line, Jules Crittenden, Don Surber, Outside The Beltway, PoliGazette

When one of our men goes bad.

This is what happens when you treat war, like a hobby:

A U.S. Army medic was convicted of murder Friday for his involvement in the execution-style slayings of four bound and blindfolded Iraqi detainees shot in the back of the head in the spring of 2007. The court sentenced him to life in prison.

Sgt. Michael Leahy Jr. was found guilty on charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder by the nine-person jury who had heard testimony about the killings at the court-martial at the Army’s Rose Barracks Courthouse since Wednesday.

After a sentencing hearing, Leahy received a life sentence, with the possibility of parole. He also will have his rank reduced to private, his pay foreited and be dishonorably discharged.

“Looking back at the canal, I see it was the wrong thing to do,” Leahy read from a statement to the court before he was sentenced. “Please see that I’m not a bad person, that I made a bad mistake. I want to move on.”

via ABC News: US Soldier Guilty of Murder in Deaths of 4 Iraqis.

I just wonder how much more of this happened? This is just one that got caught. It is a sad thing, this turkey got what was coming to him.

Heckuva of a job Feinstein

What an idiot…..

A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an airbase inside that country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and complicate its counterterrorism collaboration with the United States.

The disclosure by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the Predator aircraft patrolling Pakistan take off and land.

At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise at Pakistani opposition to the ongoing campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against Al Qaeda targets along Pakistan’s northwest border.

“As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base,” she said of the planes.

via Predator drones flown from base in Pakistan, U.S. lawmaker says —

Feinstein ought to be arrested and tried on treason. Revealing Government secrets is illegal. But because she’s a Democrat, nothing will happen.

Others: protein wisdom, Wizbang , The Strata-Sphere, HotAir

Video: Excuse Me, Mr. President

Looks like not all Liberals are enthralled with the New Liberal President….

This comes via After Downing Street:

To be clear, I don’t agree with him on Afghanistan. But on the Iraq War, I do, 100 percent. As for the Bush Administration, as much as I hate to say it;  Obama will not do what this man and the far left wants, he just cannot risk the political capital on a crimes tribunal.

But it does give voice to those who are of this mindset. Furthermore, if this is the growing consensus amongst the far left and also amongst independents, who did elect him, Obama will be a one term President. Of course, if this Economic Stimulus fails, Obama will be a one term President. Because the American people are not too happy about all this money being spent. Also, Congress will pay as well. Michelle Malkin is right , the Democrats always overreach and when they do, disaster happens. Then the tide turns and the other party gets in and the same cycle repeats. Been this way since the two party system started and will be this way, until a Switzerland style of Government is implemented here. Which will never happen, too many money bags controlling the strings.

(H/T Freedom’s Phoenix)

Video: The Obama Fraud

An Excellent Video…..

(Via Freedom’s Phoenix)

Dick Cheney Warns of New Attacks

I should have named this “The mad rantings of the Eternal Neo-Con”, But I figured I’d try to be fair.


The Story:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that there is a “high probability” that terrorists will attempt a catastrophic nuclear or biological attack in coming years, and said he fears the Obama administration’s policies will make it more likely the attempt will succeed.

In an interview Tuesday with Politico, Cheney unyieldingly defended the Bush administration’s support for the Guantanamo Bay prison and coercive interrogation of terrorism suspects.

And he asserted that President Obama will either backtrack on his stated intentions to end those policies or put the country at risk in ways more severe than most Americans — and, he charged, many members of Obama’s own team — understand.

“When we get people who are more concerned about reading the rights to an Al Qaeda terrorist than they are with protecting the United States against people who are absolutely committed to do anything they can to kill Americans, then I worry,” Cheney said.

via Cheney warns of new attacks —

For the record, I believe that he does have a point about the Gitmo detainees. However, I believe that the mentality that they will attack us right away is wishful thinking on his part.

Ouch: US Loses two major supply lines to Afghanistan

This is not good, at all:

The U.S.-led campaign against the Taliban suffered two logistical blows Tuesday as the president of Kyrgyzstan announced that he’d shut a U.S. airbase in his country and insurgents in Pakistan blew up a bridge, disrupting the main U.S. supply route into Afghanistan.

The developments were the latest reminders of the vulnerability of the long and complex transportation system on which the 60,000 U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan depend for fuel, ammunition, construction materials and a great deal more.

The announcement by Kyrgyzstan President Kurmanbek Bakiyev that he will close the Manas Air Base also gave President Barack Obama a first taste of the challenge he faces from Russia, which is trying to restore its clout in countries that were part of the former Soviet Union.

Bakiyev made his announcement in Moscow, not in his own capital, shortly after the Russian government reportedly agreed to lend Kyrgyzstan $2 billion, write off $180 million in debt and add another $150 million in aid. The timing and place of the announcement indicated the Kremlin’s involvement.

“It’s a direct challenge to the new American administration. Russia is going out of its way to close an American base,” said Pavel Felgenhauer, a Moscow-based military analyst.

via McClatchy Washington Bureau — U.S. supply routes to Afghanistan suffer two huge blows.

I tend to agree with Ed Morrissey who writes:

The problem was never in Krygyzstan.  Biden predicted that world leaders would challenge Obama and his inexperience within the first few months of the adminstration, but they’ve already started to line up in the first few days.  Iran launched a satellite on an ICBM to show they could go ballistic once they have nuclear weapons.  North Korea reportedly has set up another ICBM for a test to threaten Seoul.  Now Russia has flipped an ally in the war on terror — and all of this in the first 14 days of Obama’s presidency.

Indeed, I believe this is simply Russia trying to test Obama, to see how he will react. Also, Russia is having problems with it’s people. They are bit angry about the problems with the economy. As I so blogged about yesterday. It could very well be that Putin is attempting to save face with the citizens of Russia by trying to show a little aggression towards Obama and by proxy; America.