Who called me from Cyprus?

I hate to ask questions like this, but here goes!

Who called me from the country of Cyprus?

I see that you also came to my blog and looked around; today, I got a phone call on my cell phone from someone from the country of Cyprus.

I am just wondering; who are you and what exactly did you want?

If you happen to see this and want to leave a comment in the comment section I will approve it.

I’m just wondering, because, I don’t know anybody from Cyprus and I don’t know anybody in Cyprus who would know me well enough to call me.

Anyhow, just wondering I should be posting more today; but, I’m really not much in the mood for it and there’s really nothing that I wish to talk about today.

The only thing the media is talking about is that Hillary email scandal and the Republicans sending a letter to Iran. Everything else is just stupid stuff and I am not interested in blogging about that.

Some housekeeping….

Just a few things that I feel the need to announce to my readers….


  1. If you have not noticed yet, I have installed a new theme here on the blog. To be quite honest, the old look around here was about three years old. I mean, I am a conservative and all; but even I know when something is getting old and stale looking. Plus too, the American flag bit was getting to be a bit much. I mean, I love my Country and all; but the flag in the background was getting to be a bit cheesy looking. Plus, I just wanted to update things a bit.
  2. The truth is that I really have not been writing with the same frequency that I was a few years ago. I really needed to back off for a while; which I did for the good part of the summer, save writing a few things that really bothered me. This will change as we go into the election cycle, which is close to starting. One of things that I will admit to, after Bush left office, I felt like my reason to write was basically over. Then came Obama and the rise of the tea party. For a while, it was a great thing to write about; but then, the whole thing started sounding predictable and some of it, ridiculous. This is when I backed off and really wrote off the tea party movement as another movement co-oped by those with an agenda.

So, where are you going from here?

Well, to be honest. I plan to continue on writing. Just because Bush is gone, Obama is about done and possibly a Republican will be going into the white house, does not mean that I will automatically go into defend the so-called “Conservative” President. I am a man on principles and I usually do not compromise them at all. I will write against the President of the United States, whose principles go counter to mine; regardless of which Party that President happens to be from. I wrote against Bush in 2006, and after that as well. I also wrote against Obama and still do to this day.

So, anyways, that was the announcement.


Removed “Past Daily” from my blogroll and Added Farm Wars

Just wanted to let everyone know that I removed Past Daily from the history section of the blogroll.

About a week ago, I happened to stumble over a posting there, that was factually incorrect and reeked of idiotic political bias. I even removed the blog from my RSS Reader.

I knew that Past Daily’s owner was a liberal Democrat. I get that. He used to have a sub-blog over at Crooks and Liars, another leftist blog; which I hardly ever can stand to read anymore. But, I thought that Past Daily’s owner was a bit less partisan and more about history. I guess I was wrong. So, he’s gone.

On a better and more positive note: I added Farm Wars to my blogroll. It is a great farming related site. Our Nation’s farmers are a treasure and I will ALWAYS defend them here. I am also giving them an RSS feed in the sidebars too. Head on over and check them out; and maybe drop in a donation too. They could use it. 🙂


Proxy gate slammed shut

Due to an overabundance of trolls and lame idiots that have nothing else better to do, than leave pud comments here; I have made it impossible for anyone to leave a comment or even much less access this site via proxy server.

The way I see it, if you are that big of a coward, that you have to hide behind a proxy server; you don’t deserve the privilege of viewing my blog.

Sorry, but the trolls ruined it for everyone.


-The Management



Sorry for the silence

Just thought I would post something; to assure everyone that I am still alive.

As you all know, I was under the weather; which means, I was sicker than a dog for a few days there. But, I finally pulled out of that one.

There has just not been anything that I really consider to be worth writing about. After all, I do not write for anyone, but myself.

One of the characteristics of having A.D.H.D. is that we bore terribly easy. I do this very much so. Another thing is that I utterly hate having to repeat myself over and over. Once I write something about politics, Democrats and Obama; I have wrote it and I hate having to rehash things that I have already written about.

Also too; I do not like writing about things that no one is talking about or some old story that was news two years ago. I also seem to be having a bad case of burnout again. Nothing excites me about politics at the moment; everything is just a big ol’ bore. Hopefully, this changes in the 2014 races come the summer. But, I have a feeling that it is going to be more of the same silliness.

Anyhow, I’ll dig around and try to find something today. Again, I know there are some of you that come here; for whatever reasons. Sorry, but I just have not had any sort of interesting stuff to write about here. 🙁 Which is sad too, because I pay a good deal of money every year to keep this domain and my old one up and running; and here I cannot even make content for this site here.

Anyhow, enough of my yammering.




New Look

As you can see I have changed the look around here a bit.

A new version of WordPress has dropped and with it came a new theme for 2014; and contrary to what most liberals might think about we conservatives, even we paleoconservative types — I do like to keep the blog look with the times.  Unlike some bloggers, who have had the same theme since the day they started blogging; I like to keep the place up a bit and not have it become stale or even dated.

I hope you like the new, updated look. It’s bit nicer than the old one. Also too, I decided to do away with those annoying side bar ads that would come swooping in from the left and right. They were annoying and did distract from my wonderful content. I also tend to believe that they really did not make any difference in the blog’s income at all.

I did stay with the basic design concept, I just changed to a new template, which is much nicer I think.

I wish you all a happy Sunday, and do come again! 😀


Reminder: December fundraiser

Just a short reminder that I still have a December fundraiser in progress.

Folks, I’ll just be perfectly honest with you. I’m under no illusion as to the popularity of this blog. I really did not get into writing about politics to be popular. I started writing about politics in 2006 as a skeptical left of center. By the time the middle of 2007 rolled around, I had basically given up on the Democratic Party and on the progressive movement.

My biggest problem is this: I am simply not a partisan blogger. I am NOT a part of the Republican establishment either. I see flaws in partisanship and in establishment politics. I also was not a big fan of George W Bush. The only reason I ever voted Democrat, since I have been eligible to vote is because my family voted democrat.

My change of heart when it came to the Democratic Party, when the party decided to choose someone, that I felt was not only unqualified to be President of the United States; but also someone who possessed anti-American sentiment.

For this reason and this reason alone, I essentially switched to a belief system of pro America, Pro Constitution, and pro Republic. Am I saying that the democratic party is an anti-american party? Pretty much. I simply cannot support a party that happens to believe that people who create jobs, such as small business owners, are an enemy to America. This is why I switched sides.

Now why I call myself a paleo conservative as opposed to a neoconservative or just a Republican is this: I simply believe that Wilsonian foreign policy is a tragic mistake. This is not because I happen to hate Jews or because I am some sort of Israel hater, I simply know that every time the United States of America involves itself in foreign policy affairs the outcome is never pretty. Perfect examples of that are Korea, Vietnam and the first and second Golf wars. Put very simply, I am NOT a hawkish type conservative. This is not to say that I am a pacifist or something silly like that, I believe in justified war, like we got during World War 2. That happens to be the only constitutionally declared war.

This is not to say that I disrespect the United States military. I leave that to people like Lew Rockwell. I respect Lew Rockwell in his brand of libertarianism, but I don’t respect his opinion on the United States military. but he is entitled to his opinion and unlike the Trotskyite fascists on the right; I don’t wish to see his opinion suppressed.

So there you have it the truth about me. Despite what has been printed about me in various places; I’m not a hater. I’m just someone who believes in true conservative principles unlike some who claim to hold the mantle of conservatism.

If you can donate, please do so. If not, thanks for reading anyway. If I have to use Christmas money to renew the domains and pay for the hosting again I will. So far not one person has donated at all. And I can’t halfway blame ’em —- I’m not exactly most loved blogger in the world and too, economic times are hard and a lot of people are having to tighten their belts, present company included.

I think you all for reading and I wish you all the best for Christmas and New Years.



Your humble host

A message to my readers

My friends, I feel the need to come to you and speak with you; as someone who is quite concerned with the image that I project on this blog of mine. I happened to be looking at one of my old postings, and I quickly had to make a few edits on that posting. 
My friends, let me blunt with you: I sometimes, when I get angry, have a potty mouth problem. I really do not like to swear like a sailor; either in person or on this blog. It is a habit that I picked up, when I was horribly backslidden for several years, back in the 1990’s. For a good while, I had gotten victory over that little problem; but as of recent, I had let that little part of me go a bit and starting doing it again. 
It is not the only thing that I have let go; I started smoking again, after I become involved with that trucking company, that I thought I was going to work for, only to be sent home, after some bogus accusations by a minority lesbian woman. I really don’t smoke cigarettes anymore, I am puffing on an e-cigarette, which works to keep my nicotine cravings fulfilled, but does not have all the other nasty stuff found in cigarettes. I also, for a good several years, was a daily Bible reader; yes, that is correct, I used to read the Bible everyday, sometimes more than once a day. 
Well, after that little fiasco with a local Baptist Church in this area and my departure from it; I stopped reading every day, like I used to. I have tried to start back reading the Bible everyday, and I have failed miserably at it. The hardest thing to do, is to get started back in that discipline of setting time aside and opening the Bible and doing a daily reading exercise.  
The reason I am telling you all this is because, I have up there in the blog’s subtitle about how this blog is supposed to be a Fundamentalist Baptist Christian blog, and how I am supposed to be defending those sort of beliefs; and how I am supposed to be defending traditional American values and such. But yet, if you look at my blog, you see swearing in some of the entries. 
It is no wonder that people like Ed Brayton mock me to scorn. It is deserved. I blew it, again. Not only in the sight of the American people, or at least those who read this blog; but also in the sight of the Lord. It is a really good thing that my Salvation is not depending on my actions —- or my failings for that matter. Otherwise, I would most likely split hell wide open. 
The Bible says that I am saved by Grace, through faith: not of works, least any man should boast. That is what I cling to for my Faith. But, I also realize that I am a living epistle, known and read of all men. What I write on this blog, and my previous one, might be all the Christianity that someone sees. That is something that troubles me greatly; that I have “blown it” many times in the past and might have caused someone to stumble, or even turned someone off to Christianity. 
I do enjoy writing greatly, it gives me a place to vent my feelings about current events, politics, and even culture. I admit it; I have a great bias towards various aspects of modern culture. Some of it, I find extremely revolting — see Miley Cyrus. Some of it, I know that I should be more critical of; rock music, television, and the like. My biggest fear is coming off sounding like an old curmudgeon. After all, I am only 41 years old. 
I guess what I am saying is this: In an earlier blog posting, I said that I do not wear my Christianity on my sleeve, and really I do not like to do this, because at some point, you begin to sound like an idiot, if you do. However, I think I could do a bit better representing the faith that I claim to be associated with. 
So, from here on out; I am going to try to follow the rule of not blogging about anything, when I am personally angry about an issue that I have read about and feel the need to blog about. Because when emotions get in the way, you lose you ability to write about it, without sounding like an idiot. Not only that, you turn off those who are not Christians. 
So, from here on out. I am going to TRY to do a bit better in that department. I make no promises, because I am very much a human, with human failings. But, I am sure going to try to keep myself in check on here in the future. 
I simply ask for your prayers with this. Because I just cannot do it by myself. I beg the Lord’s help with it too. 

Modified the blog’s look a bit

I don’t know if anybody’s noticed or not. But, I changed the blog’s look just a little bit. You might have noticed an extra column was added. This was the result of me adding a new child theme of the Twenty-eleven theme that I am running on here.

I think it makes things look much better. It does widen out the theme just a bit and it also gives me an extra side bar for all my stuff that I have in my sidebars.

I hope you like it. I know that I do I’m pretty much satisfied with the overall look of the blog. Some people might think it looks a bit corny with the American flag and the Statue of Liberty in the header. However I think that it represents our country and being an American Nationalist, offer no apologies for the look at all.

Again, I hope you enjoy it as I hope you enjoy the blog as well. Thank you all for your dedicated and loyal readership those of you that actually do read here.

Best to you all!

The chief cook and bottle washer around here