The latest on the attack in Benghazi and the Obama Administration’s bungling of it

I have purposefully avoiding this story, because I was a bit worried that I would come off sounding like the hyper-partisan bloggers that have covered this story. However, I believe it has come to point now, where this story is taking on a bit more uglier role. One where the Government, under Obama, simply screwed up horribly bad. In fact, they have screwed up to the point where even some media outlets are breaking from the Obama bias and are starting to ask questions too.

First there is this video, which comes via, which I highly recommend you go read what AllahPundit has written over there; this is some serious brutal stuff:

Watch as Darrell Issa grills the State Department rep, and listen to her utter incompetence: (H/T AllahPundit over at and get go read his posting, it is amazing one.)

Heck, even Shepard Smith over at Fox News Channel, who is, they say, a liberal — even he is pissed off about this:

I mean, how bad has this gotten? This bad:  (H/T AllahPundit)

I mean, this goes well beyond partisan politics, this is an utter disgrace and an embarrassment to the United States and the World. As an Americanist; I find this sickening as can be.

…and what does the Obama Administration’s talking-heads have to say about this?


Money Quote:

Well, look, I think that’s quite a heady accusation from Congressman Chaffetz and I know Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have been out there making outrageous political accusations as well. The fact is, to the President and to the administration, this is not a political issue. No one wants to get to the bottom of this more than the President. …The administration is providing information they had access to at the time. And the intelligence community has come out and said that this was an organized act of terrorism. But for us, it’s not political. For the President, it’s not political. And it’s unfortunate it’s being brought to that.

To wish AllahPundit replies, and I believe he speaks for a good part of Americans, especially Independents, like me:

Please spare us all the sanctimoniousness about getting “political,” because whether or not the president of the United States and his administration are equipped with the capabilities to deal with serious threats to our national security sure seems like kind of a big deal that voters deserve to know about.

And let’s not pretend nobody in the Obama administration got political with this by trying to portray a dishonest narrative downplaying the true motives behind the attack. Blaming the entire thing on some stupid video was an embarrassing ploy designed to depict to voters that Barack Obama’s policies in the Middle East have been more successful mitigating terrorist influences than they actually have, and the administration’s inability to keep its story even remotely straight suggests that there was perhaps a little more on their minds than only U.S. security interests. Sure, everybody wants to get to the bottom of this — but the Obama administration also has a very vested interest in misdirecting voters’ attention away from their foreign-policy failures, more so now than ever.

I have to agree, it is no wonder that there is a poll showing Romney leading Obama by one point, which erased a six point lead by Obama.  Some would say that this is due to Obama debate performance; but I think it is more than that; Independents like me have watched this Libyan case for a long while and I believe Independents are going to see this President for what he really is. Which is a rank Amateur, who rode a wave of affirmative action and black empowerment to the White House, only the realize that job was a bit tougher than he thought.

But, this is far from over; I believe that the bus tossing has begun and I believe before it is over with, there are going to be political friendships ruined for life. Michael Walsh at the NRO’s Corner agrees:

Now, it seems, that Team Obama has decided to try and save U.N. ambassador Susan Rice — whose reputation in the IC could hardly be lower — and perhaps press secretary Jay Carney as well by tossing the nation’s spooks under the bus, in which direction they’re also nudging Hillary Clinton. 

But you can’t burn all your friends, and the Obama forces already have a lot fewer allies than they think they do. The disrespectful way they treated former White House chief of staff William Daley is likely to come back to haunt them in the graveyards of Chicago, and the bad blood between them and the Clintons hasn’t gone away, despite Bill’s bonhomie at the convention. Should the Romney surge continue, and Ryan mop the floor tomorrow night with Mr. Foreign Policy, Joe Biden, Barry might be pretty much down to Michelle and Valerie Jarrett in the chum department.

Alienating spookdom, however, is a new order of magnitude stupid. Because spooks fight back — hard and dirty. Bob Woodward and Jake Tapper are only phone calls away. And CIA Director David Petraeus is just one press conference shy of bringing down the whole house of cards.

As the saying goes, it’s worse than a crime — it’s a blunder.

Indeed, this is going to be a very interesting story to cover; even after the election. Because, at this point, I do not believe that Obama has a prayer. I believe when it is all said and done, there are going to be ramifications for the Democratic Party for years to come. So far, they have damaged their brand in a big way. This Benghazi thing, is just lighter fluid for the furnace, so to speak.

A while back, I gave an analogy of political capital and wood, I cannot find it in my archives anywhere. But, I liken political capital to a wood burning stove, and a huge pile of wood. Every President gets an allotted amount. Bush got a BIG pile after 9/11, which he burned very well, until 2006, when the Iraq war turned to a meat grinder, and then he really burned through it. This took him 7 years. Obama, on the other hands, he burned through his pile, IN THREE FREAKING YEARS!  Obama and his idiocy, has set back the progressive cause for many years. The Democrats outlook is quite bleak.

Glass Jaw be damned; this is going to be a massive screw up on the Democrat’s part, which is going to be felt for a very long time.  As a former Democratic party voter; it saddens me that the Democratic Party went this route and is now having to pay the price. The former honorable party, has become the stupid party and for that; the Democrats have no one to blame, but themselves.