A special thank you!

To my friend Chris Muir, who makes the wonderfully awesome Day by Day cartoon.

Chris answered my pitiful plea for donations with a nice donation of $20.00

You can read Chris’s cartoons at his website or look over in my right side bar and check out the latest one there.

Fun Fact: I started reading Day by Day, when I was still quite firmly in the Democratic Party camp. I found his comic quite amusing. I still do, more so now, than I ever did.

Chris is simply returning the favor; I have donated to his cause a few times and even bought ads on his site, until they went up to $5.00 a slot over on project wonderful.

Again, to Chris; thank you buddy! It will come in handy! 😀


Video: Glenn Beck says that the Legacy of SCOTUS decision on Obamacare is George W. Bush’s legacy

I ought the same thing earlier about the Obamacare ruling: (H/T to AllahPundit)

DrewM over at Ace of Spades is just as blunt:

Dear GOP,

This is your last chance. If you blow this, I’m out and you need to be destroyed.

What is it? Repeal ObamaCare on Day 1. Don’t worry about replace, don’t worry about anything else. We will do everything we have to drag your sorry asses over the line this fall, including electing Mitt Fucking Romney.

In return this is what you will do:

Instead of adjourning for pictures and tea and cake to celebrate getting your pathetic asses elected to 2 or 6 years on the government teet, you will immediately pass a one line bill that says, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and whatever statute number has to be included) is hereby repealed.”

That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Since Congress meets before Inauguration Day, Obama will still be President. Simply hold the legislation at the desk so the 10 day pocket veto clock doesn’t start. If other parliamentary BS is needed, just do it.

Then as soon as Mitt takes the oath of office, before his speech no one will care or remember, walk the bill up to him at the podium to sign.

If this does not happen, the GOP must be destroyed and a new party built to replace it. We’ve tried the carrot approach (votes, money, volunteers) to change your behavior. Now it’s time to show you the stick.

No more, “oh the other guys are worse” scare tactics. That might be true but it doesn’t mean you are any good.

This is your one job, do it or join the Whig Party in the dustbin of history.

I have to say that I do agree with all of the above. This is what happens when Conservatives and Republican settle for what they can get, instead of what they want to elect. I will say this, as the resident skeptical libertarian of the Blogosphere; if you all think that Mittens is going to rip out Obamacare, you are going to be in for a huge let down. Moderates always settle and compromise, they never take a stand, ever.

As I wrote earlier; from now until election day, is going to be very interesting.

Obamacare to stand says SCOUTS

Well, this was not what I was hoping to wake up to hearing on my 40’th birthday.

The Memeoradum round up is here.

The link round up is here: (H/T to Drudge)

Now for what I think: I believe this to be the biggest set back in American freedom since the McCarthy hearings and the red scare of the 1950’s. I guess I should not surprised, the this out of control federal behemoth that we call Government has always valued the idea of a tax on the American people.   I will comment on one thing that I read over at the Weekly Standard, that I linked to above:

It is understandable why President Obama has no interest in framing this election as a referendum on Obamacare. His party already suffered perhaps its worst defeat since the 19th century thanks to his centerpiece legislation. With the Supreme Court’s ruling now behind him, he will have even less incentive to remind voters about Obamacare going forward. As far as he’s concerned, the less the American people think about it, the better.

This means, of course, that the more they think about it, the better it will be for Mitt Romney.  It also means (of course) that Romney should encourage them to think about it, reminding them at every turn that this election isn’t merely — or even principally — about the economy; that it’s about something bigger; that we need to repeal Obamacare and replace it with real reform.  And he should convey to them what real reform would look like, thereby bringing into the fold those independents who don’t want to go back to the pre-Obamacare status quo.  He should start playing to win people’s votes, instead of merely trying not to lose them.

Yes, the fate of Obamacare will be the most important outcome of this election.  On some level, the American people know this.  There’s a reason why Romney gets standing ovations simply for mentioning repeal.

The question is whether either candidate will convey that he knows what this election is really about.  Obama can’t say it’s about Obamacare — even though that’s what he considers it to be about — because he’ll lose if he does.  Romney so far hasn’t said it’s about Obamacare — perhaps because that’s not what he considers it to be about — even though he’ll likely win if he does. 

Regardless, the Court has cleared the field. The stakes are historic. The citizenry will decide.

Yes, and you can bet that Barack Obama will have a army of lawyers to make sure that he remains President too. In fact, that is just what the Boston Globe is reporting:

OLYMPIA, Wash.—President Barack Obama’s campaign has recruited a legion of lawyers to be on standby for this year’s election as legal disputes surrounding the voting process escalate.

Thousands of attorneys and support staffers have agreed to aid in the effort, providing a mass of legal support that appears to be unrivaled by Republicans or precedent. Obama’s campaign says it is particularly concerned about the implementation of new voter ID laws across the country, the possibility of anti-fraud activists challenging legitimate voters and the handling of voter registrations in the most competitive states.

Republicans are building their own legal teams for the election. They say they’re focused on preventing fraud — making sure people don’t vote unless they’re eligible — rather than turning away qualified voters.

Since the disputed 2000 presidential election, both parties have increasingly concentrated on building legal teams — including high-priced lawyers who are well-known in political circles — for the Election Day run-up. The Bush-Gore election demonstrated to both sides the importance of every vote and the fact that the rules for voting and counting might actually determine the outcome. The Florida count in 2000 was decided by just 537 votes and ultimately landed in the Supreme Court.

This year in that state alone, Obama and his Democratic allies are poised to have thousands of lawyers ready for the election and hope to have more than the 5,800 attorneys available four years ago. That figure was nearly twice the 3,200 lawyers the Democrats had at their disposal in 2004.

Romney has been organizing his own legal help for the election. Campaign attorney Ben Ginsberg did not provide numbers but said the campaign has been gratified by the “overwhelming number of attorneys who have volunteered to assist.”

“We will have enough lawyers to handle all situations that arise,” he said.

The GOP doesn’t necessarily need to have a numerical counterweight to Obama’s attorneys; the 2000 election showed that experienced, connected lawyers on either side can be effective in court.

Believe me when I tell you; President Barack Obama and the left have been emboldened by this decision and they will stop at nothing to remain in power. Furthermore, the President knows that if he is to protect Obamacare and everything else he and Congress have worked for; they will have to win the election. So, if you all think that Obama and Co. are just going to let White America, which, by proxy will be represented by Mitt Romney —- roll over them and defeat them, you are crazy. They are now going to be emboldened to, in figurative sense — of course — fight to the death to protect everything that they have worked for in the last 3 years.

Putting it in “Southwest Detroit ghetto” terms: things just got very real. The Republicans must know, the kiddie stuff just ended, and now the real fight is now underway. From today, till election day is going to be a bare knuckle brawl. I just hope that the right; bloggers, writers, news people and the politicos know what they are in for. I also hope they know how to fight it, without getting overly stupid and letting their words and actions get them into trouble. This is not 1957 and if they fight like it is, they will lose and lose badly.

Needless to say, it is going to be a very interesting next couple of months.

To my libertarian and conservative friends: I could use a little help

I won’t bore you with details. I am just not in a good way right now money-wise.

I’m not going to end up in the street, I am just not working and money is at an all time low. I do not have Google AdSense anymore, they yanked my account for an unknown reason.

So, I’m asking for help.

As another well-known blogger would put it, hit the freakin’ tip jar!

If you want this to be a regular thing:

Donation Amount Options (These are rebilled monthly!)

Again, I hate asking. But, reality is reality; and I just do not have any job prospects lined up. The Business? Heh. that’s a joke anymore. I did have a job prospect, but that all fell through. Nothing I did on my part, just did not work out at all.

Oh, by the way; on Thursday, June 28’th — I will be 40 years old. 40 years old, no job, broke and living with my parents. You have any idea what that does to man? You could never even begin to imagine. 🙁

Also too, if you do not like or do not trust PayPal; I can give you my home address. It is out there, if you are good with Google. But, if not and you want to help out, without using PayPal, let me know.

Thanks for your loyal readership.


More of Charles Foster Johnson’s blatant hypocrisy

Quoting the head lizard:

There it is, folks. A naked admission that the purpose of making it more difficult to vote is to tilt elections toward the Republican Party. The people most affected by Voter ID laws are the ones most likely to vote Democratic; it’s a simple equation.

That’s the end game for all of these bogus “vote fraud” allegations: if they can whip up enough fear over non-existent vote fraud, they’ll be able to pass laws restricting who can vote.

And the fewer people who vote, the better for the Republican Party.

via Little Green Footballs – PA Republican Leader Admits: The Fewer People Who Vote, the Better for the GOP.

You sure were not bitching about that, when that was working for President George W. Bush  —- were you Chuckles?

Yes, I have read your archives; in fact, I have read everything from 2004 and 2000 and I fail to find anything of the sort about George W. Bush; of whom you supported.

But now that there is a black Democrat in the White House, according to you —- the Republican Party is now the corrupt party of voter suppression. 🙄

You sanctimonious twit, you are such a hypocrite that it is spewing from your ears and you know it.

As much as I hate to admit it, Libby Spencer has a point

…and no I don’t mean the one on the top of her head either…. 😉 😛

As you know, I am not a big fan of the previous President. In fact, his stupidity got me to start blogging — That was in 2006 — 8 Years ago. WOW. Makes me feel old. 😯

Anyhow, reacting to the news today and Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to it, Progressive blogger Libby Spencer says:

To which one can only reply, “Why the hell didn’t you do it?

Talk is cheap. If Pelosi’s Congress had actually pursued charges against the very real criminality in the Bush White House and had Rove’s pudgy ass frogmarched down Capitol Hill, it might have made the thieves and scoundrels think twice before embarking on their next caper. And even if it didn’t stop the GOPers, it would have at least made clear Democrats were as willing to fight as hard against the GOP agenda as the left did to put them into a majority.

That they didn’t is at least partly why they’re struggling right now to recapture the enthusiasm of the base.

via The Impolitic: Contemptible Congress.

I have to give the woman credit, when she is right — she is right. The no-nothing Democrats, during Bush’s term is why there was a good deal of lackluster support of the Democrats, during the era of Bush. This is why Obama shot forward, because the Democrats knew that if they did not pick someone like Obama, that they would lose to the Republican again in another election.  This is sort of the problem that they have right now; just like during the Clinton era — their President is in trouble and the bench is empty.  Except, back then they did have Gore, and Edwards and Hillary and Kerry. Now…. they have nobody at all.

It should be a lesson to them, overreach, when it suits your own political interests is never, ever a good idea. Yes, I know the Republicans have done it too and they paid for it in elections too. Now, it is the Democrats turn. I predict that this election coming in 2012 is going to be a wake up call for the Progressive community and to the Democratic Party. They are going to have to make some tough decisions about the future of that party. Because America is not happy with them, neither is their base. The old way of doing things in that Party is not going to work anymore. They need new ideas. The Democratic Party needs to come back to center and start over. This far-leftist way of doing things as failed and failed badly.

It is time for that party to change, and quickly, before that party is relegated to the dustbin of history.

Removed some postings

I’ve decided to remove some postings on this blog. Seeing I cannot even get a mention for stepping up to the plate and defending someone; I am removing any and all postings of recent that mentioned a few bloggers names.

As for the swatting stuff, and the harassment; couldn’t happen to a better bunch if you ask me.  As for a particular Jewish blogger, that I defended, I retract my defense. She is too stuck on herself to acknowledge we commoners. So, she’s on her own. Maybe one day she’ll learn to be a bit more gracious to people.

I’m just tired of elitist bullshit in the Conservative Blogging World. Why I hardly even write anymore. It is almost as bad as the elitist bullshit in the liberal Blogging world! Might even be a little bit worse.

That is all.


In Support of the National Blogger Day of Silence

I want it to be known that I stand in full support of the National Blogger Day of Silence.  Further more, I applaud Congressman Kenny Merchant for standing with us.

And Booman, screw you idiot, seriously….screw you hard, you asshole piece of shit! 😡

Please go and click the links of these blogs below as they could use your support:

The Jawa Report, The Other McCain, American Spectator, American Power, Nice Deb, Wizbang, The Conservatory, The Lonely Conservative, Sister Toldjah, Datechguy’s Blog, Right Wing News, The Camp Of The Saints, Hot Air, Pirate’s Cove, The Sundries Shack, National Review, Pundit & Pundette, alicublog Patterico’s Pontifications, protein wisdom, The Camp Of The Saints, The Lonely Conservative, The Jawa Report, Conservative Hideout 2.0 and “The Lid”

Hey Clark, Truth Hurts, Don’t it?

Just sayin’, Just saying.

and… it’s non-sequitur  dude, learn how to spell moron and anyone who tries to say that calling The American Conservative Antisemitic is non-sequitur is a damned moron, you know…kinda like you? Maybe if you stopped trying to give Rod Dreher a blowjob long enough, you’d actually know this. 

Another thing, Clark? You ever want to come talk some bullshit about my personal situation to my face, feel free. Just make damned sure your fucking health and life insurance is paid up.

Smart mouthed little punk. Talks a mean game behind a keyboard; but if confronted, would call the cops and hide under his bed.  I know the type. I’ve kicked their asses more than once, and I damned sure could do it again, if I had to. I might be pushing 40, But I could take this little prick with one hand tied behind my back. 😡

Hatemongering little twit.  Some Jewish, or worse, a black man must have beat his ass once and now he’s all down with the American Conservative crowd. Good place for him.

Stacy McCain is right, this dude is a douche nozzle and he’s got a problem, a big one; he just needs someone to solve it for him.  I’m no fan boy of McCain at all; but when he is right, he is right.