Uh, Allah…..No.

This is reponse to AllahPundit’s question.


Because I go to HotAir to find out what Conservatives, not liberal douche nozzles, are talking about.

Yeah, I know; Wilsonian Neo-Conservatives Blah Blah Blah woof woof woof ect ect ect and so forth… BUT!

Putting a Liberal section on there would be pure freakin’ bedlam and would get real old real fast. Ya’ll think HotAir’s harsh now? Ha! Put a Liberal section in and see how damn hard it gets to moderate!

I mean, there’s already people saying that HotAir’s got the consistency of a mental ward grade schizophrenic. Ya’ll don’t need no more help! 😉

Just a thought. 😀

(edited to fix a rather funny typo. Metal Ward? Hmmm.. Steel Shop crazies?!?!? Har! I’ve always known Conservatives to be hardheaded. )

HotAir.com's "Green Room" – Just another Neo-Conservative echo chamber

As you all know, I am a proud Paleo-Conservative. But I do read HotAir.com, to get a feel about what is being talked about. I happen to notice that they created a new “sub-Blog” for the some of the more ass kissing preferred commentator’s over there.

Great. Another Neo-Conservative Blog that’s nothing more than a Neo-Conservative echo chamber.  🙄

I say this, because I only see people, that tow the line of the Neo-Conservative message; nobody from the “Old Right” school, like Daniel Larison, Robert Stacy McCain (Correction: He is there! 😮 )  or any of the writers from Taki’s Magazine or from @TAC. Just the same old echo chamber group.  So, while there might be a new paint job and a slight addition, it is the just same ol’, same ol’ with a new paint job.

On related note; I was once again tossed out of the chat-room over there. For daring.. DARING… to ask a moderator to actually do his job. You see, there’s this idiot over there; that shows his face, now and again, who is, quite frankly, an idiot liberal troll. Well, he’s got some sort of gay crush on me or something and likes to Private Message me. Well, I essentially told the tool to fuck off and leave me alone.  I then, asked to the moderator, in some not so nice tones, in the chat-room to try doing his job. Well, that was not to be allowed, and I was kicked, and I guess banned from the chat-room.

Am I angry? Nah! I guess I really was not very well liked anyhow. Partially, because I am not some sort of Sarah Palin worshipping idiot and because I happen to think Zionism is about a fucking joke; as is the Republican Party, at the moment. So, while I was a bit disappointed that I was tossed, as I enjoyed some of the banter in there; it was more of a time waster and the content of my blog was suffering for it. My time would be better served actually creating content for my blog, rather than sitting and listening to a bunch of Neo-Con yowl about limited Government out of one corner of thier mouths and how the Government should tell women, what they can and cannot do with thier bodies, out of the other corner.

Now, before anyone nails me or jumps me on the subject of abortion. I believe Abortion is a MORAL issue, it should never be a legislative issue. Period. End of story.

So, while it was fun, while it lasted, again. It is really no big loss on my part. 😀

Around the Sphere….

Here’s some links from the Blog here and others, that I think people coming in via the open trackback system would enjoy.

  1. Sad news about a Murder Suicide that happened near me here.
  2. ASU says they won’t give President Obama a Honorary Degree, then decide they will after all.
  3. AARP tells the Liberal Bloggers to go pound sand.
  4. Glenn Beck is inspiring crazy people, well, except for me.
  5. Some cartoons for the various occasions.
  6. Jack Hunter offers up his thoughts on the “Radical Right”
  7. I offer my thoughts on Christians trying to draw a line from Gay Marriage to Gun violence.


  1. Rachel Lucas shows off her dog Sunny’s Butt!
  2. Tammi’s still out on the left coast working her little heart out. But damned if she didn’t wreck her truck. Already?!?! Damn!
  3. SarahK‘s still alive, but not Blogging much.
  4. DJP over at Biblical Christianity talks about the Cross of Christ and why it’s important
  5. The Evangelical Outpost does the same, basically.
  6. Bob Parks over at Black and Right shares a movie that I think most Libertarians will like.
  7. The Hip Hop Republican talks about the Young Republicans who going to the next level.
  8. Conservative Black Woman shares a entry on how to be a hypocritical Liberal. (you mean besides breathing?)
  9. A very valid point is made at Blackfive.
  10. An interesting, but quite long entry called “Terminator Planet” is over at the American Empire Project

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Rosemary’s Thoughts, third world county, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

AARP Responds to Liberal Bloggers

Remember when I wrote about the Liberal Bloggers complaining about not getting paid to promote the special causes? Well, it seems that AARP is talking back:

Because we understand the influence and reach of online communities we have worked with BlogAds, an important resource for marketers targeting blog communities, on targeted ad campaigns over the last year. On May 4, 2007, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas stated that, “…Blogads has been perhaps the single most important component to the rise of the liberal blogosphere. And it will continue to play a huge role as we grow in years ahead.” Thanks to BlogAds, AARP ads have been made available to the likes of Daily Kos, Wonkette, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, Red State, Outside the Beltway, Power Line, Townhall and others.

Our ongoing commitment to supporting and participating in the online community means that we intend to continue working with bloggers and to support the growth of this community.

However, they also said:

As publishers of the world’s largest magazine and the preeminent online destination for individuals 50+, we understand the desire to pursue advertising revenue. Additionally, no one is immune from our current economic crisis and we can appreciate your plea for increased ad revenue. That said, we also strongly honor the integrity of our journalists and writers/editors/content developers. AARP would never allow advertisers to dictate our editorial content based on the amount of ad space purchased, and we would be hesitant to buy ads with any media that suggested it might act otherwise.

Ouch! In other words, we’ll advertise where we damn well please, thank you very much. 😮

Others: Moe Lane and Founding Bloggers

Liberal Bloggers not getting paid to promote

Now this article is not going to be one of those a-typical Conservative “Rub in their faces” kind of entries. Because in this case, I can understand how these people feel. I’ll explain after the quote.

The Story comes via The Plum Line:

Some of the leading liberal bloggers are privately furious with the major progressive groups — and in some cases, the Democratic Party committees — for failing to spend money advertising on their sites, even as these groups constantly ask the bloggers for free assistance in driving their message.

It’s a development that’s creating tensions on the left and raises questions about the future role of the blogosphere at a time when a Dem is in the White House and liberalism could be headed for a period of sustained ascendancy.

A number of these top bloggers agreed to come on record with me after privately arguing to these groups that they deserved a share in the ad wealth and couldn’t be taken for granted any longer.

I can understand these peoples feelings. I have been blogging almost continually since February of 2006. You want to know how much money I have made on Blogging? A rough estimate off the top of my head; about $147.00, of $100.00 that I have been paid. Seriously. Why do you think that I have so many freaking ads on my Blog? To try and raise a little funds! It has helped a little, But I am not getting wealthy, that is for sure. In fact, I run BlogAds, you want to know how many I’ve gotten paid to run? All of two. I run the other two, because I happen to love those sites. They’re freebies, and the one is a half serious, half cruel joke. (The Anti-Al Sharpton Ad)  I blog, simply because I love it. Seriously. I love to write, it’s a way of getting my feelings about things off my chest, and it keeps me out of trouble. Hell, Because of the wonderful fuck ups of Bush, along with the Wonderful fuck ups of the Democrats here in Michigan, I haven’t had a job since 2005 and the company I worked for, is gone. Went out of Business. It’s crazy, the economy here in Michigan, is THAT bad. This was BEFORE the said stock market bottom out thing.

Some of the big players quoted here:

“They come to us, expecting us to give them free publicity, and we do, but it’s not a two way street,” “They won’t do anything in return. They’re not advertising with us. They’re not offering fellowships. They’re not doing anything to help financially, and people are growing increasingly resentful.” — Jane Hamsher, the founder of FiredogLake

“Most want the easy way — having a big blogger promote their agenda,” “Then they turn around and spend $50K for a one-page ad in the New York Times or whatever.”- Markos Moulitsas, the founder of DailyKos

I know the feeling, I don’t know how many little “Plug” pieces that I’ve written, first as a “Left of Center” Blogger and also since switching sides; and then getting nothing in return. Now, I will admit, I have not always gotten the hits on my Blog. I have just recently started getting to some respectable hits on my site. But still, I can understand where these guys are coming from. Of course, some of my following, “Right Wingers” (Gah! I hate that term….) are of course gaffawing about this, but I’m not, I understand the feeling of working one’s rear end off and not getting anything in return. I know the feeling. Guess it’s because I am not on of those so-called “Out of touch wealthy Conservatives” that I keep hearing about. I wish I was man, I wouldn’t be in this living situtation, that’s for sure.

However there is one little quote, that did tweak me just a little:

“We don’t invest in the future, and Republicans do,” says John Aravosis, the founder of AMERICAblog. “The party committees really get that we can be effective as their partners and that we’re happy to help, and they take advantage of that. But even so, very little ad money comes from them. It’s more than just wanting to share in the spoils. We are small business-people who are fighting to survive economically in a really bad year.”

I just talked to John in an e-mail conversation today, so I am going to not go the baseball bat route here. But I will agree with AllahPundit here; We Conservatives in the same boat man. I don’t get any magical fund from some rich Conservative here, at all. I do not know the true business model of HotAir L.L.C. okay? For all I know they’re getting donations from The Heritage Foundation or The Project for the New American Century, or even Neil & John Podhartz for all I know. (…and considering thier political stance, it would not surprise me in the least….)  But me? Nope! Only monies I get off this little rinky dink Blog, is from Advertising or if someone well off sap decides to have momentary lapse of reason and hits my tip jar. Which for the record, has yet to happen. (Hint, Hint!)

Others in the discussion from all sides: Right Wing Nut House, AMERICAblog News, Politics and Critical Thinking, Right Wing News, The Volokh Conspiracy, Ben Smith’s Blog, Sister Toldjah, The Gun Toting Liberal, JammieWearingFool, The Democratic Daily, Jules Crittenden, Don Surber, Kausfiles and Moe Lane

Update: John over at AmericaBlog does a follow up and links to me in the process. I might not agree with John on everything politically, but he was very kind to me in a email, so, I’m returning the favor. Welcome to all the liberal suckbag moronic commies AmericaBlog readers! 😉 😛 😀

Culture 11 Downfall Revisited

I noticed that Washington Monthly has done an article on the downfall of Culture 11 and the uprise in Breit Bart’s Big Hollywood.  The problem is that the article really does not reflect the real reasons why Culture 11 flopped and Big Hollywood worked. I have several theories as to why.

  1. Appearance: Culture 11’s design was rather…. What’s the word? *snapping finger*…. generic?!?!  It just wasn’t that sham-wow like, of a Blog design. Not to say that it was ugly or anything. It really was not a “Eye Candy” kind of a site. You know, kind of like Gawker.com?  I never had any issues with the content; of course, I really never went anywhere, except in the politics section a few times.
  2. Political Affiliation:  No, I am not talking about it being a Conservative site. I am referring to the kind of Conservative site.  It is my understanding that Breit Bart is a Wilsonian Neo-Conservative, as are most of his friends, I tend to suspect that the funding come from people of that ilk. On the other hand; I was under the impression that Culture 11.com was an alternative Conservative or Paleo-Conservative based Blog that did the whole pop culture thing.
  3. Funding: This could be intertwined with the above as well. But the Wilsonian Neo-Conservatives are well funded. Considering where most of the money comes from, this should not be a big surprise. The Alternative Conservative scene is just not as well funded.

Just my take on it. It was a good site and it is a pity that it did not last.


Congrats to Ann Althouse!

Ann’s getting married.

Yay! I wish her the best. 😀

Others Covering the News:

Heartache: Internet Advertising is not working

It’s a good read over at TechCrunch:

Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet.

Not to worry, I am not taking my banners down. The recession has got to end sometime! 😀

Seriously; I believe this recession will mostly get rid of surplus in the advertising Market. As much as I hate to admit it, there has been a great deal of overkill in that Market. Not to mention in the blogging world! I think the recession might clear out the clutter and allow we full time bloggers to flourish and get noticed.

I noticed before the downturn in the economy happened, the online advertising market seemed to be saturated. It now seems that the 12 inch pipe of flowing water has now shrunk to a faucet trickle. This will be a good thing, in some respects.

I just hope I am right! 🙂

(H/T Twitter)

The Politico Admits what Bloggers have known for years….

That the Main Stream Media uses Blogs for it’s political news gathering.

For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.

Proof of a vast liberal media conspiracy?

Not at all, says Ezra Klein, the 24-year-old American Prospect blogging wunderkind who formed JournoList in February 2007. “Basically,” he says, “it’s just a list where journalists and policy wonks can discuss issues freely.”

But some of the journalists who participate in the online discussion say — off the record, of course — that it has been a great help in their work. On the record, The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin acknowledged that a Talk of the Town piece — he won’t say which one — got its start in part via a conversation on JournoList. And JLister Eric Alterman, The Nation writer and CUNY professor, said he’s seen discussions that start on the list seep into the world beyond.

via JournoList: Inside the echo chamber – Michael Calderone – POLITICO.com.

…..and a collective “Duh!” went up over the Blogosphere.  This what I, and every other Blogger has known for years, that the MSM uses the Political Blogosphere for collecting its news.

An interesting quote:

“I’m very lazy about writing when I’m not getting paid,” Alterman said. “So if I take the trouble to write something in any detail on the list, I tend to cannibalize it. It doesn’t surprise me when I see things on the list on people’s blogs.”

He is not the only one. I’ve read where even Bill O’Reilly has ripped off elements of the Conservative political Blogosphere and not even bothered to credit it’s sources. Which is about typical for the journalistic world. “Let’s rip off the Bloggers, nobody reads those things anyhow!” Think I’m full of it? Think again. 90% of all political stories come from our realm.

As for the conspiracy aspect of it. I don’t really buy into that. The Liberals are doing simply what the Conservatives did in the 1990’s when Bill Clinton beat George H.W. Bush in the elections. They’re organizing their media outlets. Exchanging information to report on. It is really no big deal.

So, I really do not see what the big fuss is about. Democrats got smart, after losing 2 elections, and before that, having a disaster for a President; the Democrats are just not going to screw this chance up, when it getting things right this time. I cannot fault them for this.

I do believe that the Politico is really trying to make a boogie man sitution out of something that just really is not there.  There is nothing wrong the Blogging world working with it’s political counterparts to get their message on point. I believe if the G.O.P. had done this more and had gotten it’s message right and a great number of other things right, Obama might have lost this election. The trouble is the G.O.P. was busy harping on rather stupid stuff, than on the real message at hand.

So, while this might be a nice headline for the Meme Trackers. There is nothing in this story that I, at least, find to be of a scandalous nature.

Others: protein wisdom, Hot Air, Erick’s blog, The Corner, Newshoggers.com, Patterico’s Pontifications, NewsBusters.org, Grasping Reality …, PoliGazette, Open LeftBen Smith’s Blog, The Corner