Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos 1928-2008

Sad News. Sad

Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos dies – Yahoo! News

"It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education, raised a family and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a member of Congress," Lantos said upon announcing his retirement last month. "I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country."

I’d like to thank the Bloggers on the right for showing the respect for this man.

Rest in Peace Sir, You’ve earned it.

H/T Memeorandum

Blogroll Amnesty Day? You must be kidding….

Sometimes the things I read in the Blogging World make me wonder if people are taking this Blogging stuff much too seriously. Things like this piece here, about a person who dropped some Blogs off his Blogroll. I suppose, from what I can ascertain from reading this article. Some Bloggers were offended because they were dropped from the Blogroll.

Big Whoop!

In case anyone has forgotten, Blogs are owned by private citizens, and those people have the personal right to have whomever they damn well please on their Blogroll. I feel that anyone that complains about being dropped off a Blogroll is nothing more than an idiotic crybaby.

Therefore, the way I see it, unless you have some sort of financial stake in said Blog, you have no right to complain at all.

The said written above is why I do not have other Blogs listed here. Because If I do not include everybody, someone, somewhere is going to be offended, and seeing I have zero tolerance for whiney assed idiot crybabies, I do not have a Blogroll here.

In the interest of full honesty, I do have links to my other Blogs, and I have a big Blogroll over on my “Christian Blog”.

Why did I do this? I did this because it was simple to do. WordPress allows you to import OPML files, and I had a Blogroll set up from long ago, over on Blogrolling and I imported the OPML file to WordPress and give it a category. It worked very well, I must say. It was much easier than doing it manually over here on Blogger. I have done that before, and yes, it was a pain in the butt. There are Left, Center, and Right Blogs listed there too. Nobody is left out.

I said all that, to say this here. Being a Blogger is not a license to be added on every Blog out there. To me, forcing your way on to a Blogroll is, quite frankly, a form of whoring yourself out to the masses. If you have a writing talent, use it, and if you are good at it and your subjects are of interest, people will come.

On the other hand, sometimes, trying too hard to be noticed will only get you ignored. Believe me, I know, when I owned my domain, I would do and say and write anything to be noticed, it only ended up causing me more grief than anything else. I am not an attention whore. I write to please myself and to express what I am feeling; I am not interested in being anyone’s hero or personal messiah. I am just here to put my feelings about politics in the public eye for people to see and think about.

I think that if a few more writers took this attitude, things would be saner here in the Blogging World.

Others on this: World-O-Crap, Pharyngula, pygalgia, rubber hose, The Garlic, Buck Naked Politics, Fallenmonk and BlondeSense

Editorial: No, It is not a fake

January 10, 2008


Editorial: No, It is not a fake

It could never be said that I could be accused of being a water carrier or a cheerleader for this current Presidential Administration.  I am about as close to being a water carrier for the Republican Party as Madalyn Murray O’Hair was a missionary to Christianity.  However, I find myself being greatly offended by those, who actually call themselves American citizens, you know, those on the more Liberal side of the political fence, who claim that they support our troops?

Yesterday, I was looking at my usual source for news stories that are hot in the Blogging world, and I happen to come across a story that basically accuses our Military of lying about producing a video that shows our Military being taunted by Iran’s revolutionary guard.  Frankly, the very idea that our Military personnel would risk their careers to produce fraudulent material for the purpose of political gain is laughable to those of us who live in the real world.  I really do believe that Mr. Hooman Majd should really look into getting a job working for Alex Jones; it could only help his rather flimsy resume.

Not to mention with a last name like that, it is quite obvious which side he has taken in this war on terror that does exist in this country, despite the attempt by the far left to pretend that it does not even exist.  While I am more progressive minded conservative, I find myself increasingly disappointed by the lunatic fringe mentality of the Liberals in this country.  The reason for this, is it makes us more “Middle of the Road” type people look stupid, I mean, I am as disappointed in this President as anyone, but my gosh, has the factual reasoning of the American people as whole collectively gone out the window?

I can hear the screams of the far left, “But look what Bush has done!” and I understand where they are coming from, Yes, our President was wrong, his intelligence people were totally wrong, they have admitted this, time and time again.  However, to sit and accuse the United States Military of aiding and abetting the President in some sort of political scheme is borderline treason, in my humble opinion.

Barack Hussein Obama, Johnny Reid Edwards, and Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton all say that they want to bring change in this Country.  Let me be the first to suggest to these people that the first thing they need to do, is to speak to the far left lunatic fringe within the Democrat Party and tell them to stop dragging our Military into their collective political bitch with the Government.  I can understand the complaints that they have with the politics in Washington D.C., but for the sake of Almighty God, leave our men and women in uniform the hell out of it, please.

Thank you for reading


Republicans figure they cannot defeat Obama in the election, they'll make racist jokes about him.

I hate to say it, but this crap here, is totally disgusting. 

Go here to read it, If you can do it, without getting sick.

I mean, really guys, don’t you think that’s just hitting a little below the belt?

I mean, first it was his middle name, then it was the lies about him being a Muslim plant, now it’s outright racist tinged low-brow humor. 

I hate to say it, but I will, and I am very white, thank you very much. The same simple-minded mentality that produced these so-called "funny" pictures is the same mentality that provoked this famous speech from January 14, 1963. an excerpt:

Today I have stood, where once Jefferson Davis stood, and took an oath to my people. It is very appropriate then that from this Cradle of the Confederacy, this very Heart of the Great Anglo-Saxon Southland, that today we sound the drum for freedom as have our generations of forebears before us done, time and time again through history. Let us rise to the call of freedom-loving blood that is in us and send our answer to the tyranny that clanks its chains upon the South. In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever. – 1963 Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace

We can do be better people, we’ve come a long way since that time, let’s try acting like it for a change.

This sort of nonsense should not be tolerated, at all and the blogger who posted it, should be shamed publicly.