Right Wing Bloggers for Jesus! WOO HOO!

Yeah, I know it’s a gay title, but I thought it was funny. Tongue

The Story:  Blogging While Female (Via Right Wing News (Conservative News and Views))

 Every so often in the blogosphere, on the Left and the Right, hostile debates over gender seem to rise up to the surface like a leviathan from the depths. Some male bloggers tend to think women get more links because they’re women, some female bloggers think there’s some sort of a "good ol’ boys" club that keeps them from getting big, and more than a few people seem to get huffy about the whole debate.

However, the fact is that the issue is much more complex than it appears on the surface. The blogging experience ISN’T THE SAME for men and women. There are different advantages, disadvantages, and challenges that both men and women have to face.

I read two of the female Bloggers, Michelle Malkin and Rachel Lucas. Rachel Lucas is very, very, very, funny. I was shocked that they didn’t even mention Mary Katherine Ham, of whom I think is quite the looker. Ericka Andersen and Amanda Carpenter aren’t nothing to sneeze at either. Of course, I’m a 35 year old wrinkled up old fool and those ladies are like kids to me, so, all that’s just a faint dream for this old fart. Sad Ah well, such as life. Big Grin

Others on the babe Bloggers: TownHall Blog, Redstate, Rachel Lucas, michellemalkin.com, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Atlas Shrugs and Vox Popoli

(H/T Memeorandum)

Short Takes for Sunday Feb 24, 2007

Ralph Nader is running for President……again. Hillary says "Oh Noes!"

Republicans continue to prove that they’re blatant Idiots.

The Obama Mailer-gate continues.

Are you Experienced?

The DNC goes after McCain with a FEC complaint.

Kristol proves he’s a idiot, but then again, aren’t most Republicans nowadays? 

The White House puts it in reverse. and contrary to what the tool at "The Corner" says, yes, they did overstate.  

Saturday Night Live does Hillary Clinton….(really!)

Castro 2.0, Wee.


and finally… Doggie Porn: (click the pic to make it bigger)

Oh Boy, here we go!

The fall out has started, over what Michelle Obama has said.

It ranges from dismissal, to outright racism.

Some people just need to get real.

H/T Memeorandum

Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos 1928-2008

Sad News. Sad

Calif. Rep. Tom Lantos dies – Yahoo! News

"It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education, raised a family and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a member of Congress," Lantos said upon announcing his retirement last month. "I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country."

I’d like to thank the Bloggers on the right for showing the respect for this man.

Rest in Peace Sir, You’ve earned it.

H/T Memeorandum

Blogroll Amnesty Day? You must be kidding….

Sometimes the things I read in the Blogging World make me wonder if people are taking this Blogging stuff much too seriously. Things like this piece here, about a person who dropped some Blogs off his Blogroll. I suppose, from what I can ascertain from reading this article. Some Bloggers were offended because they were dropped from the Blogroll.

Big Whoop!

In case anyone has forgotten, Blogs are owned by private citizens, and those people have the personal right to have whomever they damn well please on their Blogroll. I feel that anyone that complains about being dropped off a Blogroll is nothing more than an idiotic crybaby.

Therefore, the way I see it, unless you have some sort of financial stake in said Blog, you have no right to complain at all.

The said written above is why I do not have other Blogs listed here. Because If I do not include everybody, someone, somewhere is going to be offended, and seeing I have zero tolerance for whiney assed idiot crybabies, I do not have a Blogroll here.

In the interest of full honesty, I do have links to my other Blogs, and I have a big Blogroll over on my “Christian Blog”.

Why did I do this? I did this because it was simple to do. WordPress allows you to import OPML files, and I had a Blogroll set up from long ago, over on Blogrolling and I imported the OPML file to WordPress and give it a category. It worked very well, I must say. It was much easier than doing it manually over here on Blogger. I have done that before, and yes, it was a pain in the butt. There are Left, Center, and Right Blogs listed there too. Nobody is left out.

I said all that, to say this here. Being a Blogger is not a license to be added on every Blog out there. To me, forcing your way on to a Blogroll is, quite frankly, a form of whoring yourself out to the masses. If you have a writing talent, use it, and if you are good at it and your subjects are of interest, people will come.

On the other hand, sometimes, trying too hard to be noticed will only get you ignored. Believe me, I know, when I owned my domain, I would do and say and write anything to be noticed, it only ended up causing me more grief than anything else. I am not an attention whore. I write to please myself and to express what I am feeling; I am not interested in being anyone’s hero or personal messiah. I am just here to put my feelings about politics in the public eye for people to see and think about.

I think that if a few more writers took this attitude, things would be saner here in the Blogging World.

Others on this: World-O-Crap, Pharyngula, pygalgia, rubber hose, The Garlic, Buck Naked Politics, Fallenmonk and BlondeSense

Received Via E-mail today

I received this today.


Beginning this Wednesday (January 23rd, 2008), BlogPatron will no longer be
accepting new contributions. 

To help protect our bloggers’ revenue streams, we will continue to process any
recurring contributions that are already in our database for as long as is feasible
— e.g., until the transaction is turned off by the patron or the credit card

NOTE TO BLOGGERS:  Please update your site as soon as possible, removing any
BlogPatron donation buttons or other links to your BlogPatron payment page, and
replacing them with links to another payment processor.  To avoid inconveniencing
your patrons, please make this change before Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008.  If you
like, you can find information about accepting recurring contributions via PayPal
at: https://www.paypal.com/pdn-recurring

We have enjoyed working with you since we launched the BlogPatron service in June.
In the months since, we’ve been pleased by the numbers of both bloggers and patrons
who have found our service useful.

Why are we closing BlogPatron?  In a nutshell, our financial model was partly based
on the assumption that most patrons would want to support multiple bloggers,
enabling us to make a small profit (based on the difference between the number of
patrons we bill each month, and the number of bloggers who were supported by those
contributions, and the transaction fees associated with each).

Unfortunately, this assumption has proven to be largely incorrect, making it
impractical to continue offering our service.  We apologize for any inconvenience
this creates, and we look forward to working with you to make the transition go as
smoothly as possible.

Please feel free to write us with any questions or concerns you may have.


Joshua Zader

BlogPatron  -  How to Thank a Blogger

Liberal Blogs Readership down and Conservative Blogs Readership up.

I have a Opinion as to why this is.

Bloggasm: Readership of major liberal blogs declined in 2007 while conservative blog readership increased

It has long been understood that the largest liberal blogs have generally produced more web traffic than the largest conservative blogs. But I have noticed a general trend over the past few months that I didn’t want to write about until the end of the year. After surveying the traffic stats of many major political blogs, I found that web traffic for several major liberal blogs either declined sharply or stayed the same while major conservative blogs saw a sharp increase in traffic.

The very plain and simple reason that this is, is because people are tired of Propaganda.  Some progressive minded people do not want us to just pull out of Iraq and leave that country in total tatters. Some of us, believe that there is a real war on terror and that it is not a figment of our imagination.  While I am not a fan of Faux Noise, aka Fox News and their Republican Neo-Conservative Propaganda. I am also not a fan of DailyKos and their far lefty loon nonsense either.

People want facts, and not political agendas. Period. Plain and Simple.

Others: The Daily Dish and Donklephant