Video: Rep. Allen West “Government handouts world’s ‘most insidious form of slavery'”

Here is Rep. Allen West literally throwing read meat out for the Republican messes! …and making Democrats want to scream. 😛


The Story via Fox News:

Republican Rep. Allen West decried government “handouts” as the worst form of modern “slavery” during an impassioned floor speech Wednesday evening. 

The freshman Florida congressman, who is black, made the remarks in commemoration of Black History Month. He used his floor speech to detail the Republican Party‘s role throughout American history in promoting equal rights and freedom for black Americans. 

He said that commitment did not end after Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. 

“Republicans have been on the frontlines of the fight for equal rights and individual manifest destiny since our party’s founding under Lincoln,” he said. 

In modern times, West said, this has meant fighting to prevent black Americans “from being trapped in a permanent underclass through dependence on government handouts.” He said that fight continues despite the welfare reform of the 1990s. 

He goes on to say a whole bunch of other stuff; very good speech. I recommend you watch it.

Gov. Rick Snyder sells out to the Republican establishment

I voted for the man, I now regret that choice.

In a Detroit News op-ed today, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder announced his support of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the contest for the GOP presidential nomination.

Romney, who is campaigning in Michigan ahead of the Feb. 28 primary here, faces a tough challenge by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Ahead of a Grand Rapids visit Wednesday, Romney’s campaign announced a list of endorsements from other Michigan Republicans.

via Rick Snyder: ‘Mitt Romney is the man for the job’ |

Good luck in your reelection bid Mr. Governor. You certainly do not represent my views. I will not make that mistake again. Here is hoping that you will be voted out.  Just more living proof that the so-called “Tea Party” was nothing more than an abject failure that really did not change a thing. At least not in the Republican Party.


Newt Gingrich: Encouraging the Birthers

Newt does this and wants to be taken seriously, as a Reagan Republican? Oh man, this is not going to end well for this man. Not at all:

Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich encouraged California attorney Orly Taitz to continue her campaign to question Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to hold office in a Southern California campaign appearance.

Taitz, who has filed several lawsuits aimed at securing Obama’s certified birth certificate and introducing evidence of his ineligibility for office, rose to her feet to address Gingrich in Pasadena. She suggested his lagging campaign could only be lifted by raising the issue publicly.

“It could help your campaign like it did Donald Trump,” Taitz said.

Gingrich responded by saying Taitz was better equipped for the role.

“That’s a project you should pursue,” he said.

via Gingrich meets eligibility attorney — WND .

Orly Taitz is the woman, by the way; who floated a bogus birth certificate to the blogosphere in 2008. Many, including myself, fell for it. In short, this woman cannot be taken seriously, nor trusted at all.  Not to mention the fact that her mental status has been called into question. The bad part is that now Newt Gingrich is now giving this woman some credibility, that she really does not even remotely deserve.

In short; thanks Newt — thanks bunches. Flipping moron. 🙄

Oh yes, and by the way; yes, I know I wrote this:

If there ever was a case for calling someone a screwball Jew. This would be one of them. Someone please send this crazy woman back to Israel, where she belongs please; preferably in a straight jacket.

I stood behind what I wrote then and I still do now. To all Jewish people that happen to read this; would you want this screwball woman out in the media, as representative of your people? I know that I wouldn’t. No more than I would want David Duke out there as representative of my people. (Non-Jewish white people)  My broader point here is this; every religious, ethnic, and class has its village idiot. You’ve just met one of them, who now is given more credibility than she really needs. (Before you say, ‘what about you?!?!” I don’t go around questioning the President’s origin of birth.)



I have a strange new respect for Alan Dershowitz

I am very glad to see that someone on the left is taking a stand against the far leftists in the Democratic Party.

Unfortunately, I cannot embed the sound clip here, but I suggest that you go over and listen to the interview. (Hat Tip to Andrew Brietbart)

Here’s the story over at the Daily Caller:

Media Matters could become the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of 2012 for the Obama campaign if the White House and the Democratic Party don’t clearly distance themselves from the organization.

“Well I think if swing voters in the pro-Israel community had any idea how extreme Media Matters was on issues of Israel and supporters of Israel, they would regard Media Matters as another, you know, Rev. Wright,” Dershowitz told The Daily Caller.

“And for many, many in the pro-Israel community, it would be a game changer.”

Dershowitz went so far as to suggest that Media Matters’s rhetoric on Israel, particularly from Media Matters Action Network senior fellow M.J. Rosenberg, is similar to what one would find on a neo-Nazi website.

“When I started reading their stuff it sounded like the kind of stuff you see on neo-Nazi websites,” Dershowitz said. “Or on Hezbollah-supporter websites. It is so extremist. The thing that shocked me is that anybody regarded it as mainstream.”

Media Matters did not respond to a request by TheDC for comment.

Dershowitz said he is not on Media Matters’s email list and is only aware of the language they use when discussing Israel and Israel’s supporters because of emails sent to him from what he identifies as a neo-Nazi website, ReportersNotebook.

“You know where I get their stuff? I read their stuff mostly on a neo-Nazi website that sends it to me,” he explained. “Somehow I am on their mailing list. I am not on Media Matters’s mailing list. But I tend to read Media Matters articles when they’re sent to me by a neo-Nazi website.”

The man behind ReportersNotebook, Michael Santomauro, denied that his email or blog is neo-Nazi in orientation, though he admits to questioning the narrative of the Holocaust and says he believes that Israel is a fascist state.

Though Dershowitz says he doesn’t think the Obama administration and Media Matters are close, he believes the White House has to clearly distance itself from the organization because Democrats like him cannot exist within a tent that tolerates Media Matters.

“The Obama administration cannot have Media Matters and me or people who look to me for advice,” Dershowitz told TheDC. “We cannot be in the same tent. The tent is not big enough to include us.”

I did some poking around on this Michael Santomauro guy. He either works for or owns this place here. He has some interesting views on Israel, 9/11 and Jews. He is essentially what I was accused of being; a Jew hater. His little attempt to come off sounding like some sort of academic does not fool me one iota.

What one must understand is this; the reason why this holocaust revisionist was reposting items that Media Matters was publishing, is that much of the far left and people like this person, agrees on their positions on Israel. He is correct in saying that he is not a Neo-Nazi, he is not; he is one of the growing numbers of people who are anti-Israel. This man is, frankly, one of David Duke’s types of people. Maybe not so much into the white sheets and hoods, but the Jewish hatred and bigotry is still there.

Sadly, there are those kinds of people on the right as well. One example can be found here. They call themselves “radical traditionalists.” I like to call them “Hi-Brow” bigots. They are Anti-Religion, Anti-Israel, and very anti-Jew. They speak glowingly of Hitler and Nazi Germany as well. This goes well beyond the Paleoconservatives/neoconservatives divide. This is Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan’s philosophy on steroids. They are in the same camp as Lew Rockwell and his ilk. Haters they are; and somehow they claim to be the “real” libertarians and those at places like Reason magazine are the phonies.

I was very reluctantly put the libertarian and constitutionalist party’s logos back on my blog, after disowning the GOP’s candidates; this here, of what I have written, is the main reason of that reluctance. Because there are just some within the libertarian ranks that are just straight up haters, and as I have written before, I just cannot deal with that nonsense. Further, the people that I have written of here are still fighting a battle that we lost long ago. What they are fighting against, is the elimination of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant class of man. The problem is, we WASP’s for short; lost that battle eons ago. What bothers me is the fact that these people actually believe that hatred is going to change anything.

Hating on Jews, blacks and Latinas are not going to make them ago away. It is simply going to make you look like some paranoid idiot that fears those that do not look, act or have the money that you do. Maybe it is because I happen to be a Christian myself, is why I never quit understood the rational of these people; or it is because I grew up here in Michigan and was raised not to judge people by the color of their skin.

Maybe it is because I was born with something that seems to be lacking among these people — common sense.

Others: Big Journalism, Fox News and Facebook, Big Government, Patterico’s Pontifications, Big Journalism, Conservative Hideout 2.0, The PJ Tatler, Ricochet Conversations Feed, Big Journalism, Hot Air, The Right Scoop, Right Wing News, FishbowlDC, The Jawa Report, Patterico’s Pontifications,, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Betsy’s Page and Verum Serum, more at Mediagazer »

I guess I was not the only person that noticed

A few days ago, I wrote a rather hardcore article about what I saw in a CPAC interview over at

I guess I was not the only one who noticed. This blogger and this blogger, noticed it too.

Yeah, I know, both of those bloggers most likely hate my guts; but, when they are right, they are right. I won’t let my personal feelings about one or the both of them get in the way of facts.

Others: Ricochet Conversations FeedMediaite, Riehl World View, The Other McCain, Riehl World View (part 2) (Via Memeorandum)

Please note: There were others, but most of them were liberals who made filthy comments about this topic. I won’t give them traffic.


Why I cannot stand Mitt Romney

For this crap right here:

The Obama Administration’s $85 billion auto bailout in 2009 was “crony capitalism on a grand scale,” according to Mitt Romney.

In an opinion editorial published today by The Detroit News, the Republican presidential hopeful not only attacks the way the administration handled the bailout of General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC, but argues that the United Auto Workers union benefited from the bankruptcies in wake of contributing millions to Democrats and Barack Obama’s campaign.

“Thus, the outcome of the managed bankruptcy proceedings was dictated by the terms of the bailout,” Romney writes. “Chrysler’s ‘secured creditors,’ who in the normal course of affairs should have been first in line for compensation, were given short shrift, while at the same time, the UAWs’ union-boss-controlled trust fund received a 55 percent stake in the firm.”

via Romney: Auto bailout was ‘crony capitalism,’ taxpayers should get reimbursed |

I mean, the man is a serial flip-flopper, to the point when Jennifer Granholm, of all people, had to point this out. Now he is trying to appeal to the wealthy Republicans by capping the auto industry. The dude is a two-bit phony and I believe Michigan is getting hip to this. Which is why he is failing in the polls here. I am not a fan of Santorum either; but at least he is honest about what he actually is.  But, no matter, neither of them will win to Obama. Which is why I believe we need a brokered Convention in the Republican Party. So we can put a real Conservative in there, a Tea Party candidate and not some beltway veteran.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder continues to rebuild the disaster that Jennifer Granholm created

He has his work cut out for him.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he is not looking to take over Detroit.

Rather, he says his newly-proposed budget will allow him to “partner” with Detroit and other distressed cities as he continues to “reinvent” Michigan.

“It is about us working together as a team,” Snyder told Mayor Dave Bing on Monday during a Detroit Economic Club luncheon at the Westin Book Cadillac hotel. “We need to provide basic services to our citizens.”

“…There are tough things that need to be done, but let’s do the tough things now so we don’t need to keep looking over our shoulder. We can build on a bright future.”

Snyder delivered those remarks as a 10-member review team continues to investigate Detroit’s finances ahead of possible intervention. Absent a 30-day extension, which they have not requested, the team will present its findings to Snyder at the end of the month.

Speaking with reporters after his speech, Snyder said he was pleased that Bing has reached tentative contract agreements with city unions, a key component of the mayor’s plan to resolve Detroit’s financial crisis without the need for an emergency manager.

via Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder promotes ‘partnership’ with Detroit, other municipalities in DEC address |

Like I said, Rick Snyder has his work cut out for him; what with the Democrats in Michigan’s Congress and the liberal media here that is totally biased against him. Heck, even the Fox News affiliate here in Detroit, good old Fox 2 Detroit — is even biased against this Governor.  I have said this before, and I will say it again — If Governor Snyder can pull this state back out of the cesspool that Democrat Jennifer Granholm put this state into; he will really be doing something. Hell, at this point; I will take half way back in one term and the rest in the next term.

However, if I know Michigan and the people around here like I do; Michigan will not elect another Republican Governor. Because the Democrat establishment around here demands to be kowtowed down to and if the Republican in office does not do this, he never gets elected. That is how it has been around here for a very long time. In other words, a Governor Scott Walker would never work around these parts. Further more, the Democrats around here and the liberal media, which is about every media outlet around here; are in cahoots together and they control the message. Perfect example, the article I linked to; just read how it is biased against the Governor, the whole wording of the article. No mention of Granholm’s disastrous term in office.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing what, if anything, Governor Snyder can do for the State. If anything, seeing how bad the Democrats screwed this State up.


Open Message to Bill Donahue: Where is the fatwa on Nicki Minaj?

I am shocked he did not issue one, after this asinine performance:

21221223435 by YardieGoals

Gateway Pundit calls this “brave.” What a fool. 😡

Rod Dreher says it is part of the Anti-Christian and Anti-Catholic culture in America. Which is very true.

Dreher also says this:

It’s tiresome when Christians respond to things like this by saying, “They would never consider doing something like using Islāmic imagery.” But you know, it’s true. It’s always true. Let those with eyes to see.

Amen to that; and it is true, had this been a song mocking the religion of Islam. This young woman would be either in hiding wishing she was dead or would be dead. It is too bad that Bill Donahue, who did issue a statement about the performance, which I feel was totally inadequate for the scope of mockery here — did not issue a fatwa against this woman. I mean, it should have read something to the effect of, “The Catholic League will pay someone 1 million dollars, if someone will take this little black mocker of God out.” I believe it would have caused an uproar, but it would have gotten her and her managements attention.

A few days ago, Whitney Houston died of unknown causes. At the moment I found out, I thought, “How unfair.” For all Whitney’s problems and personal issues; she was still a wonderful talent that had so much more to give to her fans. Such is not the case with this idiot mocker of the Faith. So, seeing that I am a controversial blogger; I will say this — Here is hoping that this little classless black hoe meets the same fate as Whitney Houston and I mean very quickly. Anyone who mocks religion, does not deserve the breath the they keep in the lungs. This was not art; this was open mockery of Roman Catholicism, The Church, and Christianity in General.

Again, had this been a song about Islam and its repressive Religion, she would be in hiding; but, because it is a mockery of the Christian faith, The “LA CROWD” was fine with it. This tells you how far that the music industry, Hollywood and the L.A. Scene has fallen in the last 50 years. This wasn’t cool, this wasn’t ironic, this wasn’t funny, this wasn’t hip; this was a disgraceful attack on God, organized Religion  in general, the Church as a concept, Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church. Because of this; I found Mr. Donahue’s statement a bit lacking. Could it be that Bill Donahue has lost his edge? I sure haven’t, nor will I ever.

I end this blog posting with this, a Bible scripture that says:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 KJV)

Here is hoping that Mr. Minaj reaps the whirlwind of her actions and quickly.

The truth is, she will, whether in this life or the next; the fact remains is she will face a Holy and Righteous God, and will have to explain her actions. Based upon what I saw last night, this will happen, before she is cast into a godless hell and then the Lake of Fire.

Revelation 20:11-15 KJV:
(11)  And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
(12)  And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
(13)  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
(14)  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
(15)  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

The quicker, the better; if you ask me.

Update: Heck even TMZ didn’t even like it!

Here’s the roundup, mostly of liberals mocking Bill Donahue’s statement: Speakeasy, CBS Los Angeles, Rolling Stone, Big Hollywood, Religion Dispatches, BuzzFeed, The Raw Story, Joe. My. God. and Gothamist

Instapundit gushes over another affirmative action Republican candidate

This is getting to be a bit much.

Conventional Wisdom Says I Don’t Exist. “If CPAC has reinforced one thing for me, it’s this: The presidential election is important, but retaining the House and taking back the Senate is essential.”

via Instapundit » Blog Archive » MIA LOVE AT CPAC: Conventional Wisdom Says I Don’t Exist.

That is because most blacks are not married to white men who are not hurting for money. Sorry, but I just do not buy her cockamamie story about what her parents told her. If anything, her parents most likely told her to marry someone outside of her race, because she would do much better than to marry one of her own.

Sorry, but some of us are just not that gullible. Racism? Sorry, but, No. Just blunt reality.



I hate to be one to say it about….but

You guys are screwing up….badly.  Sexism? Please, this is reality people. Get with the program already! 🙄 is supposed to be a Conservative Blog. I find that to be unbelievable, considering this video that was posted today.

Ed, Allah, and yes, you too Tina! Please, don’t go the Ann Coulter route okay? It cheapens your message and it makes you look like hypocrites.

Tina, you are a Catholic, try actually dressing like one and not like some office “MILF” looking for a place up the corporate ladder. I did not even watch the video; I was that sickened by what I saw and I am sure that Rick Santorum just loved being next to a chick that was essentially him a peep show of her hoo haa. (if you know what I mean….)

Because you see, this right here is one of the biggest reasons, in litany of other reasons; why I left the Evangelical, Pentecostal Christian circles and went back to the Independent, Fundamental, KJV Baptist Circles. It was the, “We’re Christians and we love Jesus; but don’t ask us to dress like it, talk like it or not drink bear and not wear mini-skirts!” thing that really put me off. In fact, I went to a Church just like that and it got the point where I just did not even want to go there, because of the lack of a dress code. Some men might actually like that kind of thing; but when you are trying to serve the Lord and keep your mind pure and your Heart right, when you are single man, and you have to look at that sort of thing —- it wears on you greatly.  I can honestly tell you that my three years that I attended that Church which I linked to, was one of roughest periods in my walk with the Lord. Needless to say, I am glad I left there for good finally in 2004. (and I am sure they were glad to be rid of me; but considering what their former Pastor was revealed to have done with someone other than his wife —- They really do not have a thing to say to me!)

To be fair to the one’s who I did level some criticism at; the Baptist circles are not much better. When I left the tongues crowd in favor of Baptist Christianity; I landed at this Church here. I went there back before they changed their name — twice. I left once to check out other Churches in the area and ended up coming back there in 2006 and then leaving again. All I will say about that Pastor is that I take Matthew Chapter 18:15-17 literally — and this Pastor, did not. Sorry, but calling me on a cellphone is not a way I consider to be a proper way to level accusations against me. Especially after I have spent over five weeks helping remodel your little Church office that you just had to have for free!  Not to mention the fact that not a darned word of the idiotic accusations against me were even remotely true. In case you are wondering, that hick of a Pastor considered me looking this up here to be and I quote, “getting on the internet and looking up private information about HIS Church.” His words, not mine. Needless to say, I left and never went back again; nor will I ever.  Will I ever go anywhere ever again; I highly doubt it. I just do not need the headaches anymore. I will just stay home, read my Bible and wait for the Lord to come back and sort all this mess out.

Before anyone says it in the comments; I know there is no such thing as a perfect Christian. I know this all too well. But, I think some so-called Christians could really try, just a little bit harder. Especially, when they are in the public eye and they are supposed to be representing a Conservative viewpoint and in this young lady’s case; the body of Christ.

One thing I will give to the Jewish people and to the Muslim people; at least they are sincere about what they believe and actually act like it. More than I can say for the people who claim to be the blood-washed believers in Christ Jesus.