Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to the Criticism

(H/T to

Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to the criticisms of how Israel handled the flotilla event.

Memorial Day, An Alternative View

Transcript Here

Article by Ron Unz referenced in this Video

Palestine Terrorists attack IDF troops boarding ship that was breaking blockade

This is sick, these Palestinian Terrorists attack IDF troops, after they board their ship — because they were violating a blockade of Gaza.

HotAir’s Ed Morrissey and AllahPundit have a good round of what REALLY happened.


Bradley Burston at writes:

A war tells a people terrible truths about itself. That is why it is so difficult to listen.

We were determined to avoid an honest look at the first Gaza war. Now, in international waters and having opened fire on an international group of humanitarian aid workers and activists, we are fighting and losing the second. For Israel, in the end, this Second Gaza War could be far more costly and painful than the first.

In going to war in Gaza in late 2008, Israeli military and political leaders hoped to teach Hamas a lesson. They succeeded. Hamas learned that the best way to fight Israel is to let Israel do what it has begun to do naturally: bluster, blunder, stonewall, and fume.

Hamas, and no less, Iran and Hezbollah, learned early on that Israel’s own embargo against Hamas-ruled Gaza was the most sophisticated and powerful weapon they could have deployed against the Jewish state.

Here in Israel, we have still yet to learn the lesson: We are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege. The siege itself is becoming Israel’s Vietnam.

These are the same people that crashed those planes into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and into that field in PA. (which was headed for the White House) These Dogs are terrorists. That is the only life they know. They are sub-human lifeforms. They are scum, the only language they understand, is from the end of a gun. 12 Dead? I am quite sorry is was not more.

When will America wake up and smell the damned Coffee? When??!

At this point, I miss Bush….like bloody hell. 😡

…and yet, the Democrats — They side with these murderous bastards. But yet, they are just as American as the rest of us. Yeah sure they are.

Blogger Roundup Here.

Memorial Day Video: Memorial Day Tribute to WWII Servicemen and Servicewomen

More from Richard Sullivan:

Memorial Day Video: VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945

This comes via Richard Sullivan:

The Only Songs that should be played on Memorial Day

‘Nuff Said….

How come stuff like this doesn't happen to me?

Man, how come I cannot get this lucky?


Since I founded FITSNews three-and-a-half years ago, I’ve made more than my fair share of powerful enemies in this state.

One reason for that? I call it like I see it – whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, or even believe it or not. Clearly, there’s no shortage of opinions about me, my website or the impact it’s having on South Carolina’s political process, but I like to think that the stories I break, the debates I drive and the opinions I help shape all speak to the potency of the brand I’ve created.

At the heart of this brand is telling it like it is – which this website has always done, and which it will continue to do no matter what “Damocles sword” is being held over my head on a personal level by the less savory elements of this state’s failed status quo.  Preserving my ability to shoot straight – free from threats and intimidation – is essential to my professional livelihood, while being able to look myself in the mirror each day is essential to who I am as a person.

The two are inseparable, actually, and to compromise one is to eventually wind up sacrificing both.

Beyond these considerations, this website is fighting for several fundamental ideals – academic opportunity for all of our state’s children, the promotion of individual liberty, and the creation of a more prosperous economic climate, to name just a few.  These ideals obviously matter a great deal to me – which is why I fight so hard for them – and why I cannot (and will not) permit anyone to compromise my ability to continue fighting for them.

In recent weeks, however, a group of political operatives has attempted to do just that.  In fact, on a very personal level I have become the primary target of a group that will apparently stop at nothing to destroy the one S.C. gubernatorial candidate who, in my opinion, would most consistently advance the ideals I believe in. For those of you unfamiliar with the editorial bent of this website, the candidate I am referring to is S.C. Rep. Nikki Haley.

This network of operatives has made it abundantly clear that in the process of “taking down” Rep. Haley, they will also stop at nothing to humiliate me, destroy my family and take a sizable chunk out of the credibility this website has managed to amass for itself.   Such is the blood sport of S.C. politics, I suppose – particularly in the wake of the scandal that consumed my former boss, Gov. Mark Sanford.

Specifically, within the last forty-eight hours several pieces of information which purportedly document a prior physical relationship between myself and Rep. Haley have begun to be leaked slowly, piece by piece, to members of the mainstream media.  I am told that at least one story based upon this information will be published this week.  Watching all of this unfold, I have become convinced that the gradual release of this information is deliberately designed to advance this story in the press while simultaneously forcing either evasive answers or denials on my part or on Nikki’s part.

I refuse to play that game. I refuse to have someone hold the political equivalent of a switch-blade in front of my face and just sit there and watch as they cut me to pieces.

The truth in this case is what it is.  Several years ago, prior to my marriage, I had an inappropriate physical relationship with Nikki.

That’s it.

I will not be discussing the details of that relationship, nor will I be granting any additional interviews about it to members of the media beyond what I have already been compelled to confirm.

It is what it is, and aside from the Haley family – Michael, Nikki, Rena and Nalin – I feel no need to apologize or explain myself to anyone. People are human. We make mistakes. And as I have learned from experience, the key to life isn’t the mistakes we make, it’s how we choose to handle them.

I do owe my wife, Katrina, an apology for failing to disclose certain things that took place prior to our marriage. I know that’s not the technical definition of infidelity, but it is a form of unfaithfulness that has broken the trust between us – a trust which must now be rebuilt. I also owe her an apology for the storm that my family has been facing for the past few weeks, and the storm we will no doubt continue to face in the weeks to come.

In preemptively addressing this matter, I am well aware that conspiracy theories will abound regarding my motives. In fact, I have already been assigned so many roles in so many different conspiracies that I have lost count of which villain I’m supposed to be playing. I also know that no matter what I do, I will be end up being smeared in some form or fashion by someone.

That’s fine.

I can sleep at night knowing I handled this the best way I knew how (the way my wife and I decided together that it needed to be handled), which was to simply tell the truth.

After that, wherever the chips fall, they fall. That’s the way it’s always been on this website, and that’s the way it will continue to be moving forward.

The Va-Va-Voom in question?

Oh Yeah, I'd hit it!

I mean, she could have screwed me all day long and no one would care! Well, maybe except her husband. I’m not married, so, the damage would be minimal. But NOOOO.. she has to go oink some married blogger and a farking moronic one at that!

It’s quite obvious these women need to be more aware of me. Hey, Married hot women! I am available for sex slavery you know! 😀 😉 😛 😆 😮 😯

I should report that she is denying the charges. But of course! 🙄

Others: Public Policy Polling, Politics Daily, Erick’s blog, Ben Smith’s Blog,, Charleston City Paper, The New Ledger, Hot Air, National Review, CNN, RedState, No More Mister Nice Blog, The American Conservative, Mediaite, FrumForum, Talking Points Memo,, The Other McCain, Daily Kos, The Hill, The Daily Caller, TPMMuckraker, Riehl World View, The Corner on National …, The Political Carnival and skippy the bush kangaroo — More via Memeorandum

The Tea Party Movement's New Anthem?

The first thing I thought when I saw this was, “Holy chit!”

But I’ll let you watch and decide….

This comes via Facebook:

(Uploaded the Video to LiveLeak before Youtube takes it down…) Couldn’t get that stupid embed to work. Grrr.

Update: Instalanch! Thanks to Ed Driscoll! 😀

Welcome to all of Glenn’s readers! Make yourself at home, please. 🙂

Update # 2: Vote this up on Digg! by Clicking here. Vote it up on Reddit, by clicking here. Vote it up on StumbleUpon, by clicking here.

Update #3: Quantum Conservative Links in, Thanks!

Update #4: …and if anyone really cares, I made this myself about a year ago…:

Update #5: Not to sound like a rip off of this guy, But….. HIT THE FREAKIN’ TIP JAR! It’s been a slow month for the blog revenue and I could really use the help. I am in Michigan and the job market is well, um, you know — bad? Thanks! If you cannot, there is ZERO pressure. But those of you who can…. *Please?* (Puppy Dog eyes here…)

Update #8: Thanks to Hugh in MA for the Donation! (I’ll list all donations here!)

Update #6: The Freepers Link in, Thanks Guys, you’re awesome! 😀

Update #7: 3,292 hits this morning BEFORE 8:00 AM EST… 4,010 blog hits as of 8:20AM EST 6,508 as of 1:42 P.M. 7,078 hits on this Blog Entry alone Yesterday. Amazing. 🙂

Why do beltway politicians do stupid stuff like this?

What is this? A contest among beltway types to see just how one can out embarrass the other?

First there is this, A Democratic Party Senator outright lies about his Vietnam service:

At a ceremony honoring veterans and senior citizens who sent presents to soldiers overseas, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut rose and spoke of an earlier time in his life.

“We have learned something important since the days that I served in Vietnam,” Mr. Blumenthal said to the group gathered in Norwalk in March 2008. “And you exemplify it. Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.”

There was one problem: Mr. Blumenthal, a Democrat now running for the United States Senate, never served in Vietnam. He obtained at least five military deferments from 1965 to 1970 and took repeated steps that enabled him to avoid going to war, according to records.

The deferments allowed Mr. Blumenthal to complete his studies at Harvard; pursue a graduate fellowship in England; serve as a special assistant to The Washington Post’s publisher, Katharine Graham; and ultimately take a job in the Nixon White House.

In 1970, with his last deferment in jeopardy, he landed a coveted spot in the Marine Reserve, which virtually guaranteed that he would not be sent to Vietnam. He joined a unit in Washington that conducted drills and other exercises and focused on local projects, like fixing a campground and organizing a Toys for Tots drive.

Many politicians have faced questions over their decisions during the Vietnam War, and Mr. Blumenthal, who is seeking the seat being vacated by Senator Christopher J. Dodd, is not alone in staying out of the war.

But what is striking about Mr. Blumenthal’s record is the contrast between the many steps he took that allowed him to avoid Vietnam, and the misleading way he often speaks about that period of his life now, especially when he is speaking at veterans’ ceremonies or other patriotic events.

Sometimes his remarks have been plainly untrue, as in his speech to the group in Norwalk. At other times, he has used more ambiguous language, but the impression left on audiences can be similar.

In an interview on Monday, the attorney general said that he had misspoken about his service during the Norwalk event and might have misspoken on other occasions. “My intention has always been to be completely clear and accurate and straightforward, out of respect to the veterans who served in Vietnam,” he said.

But an examination of his remarks at the ceremonies shows that he does not volunteer that his service never took him overseas. And he describes the hostile reaction directed at veterans coming back from Vietnam, intimating that he was among them.

What this man needs to do, is resign. There is no greater shame, no greater crime —- outside of martial infidelity, than stealing the honor of those who did serve in our armed forces. Besides all of that; who in their right mind would straight up lie about theur Military Service? Are these people that damned short sighted that they do not realize that sooner or later, this sort of thing would catch up with them?

Not to be outdone, and speaking of Martial Infidelity, There is this little breaking news story:

"You see these parts? They're as big and heavy as my wife's butt cheeks, which is why I am screwing my staffer instead..."

Souder, a Republican, will will step down on Friday. He said in remarks obtained by Fox News that he “sinned against God, my wife and my family by having a mutual relationship with a part-time member of my staff.”

“I wish I could have been a better example,” he said. “In this poisonous environment of Washington, D.C., any personal failing is seized upon, often twisted, for political gain. I am resigning rather than to put my family through that painful, drawn-out process. … We are a committed family, but the error is mine and I should bear the responsibility. Not only am I thankful for a loving family but for a loving God.”

Multiple senior House sources indicated that the extent of Souder’s affair with the staffer would have landed him before the House Ethics Committee. Sources told Fox News that the aide, identified as Tracy Jackson, a woman in her mid-40s, would accompany the congressman to events and to record ads at a Christian radio broadcast station.

Elected as a family values conservative as part of the Republican revolution in 1994, Souder survived a tough re-election challenge in 2008 and survived a contested primary two weeks ago.

Here is the video of the woman he was oinking, instead of his wife: (Via TPM)

Thankfully, this guy is doing the right thing and getting the hell out of dodge and sparing the Republican Party some very unneeded embarrassment.

Crapweasel indeed.

Ed Morrissey makes a very good point too:

Say, wouldn’t it have been a good idea to make this decision three weeks ago?

Yeah, when the GOP would not have to scramble to find a replacement for him? What a Moroon!