How the heck did this guy get elected Governor of Maine?

This is crazy…

The Story via Portland Press Herald:

Gov. Paul LePage left a state lawmaker from Westbrook an expletive-laden phone message Thursday in which he accused the legislator of calling him a racist, encouraged him to make the message public and said, “I’m after you.”

LePage sent the message Thursday morning after a television reporter appeared to suggest that Democratic Rep. Drew Gattine was among several people who had called the governor a racist, which Gattine later denied. The exchange followed remarks the governor made in North Berwick on Wednesday night about the racial makeup of suspects arrested on drug trafficking charges in Maine.

“Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage,” a recording of the governor’s phone message says. “I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you (expletive). I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m a racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little son-of-a-bitch, socialist (expletive). You … I need you to, just friggin. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

Now, where I come from, that is basically a death threat. I think this guy needs to be ousted and quick. This is being worked on now, and that’s good thing.

I mean, if I did something of this nature to, say, the Governor of Michigan; I would sitting in a jail cell. The Republican Party has enough troubles with Trump, we do not need another distraction. This moron needs to go and I mean quick.

More troubles for Trump

First, there’s the bad. (….and we’ve been here before it seems)

From New York Daily News:

Donald Trump’s campaign CEO Stephen Bannon was branded an anti-Semite by the same ex-wife who claimed he choked her, court documents reveal.

Mary Louise Piccard said in a 2007 court declaration that Bannon didn’t want their twin daughters attending the Archer School for Girls in Los Angeles because many Jewish students were enrolled at the elite institution.

“The biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend,” Piccard said in her statement signed on June 27, 2007.

“He said that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats’ and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews,” Piccard wrote.

“I told him that there are children who are Jewish at (a competing school), and he asked me what the percentage was. I told him that I didn’t know because it wasn’t an issue for me as I am not raising the girls to be either anti-Semitic or prejudiced against anyone,” she wrote.

Bannon asked his ex-wife if it bothered her that a second school, the Willows Community School, used to be a Temple.

And while checking out yet another school, Bannon asked the director during a sit down why there were “so many Chanukah books in the library.”

“At the time, Mr. Bannon never said anything like that and proudly sent the girls to Archer for their middle school and high school education.” a spokeswoman for Bannon told the Daily News.

Then, there is this, which is worse. 😯

From the U.K. Guardian:

Donald Trump’s new presidential campaign chief is registered to vote in a key swing state at an empty house where he does not live, in an apparent breach of election laws.

Stephen Bannon, the chief executive of Trump’s election campaign, has an active voter registration at the house in Miami-Dade County, Florida, which is vacant and due to be demolished to make way for a new development.

“I have emptied the property,” Luis Guevara, the owner of the house, which is in the Coconut Grove section of the city, said in an interview. “Nobody lives there … we are going to make a construction there.” Neighbors said the property had been abandoned for several months.

Bannon, 62, formerly rented the house for use by his ex-wife, Diane Clohesy, but did not live there himself. Clohesy, a Tea Party activist, moved out of the house earlier this year and has her own irregular voting registration arrangement. According to public records, Bannon and Clohesy divorced seven years ago.

Bannon previously rented another house for Clohesy in Miami from 2013 to 2015 and assigned his voter registration to the property during that period. But a source with direct knowledge of the rental agreement for this house said Bannon did not live there either, and that Bannon and Clohesy were not in a relationship.

Bannon, Clohesy and Trump’s campaign repeatedly declined to answer detailed questions about Bannon’s voting arrangements. Jason Miller, a Trump campaign spokesman, eventually said in an email: “Mr Bannon moved to another location in Florida.” Miller declined to answer further questions.

…and then, there is this; which is just plain…..odd? 😮

Via The Daily Beast:

Appearing on The Apprentice with Donald Trump required agreeing to a series of odd and invasive demands regarding sex, nudity, and food consumption. According to a copy of an NBC contract reviewed by The Daily Beast, contestants had to agree to be filmed, “whether I am clothed, partially clothed or naked, whether I am aware or unaware of such videotaping, filming or recording.”

2016 is the first election in American history in which lowbrow entertainment and politics have merged to such a degree that they are nearly indistinguishable. The requirements for The Apprentice contestants, while almost certainly not mandated by Trump himself, underscore just how strange this brave new world is.

It’s gonna be a long election season folks. 🙄

Donald Trump sics lawyers on liberal blogger for blogging about a rumor

Now, at first blush, I would normally say, “Ha Ha! He’s a liberal, he gets what’s coming to him!” However, in this case, I will refrain from much nonsense. This below is a perfect example as to why I simply refuse to blog about rumors, gossip and such.

From the Liberal Blog, called Liberal America:

Just so we’re being completely transparent here, you should know this:

This is being written under duress because I don’t have enough money to fight a legal battle against the Trump machine. Yesterday, I wrote a story based on Melania Trump allegedly having been an escort or paid sex worker when she arrived in New York. A few hours later, the owner of Liberal America received an email threatening us with legal action if we didn’t do as the Trump attorneys instructed — remove the “false statements.” So this is my apology.

First of all, I’m very very sorry that I wrote an article about the past of Melania Trump. I got my information from reputable sources and reported on what was being reported there, but apparently that isn’t good enough to pass muster in the version of American freedom of the press envisioned by Mr. Trump and his team of legal vultures.

Additionally, I’m also sorry that the personal image of the wannabe first lady is so insecure that she feels the need to send her legal hell-hounds chasing after small, independent journalists such as me. I had no idea I was such a threat to the Trump campaign or family. Imagine my surprise.

Andrew Bradford goes on:

But most of all I’m sorry that in Donald and Melania Trump’s view of how this republic works, they think it’s in keeping with the spirit of the First Amendment to threaten, intimidate, and harass reporters. Just the fact that they immediately felt the need to get lawyers involved proves that they don’t believe in preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution, even though every President has to make a pledge to do so when he or she takes the oath of office. In Donald Trump’s world, the Constitution only applies to those who can afford to hire expensive legal mouthpieces.

It is quite telling about Trump isn’t it?

Here’s the official document:

It is going to be a long election season folks. 🙄 I do not recall Ronald Reagan threatening to sue anyone for something that was said, that he did not like.

Other Bloggers: The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Above the Law, New York Times, Techdirt, New York Magazine, Guardian, Independent Journal Review, BizPac Review and Politico, more at Mediagazer »

I’m really worried about Trump’s chances

In case you all haven’t noticed, I really haven’t been writing about politics at all, here as of late.

Quite frankly, I am totally burned out on Politics as a whole. I guess the burnout started after 2012, when Mitt Romney lost and it’s not really gotten any better.

Quite honestly, I really don’t know if Donald Trump even has a chance at winning in 2016. What with hiring of the guy, who basically runs the conservative version of Pravada; also known as Breitbart. I just don’t see how people are going to take him seriously.

Then there’s his statement about the American intelligence system. Can you think of a more boneheaded statement to make if you’re running for president? “I want to be your president, but, I don’t trust the American intelligence system”;that has to be the most tone-deaf, ignorant, statement that anyone could make who was running for president.

Then, there’s that every Republican who has any sort of influence in the party, is basically blasting Trump and then endorsing Hillary Clinton. Sorry, but that’s a death sentence for a campaign, when your own people do not trust your ability to lead the country and endorsed someone, who is basically the sworn enemy of the Republican Party.

Then there’s the media, now we all know that the media; except maybe for Fox News channel, is biased against Donald Trump. That’s a given in politics, I totally understand that.

However, I happen to believe that the movements of the Trump campaign here in the last few months, combined with the Republican Party establishment’s literal turning on Donald Trump left and right….I just don’t think he has the ability to win the presidency and that my friends is a depressing thing and makes me not really want to blog at all.

As an independent Baptist and as a Christian and as someone who used to vote Democrat and finally threw up my hands in disgust and walked away and joined the ranks of Pat Buchanan, Chuck Baldwin and many of the other people who still believe in this country: I have to say there are dark days ahead. I just hope we can survive them. 😔😟

Brutal Video: Donald Trump rallies uncensored

Folks, I am not going to lie to you. I have serious concerns about November. 🙁 I knew stuff like this was going to happen. Trump pressed all the right buttons and exploited the Nation’s anger and now, we get this below. I will be voting for Trump. But, I can almost assure you; that he will not be elected. Trump could have taken the high road and ran a Reagan-like campaign. Instead, he ran an New York City brawler campaign and this is the result. Enjoy 4 to 8 years of Hillary. Because that’s what we’re getting, I am afraid. 🙁

Via Source: Voices From Donald Trump’s Rallies, Uncensored – The New York Time

Mr. Trump’s supporters often chant vitriolic, even violent slogans at his campaign events. New York Times reporters documented examples over several weeks. Source: Voices From Donald Trump’s Rallies, Uncensored – The New York Times

Others: Business Insider,, Politicus USA, The Atlantic, Mediaite

Dems platform change on Abortion could cost them votes from Anti-abortion Democrats

This could be bad for Hillary and the Democrats:

A Democratic Party proposal to amend the party’s platform to include more progressive language around abortion rights has outraged Democrats who oppose abortion, with some saying the issue has cost Hillary Clinton their votes.

The fallout centers around a proposal to repeal long-standing legislation that limits federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or life-threatening pregnancies — the so-called Hyde Amendment. Some version of this ban has been included in annual federal spending bills since the late 1970s.

The draft platform says Democrats “will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers” and “will continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.”

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, said the progressive language on the platform is making the party smaller. “This platform’s language just says (to abortion opponents) you are no longer welcome,” she said. “This has been the general message pro-life Democrats are receiving across the country.”

Day said ever since the Democratic National Committee released its 2016 platform draft July 1, she has gotten calls from Democrats that oppose abortion and say the language is keeping them from voting for Clinton.

Carol Crossed, 72, a retired elementary school professor from Rochester, N.Y., is one of those Democrats.“

They are pro-choice because they don’t want to be infringing their opinion on others,” she said. “Now their platform says if you don’t like abortions, too bad — you are going to pay for it anyway.”  – Source: USA Today Anti-abortion Dems outraged by platform change

You have to understand something here; not all Democrats are pro-choice. There are some Christians, who are very devout to their Church. But, because of their background, they are committed Democrats. I know, I used to be one of those kind of people. So, I see where these people are coming from. I mean, these people are put into a very tough position; they are horrified by what the Republican Party is running for President. But, that the same time, they are also horrified at what the Democrats are doing with abortion.

This is what happens, when a political party goes very far to the left, of what it was founded as. The Democratic Party was not founded as a “Progressive Party” in the modern day sense. It was founded as a populist alternative to the Republican Party of old; which favored the businesses tycoons of old.

Needless to say, both political parties have changed greatly as whole. The Republican Party now has many factions; you have the movement grassroots faction, you have the elitist faction; it is a sight to behold. The Democrats, on the other hand; have become this “progressive socialist” party, that seems to be anti-white, anti-police and it is, quite frankly, unnerving to people like myself, who have a keen sense of history to watch a political party like that shift that far to the left.

The Democratic Party and it’s followers, have embraced a strain of progressivism that is intolerance of dissenting views and wishes to prosecute anyone who dares to disagree with them; either by discrediting them or by violence. This is nothing more than left-wing fascism. It is the hallmark traits of communism. I have always said, since about 2007; that the distance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party and Communist themselves, used to be the width of the Grand Canyon. Now, with the infiltration of the progressive socialists in that political party; that distance is more like a small city block.


Sarah Palin’s speech for Trump invokes memories of George W. Bush era

Apparently Sarah Palin gave a speech in support of Donald Trump. You can go watch that video here.

The things said, in that video, quite frankly, remind me of another era in conservative politics and national politics in general.

Jazz Shaw, over at gives the low-down:

Skip to 11:32 for the key bit from today’s speech in Denver. “They’re not all bad,” she says of right-wing anti-Trumpers. “I’m kidding. They are.” I don’t mind the insults as much as I do the fact they still come paired with appeals for unity, as though calling someone a traitor enough times might someday finally open their minds to Trump’s divine greatness. “We don’t need you treacherous #NeverTrump dirtbags” is a coherent approach. That’s a kiss-off. “We need you and we’re pleading with you as patriots to help us stop Hillary” is another. That’s earnest outreach. “We need you treacherous #NeverTrump dirtbags” is a co-dependent ex-boyfriend/girlfriend clinging to your ankle while sobbing. It won’t work. The same goes for any anti-Trumpers who, after spending the past year deriding Trump fans, would suddenly insist that they get with the program and back a new nominee if Trump were deposed at the convention. We’re a party stuck in a broken marriage whose two spouses despise each other but who can’t bring themselves to divorce. The path to reconciliation probably doesn’t involve cutesy-poo “RAT” acronyms, I’m thinking, just as it doesn’t involve “You’re either with us or you’re against us” ultimatums. If we’re going to do that, let’s give up on reconciliation, no?

Please, keep in mind that is decidedly anti-trump; and I really do NOT agree with them on Trump at all. However, there are some things in this speech that bother me greatly.

The whole idea of, “You are either with us or against us.” is troubling for a good many reasons. I am old enough and have been around politics enough to remember the George W. Bush-era. I have also been around long enough to remember that during the lead up to the war in Iraq, which most on the right concede, was a tragic mistake, that caused more problems than it solved; the attitude among those who were loyal Bush supporters, was “You are either with us or against us.”

This mentality is dangerous, it is fascist and it is wrong. The idea that someone who disagrees with those who support Donald Trump is some sort of enemy; smacks of the George W. Bush Iraq War era. When dissent was labeled treasonous.

Please, do not misunderstand me at all. I happen to believe that Donald Trump will make a wonderful President. I believe he will stand up to the globalists and balance out our trade deals in our favor. I believe that Trump will straighten out our illegal immigration problem. I believe that he will strengthen our Military and put America on an “America First” foreign policy course.

But I’ll be damned, if I will be labeled a “rat” or a “traitor”; If I happen to disagree with something that he says or does! 😡

If Sarah Palin thinks that making speeches like this, is doing anything to help Donald Trump’s cause; she is very, very, highly mistaken. Donald Trump is not perfect, he is not a king. He is not a Messiah of any sort at all. Donald Trump is running for the highest office in United States politics and that is the President of the United States of America.

I am glad to see that Sarah Palin and many other conservatives are rally behind Trump. But, the use of these sort of statements towards those who do not support Trump; are very off-putting to people like me, who happen to remember when the Republicans lost their ever-loving minds back in 2003-2004.


How not to win over the media and win the White House

I do believe that the GOP just lost the race to the White House. 🙁

Donald Trump on Monday said he is revoking the press credentials of The Washington Post, one of the nation’s largest newspapers, over its “dishonest reporting.” The presumptive Republican presidential nominee made the announcement in a brief post on Facebook Monday afternoon.“

Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post,” Trump wrote. In an earlier message, Trump slammed the Post for its coverage of his comments Monday morning about the mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday. In those remarks, Trump questioned President Obama’s commitment to fighting Islamic terrorism. “We’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said during a phone interview on “Fox and Friends.” “And the something else in mind, you know, people can’t believe it, people cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ ” he said. “There’s something going on — it’s inconceivable. There’s something going on. “He doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands. It’s one or the other, and either one is unacceptable”

Trump wrote that “I am no fan of President Obama, but to show you how dishonest the phony Washington Post is, they wrote, ‘Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando shooting’ as their headline. Sad!”

The headline on the Post story has since been changed to, “Donald Trump seems to connect President Obama to Orlando shooting.” – Source: Trump says he’s revoking press credentials for The Washington Post | TheHill

Hope everyone on the right enjoys four years of Hillary, because that is what we are going to get, because you do not disrespect the media and win the White House, ever. Sad too, Trump could have been great. But, this is going to ruin it for him. You watch and see.

I hate to say it, But, John Kerry is right

As you all know, I have rescinded my support of Donald Trump. So, when I saw this article here; I had to agree with it.

Via Yahoo News:

Washington (AFP) – Secretary of State John Kerry warned that the Republican presidential campaign has descended into “an embarrassment” that raises awkward questions abroad about the reliability of the United States.

Kerry said that everywhere he goes, every leader he meets asks about what is happening in America.

“They cannot believe it. I think it is fair to say that they’re shocked. They don’t know where it’s taking the United States of America,” Kerry said in an interview on the Sunday CBS news show “Face The Nation.”

“It upsets people’s sense of equilibrium about our steadiness, about our reliability, and to some degree I must say to you, some of the questions, the way they’re posed to me, it’s clear to me that what’s happening is an embarrassment to our country.”

Kerry was asked out the impact abroad of the Republican campaign with its calls for bans on Muslim immigrants, surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods and the return of waterboarding, an interrogation practice regarded as torture.

Frontrunner Donald Trump and his chief rival Ted Cruz have stepped up the anti-Muslim rhetoric since the suicide bombings in Brussels Tuesday that left 28 dead.

I hate to be the one to say it; But, Jerry Kerry is right. The nasty rhetoric coming out of the Trump and Cruz campaigns is sickening. I would imagine that world leaders would be mildly concerned about it too. I wrote something on Facebook last night and I think it fits here:

One more thing before I go to bed.

I have written about this on my blog, but, I thought I would write about it here as well I have officially thrown in the towel with Donald Trump.

He’s got some great positions on free trade, foreign policy and immigration. But, there are other things that he has done, that I really don’t like at all.

Basically, what happened is there was a story that came out in the National Enquirer that basically accused Ted Cruz of having multiple affairs with multiple women

Well, a young lady who I have known via the Internet for a long time got implicated in that story in the National Enquirer. Her name is Amanda Carpenter and I have corresponded with her on the internet on multiple occasions and she’s also happily married with 2 kids

The fact that Donald Trump basically has not really said anything in her defense and the fact that basically the guy is a misogynist when it comes to women; his attacks on Megyn Kelly are a perfect example of that.

I looked the other way when he went after Megyn Kelly, I looked the other way when he said some rather nasty things about Rosie O’Donald and a few other women. I also looked the other way when some very hardcore racist people began supporting him and he basically would not forcefully distanced himself from those kind of people.

I kind of get wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I also kind of tried to overlook it.

However, when someone who I happen to know is a sister in the Lord Jesus Christ that loves the Lord quite a bit and strives to serve him and make him the Cornerstone of her family; that being her husband and her two children; gets slimed like that and then Donald Trump turns around and says, “well, I didn’t have anything to do with it” and basically in insinuates that Ted Cruz and the rest of those women had it coming…

….I’m sorry, but that’s just too much. Not to mention that Donald Trump has cheapened the political discussion. he has appealed to a raw emotion which is populism and there’s nothing wrong with that; as long as it’s done in a positive way. Donald Trump has used it in a negative way and as a result some pretty nasty things have happened.

Having said that, I have rescinded my support of Donald Trump. I will not be voting for him in the general election. I will be voting third-party most likely to libertarian or Constitution party and if the GOP collapses upon itself in November, it will be nobody’s fault, but their own and I will be able to say that I had no hand in that implosion.

if by some chance Donald Trump does win the White House, personally, I think it’ll be a miracle. because if the GOP establishment doesn’t do him in, then he will do himself in with his nastiness and that’s just how I feel about it.

Ronald Reagan conveyed hope, optimism and faith. Donald Trump, the only thing I see that comes out of him his ego nastiness and vindictiveness; that’s not good qualities for a president.

I ask all of you who are Christians and do pray, that do follow me on Facebook, who are friends with me on Facebook; please hold up Amanda Carpenter, her husband Chris and her daughter and young son in your prayers. Because now, Satan is working overtime to try to destroy that marriage and it’s a sad thing, she’s a really nice woman.

This is why I stopped supporting Donald Trump; nothing more, nothing less. Quite bluntly, I have had enough of it. When the GOP finds someone, who is not a clown show, to run for President; I might vote for them. Until then, I will be voting third party. The silliness with Amanda Carpenter was it for me.

Others: Booman Tribune