Good News: FBI reopens investigation on Clinton Emails

This is very good to hear:

WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey said Friday that investigators had found new emails related to the bureau’s previously-closed inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information, re-starting a long-simmering debate over the Democratic nominee’s conduct as secretary of State in the closing days of a presidential campaign that Clinton appeared to be putting away.In the letter to senior lawmakers explaining his decision, Comey said “the FBI cannot yet assess” whether the information is “significant” nor could he offer a timetable for how long it will take investigators to make an assessment.Comey wrote that the discovery of additional messages had occurred “in connection with an unrelated case,” leading to the decision to resume the probe. The subject of the unrelated inquiry was not disclosed in the brief letter.

– Source: USA Today:  More emails related to Clinton probe to be reviewed, FBI director says

Trumps reaction was this: (H/T to

All I can truly say is that this might be a game changer.

There is also this, via

Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, an aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

Ed Morrissey says:

Hillary’s going to lose the election to Trump because the perv sexting teen girls with his hand down his pants might have had classified information from his wife on the same phone? My God — this is the most Clinton thing ever. With 11 days to go, we have reached peak Clinton.

Indeed, we have. Looks like the October surprise came 11 days before the election.

I’m starting to think that Amanda Carpenter needs to become a Democrat

Because I hate to say it; but, she sure is starting to sound like one. she’s allowed her hatred of trump to cloud her judgment.

Look, I don’t like what Trump has done no more than anyone else; especially the attacks on Amanda. But for her to put out an article like this, is starting to make her sound like a whiny feminist liberal.

I don’t believe that Amanda should have been treated like she was. However, politics is a rough sport, it’s a contact sport and sometimes people’s egos get bruised and things happen. She should have known this, when she got involved with political punditry and got involved with government. So,the way I see it: if she can’t handle the heat, she should maybe perhaps look into getting out of the kitchen.

If I wrote about all the times, that I was attacked, not only by the liberal Democrats; but by so-called conservatives, also known as neoconservatives; over some of the things that I’ve written on my blog and have been accused of being a racist, an anti-semite and an islamophobe and many other ridiculous accusations. I would be here writing all night. Did I angry and pooch my lips out and say, “they’re picking on me!”  No, I didn’t. I sucked it up and dealt with it.

Perhaps Amanda Carpenter should look into doing the same thing or get the hell out of political pundity for good. Nobody is entitled to anything; least of all some little harpy feminazi who thinks that she ought to be treated special, because she’s a woman.

This is not going to end well for the Republican Party

Good morning from Detroit.

I am awake very early this morning and I happen to be looking over the headlines here on Memeorandum.

I happen to be reading and looking at these headlines here and I cannot help but think that if, by chance that Donald Trump loses this election; that the Republican Party is going to be totally in a state of shambles for a very, very long time. I mean, even the Wealthy are now looking elsewhere and in a Republican election, that is bad…very bad. I mean, I hate to sound like a “Debbie Downer”, but this really does not look good for the Republicans at all. Because folks, let us just face the facts — There are more wealthy Republicans, than there are grassroots conservatives. The majority of the Conservative Christian Right, is presumably staying home, at least the ones I know.

The reason I say it is not looking good for the Republicans, is that they have totally invested themselves into basically a clown, a showman, an egotistical blowhard — who sues anyone that dare criticizes him. You cannot say, that the Republicans did not try, they did and it was a very valiant effort. But, you would think that they would have selected someone a bit more serious, than who they picked. Ted Cruz was dangerous. But, there were others, Rand Paul, Christie, a few others. Instead we go who we got and now we’re looking at 8 years of a criminal pantsuit.


Stolen Elections

I have to say that all of this talk about stolen elections, is quite silly. It also reminds me of something that happened in 2000. When Bush ran for election and actually beat Al Gore. I seem to remember that the left, went into utter meltdown and claimed that the election was stolen and that somehow or another Bush and Co. had arranged for the election to be decided in his favor.

This is why, when I hear about Trump supporters saying that the election will most likely be stolen from Trump; I find it to be most annoying. Because it frankly reminds me of the liberal left in 2000.

Which brings me to my point; why are the so-called “Trump Conservatives” using the same playbook as the anti-Bush crowd of 2000?

The truth is that, if Trump loses this election; it will be because of his own actions and because the Republican Party and the people behind the Trump campaign did not properly vet Donald Trump and take steps to lower the impact of things in his past. It was not the bankers fault, it was not the media’s fault and it damned sure is not Hillary Clinton’s fault. It is the fault of Donald Trump and the Republican Party of not properly vetting a candidate.

So, to the Trump campaign and supporters: Stop blaming the Jews, the media and the Republican Party. It is not their fault. It the fault of those who are supposed to be doing their jobs and making sure that no surprises came out, during the last months of the campaign. The only person to blame, is yourselves. This is on you.

What we’re in now, is nothing new

I know that title sounds a bit odd, but I wanted to share something with you all. The feeling around now, in the paleoconservative circles, is one of utter dread. However, this isn’t anything new. consider something that I read over at (H/T UNZ.COM):

The Rise of the Evangelical Right

It wasn’t particularly difficult to portray 1980 as a gloomy time for America. The spike in oil prices in 1979 had sent the U.S. economy into a tailspin and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was propelling the two superpowers into another cycle of Cold War tensions. Iranian radicals were holding 52 U.S. diplomats and citizens hostage in Tehran, which produced a daily (and, thanks to Ted Koppel’s Nightline reports, nightly) humiliation for President Jimmy Carter and his administration.

As the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan responded to these developments by continually playing up the image of an America in decline. His grim vision of that American future cemented his ties to an ascendant right wing within the evangelical community. As early as 1971, intellectual historian Paul Boyer pointed out, Reagan claimed that “the day of Armageddon isn’t far off.” He was referring then to turmoil in the Middle East and the pivotal role of Israel there. “Everything is falling into place,” he added. “It can’t be long now.”

Reagan was not exactly an easy sell to the Bible belt. Divorced and anything but a devoted churchgoer, he was closely associated in the public mind with that Sodom of the West Coast, Hollywood. In the 1980 election, he was also up against Jimmy Carter, a born-again Christian who openly discussed his faith.

Admittedly, Reagan benefited from the endorsement of the Moral Majority, founded by Reverend Jerry Falwell in 1979, and he began playing directly to the religious crowd by establishing a new tradition of inserting “God bless America” into his speeches. But it was those repeated references to Armageddon that cemented his relationship with the religious right. Apocalyptic thinking is central to the worldview of evangelicals. Indeed, it’s what principally distinguishes them from mainstream Christians. “The one thing that affects how they live their daily lives,” writes historian of religion Matthew Avery Sutton, “is that they believe we are moving towards the End Times, the rise of the Antichrist, towards a great tribulation and a horrific human holocaust.”

The mainstream media was shocked that Reagan then brought such doomsday rhetoric into the Oval Office. “It is hard to believe that the President actually allows Armageddon ideology to shape his policies toward the Soviet Union,” the New York Times editorialized just before the 1984 election. “Yet it was he who first portrayed the Russians as satanic and who keeps on talking about that final battle.” Reagan easily went on to win a second term. Later, George W. Bush would employ similar apocalyptic references to justify the invasion of Iraq and unqualified support for Israel, and it didn’t prevent him from winning a second term either.

This piece goes on to say how similar Trump is to what happened in the 1980’s with Reagan. So, basically, this is all too familiar. There is a difference however; Reagan was more of a statesman, noble type. Trump is all about his own image and sometimes, that image is terrifying.

I think another difference between Reagan and Trump is this: For one, in Reagan’s day there was no 24 hour news cycle, as there is today. CNN was just getting started and there was no FOX News or MSNBC. For two, things were different in Reagan’s era. He came from the 1940’s. In that era, couples, families; people in general — kept their private lives, just that — private. You never saw Jane Wyman getting on TV in the 1980’s and trashing Ronald Reagan, when he was running for President. Because in those days, people just did not do that. The press was different too, there was a certain moral code that they lived by.

Sadly, that has all changed today. It started around 1989; right around the time that Reagan was leaving office. The fairness doctrine was gone and slowly the media became more and more politicized. Nowadays, gossip and innuendo are more valued over hard factual news. Accusations are more treated as fact, than facts themselves. It is a total and utter bastardizing of the media.

It is very obvious to this writer, that Donald Trump has lost this battle with the media and should step aside and let Mike Pence carry the torch and hopefully, he can win. However, as the steel-eyed realist that I am; I am sorry to say, it does not look good for us, at all.


Exclusive Video: Trump Must Go

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I have given this one much thought this morning. After reading all the news articles, I have decided to put this video out. I just hope someone in the Trump campaign sees it. I will vote for him, as I said in the video; if he is still on the ticket in November. But, at this point, I just do not see a Trump win.

This could be problematic for Donald Trump

Good morning from Detroit, it’s 4:28 a.m. and my body clock has been turning somersaults as of late. So, I am up rather early. Hopefully, I get this straightened out.

Memeorandum, which is a pretty cool site and a good tool for bloggers; is reporting this morning that a bunch of woman are reporting that Donald Trump did some pretty bad stuff to them.

This, my friends, is problematic. There is a third rail in politics and that is sexual abuse, of any sort. Both parties are that way, and if you hit that rail, you will end up without a political career. This is nothing new, it has been this way for many, many decades.

Even Pat Buchanan, who is a very sane voice in the conservative movement and one of Trump’s biggest supporters; is beginning to concede that Trump’s path to the White House might be drying up, speaking on this very subject, he says:

Trump exposed the fraudulence of the Clintons’ clucking concern for sexually abused women, brought Pence back into camp, turned the tables and changed the subject from the Trump tapes to the Trump triumph at Washington University.

Upshot: The Donald is alive.

While his path to 270 electoral votes still looks more than problematic, there is a month to go before the election, and anything can happen.

Indeed, it already has — many times.

Indeed, it is a month out, and anything can happen; it is not looking good from the realist standpoint. That being said, I am still voting for him; because I cannot, in good conscience, vote for that dreadful woman. I would be going against everything I know to be right, to do so.

Others, from both sides politically: Vox, Slate, Politico, Power Line, The Hill, Washington Post, USA Today, The Last Refuge, The Daily Beast, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Political Wire, Daily Kos, CBS Miami, Mediaite, WCTX-TV, Media Matters for America, The Moderate Voice, France 24, The Root, Independent Journal Review, Mother Jones, ThinkProgress, BuzzFeed, Occupy Democrats, KTLA, Politicus USA, Reuters, Raw Story, NBC News, Hit & Run, The Week, Law News, Hot Air, Talking Points Memo, NPR, New York Magazine, CBS New York, Mashable, The Right Scoop,, Balloon Juice, Business Insider, AOL, The New Civil Rights Movement, Guardian, RedState, Little Green Footballs, TVNewser, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Patterico’s Pontifications, Jezebel and The Resurgent, The Moderate Voice, RedState, The Week, Politico, Vox, Independent Journal Review, Guardian, Media Matters for America, AOL, Daily Kos, Occupy Democrats, BuzzFeed, Talking Points Memo, Mediaite, New York Magazine, The Atlantic, Political Wire, Lawyers, Guns & Money and Jezebel, more at Mediagazer », Vox, Politico, Business Insider, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Washington Post, Occupy Democrats,, Media Matters for America, Talking Points Memo, Raw Story, Mediaite, RedState, Suburban Guerrilla …, Politicus USA, New York Magazine and Gothamist

The utter hypocrisy of the “Christian Right”

I have to say, the so-called “Christian Right” has fallen away from what it once was in the 1980’s. As you know, and as I blogged about at about four this morning, Trump got caught on a hot mic saying some pretty nasty stuff about a woman.

This is what amazes me to no end. The so-called “Christian Right” has pretty shrugged the shoulders and said, “Oh Well…”.

Click here for the story via the Daily Beast. I shall quote some interesting parts:

The fact that Donald Trump said in 2005 that he could grab women “by the p*ssy” because he’s famous doesn’t seem to be changing how social conservative leaders feel about him.

Evangelicals who opposed him before still aren’t fans. And the ones in his camp aren’t phased by the recording. That’s because this isn’t about how much they like the brash billionaire; it’s about how unflinching they are in their opposition to Hillary Clinton.

“People of faith are voting on issues like who will protect unborn life, defund Planned Parenthood, defend religious liberty and oppose the Iran nuclear deal,” said Ralph Reed, who heads the Faith & Freedom Coalition.  “A ten-year-old tape of a private conversation with a talk show host ranks low on their hierarchy of concerns.”

This whole thing that I just quoted above, encapsulates the entire downfall and compromise of the Evangelical Christian right. Now, I happen to be 44 years old and I remember the Reagan era very well and I remember the militancy of the Christian Right. Could you imagine, if you are old enough to recall; what would have happened to Ronald Reagan, if something like that would have broken, during his bid for the Presidency? Ronald Reagan would have been shamed out of the Presidential race in an instant!

The reasoning for this reasoning of this, “eh, it happens” stance, is this:

Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, said the comments were “lewd, offensive, and indefensible.”

But, he added, he’s still voting Trump. He said he moderated a meeting between the candidate and Evangelical and Catholic leaders, and he was forthright about his hesitations about Trump’s moral

“I said at that time, with Trump sitting next to me, I would not necessarily choose this man to be my child’s Sunday School teacher,” Jeffress said. “But that’s not what this election is about.”

He added that he doesn’t think Hillary Clinton is morally superior to Trump.

“Here is a woman who lied to the families of the Benghazi victims, she destroyed 33,000 emails while under subpoena, and she’s attacked the women who attacked her husband,” he said. “The fact is we’re all sinners, we all need forgiveness, and God doesn’t grade people according to their level of sin.”

And David Bozell, a Roman Catholic who heads the conservative group ForAmerica and supports Trump, said the audio won’t change how conservative voters view the candidate.

“Bill Clinton’s history of being a sexual predator, including affairs with interns, dwarfs any locker room banter,” he said. “The clip is unfortunate, but then again, we’re not electing saints in November.”

Unbelievable. The reasoning is, “Donald Trump is pretty bad; But Hillary Clinton is worse.” This is a fatal flaw and bad reasoning. It also is a sure sign of the apostasy within the ranks of the Evangelical Church.

Now, do not misunderstand me here; I am voting for Trump and I will be holding my nose. However, as a Christian and an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist; I would expect those who claim to represent me and my beliefs to at least take more of a stand on an issue much as this one.

Other Bloggers: Vox, ThinkProgress, CNN, Mediaite, The Last Tradition, Us Weekly, Business Insider, FiveThirtyEight, Jezebel, The Gateway Pundit, Media Matters for America, The Verge,,, Los Angeles Times, Independent Journal Review, New York Times, ABC News, Joe.My.God., CBS Los Angeles, Bloomberg, The FADER, KATU-TV,, National Review, Hit & Run, Mashable, Florida Politics, The Times of Israel, Outside the Beltway, Daily Kos, Law News, RT, Boing Boing, Mother Jones, Washington Monthly, Scott Adams’ Blog, CBS San Francisco, Gothamist, The Daily Caller, Politico, BizPac Review, BuzzFeed, Off the Kuff, Politicus USA,, Occupy Democrats, The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, Page Six, Fox 59, Fox News Insider,, Forbes,, Talking Points Memo, USA Today, Taylor Marsh, Power Line, The Stranger …,, WREG-TV, Media Matters for America, TVNewser, NO QUARTER USA NET, Liberal Values,, CBS Philly, Patterico’s Pontifications, KTLA,, CBS New York, TalkLeft, Heat Street and Althouse, – Via Memeorandum

I knew they’d dig something up

I said it a long while back on this blog and it turns out that I was absolutely correct.

It appears that the media has dug something up about Donald Trump that has him reeling and apologizing.

If anything, it shows a desperation of the liberal-left and possibly those on the neocon right to stop this guy from being president of the United States.

I just hope it doesn’t damage Trump fatally; because I don’t think this country could handle Hillary Clinton presidency.

About that shooting in North Carolina

You might have heard about it. If not, here’s enough links to last a lifetime here.

Here’s my commentary on it:

Others: Mashable, KTLA, New York Daily News, NBC News, Power Line, Talking Points Memo, Above the Law, Sputnik International, Bearing Arms, Vox, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, Daily Kos, Vocativ, Hullabaloo, AOL, Hot Air, FOX News Radio, Associated Press, The Root, BizPac Review, National Review, The Atlantic, Raw Story, Independent Journal Review, WCNC-TV, Refinery29, The New Civil Rights Movement and USA Today, Al Jazeera English, Breitbart, Raw Story, New York Times, NBC News, NPR, ABC News, WBTV-TV,, CBS News, ThinkProgress, Shakesville, Hit & Run, The Daily Caller, The Root, Guardian, Vocativ,, WREG-TV, Mashable,, The Gateway Pundit, CBS New York, The American Mirror, The Week, Q13 FOX News, New York Magazine, Occupy Democrats, WAVY-TV, The Moderate Voice, WSOC-TV and Truth Kings, Associated Press, Bearing Arms, FOX News Radio, Front Page Magazine and Vox Popoli, ABC News, CNN, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, Independent Journal Review, Mic, Daily Mail, Tulsa World, BizPac Review, ABC News, Washington Monthly, NPR and Associated Press,, RealClearPolitics, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News,, Washington Post, Infowars, The Establishment, New York’s PIX11, The American Conservative, KFOR-TV, Rewire, Vox, Q13 FOX News, Occupy Democrats, AOL, PerezHilton and Independent Journal Review