My feelings about the shooting at the Family Research Council office in DC

If you want to read about it, go here and check out the round up here.


Now for my feelings about this shooting incident: This incident, like all of the rest of the shooting incidents is tragic.  It is a reminder that we do not live in the 1940’s anymore.  Putting it bluntly there are some crazy people out there.  This shooting is just another case of some idiot criminal, who might have been a bit off his rocker or who wanted some attention to his pet cause; decided to buy a gun and commit a crime.

Now I am not going to do, unlike some of the right — is sit here and accuse President Obama of ordering this sort of thing to happen.  Doing something of that nature is hyper-partisan in nature and not to mention quite stupid. Not to mention, it would be in the league of the Alex Jones crowd.  I have actually seen this already over at another well-known Conservative blog.  Shame on them, and they wonder why they have been labeled a racist blog and a hate blogger by some on the left!

What also gets up my nose is how some of the jackasses on the left are saying, “When is Congress going to impose stricter gun regulations?”  How stupid can you get?  The truth is, if the man, who shot up this place, had wanted to get a gun and do what he did; he would have gotten the gun — one way or another, legally or illegally.  Desiring stricter gun regulations to stop shootings is about as dumb as wanting to outlaw automobiles to prevent people from being run over by cars.  Yes, it is the same silly logic.

Terrorism is terrorism —- period —- full stop.  It does not matter to me and really should not matter to anyone, whether if it is being carried out by some Muslim, who thinks Jihad means to kill people or some Neo-Nazi, who cannot tell a Sikh from a Muslim.  Whether the crime is being committed by a far right wing militia person or a left wing radical communist — the point is the person is committing a crime.  What also should matter to all Americans, left and right, is that we live in such a lousy hyper-partisan Country these days, that no mainstream media outlets outside of Fox News could be bothered to report this incident.

Furthermore, what really galls me is the vileness that seems to emanate out of the left and the right, when stuff like this actually happens.  Why is that we have to partisan everything to absolute death?  The right does it, the left does it and it really does truly suck.  Why cannot we just be grateful that no one was killed and just move on?  This is a byproduct of the 24-hour news cycle and the advent of advocacy journalism I suppose.

The truth is, I have been caught up in much of what I just described, and you know what?  I really do regret that.  I regret that I was part of the echo chamber of blogging, first on the left, during the Bush era and then for a time, on the right.  It was dumb and it was not very honest.  This is the reason why I do not really blog about every single news item that comes up anymore.  Blog hits are great, but selling one’s soul for blog hits is not something I want to do at all.

This is the reason why that I have been throttling back the blogging a bit and toning down on the bombast here on this blog.  Because I just do not want to be the catalyst for some idiot, who is off his pebble a bit to go off and commit some mass shooting.  I want to be known for my honesty and not my site popularity.  I also do not want to responsible for any sort of nonsense that has been happening here as of late.

In closing: Can we all at least agree to pray that there is no more of these shootings, for at least a while?