Family News: Dad is in the hospital

I just thought I would tell my readers that read here all the time. My Father is in the hospital with his hip. For a while now, my Father has had problems with his hip and his leg. The pain, up till last night; has been bad but manageable. Well, last night, Dad’s pain took a turn for the worse.

Dad had been up at a family camping and fishing trip with my uncle and cousins. For the all of that trip, my Dad was in horrible pain; and last night my Father took all he could take and told me to take him to the hospital. I ended up staying at the hospital all night long. Needless to say, I will quite rough. I got some sleep here for a few hours thankfully, but I will be tired by this evening, I can tell you that.

What I can tell you is this; so far, the Doctor’s have found no blockages in his legs at all. So, they are running a battery of more tests to see if it is a pinched nerve or what. I will tell you this; seeing my poor 67-year-old Father literally crying in pain and agony, rips my heart out. đŸ˜„ Mainly, because there is nothing that I can really do about the pain or even make it stop.

I know I was telling about my plans to go back to driving truck and how my little health issues delayed my getting back in the truck. Well, those are solved, for now at least. But, due to my Father’s issues, my plans on getting back into the truck are on hold for the time being. Until my Dad is pain-free and can get around like he could before; I will not be getting back into the truck. My motto is this: Family First, Career Second.

I will keep you posted on my Dad, I promise you all that. But now, I got to get to the hospital to see my Dad here shortly.

Prayers for my Dad, my Mom and for me.



Erick Erickson makes a good point

Broken clock is right at least twice a day. 😉

The Video:

The story:

Appearing on a Fox Business panel Wednesday evening, Fox contributor Erick Erickson suggested it is “anti-science” to reject the biological claim that men should be in the “dominant” role in the nuclear family.

This particular panel segment of Lou Dobbs Tonight took on a recent Pew study claiming that mothers are now the primary source of income in 40 percent of American households. Dobbs characterized the findings as “troubling” while panelist Juan Williams asserted that it indicates “something going terribly wrong in American society.”

via Fox’s Erick Erickson: It’s ‘Anti-Science’ To Not Believe Men Should ‘Dominate’ Women | Mediaite.

Of course, the liberal naysayers are saying the Erickson is prime evil number one for daring to express Biblical principles on a National TV show. Which is basically normal for them. But, Erick, Lou Dobbs and yes, even Juan and the other guy are correct. Well, unless you are some liberal idiot, who believes that woman ought to rule the household. 🙄



Yahoo! News, The Moderate Voice, Slate, Crooks and Liars, The Hinterland Gazette, The Raw Story, Little Green Footballs and The Stranger 
, PoliticusUSA and

Update: It appears that Erick is catching flack for his comment and here is his defense:

Not everyone has the luxury of raising their children in a traditional manner and the rest of us have an obligation to help and support those in unfortunate situations. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with mothers having jobs. There is nothing wrong with women being breadwinners. Sometimes they have to by necessity.

But to say the two parent, heterosexual household isn’t the best for children or, more troubling, that our society should not be encouraging it, may make people feel tolerant and open, but it is killing our society. As Pew found, “Three-fourths of those surveyed say these mothers make raising children harder, and half worry that it’s bad for marriages. About half of those surveyed felt it was better if mothers stayed home with young children. In contrast, 8 percent thought it was better if fathers did.”

None of us can have it all. Women as primary breadwinners does make raising children harder, increasing the likelihood of harm in the development of children. While it is a reality in this world and sometimes even necessary, that does not mean we should not ignore the consequences of the increase in moms, instead of dads, as primary breadwinners.

People who seem to think it does not matter should answer one question: who is less valuable — mom or dad? The American people instinctively understand complementary relationships between men and women. The left should too.


More roundup:

ThinkProgress, The Maddow Blog, Mediaite, Pew Social & 
 and National Review

The Public School System is going to hell in a hand-basket, as always.

I have no words for this one folks, not one:


The Story:

Parents of children attending a Red Hook, New York, middle school are outraged after a recent anti-bullying presentation at Linden Avenue Middle School.

The workshop for 13 and 14-year-old girls focused on homosexuality and gender identity. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Parents say their daughters were told to ask one another for a kiss and they say two girls were told to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date.

“She told me, ‘Mom we all get teased and picked on enough. Now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,'” parent, Mandy Coon, told reporters.

Coon says parents were given no warning about the presentation and there was no opportunity to opt-out. Both the school principal and the district superintendent are defending the workshops and advising they will schedule more.

“The school is overstepping its bounds in not notifying parents first and giving us the choice,” another parent said. “I thought it was very inappropriate. That kind of instruction is best left up to the parents.”

“I was absolutely furious — really furious,” a parent who asked to remain anonymous told reporter Todd Starnes, “These are just kids. I’m dumbfounded that they found this class was appropriate.”

Superintendent Paul Finch told The Poughkeepsie Journal the presentation was “focused on improving culture, relationships, communication and self-perceptions.”

“We may require more notification to parents in the future,” Finch said

via Girls Told to Ask for Lesbian Kiss at School – US – CBN News – Christian News 24-7 –

One simply word comes to mind: Unbelievable. One word folks: Home-School. I did it, and so should every parent today. Because the public school system has just become too evil to send your children to it anymore.

Others: The Gateway Pundit, The PJ Tatler, Weasel Zippers and The Jawa Report

I know the feeling….

This basically what happened with me. I just gave up on looking, after I saw that I was not going to get hired around here. Same goes for the trucking work. It’s a long story, and not a pretty one.


The Story:

WASHINGTON –  After a full year of fruitless job hunting, Natasha Baebler just gave up. She’d already abandoned hope of getting work in her field, working with the disabled. But she couldn’t land anything else, either — not even a job interview at a telephone call center. Until she feels confident enough to send out resumes again, she’ll get by on food stamps and disability checks from Social Security and live with her parents in St. Louis. “I’m not proud of it,” says Baebler, who is in her mid-30s and is blind. “The only way I’m able to sustain any semblance of self-preservation is to rely on government programs that I have no desire to be on.” Baebler’s frustrating experience has become all too common nearly four years after the Great Recession ended: Many Americans are still so discouraged that they’ve given up on the job market. — Americans discouraged by economic recovery leave labor force | Fox News

It sucks, but it’s my life. Only way that I am going to be able to get a driving job now, as in a class A truck; is go to a big company, take a refresher course and drive with a trainer for a few weeks and then drive for two to five years over the road. I am not looking forward to it. But, if I want my career back, I have to do it. There are other issues however: My parents ages for one, I am an only child and I am all they have. That one weighs on me heavy. Because I would hate to be out across the Country and have one of them have a problem.

This is the stuff that I am wrestling with. Do I or don’t I?

I agree with Kevin Swanson: Feminism is simply not Christian

I happen to catch this over at Right Wing Watch, which I follow on Facebook; and I hate to admit it, but these guys hit the nail on the head.

Here is the part that I wanted to zero in on: (You can listen to the entire podcast by clicking here. I wanted to present the entire podcast, but I couldn’t hotlink it with my Podcast plugin.) 

I really hated to use Right Wing Watch’s video, but it was all I could get.

Now, the money quote is here and I will high the part that I have said all along, about Sarah Palin and her ilk. It is not just her, however; it is people like Michelle Malkin and others. (Not Ann Coulter, she is not a Feminist at all…)

Swanson: Now remember, the goal is that these women have to be independent. The goal is lots and lots of birth control. The goal is lots and lots and lots of fornication. The goal is abortion. The day-after pill will help. And it will help a lot. Remember, the goal is to get that girl a job because she needs no stinkin’ husband, she’s got the fascist corporation and government-mandated insurance programs and socialist welfare that will take care of her womb to tomb. Who needs a cotton-pickin’ husband? Who needs a family? That’s pretty much the worldview that’s dominating, my friends. That’s what the college is all about.

Buehner: Because her feminist professors have told her her husband will abuse her, she will be like a slave to him. Instead she will just go to the slave market and sell herself, at least sell her body, to the highest bidder. See, that’s much, much better!

Swanson: And Dave, you talk about the two kinds of feminists now, this is your new division, you say there’s two kinds of feminists.

Buehner: There are.

Swanson: All of them want to be free from the family. They want to be free from the husband. Who needs a stinkin’ husband? Who wants to be submitting to a husband and find security in the family when she can find security in the state or a sugar daddy for the four years that she needs to get through college?

Buehner: Right. Actually, you’re talking about perhaps even a third stream of feminism. There’s the Sarah Palin kind of feminism that wants to have a husband, just not one to submit to. And she still wants to..

Swanson: But talk about the two forms of feminism you see that are rising today.

Buehner: Right, there are two forms of feminism, and it actually has to do with a division of how attractive a woman is. So, you have the group that is very attractive, they’re in the sororities, they’re gonna be in the beauty contests. They’re actually going to get the good jobs. They’re going to leverage their attractiveness in the marketplace because it has a market value. Marketing. It helps market who you are. They’re going to proceed, now they will probably some of them become the Sarah Palin-style feminists, they’ll get themselves a husband, but they’ll never be dependent on the husband, they’ll never submit to the husband, in fact they will use their power probably to make their husband submit to them.

Swanson: Okay, so you have the cute feminists.

Buehner: Right, you have the good-looking ones.

Swanson: Well, who are the others?

Buehner: Well, the other ones are those who we should say are, um, attractive-deficient. And they have not been

Swanson: That’s nicely put. Attractively challenged.

Buehner: Attractively challenged. Optically challenged. These are the kinds that will look for careers mostly likely in academia.

Swanson: Now, just to say, they’re ugly. They’re the feminazis that Rush Limbaugh likes to refer to.

Buehner: Right, right, and they’re generally very angry about it because their attractive
or their lack of attractiveness has not given them access to power that they wanted in the marketplace. So they can get jobs

Swanson: And they’re certainly not going to get a lot of power sexually.

Buehner: No, but they can get jobs in the government bureaucracy, they can work as an FDA administrator, or you can actually run the EPA if you want, or academia. Academia’s actually the best place because you can be angry, ugly and you can also get tenure. It’s great, it’s the big trifecta.

Swanson: You’re gonna make some people mad about what you’ve just said. There will be some very angry feminists.

Buehner: You mean there will be angrier angry feminists.

Swanson: Angrier angry feminists are gonna come at you for what you just said, and probably from our listening audience, because if we tick anybody off we’re ticking two different folks off, the feminists and the homosexuals, they can’t stand this kind of stuff.

Buehner: Neither one of them have a high regard for the family or for the Word of God.

Swanson: That’s true, yeah, you’re right, you’re right, you’re right. And they’re the ones who are destroying society.

Buehner: The systems we are living in are coming down before our very eyes, the fiat currency won’t last, the corporate economies, they’re going to collapse. What’s going to last will be those who go back to a biblical worldview. I believe history will go back to this period of time and will look at feminism and say there was a time in which women lost the love of their children. They no longer cared about having children, they no longer loved their children, they no longer loved their husbands, where for all of history women very much cared about protecting the family. Now they only cared about themselves. They were riled up into a froth about how they were victims of society, patriarchal society, and they decided to become selfish, narcissistic, family-destroying whores.

Now, I quoted all of that, because I wanted to make a point. These guys are absolutely correct and it is something that I have know for a very long time. Feminism is not a Liberal problem, it is now a Conservative problem. The Bible clearly states that a Woman is to submit to her husband, in more than one place. What has happened is that Feminism has crept into the Conservative and yes, Republican circles. Sarah Palin in a perfect example of that sort of so-called “Conservative Feminism.”

Here are the Bible verses that back that up:

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. — (Ephesians 5:22-23 KJV)

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
(Colossians 3:18 KJV)

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. (1 Timothy 2:12-15 KJV)

The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. — (1 Corinthians 7:4 KJV)

This is not anything new, this is the Word of God; and the doctrines in it have not changed at all, nor will they ever. The World might change, Politics might change, Republican Party might change and the Conservative movement might change —- but the Word of God, it never changes and it never conforms to us and our vain doctrines. We, if anything, should conform to it.

Christmas Party

Just letting everyone know that I shall be away today for most of the morning and afternoon.

My Father’s local union is having it’s annual Christmas Party, which something I look forward to every year. It’s the one time of the year, that I get to eat like a pig and no one cares! 😉  I’m going with my Dad and two cousins; so it shall be an interesting time.

We don’t have to leave for the party,  till 9:00 am and it’s 4:38 am locally and I’m already up and ready to go. 😀 Boy, I am I going to be feeling it later… 😯

Anyhow, just to let everyone know the comment section will be on lock down. Which means I have to approve the comments when I get back home. Sorry, after this little thing of me telling the right to go jump in the lake, becoming an independent and siding with family, rather than corporatism; I really do not feel safe leaving the comment section open to drive by trolls. So, if you comment and it goes into moderation, that’s why. It’s nothing personal. I am just keeping the site locked down till I get back.

I will be doing some blogging here, while I wait for 9:00 am to roll around, just occupy my time. (No, not occupy time…. 🙄 As in occupy Detroit *snicker*)

Hurricane Sandy: The saddest story of the Hurricane yet.

This one just sucks wet socks and if you’re a misty-eyed type; it might even make you cry. đŸ˜„

From the New York Post:

The nightmare that began when raging storm waters ripped two little Staten Island boys from their mother’s arms reached its tragic conclusion yesterday when their bodies were found in marshlands close to where they disappeared.

Glenda Moore wailed uncontrollably after cops showed up at her Great Kills home yesterday and delivered the grim news.

STOLEN AWAY: Brandon, 2, and Connor, 4, were washed away with their mom’s SUV during the storm. They were found in marshland nearby.
STOLEN AWAY: Brandon, 2, and Connor, 4, were washed away with their mom’s SUV during the storm. They were found in marshland nearby.

The short lives of Brandon, 2, and Connor, 4, ended in murky water, under debris and trees toppled by the storm. They were found about 20 yards apart at around 10 a.m. by cops in wet suits using shovels and pitchforks to clear the thick brush.

“It’s a shock for everybody right now,” a family friend said outside the Brooklyn home where Moore retreated to the comfort of family members. “She’s in pain.”

Moore and her husband, Damien — a city sanitation worker who had been in Brooklyn during the hurricane — stopped at a funeral home to make arrangements for the boys, described by a friend as “the joy of their lives.’’

Brandon and Connor were separated from their mother on Monday night as she frantically tried to lead them to safety, away from raging floodwaters brought by Hurricane Sandy.




There are no words. Just pray. All I can truly say about this. 🙁