News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch and Wendi Deng call it quits

A bit of startling news:

EXCLUSIVE: New Corp chairman/CEO Rupert Murdoch has filed for divorce from wife Wendi Deng Murdoch, Deadline has learned. The filing was just made this morning in New York State Supreme Court. The couple met in 1997, at a company party in Hong Kong. They married in 1999, less than a month after his divorce from ex-wife Anna Maria Torv Murdoch Mann was finalized. She is perhaps most fondly remembered for standing up for her husband and clocking Jonathan May-Bowles, after he threw a pie at her husband during a highly publicized testimony before a British parliamentary committee in connection with the News International phone hacking scandal. Developing…

via News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch Files For Divorce –

First comment over at

Now this is a shocker. I guess he caught her watching Morning Joe

HA! So funny. 😀

Still it is sad that Murdoch and Wendi couldn’t make it work. 🙁

I will say this, just because I am cynical old coot; that it is quite ironic that the very network that unabashedly promotes Conservative Christian traditional values has an owner and CEO, who cannot even keep his own personal marriage together.  I have always said, those who preach, should lead by example; and it is quite ironic that Murdoch has failed there, twice over. Maybe he should try actually telling the truth; instead of living the lie that he has been for a while now.

Just my opinion.

Others:  TVNewser and Business Insider (via Memeorandum) and The Huffington PostFishbowlNYThe New York ObserverTVNewserBusiness Insider, Atlantic Wire@bigalibutts@shoq@bevysmith@stifanovich,BuzzFeed@kenli729@eelarson@themediatweetsThe Daily,@mlcalderone@emilybell and @dgelles via MediaGazer

Video: Judge Jeanine’s “fact based” takedown the Obama Administration on Benghazi

I put fact based in quotes, because of where she works. Because folks, the fact is, this is same network, who defended George W. Bush until it was no longer good for business and they knew that if they continued doing it that the credibility of the network was at stake.

Now, as I have written more than once,  I believe that most, if not all of this, is partisan theater. It is and it is getting nasty.

Having said that, this video here makes a very good case against the President and Hillary Clinton. If the Democrats are going to defend this President, they should try doing a better job than they are doing so far. Because this my friends, is downright deadly.

I think that we Christians ought to pray for stability of our Nation. Because I fear that all hell is about to break loose.


Great Video: Bill O’Reilly puts Femi-Nazi Laura Ingraham in her place

Shoot your mouth off, you get your ass spanked on the factor and that’s what happened here.

Here’s Bill O’Reilly doing his Memo on the controversy:

Here he is putting a butch Femi-Nazi in her rightful place:

This is what I absolutely love about Bill O’Reilly, he does not take any guff from anyone, right or left; and the man tells the truth. This is why Bill O’Reilly is still on the air and Keith Olbermann is not; because he is not a partisan hack and Keith was. It is also because Bill O’Reilly tells the truth and people like this butch Femi-Nazi theocrat cannot handle it.

Others: Scared MonkeysThe Gateway PunditTBogg and NewsHounds blog

Update: Before anyone says it; As I wrote before, I am not pro-gay marriage. But, I happen to agree with O’Reilly, our side has not made a good argument for traditional marriage, other than the Bible. Like O’Reilly said, it is a losing bet. It also is a losing bet to have a particular religion controlling a major political party, like the Republican Party. I believe that the Government should get out of marriage altogether. It should be a church matter, and the Churches who choose to wed gay people, should do so; and those who choose not to, should not be persecuted for it. This is the fear of the Conservative and Republican; and yes, even Christian community, that if some Church says that they are not going to marry a gay couple that they could be sued or, even worse, have their 501c3 status revoked. This needs to be addressed as well.

(Via Mediaite)

This is why I do not watch Fox News Channel much anymore

As a rule, I am not much into playing the “Race Card.” Because the left tends to do that a bit much, even with the Nation’s first black President. But, this here was just incredibly stupid and yes, it did sound racist.

The Video:

The Story:

Via Huffington Post:

Desiline Victor, a 102-year-old woman, received a standing ovation during the State of the Union on Tuesday for her resolve to vote. Fox News hosts Brian Kilmeade, Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer, however, wondered what the “big deal” was.

Victor made two trips and waited three hours to vote in Miami in November. President Obama spoke about the need to protect voting rights during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, and pointed to Victor, who was there as a guest of Michelle Obama, as an example.

Kilmeade, MacCallum and Hemmer did not seem to think she deserved one, though. Speaking on Kilmeade’s radio show on Thursday, MacCallum said that the issue had no place in the State of the Union because it could be handled on the “municipal level… Get the town council on that one.”

“How long was she on line?” Hemmer asked.

“What’s the big deal? She was happy,” MacCallum argued. “She waited on line, she was happy that she voted.”

“They held her up as a victim!” Hemmer alleged. “What was she the victim of? Rashes on the bottom of her feet?”

Oh yeah, that is weapons-grade stupid right there and a bit racist . Digby, who blogs at Hullabaloo; whom I am not a huge fan of — but when she is right, she is right, says the following and man is she ever right here:

The woman is 102 years old! Rashes on her feet! My God, that anyone had to try more than once to vote is shocking but that it happened to a woman who was born nearly a decade before women had the right to vote — and spent most of her life being denied the right as an African-American by jerks like these three privileged white people — is shameful.

These people represent the lizard brain of the Fox News base: heartless, petty and relentlessly, overwhelmingly stupid. This is Roger Ailes’ legacy.

I got news for Digby, If she doesn’t think that Rupert does not encourage such stuff, she is crazy; of course he does. …and to think, I used to be right in there, blogging along with these people that believed this very thing. Because I was actually foolish enough to believe that with this people, it was not about race, but simply about the issues that I disagreed with, when it came to blacks and Obama. Soon, I started to realize that it was not about the issues; it was about a resentment towards blacks. It was not outward or outright racism, but rather nuanced racism and resentment. Here’s a perfect example of it here, which is in the blogosphere, but it is the same mentality.

Now, let me be clear; I do not believe that ALL Conservatives are racists. However, I do believe that there are a good enough number of them that are racist, and this should worry anyone in the Republican Party. The reason these people believe that they are justified to be able to joke around about stuff like this, is because they happen to believe that the Republican Party was on the right side of the slavery issue, which is factually correct — and because they happen to reject the idea of “Political Correctness.” Something that I entirely understand as a Non-PC person myself. However, this here goes well beyond political correctness, and ventures off into bigotry and racism. It is a line that Fox News should not cross at all.

Also too, and I am just going to break the silence and speak my mind. This stuff right here folks is why Mitt Romney lost the election. Yes, I know about changing demographics and such. But the truth is, this here and some of the goings on with the Kristol and Podhoretz crowds, is why we lost the 2012 election. People know when they are being sold a line of bullshit and that is what was being sold by the right and people knew it. It was little things, like this here; and people saw that and said, “I do not want someone in the white house who believes that sort of a thing.” Because of that, we lost and we lost big. I say, “We” because I voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. I do not regret that vote either. I stood for what I believed in; and it was not this sort of crap here, that is for sure.

Here is hoping, that by 2016, the GOP does learn its lesson on stuff like this, and the Fox News Channel gets its stuff together by then. Although, to be quite honest. I just do not believe that they have it in them to change. You just cannot retrain Bull Conner’s brain. It is just that simple.

Video: Why I am not a big fan of Sean Hannity or Eric Bolling

Because of crap like this here: (H/T MMFA)

I mean, it is one thing to report the news and say that job numbers are horrible. Great, fine, they are; I agree with it. But to sit and actually accuse the President of the United States of “cooking the books” on the job numbers is just asinine. Also, let me also say this; if Obama is doing it, then George W. Bush did it too.

The truth is, the Government can never really know actually how many people are out of work. The only way that the United States Government could really know how many people are really out of work, would be to do some sort special survey to every citizen. This would cause every Constitutionalist  Republican, Conservative and civil libertarian to lose their minds and holler, “Invasion of Privacy!” So, no, that will never happen.

Again, this is why I avoid partisan shows like Hannity on Fox and anything over on MSNBC. They are just too damned partisan for my liking. I do, however, like to watch Bill O’Reilly. You would never hear that sort of tripe come out of O’Reilly’s mouth, ever. He just would not say that sort of thing.

Again, I am not saying that the entire Fox News channel network is partisan; there are some who are not, but the ones who do choose to engage in that sort of partisanship do bring a bad reputation to the network itself. Rupert should put a stop to it. But, he won’t because Roger Ailes loves that sort of a thing and believes it brings them ratings.


Kudos to Greta Van Susteren at Fox News Channel

For this bit of backbone in the face of the idiotic nonsense over at Fox News Channel towards Hillary Clinton:

I believe that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is suffering from a concussion.  She has never shied away from a fight (assuming the testimony would even amount to that), she has never declined to testify before in her decades of public service … and very significantly she has agreed to testify in January so they will hear from her.

If the Republicans wanted to hear from her earlier, why didn’t they just call her to testify earlier? and if she had said no, subpoena her?   It is simple to do.   The Republicans are in the Majority in the House of Representatives and had the power and could have summoned her / subpoenaed her to testify if they had wanted to.

Frankly, I do want to hear what she says about Benghazi — she is important to hear from on this serious matter – but I want to hear from her when she is in good health.  There are many, many unanswered and very serious questions in my mind, and as the Secretary of State, it is her job to answer them.   I would have liked to have had her testify weeks ago and answered the questions — but now that she is sick — the right thing to do is to wait until she is better.

I don’t agree with being snarky about someone’s health.

via I don’t agree with any of my FNC colleagues or anyone else who is a tad bit sarcastic on our air about Secretary Clinton’s health « Gretawire.

She’s a heck of a stand up gal for being an independent mind and not going along with the Company-led narrative about Hillary Clinton. I commend her for it.

Others: Mediaite and Politico

Video: Bob Costas explains himself

The only real quibble I have with this, is this: The gun culture that Bob Costas is referring to, is mostly promoted by Gangster Rap. Most of those guns that are in the inner cities are illegally bought and owned. Most legal gun owners are upstanding citizens, and not deranged nut jobs like the guy who shot up that theater or the guy who shot Gabrielle Giffords.

The painful truth is, that both of these guys bought these guns legally, and even I, as strong of a supporter of the second amendment as I am; I will concede that background checks would be a good idea, on the state level, with states sharing information. Now that would be a good idea. As for what kind of background, I believe checking for like serious health illnesses, such as mental illness and whether that person takes medication for some sort of illness is not unreasonable.

Either way, this video is very good. I think Costas defended his position well, I do not agree with it. I do not believe that the “Gun Culture” is necessarily a bad thing. The problem is that it has been exploited, by the gangsta rap culture.

(Via Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News Page)

Good News: Israel and Hamas agree to stop killing one another

Via Fox News:

The Video:

The Story:

After a deadly eight-day conflict, Israel and Hamas militants agreed to a ceasefire effective Wednesday evening, the Egyptian foreign minister announced at a press conference. Mohammed Kamel Amr, the foreign minister, made the announcement in Cairo and was flanked by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "Egypt is assuming the responsibility and leadership that has long made this country a cornerstone of international peace," Clinton said. The deal was brokered by the new Islamist government of Egypt, solidifying its role as a leader in the quickly shifting Middle East The cease-fire agreement, which took effect at 2 p.m. ET, was confirmed by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Reuters reported that the Israeli leader warned in a statement that more forceful action may be employed if the cease-fire deal is unsuccessful. Netanyahu also left the door open to a possible ground invasion of Gaza at a later date. "I know there are citizens that expected a wider military operation and it could be that it will be needed. But at this time, the right thing for the state of Israel is to take this opportunity to reach a lasting ceasefire," he said.

Darn, I was hoping that Israel would wipe the Palestinian savages off of the map. Oh Well, next time, I suppose.

I will change the header back to something a bit less….hostile now. Big Grin

Now back to boring politics. Sleepy

Update: AllahPundit has a good round up of the who, what, where and why. He’s pretty good for a half gay man. Hee hee

Video: Bill O’Reilly on Mitt Romney’s loss

(via NewsMax TV)

Bill O’Reilly’s Books:

You can get the rest of Bill O’Reilly’s books at the Blog Bookstore, and a number of other great titles available there as well. Just as well, you can shop at Amazon for ALL of your Christmas shopping needs , doing so keep this blog running and it’s owner happy! Thanks in Advance!

Also too, for those that do not like Bill O’Reilly, especially you on the right. You should be grateful for Mr. O’Reilly. If it were not for him; I would be still rooting for the left. I started watching Bill’s show, I would catch the repeat of the O’Reilly Factor at 11:00P.M. locally here, after watching Keith Olbermann’s show. I really began to notice that much of what the left would say about him, was nothing more than spin. Thus, I began watching Fox News and stopped watching MSNBC and Keith’s show. As a result of that, and much else; I am not firmly in the Conservative camp. (and proud of it too!)

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