In other news: Shepard Smith spaces out, and AllahPundit admits the obvious

First Shep:

and Allahpundit:

In an age where the hallmark of bleeding-edge tech is smallness, he chose to boldly go where no anchor has gone before with 55-inch touchscreens, which must be murder on the eyes of the staffers huddled over them two feet away. I will say, though, that the sheer volume of content they appear to be sifting through reminds me a lot of the evolution of the blogging experience over the last six or seven years. At first I was a cable-news and RSS man; then came Facebook; then came Twitter; and amid it all, new news sites and blogs worth monitoring seemed to sprout up every day. Trying to juggle it all while cranking out posts sort of feels like the bit here where Shep starts scrolling aimlessly through remote video feeds while keeping up a semi-coherent monologue. So there’s my official excuse for half-assed content going forward. It’s not that I’m an idiot, I’m just really distracted. (And kind of an idiot.)

Heh. I have no commentary for that one. 😆

In which I lose my distinction of being the most sarcastic blogger on the planet

Jeff Goldstein goes and takes it from me, and makes Wonkette no less!

Good Lord Jeff.… 🙄 No wonder Michelle Malkin is ignoring you! I’d ignore you too. I mean, I could see it now, the poor woman on Fox News; “Hey Michelle, this Jeff Goldstein guy, is he a friend of yours?” 😯

Don’t get me wrong; he has a bit of a point, but the same day?!??!?! Yikes. 😮

I’m just saying.

…….oh and quit working my side of the street! That sarcastic stuff is my gig! 😀



12 is such a lovely number

The Video:

The Story:

Kiam Moriya, from Birmingham Alabama, was born on December 12, 2000 12 minutes after midday, in Bronxville, New York.

“It’s like one minute out of a whole lifetime,” Kiam told “You know, it’s all 12s.”

Kiam was not due until later January or early February, but was seven weeks premature, making the birthday all the more remarkable.

Statisticians from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said about four million babies were born in the US in 2000, with an average of about 11,000 per day – or about eight babies every minute.

12/12/12 is seen as somewhat of a lucky date, with lots of couples planning to marry on the day.

via Boy turns 12 on 12/12/12 at 12.12pm – Telegraph.

Now number one on the other hand:

Getting robbed in a jail parking lot?

Alternative headline: “Somebody really, really, really, really, really, really, wants to go to jail so bad!”  I mean, free meals, free bed, group showers. Hey, it beats living in the streets. The complimentary forced anal sex might be a bit rough, but you take the good with the bad. 😆 😀 😛 😯

If you cannot be safe in the parking lot of Rikers Island, America is in some deep trouble and we are seriously screwed. 🙄

From a thief’s point of view, the place had a lot of potential.

It was big, with lots of room to work. Rows and rows of cars that almost certainly contained valuables left behind by their owners, more so than on a normal city street. What was more, the cars were almost guaranteed to be unattended for at least two or three hours while the owners were away.

The location’s only drawback: it was the parking lot for visitors to Rikers Island. At the other end of a long bridge sat the huge jail complex that held the inmates these drivers were visiting. That must deter many potential thieves.

But not all.

It was Oct. 7, a Sunday, typically a busy day when family members who cannot come on a weekday find time to visit.

One of them was Ailsa Williams, 39. She was going to see her son, whose name and crime she declined to share in an interview. She had been visiting for months and was prepared for the long day ahead, beginning with this parking lot.

“There aren’t enough spots,” Ms. Williams said. “The ones that are there aren’t outlined properly.” The lot is irregularly shaped, sort of a triangle. The broad end is occupied by an administrative office in a trailer. Below it are narrowing rows of parking spots, ending in the tip, where she found a spot.

She did something no right-thinking New Yorker would normally do elsewhere. She left all her things in the car.

via Unlikely Spot for a Break-In – The Rikers Parking Lot –

I hate to might like someone else’s misfortune; but some things are just too funny to pass up. 😀