Global Warming hack shows his class

I was not going to bother writing about this, because I felt it to be a bit petty. Nevertheless, it does warrant showing just how liberals act, when challenged with facts that prove that their science is truly bogus and quite politically motivated.  Again, this is just more the fascist mentality that shines through, when these leftists are confronted with reality.

This video is in two parts; I will be presenting both, so that you can watch the entire thing from beginning to end.


Go to Gropenhagen Conference, get free twat!

Catchy title eh? 😛

Copenhagen’s city council in conjunction with Lord Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard sent postcards out to 160 Copenhagen hotels urging COP15 guests and delegates to “be sustainable – don’t buy sex”.

“Dear hotel owner, we would like to urge you not to arrange contacts between hotel guests and prostitutes,” the approach to hotels says.

Now, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has no business meddling in their affairs. They have now offered free sex to anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and their COP15 identity card, according to the Web site

via Gropenhagen Conference: Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International.

But of course, the hoes are having none of that:

“This is sheer discrimination. Ritt Bjerregaard is abusing her position as Lord Mayor in using her power to prevent us carrying out our perfectly legal job. I don’t understand how she can be allowed to contact people in this way,” SIO Spokeswoman Susanne Møller tells

Møller adds that it is reprehensible and unfair that Copenhagen politicians have chosen to use the UN Climate Summit as a platform for a hetz against sex workers.

“But they’ve done it and we have to defend ourselves,” Møller says.

I’d be willing to bet that Al Gore is now wishing that he went to this little, um, ahem, Hoe Down! Besides, what else would you do that? Watch Porn Movies or something? (Oh, I know the hits are going come now!)

Other Sex fiends covering this rather X-Rated story: Watts Up With That?, The Jawa Report, Hot Air, and American Power

The Sunday Evening Round Up

Because I am not particularly in the mood to write a bunch of articles today, I will give the round up in what is happening in the political blogosphere.

Global Warming E-Mail-Gate Continues —— Christopher Booker at the telegraph thinks that this is the worst scandal to hit the global warming community in a long time. My personal feelings about global warming are this; the science is incomplete. Another problem with the entire global warming issue is this; it became a partisan issue, with one side having one set of data and other another set. This, I believe contributed to the problems with researching the subject. Once political agendas were introduced, the entire subject became muddled. This is why I firmly believe that partisan politics should be removed from the discussion and leave the science to the science folk. You can read the round up on this subject by clicking here.

The Swiss vote to ban any further building of minarets. — The first thing I thought when I saw this was; “What the heck is a minaret?” According to Wikipedia, a minaret is a structure for a Mosque. Naturally, this is causing quite a stir in Switzerland. You can read the roundup here.

Thomas Freidman says that the Shooting at Fort Dix was a result of Muslims being paranoid about Americans. —– Sorry folks, they do not get any more stupid than Friedman or hypocritical either. Friedman is nothing more than a Liberal Apologist for Muslim Terrorists, plain and simple. I am not the only one giving Friedman royal sand about this, read the roundup.

The New York Times, the most liberal print paper in America, writes a story that claims that Bush let Osama Bin Laden escape capture. Liberals and Democrats have LONG believed this, for years. (I know, I was one of them….) Why is this even being printed? Oh, I know why! Because Osama Obama’s poll numbers are dropping and his various so-called “solutions” to save America’s economy, which Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter royally screwed up — have failed. Therefore, the Liberals are trying to find an excuse to blame Bush for something. It is the classical distraction from the real issues at hand; Works every time, for most people. For the round up of reactions to the story, click here.

Here we have another story from the New York Times about high use of food stamps in America. My Friend Steven Glibert over at Sweetness and Light comments:

Somehow just about every person (except family, in a line for clothing) is white. Despite the article’s own (albeit buried) claim that “food stamps feed one in three blacks.”

But of course the real purpose of this article is to encourage more people to go on the dole.

The New York Times wants us to be a nation of layabouts who are completely dependent upon the government.

They know that is the fastest way to the socialist dictatorship they crave so badly.

Steve is a harsh man, but quite the truthful one.

The latest about Tiger Woods is not much at all. He is not saying much at all. The rumors of Martial infidelity and possibly masturbation while driving appear to be unfounded. — The reactions to this most interesting story can be found here.

The woman who is running for Fat Ted’s old senate seat is against sending more troops in to Afghanistan. Are you surprised? I thought not. — Read the Reactions here.

Not a big shock, but Iran plans to build more Nuke Factories. Obama wants to invite the bastard to a beer party or so I am told. — Read the reactions here.

That will do it for the news round up for this Sunday. I will see you all tomorrow for more blogging, snark and the occasional funny! See you then!

News from a Fundamentalist Baptist Christian perspective

November 20, 2009, Volume 10, Issue 47

The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorsement. For instructions on how to unsubscribe to this list or to change mailing addresses, please consult the information paragraph at the end.

LEE STROBEL’S DANGEROUS ASSOCIATIONS (Friday Church News Notes, November 20, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – Lee Strobel, the influential author of several widely-used apologetics books including The Case for Christ, is an “evangelical” whose associations with rank heretics sounds loud warnings. In January 2010 he is scheduled to speak at the Break Forth conference in Canada with William Paul Young, author of The Shack, and Leonard Sweet, a New Age contemplative. Lighthouse Trails observes, “[Though many have admired Strobel’s work in the past], it is really no surprise that he is attending Break Forth. With his sponsorship of his son’s very contemplative/emerging ministry Metamorpha, multiple appearances at Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral over the years, and his ongoing connections with Saddleback and Willow Creek, discernment is not something that Strobel appears to give much attention to” (“Why Are Joel Rosenberg and Frank Peretti Appearing with New Age/New Spirituality Sympathizers,” Lighthouse Trails, Nov. 9, 2009). Strobel’s fellow speaker Paul Young depicts God as a woman and claims that He/She does not judge sin or send anyone to hell. Leonard Sweet promotes a New Age universalist spirituality that he calls New Light and “the Christ consciousness.” He describes it in terms of “the union of the human with the divine” which is the “center feature of all the world’s religions” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 235). He says it was experienced by Mohammed, Moses, and Krishna. He promotes Matthew Fox, M. Scott Peck, and Ken Wilber, New Agers who believe in the divinity of man. Sweet says humanity needs to learn the truth of the words of the Buddhist-Catholic priest Thomas Merton, “We are already one” (Quantum Spirituality, p. 13). The Bible warns that it is impossible to join hands with such men in ministry without becoming partaker of their evil deeds (2 John 8-11).

RULES! LAWS! (Friday Church News Notes, November 20, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – When a high school gymnastics team recently lost a title competition because the coach broke the rules, the responses were telling. They ranged, in effect, from “we understand and accept the rule” to “we are special and shouldn’t be bound by such silly rules.” On the weekend of November 7-8, Northwest High School of Shawnee Mission, Kansas, slipped from first place to third after one of the coaches inappropriately questioned a scoring decision, costing the team a one-point penalty. The school’s athletic director, Richard Grinage, admitted that the coach acted contrary to the rules, saying, “It would be similar to a called ball or strike.” The coach in question, though, was unrepentant, saying, “We were the strongest team and had the highest score with 103.9 points, but, because of a ruling that has never been enforced in 30 years; we got a 102.9 and were third place” (“Sometimes It’s Better to Just Keep Your Mouth Shut,”, Nov. 11, 2009). Discussing the purpose of the rule, Becky Oakes of the National Federation for State High Associations, said that “to allow a coach to always question an official could really interrupt the flow of events for the athletes and the competition.” That’s reasonable. Games must have rules. Life must have laws. And if laws are broken and there is no penalty, the law is destroyed and anarchy reigns. This is why the holy Creator God punishes infractions of His Law, and it means that we all deserve His just punishment, because we are all sinners. But in His great love He has provided a way of salvation for those who put their trust in the cross-work of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. The unfathomable love of God cannot be understood without a comprehension of His inflexible holiness. The Gospel cannot be understood apart from the Law.

THE NEW IRON CURTAIN (Friday Church News Notes, November 20, 2009,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “The Iron Curtain” by Paul Proctor, Nov. 10, 2009,, — “On this 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, with America deteriorating like an old and obsolete relic of our patriotic past, I’m left to wonder if the event let freedom in or tyranny out. You see, as I write, the wall is being rebuilt–not with concrete, mortar or razor wire–but instead, with satellites, cameras, computers, databases and an array of impressive and oppressive technologies that can monitor, record and analyze the movements, expressions, words and even thoughts of an unsuspecting populace now evermore willing to exchange God-given liberties and freedoms for governmental guarantees of health, safety, security and prosperity. These are the new guard towers that cast long shadows from above that to many are far more intimating than they are comforting. … I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the wall is indeed returning–and this time it extends around the world. When the powers that be are finished with it, there will be nowhere to run and hide. It won’t protect us from the evil without, but will only chain us electronically and spiritually to the wickedness within. It doesn’t matter how many guns are purchased or how much ammo one has stored away. Ultimately, this is a spiritual battle with eternal consequences and God Himself is the only One who can deliver us from what lies ahead. The sooner we fall to our knees, confess our sins, repent and cry out for a salvation that comes only by Jesus Christ, the sooner we will have ‘the peace of God which passeth all understanding’ and the wherewithal to carry on into the future, uncertain as it may be. ‘For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13). That’s real freedom, liberty and security–the kind the Apostle Paul sang about joyously while bound and imprisoned for his faith as told in the 16th chapter of Acts. Without it, there is no hope—not in this life or in the life to come.”

Global-Warming E-Mail Hack-Gate

This one is quite the big story; although there are some doubters.

Check out the round up; that itself is a doozy!

Michelle Malkin wisely adds:

First things first: The alleged hackers need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I couldn’t agree more. Nobody and I mean, nobody; deserves to have their private e-mails printed anywhere, at all. Even if they are peddling with the greatest hoaxes known to mankind.

I personally would like to know who exactly was behind this hacking; if it were a Conservative blogger or someone connected to one. I would like to see him exposed and shamed in the Blogosphere. Because we Conservatives; especially those who are Republicans, do NOT believe in lawlessness; and that is exactly what this was, Anarchy and it is wrong.