Video: Neville Chamberlain – Britain's declaration of war 1939

On September 1, 1939 German troops swarmed across the Polish border and unleashed the first Blitzkrieg the world had seen. Hitler had been planning his attack since March – ever since German troops occupied the remainder of Czechoslovakia. The Poles suspected as much and readied their defenses. Unfortunately the Poles based their defensive strategy on the experiences of World War I. Mobility was crucial – mobility provided by cavalry troops the Poles considered the best in the world. Indeed, their horsemen were probably the world’s best – but horses offered little defense against tanks.

Britain and France had sworn to defend Poland. Honoring these obligations, the two countries sent ultimatums to Hitler demanding his withdrawal from Poland. Hitler declined to respond. On September 3, Prime Minister Chamberlain went to the airwaves to announce to the British people that a state of war existed between their country and Germany. World War II had begun.

Unfortunately Chamberlain’s action was little help to the Poles. German troops advanced steadily. The final blow came on September 17 when Soviet forces under terms of a secret agreement with Germany marched into Poland from the East. Warsaw surrendered on September 27. By October 6, it was all over. Poland had ceased to exist as a country.

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announces Britain’s declaration of war on Germany, September 3, 1939

God Help Us, if we as a Nation do not learn from the mistakes of others.

Late Night at the PB Pub Presents….. Janis Joplin

I post these videos, not to mock the politics of the performers. But because I happen to have a great appreciation for great music.

I choose this video because it shows the soul, vulnerability, and sadness that was Janis Joplin. God had she lived, the things she would be doing today. If there was a King and Queen of the 1960’s and of that Era of music; Jimi Hendrix was the king and this lady was in fact, the Queen.

This video is from 1969 and this is Little Girl Blue


Rachel Lucus visits Auschwitz and Birkenau

This most likely one of Rachel’s best postings ever.

Click here to go read….

Memorable Quote:

Someone told me a few months ago that Auschwitz would be a life-changer for me, and they were right, but I would like to emphasize that it is a good change. In the six weeks since I was there, the majority of my previous petty concerns have stopped mattering to me, completely. I just stopped caring about a lot of things that were truly pointless. It has been a very surprising and welcome change. My experience of life is different, in a good way. Something about that day in that place made me realize that if I don’t enjoy and appreciate every single moment of my charmed and comfortable life, then I am an unforgivable ass.

I don’t say that lightly. It is a real thing. All of us who are able to write or read blogs, we have it easy by any measure and we are fools if we don’t actively appreciate every single morsel of freedom and plenty that we have.


Jack Hunter makes a good point

At one point, I had written that I was not going to publish this man’s videos anymore; and I do not make a habit of it. His comment about our Military over on The American Conservative‘s Blog called “Post Right” was the end for me.

However, this video does make a good point and so, I will post it; with a comment at the end.


I posted this, because I happen to agree with Jack’s stance on progressive policy on economics. But because I am “Fair and Balanced”, I will tell you, what others will not about the “Paleo-Conservative” or the “Taft” wing of the Republican Party as it is called by some. If it were left to these guys; such as Jack Hunter and his two hero-like personalities like Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul —- America would have never went to war with Germany, at all. Hitler would have allowed to exterminate the Jews. Something that I am told Pat Buchanan has said that he wished happened, when he was around some friends once; which goes back to the old school catholic hatred of the Jews and their religion. Further more, most people of the Paleo-Conservative strand believe that Abraham Lincoln was a traitor. Not only to the White Man; but also to the South for the way he conducted the Civil War. Which Jack claims was not about race. (Wink Wink) But rather about Centralized Government.

So, while Jack might be correct about his thesis on the economic policy; his association with the bigoted “Old Right” is to be noted and for this, I feel, his credentials are marred.

Guest Voice: Dismanteling Our Christian Heritage by Derry Brownfield

I present this with the usual disclaimers. But I believe this man has a point; please read it with an open heart and mind.



“Behold, the days come, says the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water but a FAMINE for hearing the words of the Lord. And the people shall wander from sea to sea; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, but shall not find it. By the life of your god (idolatrous golden calf) they shall fall and rise no more.” (Amos 7:11-14)

George Washington, the Father of our Country, required all Officers and Soldiers, not engaged on actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine Services, to implore the blessings of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense. “The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man, will endeavor so to live, and act, as becomes a “CHRISTIAN” Soldier, defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country.”

John Adams stated in his March 4, l797 Inaugural Address: “With humble reverence, I feel it to be my duty to add, if a veneration for the religion of a people who profess and call themselves “CHRISTIANS” among the best recommendations for the public service.” He also said: “The Declaration of Independence ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” The primary author of this Document mentioned God’s name four times within the Declaration.

On January 21, 1810, John Adams said: “The “CHRISTIAN” Religion, as I understand it, is the brightest of the glory and the express portrait of the eternal, self-evident, independent, benevolent, all-powerful and all merciful Creator.”

It is often stated that Thomas Jefferson was a Deists, however on April 21, 1803 he wrote the following: “My views are the result of a life of inquiry and reflection, and very different from the ANTI-CHRISTIAN system imputed to me by those who know nothing of my opinion. To the corruptions of Christianity, I am indeed opposed, but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus Himself, I am a “CHRISTIAN” in the only sense in which He wished any one to be – sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others.” Jefferson, along with the majority of America’s founders knew that freedom was the gift of God, not the accomplishment of men.

James Madison (our 4th President) called for a National Day of Prayer: “If the public homage of a people can ever be worthy of the favorable regard of the Holy and Omniscient Being to whom it is addressed, it must be guided only by their free choice. By the impulse of their hearts and the dictates of their consciences; and such a spectacle must be interesting to all “CHRISTIAN” nations as proving that religion, that gift from Heaven for the good of man…”

John Quincy Adams wrote in his diary in 1810: “I have made it a practice for several years to read the Bible through in a course of every year.” December 24, 1814 after negotiating the TREATY OF GHENT he stated: “You ask me what Bible? I answer, the Bible containing the Sermon on the Mount – any Bible. The New Testament I have repeatedly read in the original Greek, in the Latin, in the Geneva Protestant, in Sacy’s Catholic French, in Luthur’s German, in the common English Protestant and in Douay Catholic translations. I take any one of them for my standard of faith. My hopes of a future life are all founded upon the Gospel of “CHRIST.”

Andrew Jackson wrote his wife Rachel: “I trust that the God of Isaac and of Jacob will protect you and give you health in my absence…” Jackson apparently knew that there were some people that worshipped foreign gods, and wanted to make the point he worshipped the God of the Holy Bible. In referring to God, our early politicians used other descriptive terms, such as: “The unerring hand of Providence” – “All-merciful Creator” – “Supreme Author of All Good” – “Supreme Ruler of the Universe”.

Apparently President Barack Obama has not studied American History, because he recently said while in Turkey: “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” “We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.” Whether Obama understands the early writings of those great men who founded this nation, or not, perhaps he is correct, because America has become a “post” Christian nation. Once was – not now! Liberalism and political correctness have successfully dismantled our Christian heritage. Our moral and spiritual foundation is practically gone. America no longer acknowledges the one true God of the Bible, the God of Isaac and Jacob.

Students at Bradley University found an anti-abortion display featuring a cross to be offensive to non-Christians, and it was removed. — Small towns around the nation that once said prayers in the name of Jesus before holding city council meetings have abandoned the practice. — A flyer promoting a YMCA basket ball camp in Bakersfield, California was not allowed to be distributed in public schools because the text mentioned Christian principles. — The owners of an A & W Root Beer restaurant in Colorado were ordered to remove the Bible Scriptures from the sign in front of the store because the phrases offended some of the customers. — Schools all across the land are changing to an all secular holiday calendar. — The Christmas holiday has now been changed to “Winter Break.” — A man on death row for murder and rape wants his conviction thrown out because some of the jurors cited Bible verses during their deliberation. — The City Attorney in Sparks, Nevada took the words “God Bless America” out of the signs around city hall. — Three plaques quoting Biblical Scriptures posted at lookout points at the Grand Canyon have been removed, following complaints from the ACLU. — The National Park Service was forced to put a tarp over the 70 year old land mark cross at the Mojave Desert. — A Bible enclosed in glass that sat in front of the Harris County Court House in Houston, Texas for 47 years was removed because it was offensive. — Staffers of the Governor of Michigan removed the phrase “of the year of our Lord” because it was deemed insensitive to non-Christians. — A district court judge in North Carolina said religious references including the oath that ends “SO HELP ME GOD” must be removed because not all court cases are for Christians. — Officials in Stanislaus County, California removed a 40 year old memorial because the monument included a cross that might infringe on rules of the “Separation of Church and State.” If you read the Constitution from cover to cover you will find no mention of the “Separation of Church and State.” Those remarks were in a letter written by President Thomas Jefferson, responding to a letter sent him by a Baptist Association concerned that the Government was going to interfere with the free and open practice of the Christian religion. Jefferson wrote the letter to assure them that would not happen – that the government cannot do such a thing. Today that phrase is being interpreted to mean the exact opposite of its original intent.

Today our Universities, Hollywood, liberal politicians and homosexuals in the nation’s Capital are hostile to the Holy Bible. The Book cannot appear on a desk in a government office, nor can it be studied in our nation’s public schools. Every effort is being made to eradicate any public reference to the Bible, or the name of Jesus. To even mention the name of Jesus or quote Biblical scriptures in public is considered insensitive. This conspiracy is being promoted under the lie that it was the original intent of the founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution.

God once blessed America – from it’s founding for over 150 years. Since the early 1960’s God, Jesus and the Holy Bible have been kicked out of our government, our courts and our schools. When public school children can no longer sing God Bless America, how can God bless America?

Is there a possibility that God has already begun to withdraw His protection from the United States? God tells us in Deuteronomy 28:45, that curses shall come upon us until we are destroyed, because we did not hearken unto His voice and keep His statutes which he commanded. He tells us in very uncertain terms how we as a nation will be overcome. (1) The stranger shall rise above us and we shall come down very low. The stranger shall lend to us and we will not lend to the stranger. The stranger shall be the head and we shall be the tail. (Deuteronomy 28:43-44) (2) The Lord shall bring a nation against us from far; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to the young, which also shall leave us no corn, wine or oil. (Deuteronomy 28:49-51) (3) If you shall despise my statutes and abhor my judgments, so that you will not do all my commandments, I will appoint TERROR over you, and your enemies that hate you shall reign over you. (Leviticus 26:11) (4) I shall break the pride of your power and your strength shall be spent in vain. (Leviticus 26:19-20)

As our nation’s sins have become many, so are God’s judgments many. These are just a few that I can see taking place as each day goes by. These judgments didn’t start coming upon us prior to the Supreme Court’s deciding that the God of Isaac and Jacob was no longer welcome in America. Will God reconsider and return to us our once free nation? YES! But only if we totally submit ourselves to Him, impeach the Supreme Court judges that voted Him out of our lives, rescind their decisions and put the Bible back in our schools, courts and lives of our politicians, administrators, judges, teachers and the general public. I don’t believe it is going to happen!


Derry Brownfield was born in 1932 and grew up during the depression. He is a farmer and a broadcaster. Derry attended the College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees. He taught Vocational Agriculture several years before going to work as a Marketing Specialist with the Missouri Department of Agriculture. Derry served as Director of the Kansas City Livestock Market Foundation at the Kansas City Stockyard prior to establishing himself in farm broadcasting.

Derry started farming when he was 16 years old and received the Future Farmers of America State Farmer degree in 1949. Since that time the Brownfield Farm has grown to over 1000 acres maintaining a herd of 200 registered Charolias cows.

In 1972, Derry and his partner established the Brownfield Network which now serves 250 radio stations throughout the Midwest with news and market information. In 1994, Derry started his own syndicated radio talk show and he is one of the most popular radio talk show hosts in America. The Derry Brownfield Show can be heard on approximately 80 radio stations in 23 states. With his entertaining sense of humor and witty commentary he has captured audiences for over 30 years. His ability to present an informative talk show while being light and colorful is why he has a large loyal listening audience.

Derry Brownfield is a practical farmer, a practical business man and a very entertaining speaker. He travels extensively throughout the country speaking about his common-sense point of view.

Web Site:


Video: THE RULES OF THE GAME: Just War Doctrine


Thou Shalt Not Kill—perhaps the most famous moral commandment in the western world. And yet Judeo-Christian religious leaders have also created a doctrine that can justify killing—commonly known as Just War Doctrine. What sort of military action does Just War Doctrine permit and what sort does it proscribe? Is America’s campaign against terrorism a just war?

The Hoover Institute’s Website.

Today in History for August 15, 2009

Man, a whole bunch of stuff happened yesterday… and would you believe, I missed it? Well, I forgot to post the video! 😉 😛

Here’s what all happened:

Highlights of this day in history: Allies mark VJ-Day as World War II effectively ends; Woodstock begins; France’s Napoleon Bonaparte born; India gains independence; Blast hits Omagh, N. Ireland; ‘The Wizard of Oz’ premieres in Hollywood.

Proud to be crazy thankyouverymuch!

Rick Perlstein of the Washington Post moans softly:

“It used to be different. You never heard the late Walter Cronkite taking time on the evening news to “debunk” claims that a proposed mental health clinic in Alaska is actually a dumping ground for right-wing critics of the president’s program, or giving the people who made those claims time to explain themselves on the air. The media didn’t adjudicate the ever-present underbrush of American paranoia as a set of “conservative claims” to weigh, horse-race-style, against liberal claims. Back then, a more confident media unequivocally labeled the civic outrage represented by such discourse as “extremist” — out of bounds.”

Jack Moss of Macsmind answers:

Of course this is selective amnesia that ignores how Cronkite’s “editorializing” of the Vietnam War, calling a victory at Tet a “defeat” lead to American withdrawal and the wasted sacrifice of over 50,000.

But more, having vividly lived those times, I never remember the media doing anything other than bolster and praise left-wing outrage. The media of the 60s, as now celebrated left-wing social unrest and demonized right wing opposition. Little has changed.

But just because Americans stood to to the anti-American ideals of Socialism and Communism, didn’t make “Right-Wingers” ‘radical’, it simply showed they were right.

Just look at who is President now.

Quite true. If America had done things right, we would not be in the mess that we were in now. As a personal hero of mine, Trent Lott once said:

"I want to say this about my state: When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn’t have had all these problems over all these years, either,"

Nothing more can be added to that. It is the truth; of course, your tenderhearted Conservatives and your race-baiting liberals will object to this statement, but it is the truth. The civil rights act of 1964 was totally unconstitutional. Of which, a personal hero of mine refused to vote for; that being Senator Barry Goldwater. This did cost him the election of that year. The Democrats got their revenge on that vote; during the election the Democrats painted Goldwater as mentally unstable. Which was, and still is, a bunch of baloney. It also began the process of the classic intellectual liberals to the leave the Democratic Party and join the ranks of the Republican Party. That faction of the party became known as the "Neo or New Conservatives". Led by the likes Irving Kristol; The New Conservatives sought to rip control of the Republican Party away from the hands of the "Old Right", which by this time, had become mired in racism and Antisemitism. Some would say that much of this was accomplished by lies and trickery.

Now to address the quote by Trent Lott; I realize that supposed racial aspects of that statement. But to me, it is a broader statement, than just "them Negros are ruining our society!"  To me it speaks to an absolute rejection the idea of Multiculturalism and the rejection of diversity. The whole problem with this idiotic idea of celebrating diversity is this; Black Liberals want you and I to be ashamed of being even being white. Even though ninety-nine percent of white people living today, had nothing to do with the acts of slavery that took place in this Country over 300 years ago. Further more, Black Liberals want you to be ashamed of the practice of segregation that took place in the south —- whether you had anything to do with it, or not. They want you to blame yourself. Which is quite idiotic, in this writers opinion.

Not only this, but the Liberal Black Community wants to blame the white race for the problems within their own society. If a black man kills another black man; it is automatically the white mans fault. Why is that? Because the African-American community has never, and will never take direct responsibility for its own actions. They would rather scapegoat the white community for their problems. Why? Two Reasons; it is easier and it gets their political leaders votes. I have written here before that the Democratic Party views the African-American community as the resident "useful idiots"; this is proved by watching any of the many videos floating around of ACORN out doing their bidding, what is the skin color of ninety percent of those workers? You know what I am saying. You never see any of those Limousine latte sipping liberals from New York and California in those videos. You see African-American liberals doing the hard work for them. That is because the African-Americans get the Democratic Party votes. They do this by stirring the pot of racism tension in this Country and fueling the African-American’s sense of entitlement. It gets them the votes. Which is pretty funny consider that most of the people who carried out acts of racial violence in this Country were, in fact Democrats. In fact Alabama Governor George Wallace, who’s quote is quite infamous; was a Democrat.

The point I am trying to make here is this. These modern day Socialist Democrats have short term memory spans. They seem to have forgotten that the very party that are in, are the very ones who oppressed them for years.

Update: A Book that I highly recommend all black liberals read: Unfounded Loyalty

ISBN: 1887542183
ISBN-13: 9781887542180