UPDATED BIG TIME!: Video: Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s DNC Speech

Drudge called this a “meltdown” and AllahPundit mocked it.

The Video:

Okay, first off, it is quite obvious that she was trying a wee bit too hard. However, I disagree with both of these opinions. What you were possibly seeing here, is a dress rehearsal for 2016. I mean,  Jennifer Granholm is still young, she still has mass appeal; well, everywhere, but here in Michigan, of course. She could have very well been testing the waters for a run in 2016. She did rev up the crowd. (Sorry.)

The problem is, the Lady has baggage. Her tenure here as a Governor was an utter disaster. She just did not know how to Govern the State of Michigan, and she also did not know how to deal with the Republicans.  However, seeing how low the bar has been set in the Democratic Party; she could make a good candidate in 2016. By then, most people will have forgotten her negatives and will only remember her positives.

Heck, if Obama loses and Romney is the winner and his plans for America fail, the Democrats do have someone to go to. I mean, I am being sarcastic; but the Democrats have done this before — I mean, run an unelectable candidate. (Remember John Kerry?)  Again, it is setting the bar quite low. However, I would not rule it out.

Just my thoughts.


I totally forgot. Granholm is from Canada, as in being born there. She can never be President. I confess, I totally forgot about that, when I wrote this. Oops! 😳 Nonetheless, it is a rather funny video.