My obligatory cold-hearted Conservative Hurricane Ike posting.

I’m up early this morning. I believe there’s hope for the body clock yet.

I happen to be reading the early morning news stories, via Memeorandum, and I happen to see something, besides the wall to wall coverage of Sarah Palin.

It is a story in the Austin-American Statesmen, about the Galveston Jail prisoners not being evacuated.

The Story says:

An estimated 1,000 prisoners remained locked in the Galveston County Jail this afternoon, as the Hurricane Ike began battering the island city with flooding.

County officials earlier had ordered a mandatory evacuation for all residents. Sheriff’s officials insisted the prisoners and jailers were safe and sound, in a 2-year-old building designed to withstand hurricanes.

A sheriff’s office spokesman said the plan was for the prisoners and jailers to weather the storm in place — unless an evacuation took place later today. Sheriff’s office spokesman Maj. Ray Tuttoilmondo told the Houston Chronicle that the reason for not evacuating the prisoners is a security issue and cannot be discussed,

Even so, he said, “the prisoners and their safety and well-being are paramount and it will be handled.”

In Austin, several legislative offices early this afternoon lodged angry complaints with Galveston County and state officials that the jail had not been evacuated — and perhaps would not be.

Forecasters earlier warned that Ike’s storm surge of as much as 20 feet is possible — a level that would put water 3 feet over the top of Galveston’s seawall.

Galveston and state emergency management officials early this afternoon said they were checking on the situation at the jail.

Notice the parts that I highlighted up there? Well, I happened to look over at a rather Liberal Blog and I noticed this…:

Galveston Sheriff Leaves 1,000 Inmates AND Deputies To Die To Ike

Truly amazing. As I understand it Galveston is demographically a lot like New Orleans was when it was first hit. Lots of poor black people. I’m sure most of the inmates are black, but since the Sheriff has left his deputies there as well, I expect it’s stupidity and a general callousness towards human life, not racism.

….or maybe it’s the fact that them mean ol’ Texans just want to save a little money and let them little ol’ nigger prisoners die to save a little tax money on the city?


I am really beginning to believe that some of these liberals do suffer from some sort of mental disorder. Perhaps Michael Savage was correct.

Besides, what’s a few knocked off prisoners? I mean, it could only help relieve the tax burden on the state, having to house, feed and clothe them. Some of whom will never change their criminal ways. Michigan should bring back the death penalty, it would only help lower the prison population, and reduce crime.

Yeah, I can see the comments now, “You heartless S.O.B.!” Well, save it. I would never want to see anyone killed. I am very sure those sheriffs down there know what their doing.  Before anyone screams, “What about Katrina?” I say, “What about it?” Those people were fully warned of the impending disaster, they failed to heed the warnings. Because of this, people died, and because of their stupidity, they suffered loss, and then expected the Government to be their nanny. Which is so typical of Liberals. I’m sorry, but I just do not believe in a nanny state. You do something stupid and you suffer loss, don’t expect me or anyone else, including the Government, to be your babysitter.

So, there, there’s your daily dose of cold-hearted Conservatism.

Update: Glenn Reynolds has an excellent round up of links related to the storm.

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Now THIS is crossing the god-damned line!

Now, they’ve pissed ME off!

Some asshole, by the name of Cintra Wilson, wrote a absolutely asinine article on

Some of the quotes from this article:

I confess, it was pretty riveting when John McCain trotted out Sarah Palin for the first time. Like many people, I thought, “Damn, a hyperconservative, fuckable, Type A, antiabortion, Christian Stepford wife in a ‘sexy librarian’ costume — as a vice president? That’s a brilliant stroke of horrifyingly cynical pandering to the Christian right. Karl Rove must be behind it.”


I don’t want Sarah Palin being the representative leader and custodian of my rights, my Constitution and my country any more than I want polygamist compound leader Warren Jeffs baby-sitting for my preteen goddaughters.


As a woman who does not believe what Palin believes, the thought of such an opportunistic anti-female in the White House — in the Cheney chair, no less — is akin to ideological brain rape.


It is a kind of eerie coincidence that Sarah Palin is being sprung on the public at the same time as the bimbo/frat-boy titty comedy “House Bunny,” which features a poster of a beautiful young lady with Playmate-style bunny ears, big, stupid eyes and her mouth hanging open like someone just punched her.

Sarah Palin is the White House bunny — the most nauseating novelty confection of the evangelical mind-set since Southern “chastity balls,” wherein teen girls pledge abstinence from premarital sex by ceremonially faux-marrying their own fathers.

I have zero clue who the fuck this asshole bitch is. But this little bullshit article, is way over the line. I mean, if a Conservative had wrote something like this about Hillary Clinton, the outrage would have been deafening. However, because it is about Sarah Palin, it is perfectly acceptable.

I am not a big fan of John McCain, or Sarah Palin for that matter, but this sort of ignorant bullshit is just fucking wrong. I can see criticizing her for her policies, but this goes way beyond that. This is slandering a woman, simply because you disagree with her political ideology.

But then again, we are talking about the communist far left, who hate America, it’s military, and the values and morals that it stands for.

I say it again, do you NOW see WHY I left that sort of nonsense?

Oh, by the way, I wonder if the Obamassiah would approve of this? or would he say “Enough!”

May this bitch rot in the devil’s hell.

Update: Think this article went over the line, like me? Let Salon know:

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Let them know what you think about this article.

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Mr. Silver, Nothing is wrong with Michigan, thank you very much

I wasn’t going to Blog today. But there’s just too much being said, that requires my opinion here.

Liberal Blogger and Obama-bot, Nate Silver asks, What’s the Matter with Michigan?

Democrats have grown accustomed to winning Michigan by relatively comfortable margins. Bill Clinton flipped the state in 1992, bringing home the Reagan Democrats and giving the party its first win in the state since 1968. Clinton’s margin grew to 13 points in 1996–five points better than his national popular vote margin against Bob Dole–and he successfully passed the torch to both Al Gore and John Kerry, each of whom also finished 5-6 points ahead of their national margins in the state. The Tipping-Point States But Barack Obama has had trouble getting traction in the Wolverine State. Although nearly all polling since the Democrats resolved the state’s messy delegate situation in June has had him ahead, it has often been by uncomfortably small margins–just one point, for instance, in a Public Policy Polling survey released on Monday. For most of the election cycle, Michigan has polled no more than 1-3 points ahead of Obama’s national poll standing, placing it well within the range of a potential Republican takeover. All of this comes in spite of a seemingly favorable environment for the Democrats. Michigan, its fortunes still tied to the struggling domestic auto industry, has the nation’s highest unemployment rate at 8.5 percent. Its population is 14 percent African-American, among the highest figures outside of the South. And it has two huge university towns in East Lansing and Ann Arbor, potential ground zeroes for youth voter enthusiasm. Why, then, have Obama’s numbers been sluggish in Michigan?

Well, where do I start? As a former “Left of Center”, and someone who has had contact within the African-American community, I feel I am most qualified to answer this.

  1. Obama is not authentic. – Most African-Americans that I have spoken with, especially among the older African-Americans, they view him as an “Uncle-Tom”. Someone who has sold out to the White Community. They also feel that the only reason that the Democratic Party has chosen him, is to appeal to “White Guilt”. or another way of putting it, would be to say that, the only reason he was chosen, is because he would appeal to a segment of White America.
  2. Obama is too controversial. – Yes, the Jeremiah Wright scandal is still lingering around here. Most African-Americans feel that Jeremiah Wright unfairly smeared the Black Community. In fact, one person told me, that “We don’t all feel that way about America or White people”. That whole “Chickens coming home to roost” thing, was a bit much for many blacks in this area.
  3. Obama is unknown – Most African-Americans that I know, really do not know anything about him, at all. I mean, one person I know, told me, “A couple years ago, nobody knew anything about this man.”  This is not to infer that black believe that he is a Muslim. None of the people that I have encountered, have ever said that he is a Muslim. In fact, some have brought up that it really infuriated them, that many within White Conservative America were repeatedly inferring that Obama was a Muslim, because of his middle name.
  4. Obama is inexperienced – One African-American that I spoke with on this, asked me, “What has he done?” I proceeded to tell him, that he was a State Senator and then a US Senator, he asked me, “Well, what else?” I then told him, that he was a community organizer. He simply said this, “That’s not enough for me.” – So, based upon this, I am assuming that the African-America Community wants an more experienced leader.
  5. Fear of assassination – As much as I hate to bring this topic up, It has been, I am very much ashamed to admit, brought up by those I’ve spoken to. It is pretty much an unspoken thing among the African-American Community. One African-American man I talked to simply said, “He’ll do great….if they don’t get him.” -I really did not want to press to see as to whom, “They” was even referring to. It is very hard to communicate in words the look in that mans eyes, his expression, he was an older man, in his 60’s. I know what he lived through, what he experienced — The Kennedy’s Assassinations, Martin Luther King Jr. – All of that seemed to be what he was referring to. I guess some feel that it could happen again, and that is most likely why they’re not willing to look to another leader again.

I write this, not as a Conservative Blogger, or a “Right of Center” with an axe to grind. I write this as a citizen of the State of Michigan, a resident of Detroit area. Someone who grew up here. Someone who has spoken and interacted with the people here, in my many years of being here. As someone who used to work in and around the downtown Detroit area, as a delivery man. As someone who has driven in the area, where the 1967 riots took place. As someone who has watched this area change. Some for the good, and some, quite frankly, for the bad.  I spoken with and interacted with the people, you can see the scars of the past. You see it in the city. A city which elected it’s first black Mayor, who promised great changes in the city, only to find that he was just as corrupt as the white city officials who used to run the city before him.

A city that after 7 terms in office was able to get rid of that corrupt Mayor and put in a new one. Only to find that was nothing more than an “Uncle Tom”. Then, a ray of hope and promise, a young mayor, someone who could connect with the city.  He started out well, but, he too, fell into that cesspool of corruption.

I guess the best thing to say about this is, people in Detroit and yes here in the rest of Michigan are just cynical, we see this young guy out of Chicago, a Democrat, talking hope and change, and we just sit here and say ourselves. “Now, where have we heard that before?”

Others Blogging:, Washington Monthly, Michigan Messenger, Matthew Yglesias

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Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment: The Republicans Hijacked 9/11

Finally, Keith Olbermann has his say on a subject that I wrote about a while back.

Transcript: (via MSNBC)

As promised, a Special Comment about our sad anniversary tomorrow.

Or, more correctly, what our sad anniversary tomorrow has been turned into by the presidential administration, and the current Republican candidates for President and Vice President.

This is supposed to be a day of remembrance. Remembrance of the attack, remembrance of the national unity which followed it.

Most important of all, remembrance of the dead.

But 9/11 has become a brand name. A Republican campaign slogan. Propaganda of the lowest form. 9/11 has become 9/11 with a trademark logo.

9/11 (TM) has sustained a president who long ago should have been dismissed, or impeached. It has kept him and his gang of financial and constitutional crooks in office without — literally — any visible means of support.

9/11 (TM) has made possible the greatest sleight-of-hand in our nation’s history.

The political party in office at the time of the attacks, at the local, state and national levels, the party which uniformly ignored the warnings and the presidential administration already through twenty percent of its first term and no longer wet behind the ears, have not only thus far escaped any blame for the malfeasance and criminal neglect that allowed the attacks to occur, but that presidency and that party, have managed to make it seem as if the other political party would be solely and irredeemably responsible for any similar catastrophe in the future.

Thus, Sen. McCain, were you able to accomplish a further inversion of reality at your party’s nominating convention last week.

There was the former Mayor of the City of New York,  the one who took no counter-terrorism measure in his seven years in office between the first attack on the World Trade Center, and the second attack.

Nothing, except to insist, despite all advice and warning, that his Emergency Command Center be moved directly into the World Trade Center.

Yet there was this man, Sir, Rudolph Giuliani, quite succinctly dismissed as “A Noun, a Verb, and 9/11,” and repudiated even by Republican voters,  transformed into the keynote speaker, Sen. McCain at your convention.

And his childish, squealing, braying, Tourette’s-like repetition of 9/11 (TM), was greeted not as conclusive evidence that he is consumed by massive guilt – hard-earned guilt, in fact  but rather as some kind of political tour-de-force, an endorsement of your Vice Presidential nominee, a rookie governor , a facile and slick con artist.

The blind endorsing the bland, to a chorus of 9/11 (TM), 9/11 (TM), 9/11 (TM.)

Your ringing mindless cheer of “We’ve Kept You Safe Since Then.”While nobody asks “doesn’t then count?”

All of this, sadistically disrespecting the dead of New York, and Washington, and Shanksville. Endorsed,  Sen. McCain. Exploited, Sen. McCain. Trademarked, Sen. McCain by you.

And yet of course the exact moment in which Sen. McCain’s Republicans showed the nation exactly how far they have fallen from the Better Angels of Mr. Lincoln’s Nature, came the next night.

The television networks were told that the Convention would pause, early in the evening, when children could still be watching, for a 9/11 Tribute, and they were encouraged to broadcast it.

What we got was not a tribute to the dead of 9/11, nor even a tribute to the responders, or the singularity of purpose we all felt. The Republicans gave us sociological pornography, a virtual snuff film.

Years ago, responsible television networks, to the applause of the nation, and the relief of its mental health authorities, voluntarily stopped showing the most graphic of the images of the World Trade Center, except with the strongest of warnings.

And yet, the Republicans, at their convention, having virtually seized control of the cable news operations, showed the worst of it.

This is all anyone with a conscience can show you of what the Republicans showed you. The actual collapse of the smoking towers.

A fleeting image of what might have been a victim leaping to his death from a thousand feet up. And something new. From this angle, ground-level, perfectly framed, images, of the fireball created when the second plane hit the second tower.

It was terrifying. After all its object was to terrify. Not to commemorate, not to call for unity, not to remember the dead. But to terrify.

To open again the horrible wounds, to brand the skin of this nation with the message — as hateful as the terrorists’ own, that you must vote Republican or this will happen again and you will die.

And just in case that was not enough, to also dishonestly and profanely conflate 9/11 with the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, to stoke the flames of paranoia about another Middle Eastern Nation.

This was a 9/11 Tribute. Not to the dead, nor to the unity. But a tribute to how valuable 9/11 has been as a political tool for the Republican Party. 9/11… (TM.)

Sen. McCain, you had promised us a clean campaign. You could be Snow-White the rest of the way, Sir, yet that manipulative videotape from your convention should tar you always in the minds of decent Americans.

And still, as this seventh 9/11 (TM) approaches that, Sir, is not the worst of your contributions to the utter politicizing of a day that should be sacrosanct to all of us.

Hard to believe, but the Senator has done worse with 9/11 and the evil behind it.

We heard it last week in Minnesota, we’ve heard it off and on since January but Senator McCain said it most concisely in June.

“Look,” he said. “I know the area, I’ve been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden — or put it this way, bring him to justice. We will do it. I know how to do it.”

Sen. McCain seems to be quite serious, that he and he alone, not the CIA, nor the U.S. Military, nor the current President  can capture bin Laden.

Thus we must take him at his word, that this is no mere ludicrous campaign boast.

We must assume Sen. McCain truly believes he is capable of doing this, and has been capable of doing this, since last January. “We will capture Osama bin Laden… we will do it. I know how to do it.”

Well then, Senator, you’d better go and do it hadn’t you?

Because, Sir, if a man or woman in this nation, Democrat or Republican, had a clear and effective means o
f capturing or killing Osama bin Laden…

If that person had been advertising his claim, Senator for eight months.

But if that person not only refused to go to responsible authorities in government and advise them of this plan to catch bin Laden, but further announced he would not even begin to enact this secret plan to corral the world’s most hated man until the end of next January.

What would be your description of such an individual, Senator? Charlatan? Do-nothing? Opportunist? Sen. McCain, if you have, if you have had a means of capturing Osama bin Laden, and you do not immediately inform some responsible authority of the full scope of that plan, you are to some degree great or small aiding and abetting Osama bin Laden.

If you could assist in capturing him now, Sen. McCain, but you have chosen not to you, Sir, have helped Osama bin Laden stay free.

Free to inspire and supervise the terrorists. Free to plan or execute attacks here.

You, Sir, are blackmailing some portion of the American electorate into voting for your party, by promising to help in the capture of bin Laden only if you are made president!

I’d rather win an election than catch bin Laden! No more cynical calculation has ever been made in this nation’s history, Sir. If you lose the election, Senator, are you not going to tell the President-Elect?

Are you intending to keep this a secret until the next election and your party’s next nominee? Senator, as you and your Republicans shed your phony, crocodile, opportunistic tears tomorrow on 9/11 TM, in front of the utterly disingenuous banner “Country First,” the fact is, you have shown that it is John McCain first, and the country last.

The fact is, Sir, by holding out on your secret plan to catch bin Laden by searing those images into our collective wounded American psyche at your nomination last week, terrorists are not what you, John McCain, fight. Terrorists are what you, John McCain, use.

Amen and Amen. This is why I will not be voting Republican, ever.

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Libertarian Blogger attempts to make case for Obama….

Sorry, I’m not buying this one.

Marginal Revolution:

First, war.  War is the antithesis of the libertarian philosophy of consent, voluntarism and trade.  With every war in American history Leviathan has grown larger and our liberties have withered.  War is the health of the state. And now, fulfilling the dreams of Big Brother, we are in a perpetual war.

A country cannot long combine unlimited government abroad and limited government at home. The Republican party has become the party of war and thus the party of unlimited government.

With war has come FEAR, magnified many times over by the governing party. Fear is pulling Americans into the arms of the state. If only we were better at resisting. Alas, we Americans say that we love liberty but we are fair-weather lovers.  Liberty will flourish only with peace. 

Have libertarians gained on other margins in the past eight years? Not at all. Under the Republicans we have been sailing due South-West on the Nolan Chart – fewer civil liberties and more government, including the largest new government program in a generation, the Medicare prescription drug plan, and the biggest nationalization since the Great Depression. Tax cuts, the summum bonum of Republican economic policy, are a sham. The only way to cut taxes is to cut spending and that has not happened.

The libertarian voice has not been listened to in Republican politics for a long time. The Republicans take the libertarian wing of the party for granted and with phony rhetoric and empty phrases have bought our support on the cheap. Thus – since voice has failed – it is  time for exit.  Remember that if a political party can count on you then you cannot count on it.

Exit is the right strategy because if there is any hope for reform it is by casting the Republicans out of power and into the wilderness where they may relearn virtue. Libertarians understand better than anyone that power corrupts. The Republican party illustrates. Lack of power is no guarantee of virtue but Republicans are a far better – more libertarian – party out-of-power than they are in power. When in the wilderness, Republicans turn naturally to a critique of power and they ratchet up libertarian rhetoric about free trade, free enterprise, abuse of government power and even the defense of civil liberties.  We can hope that new leaders will arise in this libertarian milieu.

Nope, not buying this one at all. Why? I’ll tell you why, Because Barack Obama is the MOST liberal senator, and that’s left of Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi according to the National Journal.  I am sorry, I am not, I repeat, I am NOT voting for an outright socialist. This man, wants to punish the rich for the failures of the current administration, that’s the whole tax the rich, and give to the poor, that is the whole entire new Democrat platform. Well, really, it is not new, Ronald Reagan noted it in 1964:

“……Last February 19 at the University of Minnesota, Norman Thomas, six-time candidate for President on the Socialist Party ticket, said, "If Barry Goldwater became President, he would stop the advance of socialism in the United States." I think that’s exactly what he will do.

As a former Democrat, I can tell you Norman Thomas isn’t the only man who has drawn this parallel to socialism with the present administration. Back in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al Smith, the great American, came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his party was taking the party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. And he walked away from his party, and he never returned to the day he died, because to this day, the leadership of that party has been taking that party, that honorable party, down the road in the image of the labor socialist party of England. Now it doesn’t require expropriation or confiscation of private property or business to impose socialism on a people. What does it mean whether you hold the deed or the title to your business or property if the government holds the power of life and death over that business or property? Such machinery already exists. The government can find some charge to bring against any concern it chooses to prosecute. Every businessman has his own tale of harassment. Somewhere a perversion has taken place. Our natural, inalienable rights are now considered to be a dispensation of government, and freedom has never been so fragile, so close to slipping from our grasp as it is at this moment. Our Democratic opponents seem unwilling to debate these issues. They want to make you and I believe that this is a contest between two men…that we are to choose just between two personalities.” — Address on behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater – Rendezvous with Destiny – October 27, 1964

I cannot, as a Christian, As a Libertarian, As a Independent Conservative, in good conscience, vote for a man who holds to that sort political philosophy. Some may disagree, but this Blogger an voter, is not swayed, and I will voting for what I believe in, come November 4, 2008.

Live Blogging Rachel Maddows New show!

This will be an updating post, scroll down for updates…..

My thoughts so far about Rachel Maddow’s Show.

Waaay too much Keith Olbermann. It’s not Keith’s show it’s hers. Please, Keith stay on your own damn show, please. Thank You, I watch countdown, and I don’t want Rachel’s show being Keith lite, thanks.

No theme music, where the hell is the theme music??!?!?!

That transition between Keith’s show and Rachel was gay as hell.

Show is the same format as Keith’s she needs to change it up.

That set, ugh! It looks like Dan Abrams old set, slightly modified. They need to get rid of the Red, White and Blue and come up with something a bit more…. Rachel?

“The Rachel Maddow Show”? It’s too damn generic, they need a name. I have an idea for a name. How about “Straight Talk with Rachel Maddow”? If you know anything about Maddow the name would be ironic.

T.D. Jakes?!?! Ugh. why him? He’s an idiot. (Believe me, I know…)

Rachel publishes her e-mail, Keith does not, go figure.

The show still reminds me of Abrams show, she needs to seriously change the look and the whole theme.

S-CHIP like ice cream?!?! joke bomb…. d’oh!

Finally! Some Theme Music, kinda generic.

Ugh, More Keith?!? Countdown lite? Looks that way…

Pat Buchanan, a good choice, the only well known right winger, who will trash the Republicans! (well, besides me…) 😉 Good pick…

Something tells me, Pat won’t be back on! 😆

I wonder if she’d ever have Michelle Malkin on? heh.

Pop culture at the end? Too damn Keith-like… need to work on that.

Control room didn’t switch to camera, made her look like a buffoon at the end. Nice work guys. 🙄

My final thoughts:

She has a TON of potential, she just needs to give the show more of HER personality and less of Keith’s and MSNBC’s. Other than that, she’s a very talented young lady. I will be watching to see how it changes of the course of the next few weeks.

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Post McCain/Plain Speech poll bounce, But what’s it’s term?

Short Term or Long Term? that, my friends, is the question of the hour.

According to the latest Gallop poll, John McCain is taken a nice 5 point lead, above the 2% margin of error, over Barack Obama.


John McCain leads Barack Obama, 49% to 44%, in the immediate aftermath of the Republican National Convention, according to the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking results.

These results are based on Sept. 5-7 interviewing, and are the first in which all interviews were conducted following the completion of the GOP convention. Immediately prior to the convention’s Sept. 1 start, Aug. 29-31 interviewing showed McCain with 43% support among registered voters, compared with 49% today. Thus, Gallup credits McCain with a six-point convention bounce.

That is slightly better than Barack Obama’s four-point bounce from 45% in Aug. 22-24 polling before the Democratic National Convention started to 49% immediately after it concluded. Since 1964, the typical convention bounce has been five percentage points.

Here are the charts:



This really nothing new because there’s been a bounce like this since 1964:


Like I wrote yesterday. the big question is, will this bounce on McCain’s part be short term or long term? I’m sure that John McCain and the Republican Party is betting the farm that the bounce will remain and John McCain will simply glide into the White House. However, this is not 1980 and John McCain is not Ronald Reagan, neither is Sarah Palin, I mean, she’s a good speaker, and kinda cute, for an older Woman, but she’s no Reagan. Plus, the country is in a much different shape; politically and financially, plus, I think it is just a different world, we have two wars, that America wants to just see ended, preferably with good results.

Which leads me to my next point. I simply do not understand why Adam McKay had this Nuclear melt down on The Huffington Post. I mean, let’s not discount the Democratic Party or Barack Obama until the damn polls close on Novemeber 4, 2008, please. We’re very early in this race.

The best advice or comment that I can give, is watch the polls for the next few weeks, is about all I can truly say here. The long term polls will tell the story. I think that if Obama wants to regain his lead, he has to drive the point home the point that the Republican Party IS the Party of George W. Bush. They will have remind Americans of the nonsense of the Bush Administration, on FISA, on the Attorney General scandal, Valerie Plume gate, and on and on…. They need to remind America about John McCain’s ties to lobbyists, even possibly infer that he slept with one, They also need to remind and tell America how Sarah Palin lied about the Jet, her flip-flop on the bridge to nowhere and so on. That is what will win this.

So, the bottom line is:

This is a very early poll and there’s many more to come, before November 4, 2008.

Others: Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, Ace of Spades HQ, and more via Memeorandum

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Palin Makes Her First Gaffe, or perhaps not….

Sam Stein is wetting his pants with glass that Palin supposedly Made Her First Gaffe.

Gov. Sarah Palin made her first potentially major gaffe during her time on the national scene while discussing the developments of the perilous housing market this past weekend. Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had “gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers.” The companies, as McClatchy reported, “aren’t taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization.

Well, there’s only one little problem with that whole thing. It was not exactly a gaffe at all. Because now that the United States Government has bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, it is going to start costing the tax payers money, not to mention that it will cause housing prices to rise, to cover the bailout. After all, the Government will have to cover that loss.

So, it looks like, while she might have been wrong in the past. In this case, considering what has happened to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Palin was absolutely correct.

Others:, McClatchy Washington Bureau, The Corner, Hot Air

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MSNBC removes Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews from election coverage

I hate to say this, But I kind of knew this was coming, I just did not know when.

Via The New York Times:

MSNBC tried a bold experiment this year by putting two politically incendiary hosts, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, in the anchor chair to lead the cable news channel’s coverage of the election.

That experiment appears to be over.

After months of accusations of political bias and simmering animosity between MSNBC and its parent network NBC, the channel decided over the weekend that the NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host David Gregory would anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night. Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews will remain as analysts during the coverage.

The change — which comes in the home stretch of the long election cycle — is a direct result of tensions associated with the channel’s perceived shift to the political left.

“The most disappointing shift is to see the partisan attitude move from prime time into what’s supposed to be straight news programming,” said Davidson Goldin, formerly the editorial director of MSNBC and a co-founder of the reputation management firm DolceGoldin.

Executives at the channel’s parent company, NBC Universal, had high hopes for MSNBC’s coverage of the political conventions. Instead, the coverage frequently descended into on-air squabbles between the anchors, embarrassing some workers at NBC’s news division, and quite possibly alienating viewers. Although MSNBC nearly doubled its total audience compared with the 2004 conventions, its competitive position did not improve, as it remained in last place among the broadcast and cable news networks. In prime time, the channel averaged 2.2 million viewers during the Democratic convention and 1.7 million viewers during the Republican convention.

The success of the Fox News Channel in the past decade along with the growth of political blogs have convinced many media companies that provocative commentary attracts viewers and lures Web browsers more than straight news delivered dispassionately.

“In a rapidly changing media environment, this is the great philosophical debate,” Phil Griffin, the president of MSNBC, said in a telephone interview Saturday. Fighting the ratings game, he added, “the bottom line is that we’re experiencing incredible success.”

But as the past two weeks have shown, that success has a downside. When the vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin lamented media bias during her speech, attendees of the Republican convention loudly chanted “NBC.”

In interviews, 10 current and former staff members said that long-simmering tensions between MSNBC and NBC reached a boiling point during the conventions. “MSNBC is behaving like a heroin addict,” one senior staff member observed. “They’re living from fix to fix and swearing they’ll go into rehab the next week.”

You all most likely were thinking that I was going to terribly upset about this and was going to write a huge raging editorial about it. Well, guess again. I’m fully aware of Matthew’s and Olbermann’s editorial positions. Quite frankly, I am surprised that they even allowed Olbermann on there, during the election coverage. I mean, Chris is left of center, but Olbermann is obviously left wing all the way. I don’t think he’s far left, but far enough to make the Republicans feel uncomfortable with him. Which means he was really doing his job. The problem was, he was doing his job, when he was supposed to be neutral. I will admit, it is hard to choke back an opinion, especially when you’ve got some right wing gas bag, or shall I say, Republican gas bag, running a damn line, and you know he’s full of shit. It’s tough not to speak out.

The reason I like Keith Olbermann, as I said once before, I like Keith Olbermann because he gives a damn about our Constitution. Because it is quite obvious to this Libertarian-leaning, Paleo-Conservative, that Neo-Conservative Bush and Co. have totally trampled all over that damned Constitution. This is why I watched Keith’s show, not because I agreed with all of his Politics, but because I wanted to watch someone who wasn’t trying to kiss king George W. Bush’s ass on the air every night, like they do over on the Rupert Murdoch stooge network.

I’ll be straight and honest with you, I’m a Moderate Libertarian Conservative, but I totally find Joe Scarborough to be just an absolute asshole. I mean, I don’t know how the hell Mika Brzezinski does it. Scarborough is the perfect example of an damn male chauvinistic blowhard. The pay must be damn good for her to sit next to that guy and listen to his idiotic bullshit. This is why I do not watch the network in the mornings.

Anyhow, there’s my take on it.

The reactions are as expected, with the Republican Neo-Conservatives wetting themselves with glee, as usual and the left a bit ticked, but not all of them. and here they are: Hot Air, TalkLeft,,, Olbermann Watch, The WIZARD, fkap, First Draft, Little Green Footballs, Founding Bloggers, Liberal Values, The Confluence, Commentary, Patterico’s Pontifications, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Ace of Spades HQ, TVNewser,, MyDD, The Sundries Shack, The Other McCain, The Campaign Spot, Oliver Willis, Macsmind, Wizbang, AMERICAblog News and The Strata-Sphere and more via Memeorandum

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Muslims Desecrate and Urinate in Jerusalem Holy Site

(H/T to WorldNetDaily)

The Story Via Israel National News:



The Cave of the Patriarchs is the tomb of the biblical founders of the Jewish faith, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their wives, Sarah, Rivka, and Leah.

The desecration occurred on one of the 10 days during the year that the holy site is open only to Muslims and is closed to Jews. The same arrangement also is accorded to Jews on 10 holy Jewish days.

Uri Karzen, a Hevron resident, reported that a Kohen, who recites the priestly blessings during the Sabbath morning service, told him he smelled urine next to the Holy Ark containing Torah scrolls. Karzen and other worshippers moved the table, where the Torah scrolls are placed during the reciting of the portion of the week, in order to avoid the foul smell.

This sort of thing is totally disgusting. It is also a reason why I have zero use for Muslims and their crazy Satanic Religion. As it says in that Video report, if the Jews had done this to Muslims, it would be all over the Liberal News, but because it is Muslims doing it to Jews, nobody cares. In fact, according the video, the local police even doubted that it even happened. What idiotic nonsense! Conservatives and Christians should be lighting up the media phones and demanding that they report this.

I must wonder, would B. Hussein Obama approve of something this repulsive? He’d most likely want to give those Muslims a medal.

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