Is the murdering of the unborn the new normal in America?

I really dislike having to write things like this; but I cannot be silent on this issue. It, to me, is that important. As I have written in my blog’s long bio; my feelings about pro-life versus pro-choice are basically inline with this organization here.

Having said all of that; I happen to see this on Memeorandum and even as a pro-life independent, who tends to disagree with the far-left and the far-right, I was quite shocked to read it.

Check out this quote from liberal progressive website,

I believe that’s what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn’t make me one iota less solidly pro-choice. . . .

Here’s the complicated reality in which we live: All life is not equal. That’s a difficult thing for liberals like me to talk about, lest we wind up looking like death-panel-loving, kill-your-grandma-and-your-precious-baby storm troopers. Yet a fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides. She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.

I was speechless; actually, I did utter a few choice words, none of which I wish to publish here! AngrySurprise

Well, luckily for me, National Review, which is a solidly Republican publication, has a blog called “The Corner” and a writer there by the name of Katrina Trinko sums it up quite nicely, as to how I feel:

By this same logic, isn’t infanticide also fine and dandy? After all, if we’re talking about autonomy, kids aren’t exactly independent as soon as they are born. No infant can take care of themselves. And even later on in childhood, children rely heavily on the adults in their life to provide shelter, food, and emotional support. What about kids and adults who become disabled in life? What about quadriplegics? They’re not going to be able to take care of themselves. Is it okay if we just off the lot of them? Heck, what about needy friends who seem to be falling apart unless we talk to them regularly and console them? Okay to just shoot a couple of them so that we don’t have the burden? Should we ship the grandparents that spent all their money and are now financially dependent on us to the local executioner?

Yes, if the fetus is a life — and a human being — and not a clump of cells, that makes a huge difference. No one would ask a woman to respect the rights of a clump of cells. But it is valid to ask her, difficult as it is to have an unwanted pregnancy, to realize that the death of the child — the child who was totally innocent and has done nothing except be conceived — is not an appropriate way to handle this.

I have one word: Amen.

I have news for Democrats, especially the progressive part of that party. You are not doing a darned thing for your party or your cause. Because as much as I am for Unions, the middle class and seeing that our poor are taken care of, and not allowed to starve or like here in Michigan; not to freeze…. NailbitingI just cannot and will not, ever, agree with this sort of inhuman philosophy. I am a Christian of 30 year vintage and my Bible says, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Now, I realize that people like Ed Brayton will not like this at all. However, this is just one issue that is not up for debate at all, at least not with me.

Everything else, politics, economics — everything — is up for debate. However, the wholesale slaughter of the unborn is not something that I am willing to concede on, not one iota.

A perfect example of why the right believes the left is pure evil

Here is the New York Times living up to its reputation among the right, as a left-wing propaganda outlet:

People in the rural, hilly areas around Newtown, Conn., are used to gunfire. In one woodsy stretch, southeast of downtown, the Pequot Fish and Game Club and the Fairfield County Fish and Game Protective Association, where members can fish in ponds and hunt pheasant, lie within a mile of each other, and people who live nearby generally call them good neighbors.

But in the last couple of years, residents began noticing loud, repeated gunfire, and even explosions, coming from new places. Near a trailer park. By a boat launch. Next to well-appointed houses. At 2:20 p.m. on one Wednesday last spring, multiple shots were reported in a wooded area on Cold Spring Road near South Main Street, right across the road from an elementary school.

Yet recent efforts by the police chief and other town leaders to gain some control over the shooting and the weaponry turned into a tumultuous civic fight, with traditional hunters and discreet gun owners opposed by assault weapon enthusiasts, and a modest tolerance for bearing arms competing with the staunch views of a gun industry trade association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which has made Newtown its home.

The place that witnessed one of the worst mass killings in United States history on Friday, leaving 20 schoolchildren and 8 adults dead, is a bucolic New England town comfortable with its firearms, and not an obvious arena for the nation’s debate over gun control. But the legislative battle right here shows how even the slightest attempts to impose restrictions on guns can run into withering resistance, made all the more pointed by the escalation in firepower.

“Something needs to be done,” said Joel T. Faxon, a hunter and a member of the town’s police commission, who championed the shooting restrictions. “These are not normal guns, that people need. These are guns for an arsenal, and you get lunatics like this guy who goes into a school fully armed and protected to take return fire. We live in a town, not in a war.”

The gunman’s mother, Nancy Lanza, had collected several weapons, including powerful handguns and a semiautomatic rifle that she and her son, Adam, were fond of shooting, and it remains unclear where they took their target practice. Much of the gunfire and the explosions reported by residents to the police in recent months came from a spot less than three miles from their house. Police logs identified the spot as one of the town’s many unlicensed gun ranges, where the familiar noise of hunting rifles has grown to include automatic gunfire and explosions that have shaken houses.

via In Newtown, Conn., a Stiff Resistance to Gun Restrictions –

….and what is at the very bottom of this story? This:

The owner of one, Scott Ostrovsky, said he and his friends had been shooting automatic weapons since he bought the 23-acre property more than 12 years ago. It is safe, he said, because his land is sandwiched between two other gun ranges, the 123-acre Pequot hunting club and the 500-acre Fairfield club.

The explosions his neighbors hear are targets that are legally available at hunting outlets. “If you’re good old boys like we are, they are exciting,” he said. He said he was distraught at the school massacre but said guns should not be made the “scapegoat.”

“Guns are why we’re free in this country, and people lose sight of that when tragedies like this happen,” he said. “A gun didn’t kill all those children, a disturbed man killed all those children.”

Nothing but the truth….

You see, this is why the right hates the left with a passion; because of stories like this one here. Which are nothing more than left-wing propaganda dressed up as real news. The term for it is activist media. This is why people like Bill O’Reilly and Rupert Murdoch despise the New York Times and every other liberal controlled media outlet.

Oh sure, let’s make everyone who owns a gun, who supports the second amendment, disagrees with Barack Obama’s politics and the Democratic Party’s politics out to be psychotic domestic terrorists. Way to go guys, why to fucking go. 🙄  I mean, seriously? Is this the means to an end? Is this the way we are going to treat each other? Are we going paint Conservative or liberal political counterparts as terrorists? Is this the path that we really want to take?

If so, count me out. I am not interested in making people I disagree with into monsters; I might not like some of the actions of the right; in fact, I am disgusted by a good deal of what is happening now on the right. However, I am not interested in demonizing people. It takes a special sort of asshole to do what the left is going to those who believe in owning guns. Using a tragic event like this for political advancement or in this case, retreat — is will beyond my ability to be in agreement.

I have said this before, although I do not believe that I have actually written it before. So, it is time that I did. I was reading earlier tonight about what happened here in Ann Arbor and in Detroit, in the 1960’s. How the hippy movement and counterculture got started. How that John Sinclair and friends dared to stand up against evil Government forces who were simply wrong. I was really enjoying reading about it at this site here.

Anyhow, I will just say it. It has become painfully aware to this disillusionment riddled democrat — turned right of center, turned back to Independent —- that the counterculture left has actually become the establishment left, and you know something? They are just as evil as the people that they were fighting against in the 1960’s. I mean, taking guns away people? Are you people honestly serious? Is this what the left, and the Democratic Party establishment now wants to be known as, anti-gun? anti-second amendment? Do you people have any semblance of knowledge about what our founding fathers fought and died for? Not to mention those who found in all of our wars!

This is not any sort of “greater good.” This is not progress, this is fascism of the Nazi sort and of the sort that came from the soviet empire!  This is why the phrase “Don’t tread on me” came to be! Because big Government statists were trying to tread on the rights of the people. If this sort of gun legislation is passed through, it will be the end of the Democratic Party for a very long time, I can assure you of that. This is not the 1990’s people, this is 2012 and the right is much organized, and if this happens there will be hell to pay come 2014. I can assure you of that. You think the Koch brothers are trouble now? You just try to pass an “Assault Rifle Ban.”

This union busting crap that I was complaining about, is a flash in the pan to what the establishment right and the grass will do, should the Democrats try to pass something like that. I can assure you, it will get ugly. No, I am not talking about violence, silly. I am talking about elections, and politics. It will get ugly and I can see the fallout now, and it is one that I shudder to think about.

I might not be on good terms with the right, but this is wrong

These screen-caps come via Freedom Outpost:

On the NRA:

On the Second Amendment:

More here at the Daily Caller. Freedom Outpost has a good write-up on this too.

Okay now, Listen: I admit it, after Governor Snyder’s little slime-ball move in lying to people like me, I have been on the outs with the Conservative movement and the Republican Party. But this stuff above is just uncalled for. If this is the left’s idea of impressing independents; you all have long way to go get my friends. Wishing death on people is no way to get your message across. Furthermore, repealing the second amendment? Are you people serious?!?! Here is a dose of reality for you, it will never happen. Not in America. This is not Britain, we will always have guns here. Now deal with it and move on.

Not only that, but how about mustering up some of the outrage towards the killer’s Mother, who was the one who bought the weapons, knowing full darned well that her son was mentally ill? She is the one to blame really, the young man who pulled the trigger is ultimately the person who carries the blame. But the Mother of the trigger man shares that blame too.

Sick: Abortion Mill Planned Parenthood in Florida offers black friday coupon

This comes via LifeNews:

A Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in southern Florida is offering a black Friday discount — including $10 off a visit to the abortion center today.

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast offered the special, saying, “Visit our West Palm Beach or Kendall Health Center for special after Thanksgiving savings on Friday, November 23rd.”

Sickening, Kill your baby on black Friday!

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek noticed the Black Friday discount and responded, “Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, “Black Friday,” doesn’t it?”

This is the same abortion business where the chair of the national Democratic party headlined a small rally last year.





But yet, we Conservative Christians are the knuckle dragging, backward, heartless types. These bastards have no shame at all. This crap right here, is why I abandoned the Democratic Party. This and the utter disrespect of our Military.

Others: Weasel Zippers, The Gateway Pundit and The Other McCain

Next someone tells you that liberals are the enlightened ones

Show them this.

Now obviously this guy was just using his appearance to get money and succeeded. However, allow me to share something with you.

I am a fat guy okay? Sometimes we fat people do sweat, and because of that, we sometimes do put off a little body odor. I have been a situation once, where I was being harassed because a little body odor that I had, because I was doing physical labor. Finally, I said the magic words, “Get off my ass, or I will see you in court!” Well, not long after that, I ended up losing the job assignment, as it was a “head hunter agency” job. But I still feel to this day, that I was; one being pestered, because I was overweight and two, because I was white. My boss was black. His name? Ronald Slaughter. That man hated white people with a passion and it showed. He works or did work for Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Michigan.

So, I can see how this guy feels. The sick thing is; this is hipster Los Angeles. These are supposed to be enlightened Liberals.

Oh, the job, I drove straight truck for a “head hunter” agency. It was “PC refresh” project. Yes, it was labor intensive, believe me, I had the sore back to prove it. I remember ol’ Ronald Slaughter, how he told me once in his office, “Ain’t no body give a fuck what you think, whitey.” I never forgot that; never saw racial hatred from blacks to whites before.

Needless to say, that changed my attitude towards black people. That and my cousin getting killed in Detroit in 1994.

By the way, Ron Slaughter; if you see this —- screw you Jiggaboo… Devil

Special Comment: Farewell Twitter

Last night after one fight too many, after having my account suspended and then restored for the fatal offense of speaking my mind; I have done something that I really hated to have to do.

I left Twitter for good.

I have deactivated my twitter account, and I have left the platform for personal use for good.  I did create a new account for the sole purpose of dissemination of the contents of this blog.  However, I will not be actively using the platform any longer.  I will not be following anyone outside of news agencies and well-known public figures related to the subject of politics.  However, I do not plan to be a regular user of the service any longer.

The reason for this decision is this; twitter has become an open running sewer of sorts.  Twitter also has become a place where freedom of speech is chilled, and is even frowned upon.  The reason that I came to this horrifying conclusion is this: Last night, I happen to come upon a debate by the likes of a so-called libertarian, who is in all honesty, a Liberal turned Neoconservative — but, then again, I repeat myself — and a sworn liberal of the utter contemptible sort.

Now, the liberal of the contemptible sort, none other than a one Oliver Willis, who happens to be of African origins and is of the black race, is an utter piece of human excrement.  I could sit here and tell you of the utter lies, half-truths, and awful things that this awful man wrote about John McCain and Sarah Palin during the 2008 election, but this piece would go on for over one hundred pages.  Now, I am not talking about whether John McCain or even Sarah Palin were even qualified for the job of President or not.  This went well beyond that and was in league of that deranged homosexual Andrew Sullivan.

What happened was this:  Oliver Willis and a one, “Jazz Shaw” (he will not use his real name, as he is too much of a coward, unlike Me.) were debating whether Mitt Romney should release his tax returns or not.  Mr. Shaw (not his real name) was saying that The Democratic National Committee’s chairperson should also release her tax returns.  Somewhere in the middle of this argument on twitter, I stuck my nose in and made a remark about this Oliver Willis that would be considered politically incorrect.  I did this, because again, I find this man to be utterly contemptible.  The comment involved President Barack Obama, the male sex organ and Oliver Willis’s mouth.  Yes, I went there and I have no problems admitting it.

The next thing I know, I am being referring to by “Jazz Shaw” as a “racist dickbag” (his words, not mine.) and I was called an “a-hole” by this one Oliver Willis.  I responded to Oliver Willis in kind, a called him a word, that is considered to be politically incorrect by liberal and most neoconservative standards.  The next thing I know, instead of these so-called Conservatives rallying to my side and defending me; they start actually defending this bastard Oliver Willis and working on getting my twitter account suspended.  They succeeded in the short term, but I was able to reactivate the account rather quickly.

This is when it hit me; twitter is just not a good place for someone like me, not anymore.  When twitter first started out, back in 2007, it was a great place to hang out and enjoy one’s self.  Since that time, Twitter has been become overrun with neoconservatives, awful liberals, speech Nazi’s and a cesspool of utter trolls, ready to pounce on the first unsuspecting person.  Simply put — twitter is not a place I would honestly recommend to anyone anymore.

Therefore, I deactivated my account, and uninstalled all of the twitter apps on my iPod touch and will not be using that idiotic platform any longer, except as noted above. I do wish I could say that I honestly could recommend twitter to anyone, but after last night; I would never ever recommend anyone to that awful place — nor will I ever.

To end this piece, I have a message for Twitter Inc.:

First, as a good friend of mine, James O’Guinn would say, “It has been real, it has been fun — but it has not been really fun.” Secondly, please, change your banning feature.  Suspending an account in this manner is amount to speech Nazism.  It is prone to abuse and has been abused by many in the past.  Because of this, I am stopping using your service for personal use.

I know my comments were not well received by many, but twitter users should have the right to block what they do not wish to view.  However, twitter users should not be permitted to disable my right to freedom of speech.  This is a libertarian concept, but as I know; the founders and employees of twitter are not libertarians, they are socialists and Marxists, who believe that freedom of speech is subjective and should be controlled.  Not that I feel entitled to express my views on a private service, but this sort of squashing of free speech is quite unnerving.

Because of this — I have disabled my account and other for the reasons of blog promotion — I have left twitter.

Video: About Allen West being called a “Bought Mother F****R

You had to know something like this was coming.

Here’s the video:

The Story via The Shark Tank:

You notice what this potty-mouthed dude has got in his hand? No, that is not a Popsicle! It’s a phone, with a camera.



After finishing his recitation of the Declaration of Independence during the city of Delray Beach’s Independence Day festivities, Congressman Allen West was verbally accosted  in front of a small group of constituents and media. West was just about to speak with a local TV station when he was interrupted by the lone detractor that seemed to have had one too many Miller Lites.

The individual flipped West the bird, and told him that he was a  ”bought Mother F*cker.” We stopped the guy and asked him why he had to use foul language in front of women and children.

He then proceeding to try to say that conservatism was the root cause of slavery and women’s suffrage.  Towards the end of the impromptu interview, we discovered that he is a ‘Bible Man’, citing the Bible and accusing yours truly of not reading the Bible, all while flipping me the bird. This video is priceless!

…and now my video reaction and analysis of what just happened here:

Other Covering: Sister Toldjah,, Weasel Zippers and The Right Scoop

Update: House of E. Links in! Thanks!

Wasserman Schultz to get the boot?!?!

Normally, I don’t blog on stuff like this; because if it happens to be wrong, I, like everyone else, looks like an idiot. But, anyhow, it’s news and I need new content.

The Moonbat of the year is leaving?!?!?! Horrors!

Back in April, the Shark Tank floated the likelihood that Democratic National Committee Chairwoman (DNC) Debbie Wasserman Schultz was perhaps on her way out as DNC Chairwoman. We now have learned that Wasserman Schultz will not be back as DNC Chairwoman after the November elections.

According to our source within the Democratic Party, who is also a close associate of Wasserman Schultz, the arrangements have already been made for her to leave DNC  regardless if President Obama wins re-election or not.

This same source believes that Wasserman Schultz will be forced to resign behind closed doors and then stage an press event in which she tells Americans that her job as the DNC chair was a temporary one and that she is moving on with her congressional career.

via DNC Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz Getting Booted | The Shark Tank.

Some on the right are saying, “No! Don’t get rid of her, we like her stupidity!” Which is quite humorous, I think.  Truth is, the Democratic Party does have a image problem at the moment; arrogant, overreaching and well, in some cases — blatantly stupid.  Schultz personifies that idiot image.  No word on whether her Jewish ethnicity plays any role in that image or not. Although, I tend to believe that are many WASP’s, like me, who could answer that one in the affirmative. I best be careful though, the Semite-baiting Neoconservatives will come after me again. 🙄

(and for those of you, who are too stupid to see it — Yes, that is a good dose of snark and sarcasm…)

Either way, it will be interesting to see who replaces her, perhaps Sheila Jackson Lee?

Others: Weasel Zippers,, UrbanGrounds, The Daily Caller and Jammie Wearing Fools


Bill Maher says stop apologizing, liberals call Maher a “Dirtbag”

I must say, I was rather shocked to see this.

Bill Maher writes a pretty decent Op-Ed in the NYT. Basically saying if you say offensive stuff, man up and stand behind it and don’t apologize.

This gets Maher branded a “Dirtbag” by this blogger here, who writes:

There’s a lot of stupid crap there, but I’m just going to make three brief points:

1. The problem with a lot of the garbage for which public figures end up having to apologize isn’t that it’s “offensive” (although it is). The problem is that it creates, entrenches, and maintains oppressions: It is the pervasive, ubiquitous, inescapable little things that create the foundation of a kyriarchal culture on which the big stuff is dependent for its survival. It’s the little things, the constant drumbeat of inequality and dehumanization, that inure us to increasingly horrible acts and attitudes toward non-privileged people.

2. Maher routinely mistakes for “offended” what is actually contempt, and reads calls for an apology as a game of gotcha instead of a request for meaningfully accountability. See previously.

3. This line, ugh, this line: “I don’t want to live in a country where no one says anything offensive.” My question to that is WHY. Why would he not want to live in a country where no one ever says anything offensive (marginalizing)? What’s the net positive of people saying marginalizing things?

Of course it comes down to the reason he doesn’t want to live in a country where no one says anything offensive is because HE WANTS TO SAY OFFENSIVE THINGS, and the only kind of country in which no one says offensive things that he can imagine is one in which IT’S NOT ALLOWED.

Whereas, when I imagine a country where no one says offensive things, it’s because it’s populated by people who give a fuck about not offending other people, and thus CHOOSE not to offend them, no censorship required.

Unlike Bill Maher, I expect more. Firstly of myself.

Believe it or not; I am actually glad to see a liberal blog taking this issue up. Because if we are going to have this sort of dialog on what is acceptable and what is not, then BOTH SIDES have to be fair and agree to a standard. Not just one side be held and the other not be held to any kind of a standard.

So, for once, I commend someone on the left.