The Petraeus Circus

I think Matt Drudge is right about this headline:


…and that is exactly what it is too. The more this comes out, the more I honestly have to wonder; who is running the Country? I dont know

Better yet, who is protecting the Country? NailbitingCall me a bit paranoid; but if the people that are supposed to be the adults are carrying on like this; what the heck is everyone else doing?

Headlines on this story:

Oh, and by way, the way: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *wipes eyes and tries to breath.* Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! LaughingRolling on the floorHee heeOh go on

So, yeah; this is a rather odd, and sometimes funny story.

Huge Blogger round up at Memeorandum

Veteran needs our help

It appears that a Veteran needs our help.

Go read here and here.

Why am I doing this? I wrote this a while back when I put up a notice,  about someone else needing help:

This is the difference between true Christianity and Godless secularism. Christianity says “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.” This is done with the hope and prayer that one day; when the chips are down and you find yourself at death’s door, that someone would do the same to you. Having said the following, I ask anyone that happens to see this blog posting —- go and do thou likewise. 

I still feel that way, no matter who it is. Now, please, go hit the man’s tip jar; once for me and once for yourself.


Breaking News: CIA Director David Petraeus resigns

You know when your drudge siren goes off, and then your blog gets a trackback, something is huge.

Anyhow, here’s the tweet from Breaking News on twitter:

Petraeus’s statement via Politico:


David Petraeus resigned his post as director of the Central Intelligence Agency on Friday, citing an extramarital affair.

Petraeus visited the White House on Thursday to ask President Barack Obama to accept his resignation “for personal reasons,” he said in a statement to CIA staff. “After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours.”

Speculation is running rampant as to why, and what, who and where. I’ll send you over to AllahPundit, he’s better at roundup than me.

Update: Now a big topic on Memeorandum

Gingrich should put up or shut up

I would hate to think that Gingrich is playing politics with this stuff.

On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that major news networks might have secret emails proving that the White House canceled plans to assist the besieged U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Gingrich said that the bombshell emails could be revealed within the next two days.

“There is a rumor — I want to be clear, it’s a rumor — that at least two networks have emails from the National Security Adviser’s office telling a counterterrorism group to stand down,” Gingrich said. “But they were a group in real-time trying to mobilize marines and C-130s and the fighter aircraft, and they were told explicitly by the White House stand down and do nothing. This is not a terrorist action. If that is true, and I’ve been told this by a fairly reliable U.S. senator, if that is true and comes out, I think it raises enormous questions about the president’s role, and Tom Donilon, the National Security Adviser’s role, the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who has taken it on his own shoulders, that he said don’t go. And that is, I think, very dubious, given that the president said he had instructions they are supposed to do everything they could to secure American personnel.”

via Gingrich: Senator told me networks may have White House emails commanding counterterrorism group to stand down on Benghazi rescue | The Daily Caller.

Well, it is like this here; if Gingrich knows which Networks has them, he should really name them or shut up. This is not a good time for political brinksmanship. Plus, this Libya thing is a military tragedy and should not really politicized.

Just my opinion.

Others:  CNSNewsHot AirThe Powers That Beprotein wisdomThe Gateway Pundit and The Other McCain

Seal’s Dad: “Better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward”

I don’t know about y’all. But there’s a particular Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww factor about seeing Geraldo kiss another guy…. Sick

The Story via Daily Caller:

In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Geraldo at Large” Sunday night, Charles Woods, father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, said President Barack Obama did not do all he could to save the four Americans who were killed in a terrorist raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Obama should have reacted sooner, he said, because the consulate was American soil.

“I was contacted by military personnel yesterday, who told me an interesting fact. And that is any consulate anywhere in the world is American soil,” Woods said. “Any attack on an American consulate is an attack on American soil. There were American citizens that were attacked for seven hours on American soil a couple thousand miles away from Washington, D.C.”


“First of all, I am not angry at all,” Woods said. “In fact, Mr. President, if I had the opportunity of speaking to you face to face, and I would really love to, I would say this: ‘Mr. President, I respect your office. However, if you are responsible for the death of my son, I totally forgive you.’”

“This is about honor, courage and about love for America. And remember this, Mr. President:  My son and the others died heroes and it’s better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward. If you are responsible for the death of my son, I forgive you, I love you. I also love America.

Great way of putting it, gross way of handling it!

Others: National Review, Hot Air, Scared Monkeys and The Right Scoop

Two Very Interesting videos

This is regarding Libya, that, as we know, is rapidly turning into a huge fluster cuck.

These video come via Ed Morrissey and

Now, watch this video of Rush Limbaugh taking a caller from the Military:

Bill O’Reilly is right, all the President has to do, is tell the truth and he will not. This very well could cost him the election; and in this writer’s opinion, that would be a good thing.

Video: Ft. Hood shooting NOT a terrorist attack says Obama Administration

First, the heart wrenching video: (H/T to

The story via Stars and Stripes:

WASHINGTON — Victims of the Fort Hood shooting are rallying in a grassroots effort to get the rampage classified as an act of terrorism.

A coalition of 160 victims and family members released a video Thursday detailing what happened at the Texas military base on Nov. 5, 2009, and why they believe it was a terror attack.

In “The Truth About Fort Hood,” victims give testimonials about their experience and express their frustration at the government calling the incident “workplace violence.”

They point out that the accused shooter, Maj. Nidal Hasan, consulted by email with top al-Qaida leader Anwar al-Awlaki about whether an attack against American soldiers was justified to “protect our brothers.” Until his death in an airstrike in 2011, Yemen-based Awlaki was considered one of the United States’ top enemies.

The shooting for Hasan “was his jihad,” Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who was shot five times that day, said in the video.

Another victim, Shawn Manning, said that the soldiers at the readiness center “were killed and wounded by a domestic enemy, someone who was there that day to kill soldiers to prevent them from deploying. If that’s not an act of war or an act of terrorism, I don’t know what is.”

“We’re working pretty hard for our guys right now to get them the recognition and compensation they deserve,” said Kathy Stalnaker, whose husband has severe post-traumatic stress disorder from the incident. “We want to keep it in front of the public.”

I very highly recommend that you go read the rest of that; because it is absolutely heartbreaking. Crying

My friends, allow me to rant for a second:

This above, if anything else — is why as a people must vote different on November 4, 2012. These brave people have put their damned asses on the line for us, to protect this Republic of ours and this is the thanks that they get from this Marxist President? This is an utter outrage and if there was any sort of justice in this Country, this President would be asked to resign his position and if he did not, impeachment proceedings would be started against him.

Now, I am not saying that our President is a Muslim, like some of the right argue. However, I will say this; at the very least he is empathic to the Islamic cause and does empathic with those who use violence to react to the United States invading their lands. I am not saying he agrees with their actions; but what I am saying is that the President feels that because we did invade their lands, that somehow their actions are justified —- or at the very LEAST the President empathizes with this position.

This is a very dangerous place for a President to be in. Even if we did invade their lands; the invasion of Afghanistan was totally justified, considering that Al-Qaeda hit our homeland on September 11, 2001. Whether our occupation of their lands was the cause, or whether they hit us, because of a Christian and Capitalistic society; the fact is, they attacked us first and we replied back with Military force.

I will say this; this attack here is one of the reasons why I believe that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and the rest of them made a serious miscalculation about the war on terror. I do not think that the former President, Vice President and his staff realize just what they were uncorking, when they decided to fight the war on terror and just how far reaching it would be and what sort of blowback that they would encounter.

Furthermore, I do not believe that the former President calculated on people, who happened to be Muslim, in his own Military turning on their own Country for the sake of Jihad either. However, now, none of that matters; Bush and Cheney are gone and now we have a President, who will not even call terrorism for what it truly is. I say this as someone who rejects Wilsonian foreign policy, as someone who is not too keen on the idea of a continual war in he middle east for the sake on a so-called ally. I also say this, as unrepentant realist, who see things for what they really are and what they have become over the last three and a half years. Bush created this so-called “Arab Spring” mess and now we are into it deeply.

I also happen to believe that Bush and Co. made another fatal mistake of saying that the war that following 9/11 was not a religious war. It is, in fact, a religious war. It is war between civilized religions of peace; such as Christianity and Judaism and a savage, backward religion, which is quite fascist and intolerant towards those who dare criticize its so-called “prophet.” For those who would say that Christians do the same thing; I simply say to you, the last time I checked, I do not see Christians threatening to blowup buildings or anything for the sort —- for the mere offensive remarks about Jesus Christ or Jews blowing themselves up over insults to the Torah either. For those who point to Timothy McVeigh: He was not a Christian and he was not angry about insults to his religion either. He was a lone wolf crackpot who was angry at the Government. Big Difference! McVeigh might have also been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome as well, as he was a first gulf war Veteran.

I said all that up there to say this right here: This is why we have to vote different come November 4, 2012. Because we need a steely-eyed leader, who will look at this situation that we are in and make some serious decisions. Not decisions based on political correctness, not based upon popularity polls or any other of that silly stuff. But decisions made for the good of this Country and the future of this Republic of ours. Admittedly, some of those decisions will most likely will make me want to hide under the bed, see I am not that big on war. But, I will feel much better knowing that Mitt Romney, who I am voting for and praying does win — will be that person in charge.

I pray that the Lord God of the Heavens is merciful to this Nation once again and allows a man to be elected — who believes, what I and many of the people who read this blog —- believe. That America and this Republic are worthy of defending, against enemies; foreign and domestic. Who also sees what previous President’s have done, and what needs to be done, to finish the job —- with honor — once and for all.