Karma is such a wonderful thing

I have to laugh about this little news story here.

A well-known so-called “Conservative” talker and Femi-Nazi, who said some rather nasty things about me on Twitter and also told her paternal Father, who pulled two tours of duty in Vietnam; that she wished that “your name was on that wall.” (real quote by the way…) supposedly got her twat probed at a TSA stop. I say supposedly, because I do not happen to believe a word that this opportunistic charlatan even says.

This is the same woman, who rose from being a utter nothing to the media person that she is, with the help of the St. Louis Tea Party. Once she was established, she kicked the St. Louis Tea Party to the curb and lent her support to an establishment candidate. Another thing about her so-called Conservatism; don’t be fooled, ask her if she spanks her children; her answer will shock you.

Furthermore, this woman; I will not mention her name, because I really do not need her and her brain-dead followers over here trolling my blog. Just like the two hens that work for Twitchy did once, before Malkin hired them — one of them left a comment, that I traced the IP back to North Carolina, where she lives, said, “lick me where I pee.” Gross. Sick —- this woman is one of the many, many, Wilsonian Conservatives that believe that war on terror should continue on forever and that Muslims ought be subjected to special screening and that other should not; in other words, segregated lines at the airport, by race. How ironic is it, that when she is treated like a terrorist herself, she takes to twitter and screams, “They are violating my rights! Crying”  The irony there is amazing.  Doh

Furthermore, she is one of the many wilsonian conservatives who believe that torture of terrorist suspects is perfectly fine and urinating on dead Taliban fighters is perfectly fine too. So, as far as this writer is concerned, she gets what is coming to her. That is, if she is even telling the truth about what the TSA even did to her. I suspect that her ratings for her pathetic little show are getting low and this is some sort publicity stunt to get her some ratings.

There is a Christian angle to this too, and I will quote from the Bible:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. — (Galatians 6:7-8 KJV)

Jesus said of people like her, “They have their reward.” Right now, this woman just got reaped, in a big ol’ way and you know? It could not have happened to a better person, if you ask me. Hee hee

The real irony here is that this feckless woman tweeted the following:

…and those who traffic in hate, bigotry and advocate in the mistreatment of people who did not look 100% like you; and then end on TSA watch lists, ought not to expect special treatment from the Government either! Loser But she does, she thinks that only Arabs should go through, what she supposedly went through and not white people, like her. If we are going to have these sort of searches to prevent terrorism; then everyone should have to submit to them, including little white bread prissy britches like her! Laughing

Ooops: Joe Biden fibs on his vote on Iraq and Afghanistan

The Video:

Um, Oops. According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Vice President Joe Biden accused Rep. Paul Ryan of putting two wars on the “credit card,” and then suggested he voted against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

“By the way, they talk about this great recession like it fell out of the sky–like, ‘Oh my goodness, where did it come from?’” Biden said. “It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, at the same time, put a prescription drug plan on the credit card, a trillion dollar tax cut for the very wealthy.”

“I was there, I voted against them,” Biden continued. “I said, no, we can’t afford that.”

Well, there is only one little problem with that:

Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

And on Oct. 11, 2002, Biden voted for a resolution authorizing unilateral military action in Iraq, according to the Washington Post.

When I wrote my review, I was trying to be respectful of the man’s age; unlike some. However, when someone who is old tells a lie, just I do not respect that at all. Again, this is all that the Democrats have left; lies, scaremongering, class warfare and race warfare. Anymore, it pretty much comes with the territory of the left.

Others: MediaiteNaked DCBabalú BlogWeekly StandardWeasel ZippersJammie Wearing FoolsInstapundit and The PJ Tatler

Chart: Obama’s Spending versus Bush

It is an updated one, via InstaPundit. Show this to Democrats when they try to blame our budget problems on Bush’s wars. This will prove that they are, as always; full of crap.

Anti-Jihad Bloggers fighting the fight of freedom in NYC

Pamela Geller: A very pretty Lady. But, if you mess with her; she will rip your liver out and feed it to you on bread with mustard! O_o I pity the poor towel-head, er, um, I mean…. Radical Muslim that tries to tangle with her. If there ever was a “Super-Jew” superhero type, it is this woman right here. Ain’t no Christian that I know of, that has the guts and the strength. 😀

I really do not write about the struggle against radical Muslims and Jihad on this blog; mainly because it is not the focus of this blog. Oh, I will cover something that is big in the headlines about the subject, but I do not solely blog about that subject.

Anyhow, it seems that one of biggest Anti-Jihad warriors in NYC is causing a stir with the Anti-Jihad ads that she has put up in NYC subways is resulting in the haters coming out of woodwork and getting arrested. I do not write about Pamela Geller often, because I really do not know how she quite honestly feels about me; and by that I mean, I do not know if she is buying all the stupidity being written about me or not.

However, I will say this here:  I do admire her courage to do what she is doing. I mean, it is one thing to sit and write on a blog; and rip liberals a new one every day. But, it is a whole other world, to literally do the things that she is going. She is in the big fight — the big show,  if you want to call it that; when it comes to stuff like this and I admire her for it.

Also too, for those who might think that Geller is simply doing this for a quick buck or something silly like that; allow me to say this: Pamela Geller without question is one of more outspoken voices of the Anti-Jihad movement, there is no doubt about that at all.  This is why I have her in my blogroll. However, there is a reason why she is doing what it is that she is doing. She is fighting the fight against radical Islam and Jihad for people like me, who sit here and write against the actions of our Government, whether it be Republican or Democratic Party controlled.

Because if the truth was known folks; if those beltway cretins, from both parties, had their way, the first amendment would be modified to get rid of the non-corporate sites, and yes, that includes bloggers like me. Furthermore, if the liberal left had anything to say about it; Conservatives would have no right to free speech at all. No religions would be criticized at all.  Free speech would be chilled to the bone. Heck, Liberal Democrats, like FDR had a “fairness doctrine” in place in broadcast media for years! Why? Because they did not like dissent at all. Thankfully, in the 1980’s; President Ronald Reagan removed that law and now broadcast media is free to express itself and Democrats are open to full dissent in the media. Fox News channel being a great example of that.

In closing: To Pamela Geller, I simply say this: I admire you kid.  Keep fighting the good fight. It is people like Geller that inspire me to continue doing what I do; despite the fact that there these half-dead vultures who continue to circle this blog and just wait for me to do something that they feel is wrong. Just so they can go and write something about me on some stupid blog somewhere. I have said this a million times on this blog and on my old one. This blog has never, ever been about me at all. I do not do this for any sort fame or to be recognized at all.  I simply write the truth as I know it to be and tell the truth about the neo-liberal left and how they have destroyed the once honorable Democratic Party and how now they are trying to destroy America and its very foundations. If in the process of me doing this, a few persons who traffic in identity politics on the left or the right get their feathers ruffled —- tough crap!   I have never been one to have any sort of patience for political correctness. This is why I write in the style that I do. This is also why there are people out there who simply do not like me at all. Which comes with territory, and I am perfectly fine with that. I have my political positions and I realize that not everyone is going to agree with me.

So, to Pamela Geller, go get ’em gal and don’t let the bastards on the left or the right get you down.

Here is a song for the warriors like Pam Geller and those like her fighting the fight:



Others: GuardianAtlas ShrugsNew York MagazineJihad WatchBelmont Club and Jammie Wearing FoolsJihad Watch

The fallout continues

The fallout from the embassy attacks is continuing.

Some on the left now are even upset about it.

Video via Gateway Pundit:


Now there comes word, via one of the most liberal papers in the U.K., that the State Department actually knew that these attacks were coming, and did absolutely nothing:

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the “safe house” in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed “safe”.

Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups, while some of the other documents are said to relate to oil contracts.

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.

 — Read the rest at the U.K. Independent

Of course, the Obama Administration is in denial mode, via The Politico:

The Obama administration is flatly denying a blaring British newspaper report that the U.S. diplomats in Libya were killed as a result of a “continuing security breach,” and that “credible information” about possible attacks had been ignored.

A U.S. official told POLITICO: “There’s no intelligence indicating that the attack in Benghazi was premeditated.”


Shawn Turner, spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, emailed: “This is absolutely wrong. We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.”

The guys over at Powerline are not buying it at all:

Of course, the Independent story didn’t say that the Obama administration had “actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.” It said that “the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted,” but did nothing to step up security. The administration’s denial does not contradict the Independent’s statement, and the fact that the denial is phrased so narrowly suggests that the Independent’s report is, in fact, accurate.


So the Obama administration is already in cover-up mode. Note how willing administration spokesmen are to take absurd positions, secure in the knowledge that reporters will help them with their cover-up.

I can tell you this; the fallout from this is going to be great. I believe this little incident right here and the fact that embassy works were unguarded like this will be amplified during this election cycle and it might just cost Barack Obama the election. I realize Romney might not have handled the situation the greatest. But this here is nothing more than a dereliction of duty.

Sarah Palin over on Hannity weighed in as well:

For once, I actually agree with Sarah Palin. I also agree with the fact that this bogus movie was not the cause of these attacks. These attacks were pre-planned and this movie just happened to be out there and it was used, by these terrorists, as a cover for their actions. The sad fact folks is this, the United States of America and more broadly; The West is involved in a Religious War, between Christianity and Islam. The people over at Gates of Vienna, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, and Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, and others have been covering this for a very long time. The sad truth is that those who point to these sites and just dismiss them as hatemongers are just willfully blind to the danger that Islam is for this Country. The Nation should have realized this after 9/11, but because we had a President who wanted to remain Islam-friendly; the truth was ignored.

Furthermore, as a Christian, allow me to say this; Islam is an intolerant Religion and should be totally outlawed in America. There are extremist Christians in America, there is no denying that. But the last time, I checked, they were not as well funded as these people are. (and before anybody mentions him, Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian! Nor was he well-funded…) This is not a Religion anyways, it is a political philosophy, intermingled with a fascist religion and should be eliminated from this Country. If you are offended at this, tough crap; because the facts are that there is no such thing as peaceful Muslim. There are Muslims who choose to fight Jihad, and there are those who refrain from it. Because of this, America will never be safe at all. Call me a bigot, call me a hater, call me an A-hole; I really do not care. But America is going to learn this lesson of what Islam really is, one way or another. It really is too bad that more people are going to have to die, before the United States Government gets a clue and finally wakes up to this threat.

As a compassionate human being, I hate to think that people would actually be so ate up with their religion that they would act in this manner. However, as a realist; I have to go with my gut feelings and with what I see and all I see is this that is happening.

The sick part is, the way this Nation is headed at the moment, we will most like be too darned broke to even deal with the situation much less even fight it. It is a depressing state of affairs, which is why I try to avoid writing about it, because it just makes me sad and depressed to watch it all happen.

There is my statement, quote me, if you wish. Please, just be aware of this here. Thanks.

My Thoughts on President Obama’s DNC Speech

I figure if I am going to be up at oddball hours like this, the least I could do is put some new content on the blog. So, I will. 😀

I did finally watch the President’s DNC closing speech. I will not be embedding it here, for obvious reasons; but I did want to comment on it. I watched half of the speech on my iPod touch, and because the battery was going dead, the other half on the laptop here.

Now, I am not going to pull a hyper-partisan and just dismiss the speech. What I will tell you, is the truth about how I really feel about it. The speech, like all of the President’s speeches was well done. It was very much scripted and loaded with applause lines. Which is, for what it is truth worth, boilerplate normal for convention speeches.  There was a fair amount of boilerplate Democratic Party rhetoric in the speech. The President seemed to hit all of the right points that the Democratic Party left likes to hear.

Now obviously there were points made in the speech that I, as a Constitutional Conservative, disagree with; but because I do not wish to repeat myself. I will not bother with sitting here and going over what it is that I truly believe in. All I can truly say is, read this blog and search its archives and you will know what it is that I truly believe.

One of things that I will say about the President’s mentioning of the Military. It seemed that he was pandering a bit to that crowd. He did crow on about how he respected the Military and would work to protect our Military. But, glaringly and quite obviously missing was the promise to close Gitmo, which is something that he promised to do, the last time Obama ran for President. I am almost certain that most of the people in that audience were mindful of that fact.  The excuse by the Democratic Party establishment is that it was unfeasible, or that the political pressure was too strong from the other side. It is my opinion that real leaders tell the other side to get bent and does what one has to do. Real leaders tell others, “this is what I am going to do” and do it. Real leaders do not kowtow down to anybody.

As for the rest of the speech, it was filled with lots of optimism, and it was not nearly as negative towards Romney, other than the usual boilerplate political rhetoric, that I thought it would be; and I must admit I found that to be quite surprising.

Now back to a point that I made earlier: Rhetoric. There was much rhetoric in this speech; however, it is the opinion of this writer that the rhetoric of this President in his speeches, does not match the performance of his Administration.  The man gives good speeches, I cannot deny that, but his performance as a President, to this unemployed person of eight years; is just not there. The Country is in 16 trillion and counting in debt and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. I am still unemployed and so are many people that I know here in the Detroit area, some as close, as in my own neighborhood here.

Another thing that I will mention is this; the President in his speech said that he did not have all of the answers. Well, that is one point that I will not argue; in fact, I will say that the answers that the President has given in the last 3 1/2 years are ones that have not worked and has put this Nation into some horrible debt and has not created any real jobs to speak of around these parts. Furthermore, the President’s answers have caused American to lose its standing in the world and caused its credit rating to be reduced, which is something I never thought I would ever see in my lifetime.

Which is why I intend to vote, in this election for Mitt Romney. Because American can do better than scripted speeches, class and race warfare, spending boondoggles and mountains of debt. I believe that we can do better than telling the Nation of Israel to basically go to hell and basically removing God from a political platform, only to put it back under pressure. I believe that we can do better than an eight percent unemployment rate, which is actually higher, if you figure in the people that have left the workforce, due to not being able to find a job. (You know, like me?)  Which is higher, if you figure in the underemployed and part time people, who cannot find full-time work. I also believe that we can do better than a healthcare bill that was rammed down the throat of the American people and does not do a damned thing for people like me, who do not have jobs at all. I believe that we need to get healthcare costs down and insurance costs down, but not with an idiotic bill such as this; we can do better.

We can do better, I have seen when we as a Nation have done better and I choose to do better. Which is why I reject this speech from the President as another attempt to deceive the American people into voting for another four years of failed leadership and pledge on this blog to cast my lot for who I hope is the next President of the United States — Mitt Romney.


Terrorists Busted: This time it is Military involved

I saw this story come through my RSS reader and I wanted to wait to see the reaction of the right, before I blogged about it myself.

I have to say that Ace and AllahPundit’s reactions were very good and I commend them for taking the stand that they did. Kudos gents.

Just a quote of the story:

LUDOWICI, Ga. (AP) — Four Army soldiers based in southeast Georgia killed a former comrade and his girlfriend to protect an anarchist militia group they formed that stockpiled assault weapons and plotted a range of anti-government attacks, prosecutors told a judge Monday.

Prosecutors in rural Long County, near the sprawling Army post Fort Stewart, said the militia group of active and former U.S. military members spent at least $87,000 buying guns and bomb components. They allege the group was serious enough to kill two people — former soldier Michael Roark and his 17-year-old girlfriend, Tiffany York — by shooting them in the woods last December in order to keep its plans secret.

“This domestic terrorist organization did not simply plan and talk,” prosecutor Isabel Pauley told a Superior Court judge. “Prior to the murders in this case, the group took action. Evidence shows the group possessed the knowledge, means and motive to carry out their plans.”

One of the Fort Stewart soldiers charged in the case, Pfc. Michael Burnett, also gave testimony that backed up many of the assertions made by prosecutors. The 26-year-old soldier pleaded guilty Monday to manslaughter, illegal gang activity and other charges. He made a deal to cooperate with prosecutors against the three other soldiers.

Prosecutors said the group called itself F.E.A.R., short for Forever Enduring Always Ready. Pauley said authorities don’t know how many members it had.

Now Ace says this:

“Anarchist”? It’s an old trick of the media to call Neo-Nazis “right-wing” but then simply call left-wingers what they identify themselves as. “Anarchists,” for example.

Now, I initially thought these guys had to be right-wing (or what the media terms “right-wing”) because I could not imagine a left-wing motive here.

But a commenter points out the left wing is extremely angry about poor Bradley Manning, America’s Pluckiest Little Traitor.

So I guess that is an open possibility, and would explain the media not immediately calling these guys “rightwing.”

I do find that very suspicious. I find it suspicious that this isn’t the biggest story in the media. If it’s not, there must be a reason the media is in “let’s be restrained here” mode.

A while back, I made a point, that Ace made in his writings quoted above, the last time, when some idiot picked up a gun and decided to act on a political matter; here is what I wrote:

Terrorism is terrorism —- period —- full stop.  It does not matter to me and really should not matter to anyone, whether if it is being carried out by some Muslim, who thinks Jihad means to kill people or some Neo-Nazi, who cannot tell a Sikh from a Muslim.  Whether the crime is being committed by a far right wing militia person or a left wing radical communist — the point is the person is committing a crime.  What also should matter to all Americans, left and right, is that we live in such a lousy hyper-partisan Country these days, that no mainstream media outlets outside of Fox News could be bothered to report this incident.

Which is true in this case too. Those who are even bothering to write about it, are doing something just as bad. They are using this to further the Meme that the Military is full of terrorist creeps like these people here. To me, that is just sad, because not every person in the military is this sort of deranged person.

Another thing too, and I feel the need to say this; because no one else really has — the sad thing about this is that it undermines the efforts of people like Soldiers’ angels and other such groups. People read about stuff like this and in the back of their minds, aided by what they read in the liberal blogosphere; they think, “why would I want to give to people, who do stuff like this here?” It is sick that the liberal left would use an incident like this to create a “Military are terrorists” Meme. But, again, that is your liberal left, of whom, one of their more popular bloggers said of the Military, “Screw Them” which was ironic, considering he was Military himself. But, again, that is the left and that is their attitude towards the Military. Which is one of the reasons why I stopped voting Democratic Party. (Among many!)


Noted Faux Conservative Mitt Romney goes full-on birther

I have seen a good deal of stupidity in elections from both sides, but this here takes the cake.

The Video:

The Story:

Commerce, Michigan (CNN) – Mitt Romney chose a Friday campaign rally in Michigan, the state where he was born, to make reference to the highly charged and controversial “birther” movement, joking that “no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate.”

A fringe of conservative Republicans continue to believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Those in that movement are referred to as “birthers.”

A certification of live birth released by Obama during the 2008 campaign, and then the long-form certificate released by the White House in the spring of 2011, both stated the president was born in a Hawaii hospital on August 4, 1961. Contemporaneously published newspaper announcements also noted the birth in the Aloha State. Only “natural born” citizens of the United States are eligible to be president.

“I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said on Friday. “Ann was born at Henry Ford hospital, I was born at Harper hospital. No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

via TRENDING: Romney goes THERE: ‘Birther’ joke raises conspiracy theory – CNN Political Ticker – CNN.com Blogs.

No, Mitt, but many people, including myself; have actually wondered if you are truly a Conservative or just some big Government Statist masquerading as a small Government Conservative Republican. Furthermore, your tendency towards Wilsonian foreign policy has been noted by more than one person.

What really steams me about this little issue is this: The Birther nonsense was not started by the Republicans; it was started by the Democratic Party, namely the Hillary Campaign in 2008. Its origins are straight out of the White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi camps though and the Hillary camp picked it up and ran with it. It is an idiotic thing and the racial undertones of it all totally disgust me to no end; and with an election this important, the last thing that Mitt Romney needs to be tagged a racist bigot by the left.

Again, I do not know who is writing his speeches and/or giving him advice, but they need to cut the crap. Because if the Republicans lose this race, we are going to be screwed and I mean badly.

So, an open message to the Mitt Romney campaign for a former Democratic Party voter, turned Buchananite/Reaganite style Conservative, who wants to see his Country great again: Cut the crap, okay? We need to get this Country back on track and making asinine statements like this, is not going to help that cause, Mitt. I mean, really. 🙄

There is truly no excuse for this, and furthermore, there is no excuse for any Conservative of any stripe to think this is funny, acceptable or even remotely legit — although there are some that believe, that it is perfectly fine to make such asinine comments. It cost John McCain the election in 2008 and it will cost Mitt Romney too.

Again, it is not funny or does it represent my views as a Conservative, not even remotely.

Police State?: Military Vet Detained For Psych Evaluation Over Anti-Government Facebook Posts

Looks that way…:

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A former Marine involuntarily detained for psychiatric evaluation for posting strident anti-government messages on Facebook has received an outpouring of support from people who say authorities are trampling on his First Amendment rights.

Brandon J. Raub, 26, has been in custody since FBI and Secret Service agents and Chesterfield County police questioned him Thursday evening about what they considered ominous posts talking of a coming revolution. In one message earlier this month, Raub wrote: “Sharpen my axe; I’m here to sever heads.”

Police — acting under a state law that allows emergency, temporary psychiatric commitments upon the recommendation of a mental health professional — took Raub to the John Randolph Medical Center in Hopewell. He was not charged with any crime.

The Rutherford Institute, a Charlottesville-based civil liberties group, sent one of its attorneys to the hospital to represent Raub at a hearing Monday. A judge ordered Raub detained for another month, Rutherford executive director John Whitehead said.

“For government officials to not only arrest Brandon Raub for doing nothing more than exercising his First Amendment rights but to actually force him to undergo psychological evaluations and detain him against his will goes against every constitutional principle this country was founded upon,” Whitehead said. “This should be a wake-up call to Americans that the police state is here.”

via Military Vet Detained For Psych Evaluation Over Anti-Government Facebook Posts « CBS DC.

I find it pretty ironic that this guy was a former Military man and that he also is a libertarian. I also would like to know just what the criteria that was used to determine that this was some sort of a public threat. The FBI said there was no snooping; I believe that, like I believe in Santa Claus. I admit, what he said would startle me as well; but that is no cause to call the police or anything like that, unless he actually does something.

Continue reading “Police State?: Military Vet Detained For Psych Evaluation Over Anti-Government Facebook Posts”