I sure hope that Peggy Noonan is right

She seems to think that this is a sure thing, Miss. Noonan writes:

Romney’s crowds are building—28,000 in Morrisville, Pa., last night; 30,000 in West Chester, Ohio, Friday It isn’t only a triumph of advance planning: People came, they got through security and waited for hours in the cold. His rallies look like rallies now, not enactments. In some new way he’s caught his stride. He looks happy and grateful. His closing speech has been positive, future-looking, sweetly patriotic. His closing ads are sharp—the one about what’s going on at the rallies is moving.

All the vibrations are right. A person who is helping him who is not a longtime Romneyite told me, yesterday: “I joined because I was anti Obama—I’m a patriot, I’ll join up But now I am pro-Romney.” Why? “I’ve spent time with him and I care about him and admire him. He’s a genuinely good man.” Looking at the crowds on TV, hearing them chant “Three more days” and “Two more days”—it feels like a lot of Republicans have gone from anti-Obama to pro-Romney.

Something old is roaring back. One of the Romney campaign’s surrogates, who appeared at a rally with him the other night, spoke of the intensity and joy of the crowd “I worked the rope line, people wouldn’t let go of my hand.” It startled him. A former political figure who’s been in Ohio told me this morning something is moving with evangelicals, other church-going Protestants and religious Catholics. He said what’s happening with them is quiet, unreported and spreading: They really want Romney now, they’ll go out and vote, the election has taken on a new importance to them.

There is no denying the Republicans have the passion now, the enthusiasm. The Democrats do not. Independents are breaking for Romney. And there’s the thing about the yard signs. In Florida a few weeks ago I saw Romney signs, not Obama ones. From Ohio I hear the same. From tony Northwest Washington, D.C., I hear the same.


I suspect both Romney and Obama have a sense of what’s coming, and it’s part of why Romney looks so peaceful and Obama so roiled.

Romney ends most rallies with his story of the Colorado scout troop that in 1986 had an American flag put in the space shuttle Challenger, saw the Challenger blow up as they watched on TV, and then found, through the persistence of their scoutmaster, that the flag had survived the explosion. It was returned to them by NASA officials. When Romney, afterward, was shown the flag, he touched it, and an electric jolt went up his arm. It’s a nice story. He doesn’t make its meaning fully clear. But maybe he means it as a metaphor for America: It can go through a terrible time, a catastrophe, as it has economically the past five years, and still emerge whole, intact, enduring.

Maybe that’s what the coming Romney moment is about: independents, conservatives, Republicans, even some Democrats, thinking: We can turn it around, we can work together, we can right this thing, and he can help.

I am not one to get wobbly on the day before the election; but I do live by the credo of “Don’t get cocky.” I am a realist and I do not want to expect too much or place my bets. I, like many other people, pray that Noonan is right, and, maybe I am just a doubting Thomas. I am just taking nothing for granted and I pray for the best and prepare myself for the worst.

If Romney loses, it will not be for a lack of trying; he has had one heck of a good ground game going for him and the support and enthusiasm for him, since the primaries has built up a bit. The debates helped too, Obama’s first debate was a disaster and that helped bolster Romney’s claim that Obama was in over his head.

Again, to everyone; “Don’t get cocky.” If we win this, we win it, if not, we will try again in 4 years. If Romney loses, me and the entire blogosphere will have something to write about for the next 4 years. If Romney wins, we will have to be on the defensive more. As we know, the Democrats are quite vocal, when they are out of power. We will have to contend with accusations of everything from racism to voter fraud. I will be here to defend myself. Only thing that I honestly worry about, is civil unrest; please God, do not let that happen, it is November and most of America is cold. I pray that people will not riot, Florida and California is a worry, as they are warmer states. I doubt very highly, that anything will happen here; I will be watching the local news tomorrow and I will write here about anything that I happen to hear about, if anything at all.

I just hope that I can get up at a decent hour and go vote. Last night, was not a good night for me. I will try to get some sleep tonight. SleepyYawn

I think everyone should just pray —- hard. Praying

A sort of related video, by CBN, giving their predictions — again, everyone; don’t get cocky and just pray…hard: (Via CBNNews.com)


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Photos of the Day

I will say this much about Mitt Romney. I might have worries about him being a bit of a statist. But, I have no worries about his marriage.

More at Twitchy

For the record, Obama does have a good marriage too:

More over at HuffPo

I did this to show y’all that I am not a partisan and I am not a complete jerk towards the President; and that I am simply an American, who disagrees with the President’s policies. Please, No, “Yeah but”’s okay? I do not agree with the President’s politics; I have no grievance with the person. Let me also say, in praise to the wives of both Romney and Obama; you ladies are top notch. Anyone dame that would follow her husband around the Country, let her husband be put through royal hell; and let their personal lives be put in the spotlight like they are and not complain — is one hell of a Lady.

Policy differences and partisanship aside; I must and I will give credit to the Obama’s, they were the first African-Americans to step into the ring of Presidential politics. Because of this, finally and I do mean, finally; America was able to finally bury the idea that blacks were somehow of inferior to whites and lacked the knowledge and the skills to be President and First Lady.  In other words, we finally buried Jim Crow and the idiocy of the confederacy. Whether or not the Obama’s wish to acknowledge it or not; not only was Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream realized; himself a registered Republican, but also Abraham Lincoln’s dream was realized as well.

Whatever the outcome of this election, let me simply say that I personally admire anyone, Democratic or Republican; who answers the call of their perspective Parties and runs for the highest office in the land.  I believe that both of these families, deserve the uttermost respect from all Americans. Win or lose, they are the brave ones and those who sit on the sidelines and make bigoted and racist comments about Religion or Race, are the cowards. I tip my hat to both of you, and whatever the outcome be on Tuesday, I hope that all Americans will look back and say, “I remember that day well.” When the America people decided that President Lincoln’s vision was to be finally realized.

Now, to my Republican friends who read this blog; the door has been opened, the glass ceiling has been shattered and the idiotic excuse of, “That’s never been done before,” no longer works. This time, we ran and hopefully will have won, a Mormon candidate from President of the United States of America. It is a wonderful first. Now, it is time to give the genuine Christian Conservative African-American community their chance at the plate. Surely within the Republican and Conservative community there is an African-American, somewhere; that would be interested and honored to put themselves into the running for President of the United States. Could you just imagine the perpetual “Ker-Clank!” of the liberal Democrat jaws hitting the floor, and actions of the Democrats;  if the Republican Party actually nominated a black man for candidate for President of the United States?  If Herman Cain was any indication, that would be pure popcorn material! (not to mention the attack ads and the counter attack ads…. woo wee doggies! Surprise)

You have your mandate Republicans, 2012 is in the can, either way, it is done. 2016 is coming and you should really start searching out, convincing and preparing, on November 7.

Just my opinion. Big Grin

Update: Fixed a rather funny typo in third paragraph. surely, not surly. d’oh!  (and no, not Shirley either!)

I never thought about it that way before

An anonymous reader over at VDare.com writes:

From: An Anonymous Reader [Email him]

The only sense in which those who say fences don’t work are right is this: To be of full effect they must be backed up by defense in depth. A national will to shun scofflaw migrants must exist. A healthy nation ought deny them benefits, and encourage, even enforce, their exit.

Israel has used all these tactics in its strategy, to much success—and only muted criticism. The United States should do likewise, and withstand the shrieks of protest. We might even point out the high hypocrisy of certain critics.

You know, I never really thought about it like that before. What Mitt Romney does will be very interesting to watch.

The Hope and The Change: Restaurant Performance Index declined in September

All a part of The Hope and The Change that the President promised us.

Calculated Risk blog reports the following:

The RPI – a monthly composite index that tracks the health of and outlook for the U.S. restaurant industry – stood at 100.4 in September, down 0.3 percent from August. Despite the decline, September represented the 11th consecutive month that the RPI stood above 100, which signifies continued expansion in the index of key industry indicators.

“Although restaurant operators reported softer same-store sales and customer traffic levels in September, they are somewhat more bullish about sales growth in the months ahead,” said Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of the Research and Knowledge Group for the Association. “Forty-five percent of restaurant operators expect their sales to improve in the next six months, while only 11 percent expect weaker sales.”

The Current Situation Index, which measures current trends in four industry indicators (same-store sales, traffic, labor and capital expenditures), stood at 99.9 in September – down 0.7 percent from a level of 100.6 in August. Although same-store sales remained positive in September, the softness in the labor and customer traffic indicators outweighed the performance, which led to a Current Situation Index reading below 100 for the second time in the last three months.

Here is the chart:

Click to make it bigger…

So, what does this have to do with Obama? Plenty. When you promise a better economy, and then, you spent 16 trillion-dollar on recovery that does not work and then you hike taxes on businesses and the middle class and above stop eating out, because of a President, who is more interested in taking trips and living it up, instead of actually running the Country. This is what happens, businesses suffer, and that includes Restaurants. Restaurants like Gallagher’s in New York, which survived the depression, but could not survive this economic downturn.

This is why we need to vote different in 2012; Are you unemployed? Are you feeling the pinch, like many Americans? This is why, when an economy gets depressed like this; this is what happens, restaurants and other businesses take the hit. Housing Market collapses, stock market tumbles, then the Economy drops. Then, the Government tries to print more money to fix it; and then everything you buy goes up. It is a vicious cycle and the only way to stop it, is to get the people out of power that caused it. This is why we have to vote for Mitt Romney. Memo to my Democratic Party friends: George W. Bush did NOT cause this mess. Bill Clinton did! Because of this, we are ALL feeling the pinch.

We need new leadership, and that is why we need Mitt Romney to be President of the United States.

Movie: The Hope and The Change


First, Please, Watch this Movie:

The Hope and The Change may also be purchased on DVD HERE.

Now, if you are a blogger, please, go to this link, and embed this video on to your blog.

If you are not a blogger and you are reader of this blog or even if you have came in via search engine; and you like this video, you need to get the word out. You can do this be e-mailing ALL of your friends, especially, if they voted for Obama and are now feeling the pinch. We must get this done by November 6, 2012. You see, I myself, am not a Republican. However, my friends, lets just be honest; Obama has failed to deliver the goods to the people. Because of this, he has to go and lets give Mitt Romney a chance to fix things.

Do I believe that Mitt Romney is perfect? No. But, I tend to believe Mitt Romney will be a better President. Not because Obama is black and Romney is white! That is so stupid and that “Race-Card” stuff is played out and I mean badly. It is because Mitt Romney is a businessman, and there is no bigger business than the United States! Mitt Romney will run the business and run it the way it is supposed to be run.

Putting this in personal terms from me to you; allow me to share a short story. I really should have been in this video. In 2004, I was $18.500 in debt, credit cards, cellphone, new 2000 Chevy s-10 pickup truck that I bought new. I was working for a pallet company in southwest Detroit, when I got this truck; everything was wonderful, until one day, the job ended — no warnings, no offers to go elsewhere — nothing. Here I was $18.500 in the hole and no offers of employment. I was on unemployment for a while and finally, that ran out. My parents helped as long as they could. Finally, in 2004, I could not put it off, I filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy. (Total Liquidation! I reaffirmed NOTHING!)  No, I do not blame Bush for my problems. I blame the economy in Michigan, which predated the huge crash in 2008. I also blame Democrats and their idiotic stupidity in Michigan too.

Here is a fun fact: No one bailed me out of my debt and prevented me from going under. Nobody offered me any hope and change. In defense of the auto companies, they were caught in the crossfire and the credit crisis. However, I still felt that they could have done a managed bankruptcy and protected the union workers, like my Dad. But to be fair, my dad lost much of his niceties in his health insurance. Me, on the other hand — I have no health insurance at all. I am grateful that I have my parents to fallback on, because some people do not have that. I can relate to the guy in this video, living with his Mother-in-Law. I live with my parents and I would love to live on my own, in my own house or apartment. But, in this economy; I just cannot afford, I never really could, being in so much debt. Now, I am debt free, I just would like a job or for my business to take off. But in this economy?  Good luck!

In fact, Obama basically tossed your “General Laborer” workers under the bus! Obama said that he wanted the “High Tech” jobs to come back here. What about those of us, who are not really high tech workers? Confused There are more unskilled laborers in this Country, than skilled ones. Does Obama care about them too? It is to wonder.

Anyhow, again, send this video to your Democratic Party friends and have them come here and read my story and watch the video. Maybe, just maybe we can win this election and get the United States out of the hands of this idiot that is trying to be President.

Thanks for reading,


A libertarian makes the case for Romney

Law professor Brad Smith, former Chairman of the Federal Elections Commission makes the case for Mitt Romney over libertarian party candidate Gary Johnson.

One of my reasons is Gary Johnson’s and I guess the Libertarian Party’s position on immigration and illegal immigration. Both believe in open borders. Sorry, but that’s just wrong.

(H/T The Corner)

Fox News: CIA Operators requested help in Libya, were denied

This looks bad, no matter how you slice it.

Via Fox News:

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador’s team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to "stand down," according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to "stand down."

Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators. 

There is a whole bunch more to this; so, I suggest you head on over and read the rest of that story.

Allow me to to be the one to say this; I said this early on twitter and I did not get any sort of reaction. So, I will just say it here. On top of the already obvious choice by the President to not allow these people to defend themselves, because of his fear angering Muslims and because he most likely empathizes with the radical Muslims and their cause — there is another huge elephant in the room as well. I publically accuse the President of the United States of America of allowing these four men, who worked at the American embassy in Libya —– to die — because they were white.

I am sorry, if this offends anyone, but the truth is the God-damned truth.

The President of the United States of America allowed these four men to die and would not allow them to defend themselves; because he is black and he harbors anti-white feelings. His attitude was basically this; those white guys are expendable. If those four men in Libya, had been black; President Obama would have been literally screaming from the rooftop of the White House for justice! However, because this is a situation with four White guys, the President could honestly care less. period, end of story. 

If that was not bad enough, you have the Vice-President of the United States and the secretary of State acting like classless damned buffoons as well. Needless to say, November’s election cannot come fast enough and I believe this is going to cost the President dearly, in the form of the election. You simply do not allow people to die on your watch, and then expect to be reelected, it just does not happen.

If there ever was a reason for Mitt Romney to win this election; this is one of them. We need a new direction in this Country and we need it now. God, let Mitt win this one; so can get some self-respect back in this Country of ours and have a leader that makes decisions based upon an ability to lead and not…. race.

Others: protein wisdom, The Gateway Pundit, Power Line, The Jawa Report, National Review, Hot Air,JOSHUAPUNDIT, The Daily Caller, Questions and Observations, Rush Limbaugh, Taylor Marsh, Sister Toldjah, Nice Deb, The Spectacle Blog, Weasel Zippers, Pirate’s Cove, Patterico’s Pontifications, The PJ Tatler, CNN, Conservatives4Palin, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Right Scoop, Atlas Shrugs and NO QUARTER USA NET, ABCNEWS, Mediaite, The Daily Caller, The Lonely Conservative, The PJ Tatler, Taylor Marsh, Sweetness & Light, Investor’s Business Daily, Weasel Zippers, Nice Deb, The Jawa Report,The Other McCain, Pundit & Pundette and small dead animals (Via Memeoradum)