A brutal take down of the so-called “Conservative Movement”

This is rough, tough, and brutal. I am in agreement with Vox Day on this one, he calls it “Devastating. Absolutely devastating” and he is very much correct. Yes, I know, I have had disagreements with Vox Day in the past. But, on this, he is spot on. (I cannot seem to locate the posts, I may have pulled them.)

This article by a John Kludge over at ricochet basically sums up my feelings as well:

Let me say up front that I am a life-long Republican and conservative. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life and have voted in every presidential and midterm election since 1988. I have never in my life considered myself anything but a conservative. I am pained to admit that the conservative media and many conservatives’ reaction to Donald Trump has caused me to no longer consider myself part of the movement. I would suggest to you that if you have lost people like me, and I am not alone, you might want to reconsider your reaction to Donald Trump. Let me explain why.

First, I spent the last 20 years watching the conservative media in Washington endorse and urge me to vote for one candidate after another who made a mockery of conservative principles and values. Everyone talks about how thankful we are for the Citizens’ United decision but seems to have forgotten how we were urged to vote for the coauthor of the law that the decision overturned. In 2012, we were told to vote for Mitt Romney, a Massachusetts liberal who proudly signed an individual insurance mandate into law and refused to repudiate the decision. Before that, there was George W. Bush, the man who decided it was America’s duty to bring democracy to the Middle East (more about him later). And before that, there was Bob Dole, the man who gave us the Americans with Disabilities Act. I, of course, voted for those candidates and do not regret doing so. I, however, am self-aware enough to realize I voted for them because I will vote for virtually anyone to keep the Left out of power and not because I thought them to be the best or even really a conservative choice. Given this history, the conservative media’s claims that the Republican party must reject Donald Trump because he is not a “conservative” are pathetic and ridiculous to those of us who are old enough to remember the last 25 years.

It is this part here that really sticks out:

Third, there is the issue of the war on Islamic extremism. Let me say upfront that, as a veteran of two foreign deployments in this war, I speak with some moral authority on it. So please do not lecture me on the need to sacrifice for one’s country or the nature of the threat that we face. I have gotten on that plane twice and have the medals and t-shirt to prove it. And, as a member of the one percent who have actually put my life on the line in these wars movement conservatives consider so vital, my question for you and every other conservatives is just when the hell did being conservative mean thinking the US has some kind of a duty to save foreign nations from themselves or bring our form of democratic republicanism to them by force? I fully understand the sad necessity to fight wars and I do not believe in “blow back” or any of the other nonsense that says the world will leave us alone if only we will do that same. At the same time, I cannot for the life of me understand how conservatives of all people convinced themselves that the solution to the 9-11 attacks was to forcibly create democracy in the Islamic world. I have even less explanations for how — 15 years and 10,000 plus lives later — conservatives refuse to examine their actions and expect the country to send more of its young to bleed and die over there to save the Iraqis who are clearly too slovenly and corrupt to save themselves.

The lowest moment of the election was when Trump said what everyone in the country knows: that invading Iraq was a mistake. Rather than engaging the question with honest self-reflection, all of the so called “conservatives” responded with the usual “How dare he?” Worse, they let Jeb Bush claim that Bush “kept us safe.” I can assure you that President Bush didn’t keep me safe. Do I and the other people in the military not count? Sure, we signed up to give our lives for our country and I will never regret doing so. But doesn’t our commitment require a corresponding responsibility on the part of the president to only expect us to do so when it is both necessary and in the national interest?

And since when is bringing democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan so much in the national interest that it is worth killing or maiming 50,000 Americans to try and achieve? I don’t see that, but I am not a Wilsonian and used to, at least, be a conservative. I have these strange ideas that my government ought to act in America’s interests instead of the rest of the world’s interests. I wish conservatives could understand how galling it was to have a fat, rich, career politician who has never once risked his life for this country lecture those of us who have about how George Bush kept us safe.

Donald Trump is the only Republican candidate who seems to have any inclination to act strictly in America’s interest. More importantly, he is the only Republican candidate who is willing to even address the problem. Trump was right to say that we need to stop letting more Muslims into the country or, at least, examine the issue. And like when he said the obvious about Iraq, the first people to condemn him and deny the obvious were conservatives. Somehow, being conservative now means denying the obvious and saying idiotic fantasies like “Islam is the religion of peace,” or “Our war is not with Islam.” Uh, sorry but no it is not, and yes it is. And if getting a president who at least understands that means voting for Trump, then I guess I am not a conservative.

This is what you would call a political smack down and it is about time someone said it. This here too, is something that I high agree with:

Lost in all of this is the older strain of conservatism. The one I grew up with and thought was reflective of the movement. This strain of conservatism believed in the free market and capitalism but did not fetishize them the way so many libertarians do. This strain understood that a situation where every country in the world but the US acts in its own interests on matters of international trade and engages in all kinds of skulduggery in support of their interests is not free trade by any rational definition. This strain understood that a government’s first loyalty was to its citizens and the national interest. And also understood that the preservation of our culture and our civil institutions was a necessity.

I put in bold, underlined and turned that quote red to make a point. This above is what happened to the Conservative movement. It started after Ronald Reagan left office and got really crazy after the election and ultimate defeat of George H.W. Bush. After that, Conservationism went straight loony after that. Conservatives have no one to blame, but themselves. They put in a President, who went soft on taxes, and whom proceeded to usher in the “new world order.” and the Reaganites; which consisted of Fundamentalist Christians, like myself — went running for the hills. They knew then, that they had been duped.

Now, this many years later; along comes Trump and he dares to challenge those in the ivory towers that have created what we have now —- and the vultures are out for blood. They know that the current existing state of affairs in Washington D.C. is being threatened and they are doing everything they can to stop Donald Trump.

The question is, can Donald Trump fight them effectively enough to win the nomination?

More interesting reading about the neocon panic over @RealDonaldTrump

I wrote previously about the neocon, Trotskyite panic that is happening in the Republican Party.

Here is more about it, check out: Why Trump Is Panicking Robert Kagan | The National Interest

Needless to say, from now to the election in November is going to be very interesting. Not to mention from now till the end of the primaries.



Hate Speech, Jews, Christians and the end times

Postings like this usually get me into trouble. But, it needs to be said. Could you imagine a WASP, like me, saying this about the Jews?

The roar of outrage would be deafening.

Via mondoweiss:

Israel’s Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said yesterday: “Palestinians have to understand they won’t have a state & Israel will rule over them.”

The report is in Hebrew from Udi Segal of Israeli Channel 10, as translated by David Sheen on Facebook and Emily Hauser. 

Ben-Dahan referred to Palestinians as animals in 2013, according to the Times of Israel:

“To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.”

Ben Dahan told Maariv that homosexual Jews were superior [to]gentiles — gay or straight.

“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,” he said

the occidental observer also observes:

At TOO we have felt something of a duty to document instances where prominent, mainstream Jewish figures have publicly expressed the traditional Jewish view of a qualitative superiority of Jews to non-Jews. Previous examples include the late Lubavitcher leader, Menachem Schneerson of New York who was honored by President Reagan in 1983 (“The Gentile does not want anything. He waits to be told what the Jew wants!”; we have a case of . . . a totally different species. . . . The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world).

Another well-known example is Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s statement that “Goyim were born only to serve us.” As the previous link shows, such statements are pervasive on the ethno-religious right in Israel, often by very prominent mainstream figures.

The most important fact, via TOO is this:

It goes without saying at a US government official stating the superiority of his group would be out of a job the next day. But Dahan’s statement will not be covered in the US media, so it will not affect support for Israel among the less than human non-Jewish American public.

This above, is why I am not a big fan of the Zionists and the Christian-Zionist movement at all. However, to be clear; I am really not on board with the White Nationalists, White supremacists or any of that sort of “white identity” crowd — this is because much of what those people believe is just recycled bigoted nonsense that I, as a Christian cannot agree with.

However, I believe that it is very important for Christians to know, that these people are the supposedly, the same people who put Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the World and of all Christendom, to a rigged trial and to the cross of Calvary.  Jesus said the following:

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16 KJV)

Part of that wisdom is to know who your enemies are and in this case; these are enemies of born-again believers like myself. It is a true tragic thing, that Christians, in this apostate age, have been lulled into a coma type state and have been conned into believe that somehow, believe that believe these things, as quoted above, are somehow or another their friends. It is a lie and it is one that will destroy the believer, if he does not wake up.

Jesus also said this:

But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. (Matthew 10:17-20 KJV)

Most Christians mistakenly believe that this was simply Jesus informing his disciples that they would have to endure persecution, which they did and most people believe that Jesus was prophesying about the tribulation. Well, I am sorry to tell you; but this was a general prophecy to ALL Christians! As everyone who reads this blog knows, the “speech police” are in full control as to what is “acceptable free speech.” Most of those groups — the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, ACLU, and organizations like AIPAC are controlling the media.

My question you is this, How long before these groups are able to exert enough pressure to have laws passed that will regulate what people, like myself, can publish to a blog? How long will it be before anyone, that happens to disagree with their worldview, will be tossed in jail and accused of “hate speech?” I mean, Christian Bakers are already being persecuted for not Baking a wedding cake for a gay couple.  So, how long is it, before Christian Conservative bloggers, like myself, who do not tow the Christian Zionist line, find their blogs seized and themselves jailed on charges of “hate speech?”

My answer is this: It is coming. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after. Maybe not even in the next few years. However, it is coming and when it does, it will be considered acceptable; except to people like me and maybe you. They will call us “extremists.” Heck, they do that now! I am not well liked by the neoconservatives, as they see me as a racist, an anti-Semite and all the other idiotic labels that they put on me.

In fact, I believe that before the Lord comes back for His Church, which by the way, is going to happen sooner than you think! — things for Fundamental Baptists like myself, are going to get worse, before they get better. In fact, I have said this before on this blog; but it bares repeating —- I believe that before the Lord comes back for His Church, that Fundamental Baptists, like me, that still believe in the King James Bible are going to be meeting in secret, in basements of houses, for fear of being arrested.  My friends, it is coming and I do see that on horizon!

The Bible says:

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13 KJV)

My friends, I have seen this personally myself! I have been a Born-Again Christian since 1982. I was 9 years old. 34 years ago. Things were so much different back then. Notice how much the world, television, music and basically everything else, has changed? This is not by accident, this is the normal course of sin, it never gets better; it only gets worse and worse. This is not my personal opinion, that is Biblical truth.

We, as believers do have hope, and it is this:

But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. – (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 KJV)

That above, is our blessed hope. But, before that happens, things here, are going to get much, much worse for believers like myself. Those who are not a part of the great apostasy will be hunted, arrested and imprisoned for their faith. It is coming, and it is not too far off.  Marxists will, as the ones quoted above, will be part of that.

Know your enemies and prepare yourselves now. Work, while it is light. For darkness is coming, very soon.

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Timothy 3:14-17 KJV)

A perfect example why I disagree with Ron Paul and the Paleocons on terrorism

Now, I consider myself very much a paleoconservative, as I am not in favor of Wilsonian foreign policy at all. Furthermore, the excessive centralization of Government is not my idea of a good time either. However, I believe that what is happening now in the middle east, goes well beyond Wilsonian foreign policy. Please, if you would, check out this story below:

Check out Hot Air.com: Video: Man arrested in terror probe after police shooting in BostonAlso main story at BostonGlobe.com

Now folks, this right here is proof that ISIS and Al-Qaeda are not some invention of the CIA or Government; like some of the tin-foil hat people would want some to believe. Furthermore, they are not some sort of service organisation like some on the loony left would say as well. These people are true-blue religious zealots, who happen to believe that killing for Allah is their job. They are truly dangerous and a threat to the Republic.

Now who caused ISIS and Al-Qaeda, to me; is irrelevant at this point. What is relevant, is that these people; here and abroad are real, they are willing to die for their cause and they are totally committed. This alone, would be worry and concern anyone, who gives a remote flying flip about this Country. Differences with the neocon right, at this point; seem a bit moot, when I see stuff like this. True, I will never agree with the neocons on much of anything at all. However, when it comes to terrorism; I look at this, not as a Paleoconservative vs a neoconservative — But, rather, as a Christian American, who sees my Country being infiltrated by evil people, who want to kill Americans. Furthermore, I see a liberal controlled Government who is ambivalent, even sympathetic in some cases, to the cause of these demented people.

I think it is an awful shame, that Conservatives cannot at least put philosophical differences aside long enough to realize that our Republican is actually under threat. It is also terrible that we have a President that is more interested in placating the leftists in this Country than he is protecting the Republic. Do not misunderstand me; I am no fan of war. But, this, is really pushing my mind towards a feel that a war with ISIS, here and abroad is going to be a necessary thing.

Needless to say, the next person, especially if he is a Republican; who takes the White House, is going to have his hands full.

Others:  Fox News, CBS Boston, The Daily Caller, Hinterland Gazette, The PJ Tatler, Boston Globe, NBC News, WPRI-TV, Associated Press, Mashable, The Other McCain, Fox News Insider, American Spectator and Daily Mail (via Memeorandum

Neoconservative Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert busted for lying to the FBI

One down, many, many more to go… Neocons that is. Hopefully they get the rest of them.

The video: (Via the AP, which has all sort of updates to this story.)

(video removed, it was an autoplay video and there was no code to change to prevent the autoplay for starting, so I removed it)

The story:

WASHINGTON — The Justice Department has indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on reporting evasion charges and lying to the FBI as part of an effort to conceal paying off the victim of “prior bad acts.”In an indictment handed down in the District Court of Northern Illinois, the Department of Justice and IRS charged Hastert, 73, with illegally transferring funds in an effort to avoid detection by the IRS, a scheme known as “structuring.”In the indictment, Hastert is accused of agreeing to pay one individual $3.5 million.Although the indictment does not specify the “bad acts,” sources said they could be from before Hastert, who is now a lobbyist in Washington, entered politics in 1980. The indictment does, however, claim that Hastert agreed to make the payments “[d]uring … 2010 meetings and subsequent discussions.” In at least one of those meetings, according to the indictment, Hastert and the individual “discussed past misconduct by [Hastert against the individual] that had occurred years earlier.”According to the indictment, the FBI began, in 2013, investigating cash withdrawals allegedly made by Hastert “as possible structuring of currency transactions to evade the reporting requirements.”When the FBI interviewed Hastert on Dec. 8, 2014, he was asked whether the purpose of the withdrawals was related to his lack of trust in the banking system, which he confirmed. According to the indictment, Hastert said, “Yeah … I kept the cash. That’s what I’m doing.” The indictment counters that Hastert “then well knew, this statement was false,” because he had agreed to provide the individual with $3.5 million “to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct against” the person.

Source: Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert Indicted On Federal Charges – BuzzFeed News

Could not have happened to a better guy. This was one of Bush 43’s cronies in the House. He basically allowed the Republicans to spend like drunken sailors under Bush’s term. That was until the Democrats tossed him and the neocons out. Furthermore, this turkey basically was responsible for giving Bush a blank check for Iraq; and it is believed that he was larging responsible for pressuring the House into approving Bush authorization for war.

For this, he deserves what he gets. May he spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.

Update: This has become a major story. here are all the blogs writing about it, via Memeorandum:  The Moderate Voice, U.S. News, The Huffington Post, Scared Monkeys,Mashable, The Federalist, Politico, DownWithTyranny!, Associated Press, Towleroad News #gay, Outside the Beltway, The Week, Mediaite, White House Dossier, Hot Air,Rush Limbaugh, Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, The Intercept, PoliticusUSA,CANNONFIRE, CNN, The National Memo, Shakesville, NBC News, Daily Kos, Lawyers, Guns & Money, Washington Post, Balloon Juice, Box Turtle Bulletin, Taylor Marsh, NPR,Clayton Cramer, BuzzFeed and Chicago TribuneMediaite, Boing Boing, The Daily Banter, The Bob and Chez Show,The Atlantic, Washington Post and Patterico’s PontificationsNOLA River, Mother Jones, CNN, Daily Kos, Bloomberg View and NPRBloomberg Business, Politico, Wheaton College Home, The Hill,Washington Monthly, Los Angeles Times, Talking Points Memo, Washington Post, The Week, Box Turtle Bulletin, OpenSecrets.org, Scared Monkeys, Daily Mail, The National Memo, PoliticusUSA, CANNONFIRE, Liberaland, Daily Kos,Mediaite, The Gateway Pundit and Outside the BeltwayABC NewsThe Last Refuge, U.S. News, Firedoglake, Washington Monthly and PoliticoThe Huffington Post, TVNewser and Associated PressWashington Post, The Huffington Post, NBC News, Talking Points Memo, msnbc.com and RTWashington Post, New York Times and Booman TribuneTalking Points Memo, Daily Kos and ReutersTalking Points Memo, Washington Post, ThinkProgress andChicago

Neoconservative Fox News Channel actively working to keep Rand Paul out of their coverage

Well, it seems that Neoconservative Fox News Channel is actively working with the elitists in the GOP to cut Rand Paul out of their election coverage. First you have this idiot clueless blonde dago bashing Rand Paul for daring to call out the neoconservatives on ISIS and now; this:

The Story

Once again, Fox News forgot to include Sen. Rand Paul in their coverage of a new 2016 presidential poll, even though the senator outperformed other candidates mentioned and the survey cited made Paul a significant part of their original headline.Quinnipiac released a poll today featuring the headline “Five Leaders In 2016 Republican White House Race, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Rubio, Paul Are Only Republicans Even Close To Clinton.” Yet in Fox News’ coverage, Paul apparently didn’t register enough to justify being shown on the broadcast of the poll.

Source: Fox News continues to blackout Rand Paul in their poll coverage | Rare

Check the graphics:

Fox News:


MSNBC’s Morning Joe:


If you think that Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz are not behind that, you are crazy. Why? Because they are these sort of people:

They are cyst on the ass of politics; and they should be ran out of the Republican Party and out of politics and as far as I am concerned, out of Country on a rail. 😡


The old “If you don’t support Zionism, you’re a Jew Hater!” trick

Just wanted to show you how the neocon propagandists work. I’m going to post a few links, and I am going to use the google URL redirector, because I don’t want the neocon trolls coming here and giving me trouble. But, I wanted to show how these people work.

Go Here, Here, and here to see how they work; it is the same thing that Al Sharpton and his ilk pull, every time there is a so-called ‘Racist” incident. All the neocons have to do is holler, “Jew Hatred!” and the discussion is shut right down and the Semite-Baiters win. I mean, after all, where do you think that the blacks, like Al Sharpton and Jess Jackson learned that little trick from? It comes from the good old Frankfort School of critical theory.

But, when America does it, it is perfectly fine

I read with slight bemusement Ed Morrissey’s piece on ISIS,  which is another name of Al-Qaeda, which you can click here to read; supposedly having chemical weapons in Iraq. I also read how horrible it is and so forth.

Which leads me to ask a simple question: Was it just as horrible, when the United States used bombs with depleted uranium in them against the Iraqis when we invaded that Country in 2003? …and don’t tell me there was none of that; it has been confirmed many times over in photo documentation and in reporting on the ground there.

What also bemused me, is the neoconservatives steadfastly refuse to admit, that ISIS and al-Qaeda in Iraq was a sole creation of Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003. If anyone says, “Bush created this mess.” All you get is the Tourette’s disorder-sounding “blame bush!” repeated over and over and over. It is true that Obama’s handling of the Iraqi and Afghan wars has been piss poor, and his inaction created a resurgence of terrorist activity in Iraq and abroad.

However, Bush did start this thing and when it all blew up again, Bush and his Jewish neocon cronies were safely out of office. Now, what will have to happen is seeing that Obama is basically trying to avoid directly confronting with the radical Islamists, another Republican hawk will have to come in and clean up what is left of Bush’s created mess — that is if that person is able to do that!  It is a vicious cycle and one that we have repeated time and time again over the years.

Please, do not misunderstand me here; the Democrats are bad news, the policies of Obama and his neo-leftists cronies on the hill have been creating havoc on this Country’s economy. However, as myself and Pastor Chuck Baldwin know; the Republicans of today are no better, the hawkish Jewish wilsonians are just as bad, if not worse than the neo-leftists that are now in the White House. If you think that someone like Ted Cruz with a Reagan-style of foreign policy or someone like Rand Paul with the reasonable foreign policy will get in the White House, you are very highly mistaken. The Jacobin Wilsonian neoconservative hawks control that party and its purse strings and have done so since about 1989 or even before that. Conservatives tend to forget, that Reagan was a fluke; someone who the GOP establishment tried like heck to tamper down and discredit — and thankfully failed to do. The GOP establishment will never make that mistake again, trust me.

So, barring a major uprising in this Country, to unseat both of these entrenched political parties; we are stuck with what we have: two corrupt political parties, hell-bent on putting us into a course of absolute ruin. It is as fatalistic view, it is grim and tends to be depressing — but it, simply, is the truth.

The hypocrisy of the neoconservatives

I really hate to have to point stuff like this out; but when it is pretty flipping’ glaring, it is hard to ignore it.  As I rule, I don’t like pulling the “this is racist” card, unless I absolutely HAVE to and only where I feel it is absolutely warranted; and here, it is, in a big way. The big kicker, this guy is Jewish. Which really blows my mind. 😯

It seems that one of the biggest neocon bloggers on the planet is channeling his inner George Wallace. Donald Douglas, who is Jewish, I assume — links to a story on The Smoking Gun about an 8-year-old boy who crashed a car, after his drunk daddy allowed him to drive his car. Funny how someone, whose people were horrible oppressed and brutally murdered under a tyrant, can sit and spout ugly racial stereotypes like that — funny that indeed.  🙄

Here is how Donald Douglas covered said story: (I am screen-capping it and posting it here, if he tries to pull it…)

This neocon nitwit can post a blatantly racist thing like that, but when I happen to post on my blog, that I am not a huge fan of blacks and latinos, after my cousin was brutally murdered by two black and one latino Detroit police officer in 1994I become the pariah of the blogosphere.  For those that wonder; referring to a black man, as a “boy” is a racial stereotype that goes way back to the days of slavery, when blacks were thought to be of inferior intellect or that of a small child. Now, where I grew up in Detroit, on the southwest side and over on the east side; calling a black man a boy, would get your throat cut! 😯

Between this and the fact that this neo-nazi here is the darling of the conservative blogosphere; is why I separate myself from the neoconservative right and what I like to call, “The Blogger Kool Kids Klub” (If you know what I mean…) Jerry over at Goldfish and Clowns had it right, when he decided that trying to fit in with that crowd was just not worth it. As was Red Philips about Douglas as well.

If that is what the Republicans have become. I’ll just stand outside the Blogger Kool Kids Klub and do my thing here.