The Media Honeymoon is just about over for President Obama

Uh-oh…. It’s already Starting:

The Video:

President Obama made a surprise visit to the White House press corps Thursday night, but got agitated when he was faced with a substantive question.

Asked how he could reconcile a strict ban on lobbyists in his administration with a Deputy Defense Secretary nominee who lobbied for Raytheon, Obama interrupted with a knowing smile on his face.

“Ahh, see,” he said, “I came down here to visit. See this is what happens. I can’t end up visiting with you guys and shaking hands if I’m going to get grilled every time I come down here.”

Pressed further by the Politico reporter about his Pentagon nominee, William J. Lynn III, Obama turned more serious, putting his hand on the reporter’s shoulder and staring him in the eye.

“Alright, come on” he said, with obvious irritation in his voice. “We will be having a press conference at which time you can feel free to [ask] questions. Right now, I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to you guys – that’s all I was trying to do.”

The president was quickly saved by a cameraman in the room who called out: “I’d like to say it one more time: ‘Mr. President.’ ”

via Obama flashes irritation in press room – Jonathan Martin and Carrie Budoff Brown –

Look for that Politico reporter to turn up in Gitmo; as a suspected terrorist, For daring to ask “The One” a question. What I just do not get, why can’t the President just answer a damn question??!?! Is he that much of a empty suit, that he cannot answer a straight question?

To be fair, Bush did so the same things when he was office, and yes, I did criticize him for it.

This whole thing of shooting down questions from the media; by the President, totally pisses me off.  That’s the media’s job. Try doing yours, “Mr. President”, and answer their questions.

Others: The Moderate Voice, Outside The Beltway, CBS News, Pirate’s Cove,, Time, USA Today, Swampland, Gawker, Don Surber, Vox Popoli, Hot Air, FishBowlDCSister Toldjah, Betsy’s Page, RedState, Pajamas Media

(Via Memeorandum)

President Obama to order gitmo closed in 12 months

This is a big change from Bush’s policies.

President Barack Obama will begin overhauling U.S. national security policy Thursday with orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, review military trials of terror suspects and end harsh interrogations, two government officials said.

Together, the three executive orders and a presidential directive will reshape how the United States prosecutes and questions al-Qaida, Taliban or other foreign fighters who pose a threat to Americans.

A senior Obama administration official said the president would sign an order Thursday to shutter the Guantanamo prison within one year, fulfilling his campaign promise to close a facility that critics around the world say violates domestic and international detainee rights. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the order has not yet been issued.

A draft copy of the order, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, notes that “in view of significant concerns raised by these detentions, both within the United States and internationally, prompt and appropriate disposition of the individuals currently detained at Guantanamo and closure of the facility would further the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice.

via Sources: Obama to order Guantanamo closed – Yahoo! News.

I have mixed feelings about this. I think it is good that this nightmare for the United States is basically going to be going away. But on the other hand, I do not like the idea of releasing possibly terrorists, who might want to harm us again.

Either way, it is quite the mixed bag. I just hope this new Presidential Administration makes the right call.

(via Memeorandum)

Former French President gets pounded by his pooch….

Man, I’ve heard of screwin’ the pooch….But:

Former French president Jacques Chirac was rushed to hospital after being mauled by his own ‘clinically depressed’ pet dog.

The 76-year-old statesman was savaged by his white Maltese dog – which suffers from frenzied fits and is being treated with anti-depressants.

The animal, named Sumo, had become increasingly violent over the past years and was prone to making ‘vicious, unprovoked attacks’, Chirac’s wife Bernadette said.

via Mail Online.

I suppose in this case, the pooch would be a “Screwin” him! I feel for the guy, nothing like moody mutt to make a man have a rough day. As if the ol’ Geezer ain’t got enough troubles.

Others: Fausta’s Blog


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My Opinion on the Geert Wilders Movie and charges being filed

First the Story via BBC NEWS:

Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders made a controversial film last year equating Islam with violence and has likened the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

“In a democratic system, hate speech is considered so serious that it is in the general interest to… draw a clear line,” the court in Amsterdam said.

Mr Wilders said the judgement was an “attack on the freedom of expression”.

“Participation in the public debate has become a dangerous activity. If you give your opinion, you risk being prosecuted,” he said.

Not only he, but all Dutch citizens opposed to the “Islamisation” of their country would be on trial, Mr Wilders warned.

“Who will stand up for our culture if I am silenced?” he added.

The three judges said that they had weighed Mr Wilders’s “one-sided generalizations” against his right to free speech, and ruled that he had gone beyond the normal leeway granted to politicians.

“The Amsterdam appeals court has ordered the prosecution of member of parliament Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and discrimination, based on comments by him in various media on Muslims and their beliefs,” the court said in a statement.

“The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders,” it added.

The court’s ruling reverses a decision last year by the public prosecutor’s office, which said Mr Wilders’s comments had been made outside parliament as a contribution to the debate on Islam in Dutch society and that no criminal offense had been committed.

Prosecutors said on Wednesday that they could not appeal against the judgment and would open an investigation immediately.

Gerard Spong, a prominent lawyer who pushed for Mr Wilders’s prosecution, welcomed the court’s decision.

“This is a happy day for all followers of Islam who do not want to be tossed on the garbage dump of Nazism,” he told reporters.

Okay, here is my opinion on this situation.  Before I voice my opinion; let me say in the interest in full disclosure, that I fully believe that radical Islam is a threat to our way of life. Further more, I will be the first to say that it is very difficult to determine who among the Muslim community is radicalized and who is not. I also feel that if continue to allow Islam to be practiced in our country unchecked,  doing so could result in a major terrorist attack in our Country again.  I am, unashamedly an advocate of freedom of Religion; But when that Religion purposes to threaten the way of life of all Americans; it is no longer a Religion, but rather an instrument of terror.  Having said thus, I believe that the United States of America would be abdicating the responsibility of the well being of its citizens by allowing the practice of Islam in America to continue unchecked.

Having said all this, seeing that I am more of a Libertarian and a Moderate politically; I will be the first one concede the fact that Wilders my have brought this prosecution unto himself. Yes, I know, I posted the video here, on more than one occasion as a matter of fact. The reason I did, is because that most people are intellectually honest enough to know, that the video was about radicalized Islam and not Islam in General.  However, as well all know,  intellectual honesty does not usually extend to those of the Liberal mindset or those within the Islamic community, who have a agenda to paint those who are opposed to radical Islam as racists or hatemongers.

The reason I believe that Wilders might have brought this upon himself is because the video, if you watch it. Does send an unspoken message that all Muslims are terrorists. It is not spoken nor printed in the movie at all. However, it is the inferred message within the actual movie itself, that is the cause of the outrage among the Muslim community and is the reason for the conviction.

So, while I believe that the sounding of the alarm about radical Islam is legitimate pursuit, I also believe that framing of that pursuit is very important and will do more to bring light to that issue in a proper manner, without offending those in the Muslim community who do not subscribe to the radical mindset.

Update: Neo-Conservative Ed Morrissey shows his abject Hypocrisy:

Freedom of speech, in a democratic system or any other, requires tolerance by the populace of unpopular ideas and criticisms.  Popular speech requires no protection.  Imposing limits on what can and cannot be criticized and opposed through rhetoric and peaceful assembly ends freedom and starts totalitarianism. If Wilders cannot criticize Islam openly and freely without the government requiring permission, then the government can declare all dissent illegal through “hate crimes” legislation based on the whim of the government in question.  It won’t be long before the ruling class in Holland discover that they can protect their own status through such prosecution and attack dissent accordingly.

The reason I say this is the fact that, anytime someone says something unpopular over at, like dropping the “N Word”, when talking about a black person or possibly making a negative comments about Jews and Neo-Cons, they’re banned from commenting. In fact, I was banned from the chat room on his show, because I happened to speak my mind about Obama once there. So, that little song and dance is a crock of crap. Neo-Con’s are just as bad about censoring free speech as Liberals. Nice try Ed, but I know better. Identity Politics is just as bad in Neo-Con circles as it is in Liberal circles.  🙄

Others: Harry’s Place, Israpundit, Hot Air,, Gateway Pundit, Gates of Vienna, QandO, Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs

Fat Ted and Former Klansman Robert Byrd both have problems during the inaugural luncheon

Yeah, I wrote that damned headline, and I’m proud of it.

Via Fox News:

Sens. Ted Kennedy was taken to a hospital after suffering seizures during President Obama’s celebratory inaugural luncheon while Sen. Robert Byrd left early on Tuesday of his own accord, said his spokesman.

Kennedy, 76, suffered a series of convulsions that lasted a while. He was taken out on a wheelchair and had to have his legs lifted up to get him out of the room. He was loaded onto an ambulance and taken to Washington Hospital Center.

A spokeswoman at the hospital said Kennedy was awake and answering questions during an assessment. His wife Vicki and son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, were with him.

Last summer, the Massachusetts Democrat was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor. Kennedy was one of Obama’s earliest supporters and is credited with leading the pack of lawmakers who pushed Obama’s popularity.

Sen. John Kerry and wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, and Vicki Kennedy helped Kennedy get into the reclining chair in which he was wheeled out. Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd also accompanied Kennedy to the ambulance.

I hope Teddy and Byrdy boy are going to be okay.

Mary Jo Kopechne, The Millions of unborn children murdered under Kennedy and the African-Americans lynched when Byrd was a Klansman were unavailable for a comment.

Others: Little Green Footballs, protein wisdom, Don Surber, Outside The Beltway

Tucker Carlson on Obama's Inauguration, "Let's Not Pretend This is the Second Coming of Jesus"

This is why I like Tucker Carlson, he is absolutely fearless and is not afraid to speak his mind.

Listen to it: (Via Media Bistro)


Former MSNBC and CNN anchor Tucker Carlson, who is already “worn out” from the Inauguration festivities, joined us this morning on the Morning Media Menu. Carlson and host Glynnis MacNicol are two of the millions in D.C. right now.

He had some strong thoughts about the media’s love affair with President-elect Barack Obama. “I’m excited about it, I live here, I want my kids to see it…On the other hand, in the end he’s a politician taking a political office, 52% of the public voted for him, 48% didn’t vote for him, so let’s not pretend this is the second coming of Jesus,” said Carlson.

And although he didn’t want to sound like “a libertarian wacko,” he had some problems with the D.C. security. “The security is really over the top, anti-American really…We are far too willing to accept security restrictions,” he said.

As for the “exclusive” deals being worked out between TV networks and the Presidential Inauguration Committee, Carlson said, “How you can decide you have exclusive right to something that takes place on the National Mall? I don’t know who came up with that? I should try it!”

He also had some other suggestions: “Why don’t we name the White House? We could call it the Staples House, you know what I mean. The Home Depot House.”

Carlson also said that a friend of his tried to cross the Washington Bridge and was confronted by a United States Army solider with a bullhorn and an assault rifle. Which I believe, if I am not mistaken, against the law and our constitution.

I also agree with his assessment of the Liberal media’s infatuation with “The One”, it’s a sad day; when the media refuses to look at something objectively.  I mean, there are so many questions, his citizenship, his ties to communism, it just sickens me, that the media and the American citizens not asking more questions.

Of course, you can expect that the far lefty liberal media will, of course, pay attempt to paint Tucker Carlson as a hater. But thinking Americans will know better. Further more, the Fascist Neo-Conservatives will refuse to report this, because of their love affair with the Democrats, seeing that most Neo-Cons are of Democratic breed.

I fear for what America is about to become. The Rapture of the Church cannot come fast enough, if you ask me.

Bush Commutes Sentences of Ramos & Compean

Justice finally has been served in this case.

First the Video: (via Breit Bart)

The Story via FOX News:

On his last full day in office, President Bush commuted the controversial sentences of two former Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a Mexican drug runner in 2005.

The imprisonment of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean had sparked outcry from critics who said the men were just doing their jobs and were punished too harshly. They had been sentenced to 11- and 12-year sentences, respectively.

Their sentences will now expire on March 20 of this year.

Ramos and Compean were sentenced in connection with the shooting of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, who was shot in the buttocks while trying to flee along the Texas border. He admitted smuggling several hundred pounds of marijuana on the day he was shot and pleaded guilty last year to drug charges related to two other smuggling attempts.

The pair’s case ignited debate across the country, as a chorus of organizations and members of Congress — many of them Republican — argued that the men were just doing their jobs. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., was particularly outspoken on the issue, at one time describing Ramos and Compean as “unjustly convicted men who never should have been prosecuted in the first place.”

Nearly the entire congressional delegation from Texas and other lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle pleaded with Bush to grant them clemency. Conservatives hailed Bush’s decision Monday.

“The whole thing was ridiculous from beginning to end, and two years was way too long for them to serve,” said radio talk show host Laura Ingraham. “Conservatives are very happy across the country.”

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said in a written statement that Bush had “responded to the calls for compassion that came from across the country and made the right decision in granting these two men commutations.”

What President Bush did today, was possibly the best thing that he has done, since the days after September 11, 2001. When he stood on the fire truck. I do agree with President Bush that these guys did deserve to punished, but that the sentance recieved was much too harsh. I am glad to see that Bush did the right thing. 😀

I will say this, however, if I were those families, I would be working on finding another state to live in, because something tells me, that there are those who will be out for revenge against these two guys.

Others: Fausta’s Blog, Hot Air, Pat Dollard, The Other McCain, Macsmind, Moonbattery, Michelle Malkin, JammieWearingFool

New York Times Co. in Talks With Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim for needed much needed money

Now this is quite interesting:

The New York Times Co. is in discussions with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim about investing in the newspaper publisher to help ease its financial problems, according to people familiar with the matter.

The talks are ongoing and may yet fall apart but one of the options being discussed is a preferred-stock issue. Under this scenario, the Times Co. would issue Mr. Slim preferred stock, which carries no voting right but pays an annual dividend, in return for his investment. The investment would be similar to a loan. Preferred shares are often convertible into common stock after a defined period.

via New York Times Co. in Talks With Carlos Slim on Preferred Stock Investment – (Sub Required).

Interesting…. The New York Post picks it up:

The 68-year-old telecommunications tycoon is said to be discussing a large purchase of preferred shares. The talks are ongoing and may fall apart, as they probably would need the consent of the Sulzberger family, including publisher Arthur Sulzberger, who control the media powerhouse through its ownership of preferred shares.

The preferred shares under discussion would carry no voting rights, but pay a dividend, according to the report. His current stake puts Slim among the largest non-Sulzberger owners of the Times.

The Times is under the gun to raise cash as a $400 million credit line expires in May. The recession has squeezed the paper, which reported a 21 percent drop in ad revenue in November.

The newspaper has made some drastic moves recently to increase cash flow and to raise the needed money, including:

* An ongoing attempt to raise $225 million by selling its 58 percent stake in the new 52-story Midtown skyscraper and then leasing the office space.

* Putting its 17.5 percent stake in New England Sports Ventures, the parent of the Boston Red Sox, on the block. That could raise about $150 million.

* Layoffs and buyouts at the flagship New York Times and its Boston Globe property.

* Cutting back its dividend to investors for three years.

* The recent move to reduce the number of standalone sections and to sell advertising for the first time on Page 1 of the Times.

For Slim, fattening up his stake in the Times would expand his already sizeable holdings. The mogul controls Telmex, which handles about 90 percent of Mexico’s land-based telephone service, and Telcel, which has an 80 percent market share on the country’s cell business.

In 1997, just before Apple launched its iMac line, Slim bought a 3 percent stake in the tech company at a split-adjusted price of about $4.50 a share. Apple closed Friday at $82.33.

Just Warren Buffet, worth about $62 billion, according to Forbes, is richer than Slim. Bill Gates, for years the richest man in the world, is worth about $58 billion, the magazine said.

Very interesting indeed, it is indeed a sign of the times. It does kind of bother me, that the NYT would go south of the border to get someone to put money into their company. Is there not any millionaires here in America? Where’s all those Liberal Hollywood celebrities that cater to those mindless loons that make that newspaper?

I would go off on a “Bill O’Rielly” sounding rant and say it’s because of their bias. But I won’t, because I’m just a bit more honest than that. The Economy is bad, old Media is become the thing of the past, the internet is killing traditional media. hey, times change, either you keep up or your outmoded. Just that simple.

But, damn, what the hell are they gonna call the old gray lady now? The Taco-Head Times? D’ohDoh

Others:, Gawker, Gothamist, Don Surber, MediaMemo, Doug Ross, Silicon Alley Insider, 24Ahead, Don Surber and JammieWearingFool

Tragedy: Boy Killed by Monster Truck Debris

This is truly a tragedy. 🙁

The Video: (Via Breit Bart)

The Back Story via King 5:

TACOMA, Wash. – It was a sell-out crowd at the Monster Jam monster truck show Saturday at the Tacoma Dome, despite a tragedy the previous evening.

A 6-year-old boy died when a piece from a truck flew into the stands at the show Friday night.

The city of Tacoma reviewed safety procedures and decided that despite the fatal incident, the show would go on.

According to the Tacoma Dome’s Web site, four Monster Jam shows were scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.

The event company, Feld Motor Sports, based in Aurora, Illinois, said this type of incident has never happened in the 25-year history of Monster Jam events. They released this statement: “Feld Motor Sports is looking into the accident. The safety of our customers is our top priority.”

Feld puts up safety barriers at both ends of the arena floor. They don’t sell seats in the front rows to keep the audience away from the action.

I don’t think that it would be out of place to request that all my readers offer up a small prayer for this family tonight.  Praying