UPDATED: My feelings about Mitt Romney’s VP pick Paul Ryan

Is pretty much summed up here:

If there isn’t much to Ryan’s foreign policy, what we do know of his views isn’t encouraging. His Alexander Hamilton Society speech was standard neoconservatism complete with heavy reliance on Krauthammer’s “decline is a choice” argument, and he remains opposed to any reductions in military spending. He is a product of the Bush era, and in foreign policy views he seems to have learned nothing from Bush era mistakes.

via The Triumph of Ryanmania | The American Conservative.

That pretty much sums it up for me. Many on the left, including the President, are having a bit of a freak out over the choice. Not to worry Democrats, Mitt Romney will not carry out any parts of Ryan’s budget plan that would hurt his chances of getting reelected. Mitt Romney is not a fool, he is a moderate; by Conservative standards and will not do anything to hurt his political career.

Seeing that Ryan is Roman Catholic, that will cause the evangelical base to support Romney. Although there will be holdouts, like me. 😀 Some see this as a brilliant move and some see it as an idiotic move. I see this as strictly a political move and nothing else.

The real question is, does Romney stand a chance to win? Personally, I think he does; because Romney has money, lots of it and Romney also has a good deal of wealthy people who are supporting him too. Which means that Romney is outspending Obama by a good margin. Which means that Romney can outbox Obama with the ads. All Romney has to do is highlight Obama’s failed record on jobs and the economy. Romney needs to greatly highlight that fact that we are 15 trillion in debt and that Obama continues to spend money that we simply do not have, and highlight that fact that Obama has been utterly contemptible in his attitude towards small to medium businesses, not to mention big businesses!

All in all, I believe it was a much smarter move, than the one John McCain made in 2008. I just hope that Romney can battle against the identity politics aspect of this campaign, which will undoubtedly start at some point — better than John McCain and Hillary Clinton did in 2008. If they cannot, we will be in for 8 more years of the Marxist idiocy of Obama Administration. Hopefully, Romney has his a-game on, when comes to this; because we just cannot afford another term of Obama — not without some serious problems in our future. UPDATE: It begins, Ryan is already being called a racist.

Blogger round up here.

President Obama says, “I am not the President of Black America”

This is rather interesting to say the least….

Q: How do you respond to criticism that your administration hasn’t done enough to support black businesses?

A: My general view has been consistent throughout, which is that I want all businesses to succeed. I want all Americans to have opportunity. I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America, but the programs that we have put in place have been directed at those folks who are least able to get financing through conventional means, who have been in the past locked out of opportunities that were available to everybody. So, I’ll put my track record up against anybody in terms of us putting in place broad-based programs that ultimately had a huge benefit for African American businesses.

Q: The resurrected financial services industry hasn’t stepped up in terms of providing adequate capital to small- and minority-owned businesses.

A: There is no doubt that American taxpayers stepped in and pulled the banking industry out of the fire. It was controversial. It was messy. Ultimately it was the right thing to do for the economy. But it is true that once banks got back on their feet they haven’t been as aggressive in lending to small and medium-sized businesses as we would like. And I’ve had conversations with the major banks about this issue. What they will say is that some of the additional regulations have impeded some of their capacity to lend. We don’t see major evidence of that.

via Pres. Obama Talks Black Businesses, Black Unemployment [Exclusive].

My feelings on this are mixed.  As a white American, I like the idea that President Obama realizes that he is the President of the United States of America and that he does not intend to kowtow down to any particular ethnic minority.  However, if I were a black person, my feelings would be greatly different.  Many blacks in this Country voted for Obama for the sole reason that he was black.  These people are most likely feeling as if they have been taken advantage of by this President.  I would imagine that the phrase “house negro” comes to their minds as well.

It just seems to me that Obama is doing everything he can, and making every gaffe that he can to prevent being reelected to the office.  Because as it is now, the far left has abandoned him, the independents have abandoned him and even some of the mainstream liberal Democrats have left him too.  My question is; what is left?  Is Obama trying to scare off the black business owners too or the black vote in general?  It sure seems that way to me.

November is going to be one interesting election.  Because if Obama does not want the office of the President of the United States of America, there is a Republican who will be more than happy to take it from him.  The sad and sick part is that there are Republicans are actually foolish enough to believe that Mitt Romney is actually a true, rib-rocked, Conservative — something that they will find out, come the winning of the election.

Those are my thoughts and I would like to see yours in the comments section below.



UPDATED: Another mass shooting, this time in Wisconsin

First Colorado, now this.

A mass shooting at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin. Go Here, Here, Here, Here and Here to read all about it. (Via Memeornadum)

Via NBCNews.com, a detail that I am hoping like hell is wrong:

A temple committee member, Ven Boba Ri, told the Journal-Sentinel that people inside the temple described the shooter as a white male in his 30s.

“We have no idea,” he said of the motive. “It’s pretty much a hate crime. It’s not an insider.”

Ri told the Journal-Sentinel the gunman walked up to a priest who was standing outside the temple and shot him. Then he went inside and started shooting.

If this is even remotely true; we are so.very.much.screwed, when it comes to gun rights. It is over and we will have to wait to see if Mitt Romney wins or not and if the Republican take both houses. Because you know good and well; that the Democrats will enact strict Gun laws. It is that whole, “never let a crisis go to waste” thing.

Right now, prayers. Prayers for the victims, Prayers for the families —- and Prayer for our Nation. We’re about to lose it, if we are not real careful here. 🙁

Update: Via CNN: Video of witness describing what he saw:

Update #2: Round of blogs, right and left — covering this story: Washington Monthly, Guardian, The Lede, Outside the Beltway, The Moderate Voice, Los Angeles Times, The Raw Story, JOSHUAPUNDIT, ABCNEWS, The Hinterland Gazette, New York Magazine, Washington Examiner, Shakesville, BBC, The Other McCain, Wizbang, Scared Monkeys, Mashable!, American Power, Gawker, The Mahablog, Newsy, Taylor Marsh, The PJ Tatler, Blazing Cat Fur, First Draft and Booman Tribune, Newsy, The Talking Dog, Runnin’ Scared, The Hinterland Gazette and American Power, The Gateway Pundit, Guardian, Mediaite, Angry Black Lady Chronicles, The Raw Story, Joe. My. God. and ABCNEWS, Hot Air and Los Angeles Times, ABCNEWS and Crooks and Liars

Video: Obama’s Racism

A new PAC has been formed, FightBigotry.com. I will give my thoughts at the end.

The Video: (Via Think Progress)

Who is running it:

FightBigotry.com’s founder and treasurer is Stephen Marks, a well-known Republican opposition researcher whose 2008 book Confessions of a Political Hitman detailed his work in what he called “the dark side of politics.” In 2000, he launched an attack ad under the misleading name “Americans Against Hate,” attempting to tie Al Gore to controversial comments by Rev. Al Sharpton. Another Marks spot in 2004 attempted to link John Kerry to convicted murderer Willie Horton. He was forced to retract a claim in the book about then-Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ), acknowledging that “the information was not accurate.”

About the Video:

Beyond the obvious race-baiting, the ad is riddled with factual errors. Holder’s March 2011 statement was criticizing a Congressman for equating an a 2008 New Black Panther Party incident with the much more violent assaults against voting rights advocates in the 1960s – not about “pursuing the New Black Panthers.”

And what this group terms a “racist altercation with police” involved a Harvard University professor being stopped by police for trying to enter his own home. Even conservative Fox News legal analyst and former New Jersey state Judge Andrew Napolitano called it an “improper arrest.”

Okay now for my thoughts:

To Steven Marks, you have the right to do this — but… What does it honestly do for the Conservative movement and the Republican Party? I mean, the stuff is class A, USDA choice, weapons grade, dog-whistle material. I mean, what is the motivation? Is it to inform people, or is it to stir up hostility among white people against Obama?

Simply put, this is nothing more than  a losing gambit; for all concerned — White People, The Conservative movement, The Republican Party, Mitt Romney and his supporters. The truth is folks, we can run on Obama’s record; as it is said that he is going to lose big anyhow, we do not need to bring race into this election at all. It is unneeded baggage and it will only hurt us in the long run.

While I am empathetic and sympathetic to the things said in this video, as I am a white person myself; I simply do not believe that this is really needed at all. It does nothing for the Conservative cause and it does well play into the talking-point that Republicans are racist. This is simply something that we just do not need at all.

Round up of liberals covering this, and yes, they’re right about this one: Washington Monthly, Wonkette, Little Green Footballs, Shakesville (Via Memeorandum)

Is Mitt Romney going to be Benjamin Netanyahu’s puppet?

Now before I begin this blog entry I want it to be perfectly known; I am a total and complete supporter of Israel and it’s people.

However, I do NOT, nor have I ever; supported Wilsonian foreign policy or the idea of America fighting Israel’s battles for them.

Having said that, check out this Video:

Of course, The Neocons are overjoyed by this little attempt to suck up to Israel. I personally, don’t buy it; I think Mitt Romney is desperate and wants to advance in the poll numbers. So, he is basically trying to suck up to the Jewish right here in America and in Israel. Which will work, of course, because we all do truly know who controls the Republican Party anymore….and it is not WASP’s like me, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan anymore, that is for sure!

Another reason I suspect that Romney is possibly going to be Benjamin Netanyahu’s puppet is this little piece that I stumbled across.

Via Haaretz:

Much has been written about the warm personal relationship between the two friends, ex-governor Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. Today it has become clear that the two are more than just friends. Romney apparently accepts instructions from Netanyahu who succeeded in getting him to cancel a scheduled and meticulously planned meeting with MK Shelly Yacimovich, the leader of the Labor party.

Here is how things developed: A month ago, when Yacimovich was still the leader of the opposition, Dan Senor, Romney’s key foreign policy adviser, approached Labor Knesset faction head Yitzhak (Buzi) Herzog with a request, in Romney’s name, to meet the then-head of the Israeli opposition during his scheduled Israeli visit. A meeting with the opposition leader is also required as a matter of protocol; when then-senator Barack Obama visited Israel on the eve of the 2008 U.S. elections, he met with Benjamin Netanyahu.

The two bureaus, Romney’s and Yacimovich’s, began coordinating the meeting, where and how long it would be along with a joint statement to the press. But a week ago, after Kadima head MK Shaul Mofaz left the government, Yacimovich ceased to be opposition leader. Herzog took the initiative and informed the Romney staff of the change in Yacimovich’s status, and requested that the meeting be cancelled.

Romney’s staff would have none of it. They told Herzog that they were au courant with happenings on the Israeli political scene, knew that Mofaz was now opposition leader (Romney will also meet with him), and insisted on holding the Yacimovich meeting as planned.

Preparations and coordination continued energetically last week through last night and even this morning. But in the last few days a problem came up in Yacimovich’s schedule for unexpected personal reasons. Herzog checked again with Romney’s staff to make sure that the meeting was still scheduled, and said that Yacimovich might be a little late arriving, for personal reasons. The answer was affirmative, loud and clear.

The meeting was due to take place today, at 1:30 P.M., at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. There were still contacts this morning between Romney’s media staff and Tal Alexandrovitch Segev, Yacimovich’s media adviser. Yacimovich and Herzog, who was due to accompany her, prepared themselves to meet the man who might, in a matter of months, be elected president of the United States.

And then Romney went into a meeting with Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Bureau in Jerusalem. Minutes before the meeting, the candidate’s staff contacted Herzog to inform him that the meeting had regrettably been cancelled, “for reasons of protocol.” Herzog and Yacimovich have no doubts: Netanyahu, or his people, didn’t approve of the Yacimovich meeting and pressured Romney to cancel it – and succeeded.

If that is not a puppet; I do not know what is. I will also say this; that we can expect to see war with Iran in the next few years, that is if Romney is able to pull off a victory. This is why I am voting my own personal convictions and not just going along with the rest of “the right”. This is why I am voting for:

Goode for President of the United States!

Anything else, is just a vote for more war. In fact, look at the facts:

Goode on the issues, click to make bigger!

On the Issues:

  • The Constitution: Emphasizing and following the Constitution will mean a smaller less costly government, which is vital for the future prosperity and progress of the United States.
  • Jobs, the Debt and Deficit: Under the Obama Administration, unemployment has soared to around 8.5 percent.  Our debt has increased by over 4 trillion dollars under the Obama Presidency, which has also given us trillion dollar deficits.  The United States can not borrow its way to prosperity.  It is incumbent on our next President to propose a balanced budget upon taking office and not ten years down the road. There will be pain, but the old saying that one will not get out of the hole by digging the hole deeper is accurate.  Nearly every department and agency will face significant cuts and some will face elimination. Veterans benefits is an example that will not be cut.  Examples of programs eliminated include the National Endowment for the Arts, No Child Left Behind, etc.  Other programs and departments, such as Foreign Aid and Education, will be slashed and trimmed.  Reducing regulations and becoming energy independent will also mean more jobs for America.  The Canada to Texas pipeline needs to be built and operational expeditiously and not delayed or stopped as the current Administration is doing.  Another way to reduce unemployment, reduce the deficit, and provide more jobs for U.S. citizens is to reduce legal immigration.  In recent years about 1.2 million green cards have been issued annually and over 60% go to foreigners who come to the United States and take jobs from American citizens.  I have proposed a moratorium (with a few minor exceptions) on issuing green cards until our unemployment rate is under 5 percent.  America has one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world and it is time for the citizens of this country to be at the head of the line for jobs.  We also need to totally end diversity visas (50,000 per year), reduce chain migration, and dramatically reduce asylees and refugees and their costs to the U.S. taxpayer.
  • Immigration: Illegal immigration must stop. Our borders must be secure. In Congress, I supported and cosponsored legislation to stop illegal aliens, terrorists, drug smugglers, and other criminals from coming across our Southern border. We need to utilize troops, fences, and other measures to stop the invasion from Mexico. I was the first to sponsor legislation providing for a fence along the Southern Border.  We must continue to fight for funding and for adequacy of the fence.

Illegal immigration costs the United States taxpayers billions every year through increased health care costs, social service utilization, emergency room fees, prison expenses, and in other areas. For example, of the 189,000 federal prisoners, 50,000 are illegal or recent aliens costing the taxpayers millions of dollars for their incarceration We must end the anchor baby situation, whereby a child of illegal aliens is an automatic citizen of the United States.

  • Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants: I oppose granting amnesty for those persons who come into the United States illegally. Amnesty did not work in the 1980s. Amnesty did not work in the 1990s, and it will not solve the problem now. Amnesty only encourages more illegal entry into the United States. Legal immigration must be reduced not increased. Congress, the United States Senate, and the President need to adopt a position of a strong NO to amnesty. As President, I would immediately direct the Attorney General to support and NOT oppose the efforts of Arizona, Alabama and others to deal with the illegal problem in the states.
  • English as the Official Language: I continue to support English as the official language of the United States of America.
  • Energy Costs: The United States must be free of foreign fossil fuel. Freedom from the Middle Eastern sheiks, Nigeria, and Venezuela is necessary for a continued bright future for our country. We cannot allow OPEC to control our energy supply. The United States must develop its own resources and alternative fuel sources.  Hydrogen, biodiesel, and other alternative energy sources have potential in making us less dependent on foreign fossil fuels. I also support the utilization of nuclear power and expanded drilling opportunities for natural gas and oil in this country so that our energy needs are met by domestic and not foreign sources. I have supported and will continue supporting drilling in Alaska and the continental United States. If President, I would support the drilling off our coasts where it can be done safely and where the states, such as Virginia, have passed legislation requesting offshore drilling.

Being free of a need for foreign fossil fuel will enable us to be free of the shifting sands of the Middle East.

  • Tax Reductions and Fairness: I support the elimination of the Death Tax. Death should not mean the end of the family farm or the family business. A death tax often precludes families from having the homestead or family business. I support and have voted to terminate the current IRS Code at a date determined in the future so it can be replaced with something simpler and fairer.  There are several alternatives to the current Code and include the Fair Tax, the Flat Tax, the Transaction Tax, and others. Between the current IRS code and the Fair Tax, I would support the Fair Tax with certain modifications. For example, the Fair Tax, which is basically a national sales tax, has a prebate of $180 per month per person, which should be limited to United States citizens, who are adults and who reside in the United States. I would support a Fair Tax only if certain other taxes, such as the Death Tax and Income Tax were eliminated.  If the Income Tax were to be retained, then I would oppose a national sales tax and have a simple flat rate income tax and scrap the current code with its inequities.
  • Medical Costs: A big factor in medical costs is the high cost of malpractice insurance for our physicians and other health care providers. I support tort reform that will limit attorney fees and the amount of damages recoverable for non-economic losses.
  • Social Security: We must preserve and protect Social Security.  Social Security is owed over two trillion dollars.  Social Security should be repaid and have real money in the Social Security Trust Fund and not IOU’s.
  • Marriage: I believe that marriage should be a union between a man and a woman. I am opposed to gay marriages and so-called gay civil unions. I support the federal Marriage Protection Amendment.
  • Health Care: I support ending Obamacare.
  • Public Education: Washington should not be running our local school systems. We need to leave local education decisions to the states and localities.  I am opposed to national testing of public school students and voted against “No Child Left Behind” with its new mandates and new tests that must comply with national standards. I support ending the federal Department of Education.
  • Crime and the Second Amendment: We need to maintain capital punishment for certain murders and to fully prosecute those who commit crimes with firearms. I fully support the right of an individual to protect himself or herself against assault and violent attack. I was honored to be co-chair of the Second Amendment Caucus during part of my tenure in Congress.
  • National Defense: We need a strong national defense.  However, reckless federal spending which has given us a deficit in excess of one trillion dollars necessitates cutting defense spending.  We must now come home from Afghanistan and reduce our expenditures around the globe.
  • Veteran’s Benefits: I support funding for veterans’ health care and providing health care benefits to all veterans.  We also need to insure that the Veteran’s Administration works with and on behalf of our veterans.
  • Abortion: In the United States House of Representatives, I had a consistent pro-life voting record and in 2008 the National Right to Life Political Action Committee commended me “for your 100 percent pro-life voting record throughout your twelve years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives”.  As President I would continue to oppose abortion and would submit a budget to Congress with zero funding for planned parenthood and any other similar entities.
  • International Relations: I oppose the placement of our Armed Forces under United Nations command.  We need to curtail expenditures to the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, and to foreign nations. Our sovereignty, in my opinion, should always be paramount.   I also vigorously oppose Agenda 21 and other globalism schemes so harmful to the citizens of the United States.
  • North American Union: We need to block any union between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.  The sovereignty of the United States must be preserved. In Congress I sponsored a resolution against the North American Union.
  • Trade: Agreements like NAFTA and the trade provisions in fast track authorization lead to the erosion of this country’s vital manufacturing base. I do not favor international trade agreements such as these that result in a loss of American sovereignty and jobs.
  • Term Limits: Term limits for members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate are necessary for a Congress more responsive to the needs of our country and its citizens.  Many members focus too much time and attention on raising money for the next election. Term limits will result in members caring more about the general good for the county.  If elected President, I will serve only one term and not focus on raising money and getting votes for the next election. The country shall be first.


Voting for anything else? Is basically this:

…and the worst part? We’re getting played and played hard; by the those who see us as nothing more than useful idiots. 😡


Video: Reported Closet Lesbian Kathy Griffin slams 17 year old Willow Palin

When they are not killing Conservative Businessmen, they are doing this sort of asinine behavior.

Video: Via Breitbart.com:

Update: All American Blogger Links in. Thanks!


Obama’s Liberal Fascists Kill Donald A. Perry Chick-fil-A’s Vice President of Corporate Public Relations

Yes, I am blaming Obama and his brown shirts. (Update: ….and if anyone does not like it, I think it is just too darned bad… everything is coordinated by this Marxist President, everything — including harassment.)

The story via WRBL-TV:

News 3 has learned that Donald A. Perry, the Vice President of Corporate Public Relations has passed away.

Ross Cathy, the owner of the Midland, GA Chick-fil-A and family member of company CEO, Dan Cathy, tells News 3, Perry passed away this morning from a heart attack.

Chick-fil-A Inc. relased the following statement:

We are saddened to report the news to you that our dear friend Don Perry, vice president of public relations, passed away suddenly this morning.

Don was a member of our Chick-fil-A family for nearly 29 years. For many of you in the media, he was the spokesperson for Chick-fil-A. He was a well-respected and well-liked media executive in the Atlanta and University of Georgia communities, and we will all miss him.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

You can read all about the latest involving intolerant liberal fascists and Chick-fil-A, by going here and here.

Well, Liberals, pat yourselves on the back. You have reached a new level, with me at least. You have actually achieved the feat of driving a man to his grave, with your idiotic and quite fascist ways. Now, bask in the glory that is of murderers. It really should not be of any strange feeling; after all, your people on a daily basis commit the murder of millions of unborn children every year. So, this should not be any different really. The man disagreed with your worldview, and you drove him to his grave.

For the record, the so-called right does it too; namely to me. However, I never thought I would ever see the day, when someone would drop dead, because someone who owns a company dared to take a stand for Christian Morals and gets persecuted for it, even to the point of one his own company officers dying of a massive heart attack.

My friends, this, is the Neo-Left and this; is why I no longer vote progressive — nor will I ever again. 😡

The neo-left, which is represented by the Democratic National Committee; is not the party of Roosevelt or Truman — and is not even remotely the honorable party as referenced by Ronald Reagan. It is a totalitarian fascist party, that is a small wooden bridge’s width away from outright Communism. The sad part is, that is that it is taking American and its people with it.

This is why I continue to blog, even when my own people attack me. This why I fight against the Neo-leftist, Anti-Christian, Anti-Business. progressive menace. Because of stuff, like this here.

God Bless America.

Others: Michelle Malkin, Twitchy, Boing Boing, Outside the Beltway, The Daily Caller, Riehl World View, The Raw Story, Chicago Sun Times, The Hinterland Gazette, Washington Free Beacon, NewsBusters.org and Gawker Datechguy’s Blog, JOSHUAPUNDIT, Wizbang, Clayton Cramer’s Blog, National Review, Sister Toldjah Mother Jones Hot Air, The Huffington Post

The U.K. Telegraph prints a bogus story on Mitt Romney

It seems that either The U.K. Telegraph is either getting some bad information or someone over there has an axe to grind with Romney.

The story via The Telegraph:

As the Republican presidential challenger accused Barack Obama of appeasing America’s enemies in his first foreign policy speech of the US general election campaign, advisers told The Daily Telegraph that he would abandon Mr Obama’s “Left-wing” coolness towards London.

In remarks that may prompt accusations of racial insensitivity, one suggested that Mr Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr Obama, whose father was from Africa.

“We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special,” the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: “The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have”.

Mr Romney on Wednesday embarks on an overseas tour of Britain, Israel and Poland designed to quash claims by Mr Obama’s team that he is a “novice” in foreign affairs. It comes four years after Mr Obama’s own landmark foreign tour, which attracted thousands of supporters.

He lands in London early on Wednesday morning, in advance of meetings with David Cameron and other senior ministers on Thursday. He will also meet Ed Miliband and Tony Blair before attending two lucrative fundraisers and the opening ceremony of the Olympics.


“Obama is a Left-winger,” said another. “He doesn’t value the Nato alliance as much, he’s very comfortable with American decline and the traditional alliances don’t mean as much to him. He wouldn’t like singing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’.”

The two advisers said Mr Romney would seek to reinstate the Churchill bust displayed in the Oval Office by George W. Bush but returned to British diplomats by Mr Obama when he took office in 2009. One said Mr Romney viewed the move as “symbolically important” while the other said it was “just for starters”, adding: “He is naturally more Atlanticist”.

Mr Obama has appeared less interested in relations with London than Mr Bush. He repeatedly rebuffed Gordon Brown when the then-prime minister sought a meeting at the UN in 2009 and was criticised for responding to an elaborate gift with a set of DVDs that did not work in Britain.

The whole quote, if true, has all the trappings of dog-whistle racism. The problem is, according to Jeff over at “The Lid”, not a word of it is even remotely true:

There is one problem with the quote, it is a fraud!

Andrea Saul, Romney’s press secretary, disputed the comments and emphasized that they did not reflect the beliefs of the former Massachusetts governor.

It’s not true. If anyone said that, they weren’t reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign,” she told CBSNews.com in an email  I emailed my contact within the campaign who backed up Ms Saul’s response.

The fact that Romney denied that anyone in his campaign made that comment doesn’t matter to the US press, neither does the fact that Mr Swaine hasn’t backed up his charge with proof.

Good work on the part of Jeff to put out the truth on this story. I really do not believe this one to be a effort to knock Romney on the part of the Telegraph; however, I do believe it to be a result of some bad sourcing or planting of a false story, by someone who might have an axe to grind with Mitt Romney. This happens quite a bit in Politics.

However, Mitt Romney does have a bit of another problem, which I am covering in my next blog posting.

Special Comment: When facts become passé

Unless you have been living under a rock somewhere, you most likely know about the tragic events that have taken place out in Aurora, Colorado on Friday June 21, 2012. The magnitude and scope of this horrific event have not even begun to settle in with the Nation, not to mention the world. The families of the dead are just now being notified, and the crime scene is still gone over by the police department and the FBI, ATF and many others. This horrific tragedy will forever be associated with this Batman Movie. Because of the tragic events in Colorado; no one, not matter who they are; myself included, will never be able to walk into a movie theater and feel safe ever again.

As many of you know, I once was a Democratic Party voter. I voted for that party from the time I was eligible to vote, until 2008. I am 40 years of age, so that should give you an idea of how long I have been voting. So, when I see someone who is supposed to be a respected movie reviewer, exploiting this horrific and tragic event to further his own political agenda — I have to wonder, has the left gone that mad?

I am of course, referring to Roger Ebert, of whom, at one time, I actually respected as a film reviewer — posting an opinion piece in the New York Times, which is supposedly the paper of record, on this event in Aurora, Colorado. In this piece, Roger Ebert condemns the right, condemns those who own guns, and dismisses the notion that anyone really should own a gun at all. This is typical boilerplate progressivism and liberal Democrat gruel from people like Ebert and I usually do not get bothered by such things.

However, when I see Ebert and people like him, actually resorting to the distortion of fact, I really have to wonder. Case in point, Ebert writes the following in his piece:

That James Holmes is insane, few may doubt. Our gun laws are also insane, but many refuse to make the connection. The United States is one of few developed nations that accepts the notion of firearms in public hands. In theory, the citizenry needs to defend itself. Not a single person at the Aurora, Colo., theater shot back, but the theory will still be defended.

Okay, this is where I actually have to correct a man, who is supposedly a respected writer and film critic. Here is the truth from the media:


James Eagan Holmes, 24, legally bought the four weapons he allegedly used. Police said he opened fire in a suburban Denver theater with four sold-out showings of the premiere of the Batman movie Dark Knight Rises. He was dressed head-to-toe in black bullet-proof gear, including helmet, vest, leggings and a groin and throat protector. He wore a gas mask, goggles, and black gloves.

You see, Roger Ebert omitted the fact that this man was wearing armor to protect himself from being shot at in the theater. Therefore, it would not have mattered at all, if someone would have shot back at him or not — that is unless someone was shooting armor piercing ammunition, which is generally not available to the public, unless someone happens to have an old stash of it. This is because of our over reactionary Government decided to outlaw those types of bullets after the North Hollywood Bank shootout that happened in 1997. This resulted in the outlawing of automatic assault rifles and armor piercing bullets. The ban on the assault rifles expired, but the ban on armor piercing bullets never did. This would leave someone unable to defend himself or herself against an attacker wearing body armor.

I do not believe this attempt to cover this little known fact up is an isolated incident. I believe as time goes on, the fact that he was wearing body armor is going to be buried by the media for a reason. The United Government does not want the American people to know that if someone in that theater, had been armed with armor piercing bullets, this killer could have, and would have been stopped dead cold in his tracks. Not to sound like an devotee of the “Alex Jones school for mental awareness” or anything; but, the fact is that we are living in a bit of a police state, where even the simplest of calls for things like domestic violence can get a swat team sent to someone’s house.

I believe this not to be an accident, our Government wants to have an upper hand on its citizens, and they are doing this by restricting access to those kinds of bullets. Because logic would tell one, that if an law enforcement officer knew that someone had this sort of ammunition, that they would be less inclined to perform some of the unconstitutional acts against the citizens of this Country that has been documented on various websites, including this one here.

This is what, we as Constitutional Conservatives, must fight against, the seizing of our freedom to own and possess a firearm. If left unchecked, laws that diminish our freedoms will be passed. If it were left to the “Liberal left” in this Country, we would be much like Europe, where there are no guns at all; and the only ones who own them would be criminals. This is our mandate going forward, even if Mitt Romney is elected, we must fight against those who would pressure the President to restrict gun ownership.

As Conservatives, we all know that love for this great Country of ours is imperative. However, blind, child-like trust of our Government is a futile mistake —– just ask Randy Weaver.

Yes, Mr. President, I built this

(Full disclosure: I am not voting for Mitt Romney) Update: When I originally wrote this, I was not going to vote for Mitt Romney; things changed, I am voting for him. 

(H/T To HotAir.com)

With my own hands.


…and please, Mr. President; don’t tell me words don’t matter.

(Cross-posted to my business blog)