Video: Mitt Romney thinks that Birtherism is “humor”

I was going to add this to my previous posting, but I thought this one needed its own little posting.

Mitten thinks he’s funny: (H/T HotAir)

Hey Mormon boy, if you think that joking about someone’s citizenship, namely the first black President of the United States of America — you have much to learn about what is and what is not humor.

For those who might actually have an issue with me calling Mitt Romney Mormon Boy; my feeling is this, if Mr. Romney does not mind making cracks about the President’s Citizenship and thereby fanning the flames of racism, then I do not mind reminding America that this clueless dolt happens to be a part of, what was considered, until around the late 1960’s to be a cult and not even remotely true Christianity.

For those who have a problem with that, I have one thing to say — in the words of William F. Buckley: Cancel your own Goddamned subscription.

Noted Jerk Liberal Blogger actually writes a fairly decent blog posting

Check it out. His liberal sneering aside; it is a decent historical account of Republican establishment trickery.

But one must remember, Democrats have done the same stuff. Remember 1968? Just sayin’


Newsweek Says, “Hit the Road Barack!”

Wow. 😯

When you’ve lost newsweek. You’ve lost the election. Of course, there are dumbasses.

Cue the music!

Others: Questions and Observations, Wizbang, Scared Monkeys, Instapundit, The Gateway Pundit, NO QUARTER, Business Insider, Politico, The PJ Tatler, The Moderate Voice, Weasel Zippers, American Power, blogs, The Hinterland Gazette, The Lonely Conservative, and Lawyers, Guns & Money

Iraq and Afghanistan: wars fought wrong

This is what happens when you piece-meal a war, this is what happens; when you leave a war to fester, while you invade another Country, based on bad information. More importantly, this is what happens when you elect warmongering Neoconservatives into power. This is what happens, when you fight “armchair general’s” wars.

You end up with dead people, who should not have to die to protect an empire; and you get religious strife within a Country.

In Afghanistan:

Via Detroit News:

Kabul, Afghanistan — A man in an Afghan police uniform shot and killed an international service member on Sunday, NATO said, raising the death toll to 10 in such attacks in the space of just two weeks.

The surge in violence by Afghan allies against their international partners has raised doubts about the ability of the two forces to work together at a key transition time. Afghan forces are expected to take over security for the country by the end of 2014, when the majority of international combat forces are scheduled to leave.

On the other side, a coalition airstrike killed dozens of Taliban militants, including one of their leaders, officials said.

Few details were immediately available about Sunday’s killing of a coalition member in southern Afghanistan. NATO said only that they and Afghan authorities were investigating. Afghan officials could not be reached for comment.

The Taliban have been actively recruiting members of the Afghan security forces, saying in a statement last week that they considered these turncoat attacks a major part of their strategy against international forces.

In Iraq:

Via The Detroit News:

Baghdad — A bomb struck the convoy of a senior Sunni cleric in western Baghdad on Sunday, killing four and critically wounding the anti-extremist Muslim leader, police said.

The attack highlights the threats faced by relatively moderate Sunni clerics whom the Shiite-led government needs to help rebuild the country and establish security. It follows a series of assaults in what is becoming an increasingly bloody month.

The blast in the capital’s Yarmouk neighborhood left Sheik Mahdi al-Sumaidaie badly hurt, a Sunni religious official said. The cleric had just finished leading prayers at a nearby mosque to mark the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which follows the holy month of Ramadan.

Al-Sumaidaie has sided with the government against Sunni extremists. Earlier this year, he called for a unified religious authority to bridge the gap between Iraq’s Sunnis and Shiites. Insurgents often target Sunni clerics seen as working closely with the Shiite-led government.

Two police officers and a hospital official confirmed the attack. They said four of the cleric’s bodyguards were killed and three others were wounded.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki condemned the attack. In a statement posted on his website, the Shiite leader said the attack was aimed at “spreading sedition and silencing any patriotic moderate voice.”

“Even as we condemn this ugly crime, we are confident that our people are aware of the evil goals of such schemes,” he said.

The invasion of the Sovereign Nation of Iraq was supposedly to bring peace and stability to that region. So much for that eh? The only thing that the invasion of Iraq did was destabilize and inspire more Muslims to become radicalized, and try to attack America and our allies.  As for Afghanistan, that war could have been fought quickly and efficiently; however, because the American people were looking for a scalp, after the events on 9/11 and Osama was well protected within Afghanistan and Pakistani ranks — President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq.

This left the Afghanistan War to fester and turn into what it is today —- a huge cluster fark.  This was a huge error on our part and one that will be stain on the United States of America for a very long time. This War was about as bad as Vietnam, if not worse. What made this worse than Vietnam,  is the fact that Vietnam was requested by the United Nations at the time.  The Military action in Iraq was requested by no one at all, and was based upon false premises and horrifically bad information by a dissident who defected to Germany.

Least anyone think that I have become anti-military or something silly like that; none of the above was the fault of the United States Military. The United States Military did their jobs most excellent, some of them giving their lives in service to their Country. For that they should be commended. However, the leadership, at the time; was the problem. That leadership started in the White House, and for that we, the American people — will be paying, for a very long time —- fiscally, spiritually, and the eyes of the World.  The United States of America, in the span of about eight years —went from being the World’s leader to the World’s bully in the eyes of the rest of the World.  The Neoconservative reaction to this, is “Who cares?”   But anyone who truly loves this Country, ought be very worried about that little problem.

The best thing we, as Americans can do, is hope and pray that none of the radical Muslims can get enough money and support to try and attack this Country again.  It is, truly — all we can do.

I will say this, the American people are about to make the same mistake again. Putting Mitt Romney, as the Republican for President of the United States; is about the stupidest thing that the Republican Party could have ever done. In light of the Bush era, that is. We are about to make the same mistakes again —- In Iran.  You watch and see.





Chuck Baldwin minces no words about Paul Ryan

I have to like Chuck Baldwin, he does not mince words:

It has happened again. We go through this every four years, and every four years the vast majority of “conservatives” fall for it. This is such a broken record. What did Forrest Gump say: “Stupid is as stupid does”? And wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, here we go again.

Neocon RINO George H.W. Bush picks “conservative” Dan Quayle. “Conservative” G.W. Bush picks neocon RINO Dick Cheney. Neocon RINO John McCain picks “conservative” Sarah Palin. Now, neocon RINO Mitt Romney picks “conservative” Paul Ryan. As long as there is one “conservative” on the ticket, mushy-headed “conservatives” across the country will go into a gaga, starry-eyed, hypnotic trance in support of the Republican ticket. I’m convinced that if Lucifer, himself, was the GOP Presidential candidate, he would get the support of the Religious Right and Republican “conservatives” as long as he selected a reputed “conservative” to join his ticket. And, by the way, the notable “conservative” wouldn’t think twice about joining such a ticket, either, I’m convinced.

Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot. Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!

via Chuck Baldwin — Paul Ryan: More Of The Same.

He goes on to say that Ron Paul is the only one; and I disagree with that. However, I will say this; he is right about Romney and Ryan. Which is I am voting for:

Goode/Clymer in 2012

He will not win the election

But voting for anything else is simply Anti-American

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Hope and Change? — August Unemployment Numbers are not looking good.

I hate repeating myself, but for the sake of blogging about something, I am going to have to repeat myself….again. However, for short, it’s just more of this here.

But for those of us, who want a longer version of the story; I give you this:

When you print more money, you devalue currency, and when you devalue currency, the price of everything goes up.  This, in turn, causes employers to have to pay for more everything, and this also causes them to look at their bottom line. This is the vicious cycle of inflation. Which is caused by a fiat currency, which is not backed by Gold.  I said this on my old blog, a million times back when Obama was being elected and afterwards.

So, here we have the story about August unemployment numbers being bad. Again, as I report this, remember what I said above:

Via Gallup:

click to make this bigger

New Gallup unemployment data suggest an increase in the government’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for August when it is reported on Friday, Sept. 7. During recent months, Gallup’s measurements have been more optimistic than those of the BLS. Barring a sharp reversal in this relationship, the government’s unadjusted unemployment rate might be expected to stay the same or increase in August.

Gallup’s Daily tracking of the unemployment situation is based on interviews with more than 30,000 adults over the 30 days ending Aug. 15, and shows essentially no change in the unadjusted unemployment rate at 8.3% compared to 8.2% in July. In turn, this suggests that the government’s unadjusted unemployment rate could increase to 8.7% in July from 8.6% in June. The government’s measurement of the unadjusted unemployment rate has been known to differ with Gallup’s findings, but a drop of 0.3% in July is necessary to bring the government’s unadjusted rate down to Gallup levels.

More interestingly, there were no BLS seasonal adjustments in August 2011. If this remains the same in 2012, the Gallup seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for August would be 8.3% while that of the BLS would be 8.7%, assuming a similar increase to that shown in the Gallup data. Further, Gallup’s data show the labor force participation rate to be increasing in August. In turn, that could have an additional negative impact on the unemployment rate for August if the government’s data show a similar pattern.

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Trying to guess the U.S. unemployment rate has been a thankless task in 2012, even using Gallup’s 30,000 interviews as a basis for estimation — even worse than trying to guess the results of the government’s establishment survey. However, like ADP’s (Automatic Data Processing) estimates of the establishment survey results, Gallup’s numbers have been close to the household survey results much of the time.

Regardless, barring heroic adjustments or a sharp change in direction, Gallup data suggest the seasonally adjusted U.S. unemployment rate for August will increase — possibly substantially — when announced in early September.

So, if you cannot find a job, this is why: Employers are having to look at their bottom lines. They have to take in account for the fact that they have to pay for supplies, taxes, insurance, and equipment; this does not leave much left over for extra employees.  This is not rocket science my friends; this is textbook small business administration. It is too bad that progressives, Democrats and the Obama Administration simply do not seem to understand this concept.

(H/T Instapundit) Also: American Thinker, The PJ Tatler (via memeorandum)

Dear MSNBC: Obama is engaging in the ‘niggerization’ of America

Yes, I said that and do please, quote me on it.

Video: (Via Mediaite)

Via Mediaite:

Touré didn’t just say that – he said that Romney was “using the playbook Republicans have been using for decades now.” In other words, Republicans have been involved in so-called “niggerization” for decades.

This is disgusting. It’s a lie, and what’s more, it waters down racism to the point where anything qualifies – and to the point that real racism isn’t taken seriously anymore. According to Touré, it’s racist to suggest that Obama is the “food stamp president,” even if he’s elevated food stamp usage to record levels; it’s racist to call him angry; but it’s not racist for Joe Biden to suggest that freeing Wall Street will put black people “back in chains.”

Only MSNBC would put a fool like Touré on the air every night. And only the racially extreme left would consider Touré an eloquent spokesperson for their perverse views.

Okay, now I am going to say what Ben did not have the room or even the heart to say up there in that quoted text above.  As a white man, who has been unemployed for the last eight goddamned years and has watched as family members, friends and neighbors of mine lose their jobs, their homes, and their dignity over the last eight years —- of which Obama has been in office for almost four years of that time.  Let me say that I have watched as Obama has engaged in the ‘niggerization’ of America.

I have watched as President Obama bailed out Wall Street and left people on Main Street to suffer.  I have watched as Barack Obama went out of his way to protect failing companies like General Motors and Chrysler (READ —- UNIONS!)  — Which are headed for bankruptcy again —- and then not do a goddamned thing for non-union working class folk  —-like myself.

The fact is that unemployment is up, food stamp enrollment is up, social security enrollment is up and the Nation’s GDP is down, manufacturing is down and economy is just goddamned awful.  Whose fault is that?  It is President Barack Obama’s fault.  If Barack Obama had just left the economy alone, it would have been just fine and would have recovered.  However, no, he spent like a drunken sailor and now this Country is $15 TRILLION dollars in debt and what do we have to show for it?  —– Not one goddamned lousy thing except for the debt itself.  Oh, we got something all right, a lousy goddamned healthcare bill that utterly robbed Medicare!

So, if the liberal Democrats want to talk about ‘niggerization’ of anything, I suggest they look in the goddamned mirror and also take a look in the White House and look real close at what the “magic negro” that they elected to the office of President of the United States is really doing!  Because I tend to suspect that, these clowns are just plain damned clueless.

This is what the Democrats have left, their leader has failed, and his reelection is in jeopardy.  They have nothing left in their bag; —- except for class and racial warfare.  This will cost them dearly too.  Because Independent people are going to see this and they are going to run away from it.  Racial resentment is a turnoff to most people.

This is not what Martin Luther King Jr. taught; this is the sort of thing Malcolm X preached and practiced.  It was wrong then and it is wrong now.  This is why Martin Luther King Jr. has a monument in Washington DC and Malcolm X does not.  Because preaching this sort of division does nothing to advance the black cause, all it does is cause hate and resentment.  It used to work in the 1970’s and even in the 1980’s.  However, I tend to believe the Americans, even black Americans, are just a little smarter than that anymore.  They are tired of the division and the warfare and just want to get along with everyone.  I mean, blacks can go to Selma, Alabama now and eat, shop and sleep about anywhere they want to there now.

Therefore, to MSNBC and this Toure character, I say this: Your racial resentment and “the evil white man” magic act are getting a bit stale.  I think it is time you found a new script and some new talking points.  Because smart Americans, like me, see right through this and reject it wholeheartedly.  By that, I mean; Black Americans, White Americans, Latino Americans, and every other goddamned race of Americans too.  All Americans see right now is the fact that there are no jobs, and that they have no money and huge bills and mortgages that are underwater — and the best thing you idiots at MSNBC can do is play the race card?  My God —- has defending hope and change gotten that bad?

In closing: ‘niggerization’ —- Nigga please!  You idiots do not even know the meaning of the word! 🙄

Others: Power Line, The Gateway Pundit and Washington Post, The Gateway Pundit, We are respectable negroes, The PJ Tatler, The Daily Caller and Riehl World View (Via Memeorandum)

Update: Toure apologizes

Video: God Bless Dave Mustaine, Screw Huffington Post and Think Progress

For this here from Huffington Post:

Now, I shall let it known that I do not agree that the Government or Barack Obama; as I said before, staged the events. But, I will say this; I am glad to see that people like Dave Mustaine are waking up to the fact that the Government is not your friend and can only take from you.

Having said that, enjoy the music from Magadeth:

I just wish that someone could get the red-headed tool to run for President of the United States! Now that — would be awesome.

Romney responds to Biden’s chains remark

Romney finally comes out swinging against Joe Biden’s race-baiting comment.

Via the Hill:

Mitt Romney used a tough new campaign speech to personally blast the Obama campaign on Tuesday, saying comments earlier in the day from Vice President Biden are “what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like.”

“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,” Romney said while campaigning in Ohio.

Romney was responding to Biden’s suggestion that the GOP ticket’s economic policies would “put y’all back in chains.”


 Romney repeatedly and harshly criticized Team Obama for the remarks.

“His campaign and his surrogates have made wild and reckless accusations that disgrace the office of the Presidency. Another outrageous charge came a few hours ago in Virginia. And the White House sinks a little bit lower,” Romney said.

“This is an election in which we should be talking about the path ahead, but you don’t hear any answers coming from President Obama’s re-election campaign. That’s because he’s intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy. And so his campaign has resorted to diversions and distractions, to demagoguing and defaming others. This is an old game in politics; what’s different this year is that the president is taking things to a new low.”

Romney’s remarks echo those of his campaign spokeswoman, who earlier in the day called Biden’s remarks a “new low.”

The counter-punches mark a much tougher tone from Team Romney, who have criticized the Obama campaign before, particularly over a controversial ad  by pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action that links Romney to a woman’s death, but never in such blunt or harsh terms.

This might just point to the possibility that team Romney knows, that if they are going to win this election, they are going to have to fight and fight hard.  As John McCain found out in 2008, that “nice guy politics” just does not work anymore. If Republicans are going to defeat Obama, they are going to have to fight hard and keep throwing Obama’s record back in the face of the Democrats. It is a sad thing to behold, that politics has gotten that bad; believe me I know. But, this is 2012 and not the 1940’s anymore. If Conservatives and Republicans are going to win, they are going to have to fight and fight hard.

Also too, Republicans are going to have to realize that Democrats are not above lies, slander and racial incitement. Democrats did this in 2008, with John McCain and Sarah Palin, and they are going to do it with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan too. It is now a part of normal day politics, and it is nothing really new either. However, the racial tone in this election is at a all-time peak. Both sides are doing it too. Which is why I do not link to many of the so-called “Conservative” blogs much. The democrats have no one to blame, but themselves. Instead of choosing a candidate with experience, they chose identity politics; because they knew that they would lose otherwise. So, this is all their making and not the Republicans fault.

The very fact that the Democrats refuse to apologize for the “Chains” comment is living proof that the Neo-Left is controlling the Democratic Party. How so? Because Neo-leftists believe that race is a means to an end.  The end, to them, is the bringing down of the capitalist system and installing a full-blown, top down, socialist system; like the one in the soviet union. Which, by the way, failed. So, to them, nothing is off the table: Lies, Ethnic warfare, class warfare — all of that — is what Democrats believe will win them the election.

Now if Obama record was better and the economy did recover, all of this stuff would actually work. However, none of that happened. So, much of this is for naught. The American people, well, the majority of them anyhow — are a bit smarter than what the Obama campaign gives them credit for and they see this as a desperate act to divert attention away from Obama’s record. It is, again, overreach by the Democrats and it will cost them dearly in the election in November.

Others: Yahoo! News, The Caucus, The Daily Banter, JOSHUAPUNDIT, We are respectable negroes, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, PERRspectives, The Other McCain, The Lonely Conservative, The Gateway Pundit, RedState and Connecting.the.Dots (Via Memeorandum)