Oh.My: Palin/Bachmann 2012 videos Already?

Via NoisyRoom.net:

I did notice that whomever edited this, too out the part that says, “New Boss, Same as the OLD BOSS“. Clever Lot, them hardcore Neo-Cons they are.

By the way, if these two dimwits run for President and win. I’m leaving the Country.

I mean, Michelle Bachmann? Seriously? šŸ™„

I have one thing to say about all that stupid in one video:

That is all…

Ann Arbor, Michigan – The Home of Liberal Reverse Discrimination

Michigan Never ceases to amaze me, how it continues down the slippery slope of liberalism:

(H/T to Duke Over America Via FTR Radio)

Principal Mike Madison - Segregationist-in-Chief

An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his schoolā€™s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students.

Dicken Elementary School Principal Mike Madison wrote the letter to parents following several days of controversy at the school after a field trip last week in which black students got to hear a rocket scientist.

ā€œIn hindsight, this field trip could have been approached and arranged in a better way,” Madison wrote. “But as I reflect upon the look of excitement, enthusiasm and energy that I saw in these childrenā€™s eyes as they stood in the presence of a renowned African American rocket scientist in a very successful position, it gave the kids an opportunity to see this type of achievement is possible for even them.

ā€œIt was not a wasted venture for I know one day they might want to aspire to be the first astronaut or scientist standing on the Planet Mars.

ā€œI also think itā€™s important that you know that I have talked to the children who did not go on the field trip, and I think they have a better understanding of the purpose of the AA Lunch Bunch now, as I hope you do. Iā€™m sorry if any kids were upset by the field trip or my discussion afterwards with them, and I have let them know that.

ā€œThe intent of our field trip was not to segregate or exclude students as has been reported, but rather to address the societal issues, roadblocks and challenges that our African American children will face as they pursue a successful academic education here in our community.ā€

A handful of parents have complained to district administrators about the trip, the group and Madison. More than a half-dozen parents contacted AnnArbor.com to raise the complaints, but none would agree to talk on the record, citing concerns of reprisals to their children by Madison.


District spokeswoman Liz Margolis said after the trip was over, those who went returned to their fifth-grade class and were greeted by boos by those who didnā€™t go on the trip. Margolis said Madison, who is black, heard the boos, and went to talk to the class. She said he and the class had a ā€œdiscussionā€ about race issues.

ā€œHe wasnā€™t yelling at them. He was very passionate about it,ā€ Margolis said.

Parents have complained he was yelling at the class and belittled a Muslim girl who said she also had experienced racism and discrimination.

via Field trip for black students sparks controversy at Ann Arbor elementary school – AnnArbor.com.

OnĀ  January 14, 1963 Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat; said the following:

“In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Democrats have not changed that mindset one iota. Except now, the only people being discriminated or segregated are the White people. This whole idiotic idea that we have to “Celebrate Diversity”, basically means “Be ashamed of your White Skin.” It is the mantra and talking point of the far socialist black liberal Democrat Party. It is the mindset of most blacks, especially Liberal Blacks that those evil White Capitalists are out to oppress the Black man; and to atone for that, blacks must be given special privileges and must be given jobs, ahead of the White Man. (like me, for instance…)

That is what I have to deal with here in the great Liberal State of Michigan. It is no wonder that Michigan went to Obama and McCain left early. McCain was no dummy, he knew what he was doing.

Chilling to Watch: Black Students being Brain-Washed into saying, "I am an Obama Scholar"

(H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Jim Hoft says:

Obviously, that separation of church and state rule only applies to Christianity.
Praising their demagogue Obama is OK.

The kids are saying:

For I, am an Obama scholar.
An Obama scholar.
And I will strive to be.
Outstanding. Brilliant.
I will achieve. I will be motivated with a positive attitude.

Bill Hennessey says:

Quick quiz: name five countries, past or present, where the youths were required to chant praises to their omnipotent ruler? Any five. Then add together the number of innocentpeople those regimes slaughtered for political expediency.

P.O.’ed Patriot says:

When I first started watching this video I was impressed with the positive message, that is until the Adult Directed the Students to Chant “I am an Obama Scholar”. That is what we call Brain Washing.

Before all of the Haters leave their Comment remember this, Would it still be OK if the Kids were Chanting “I am a Regan, Bush or Clinton Scholar? …Um No…

Cassy Fiano says:

Indoctrination of children in schools is really nothing new, especially since Obama has been elected. Liberal teachers canā€™t contain themselves, I guess.


And what kind of scholar is Barack Obama, exactly? The kind that doesnā€™t exactly move a mountain of drugs away, thatā€™s for sure ā€” he admitted doing cocaine. Heā€™s the kind of scholar who thought that there were 57 states during the 2008 election. The kind of scholar who canā€™t understand why we canā€™t just plug the damn hole to stop an oil spill. The kind of scholar who spends all of his time on the golf course instead of displaying any kind of real leadership.

Oh well. Chanting songs of allegiance to leaders is nothing new, I guess. Itā€™s just new to us ignorant rubes here in the United States who actually love freedom and democracy.

I might be wrong, but, did not Hitler force kids in Germany to chant slogans? Did they also do that in Communist Russia?

I don’t know about you all; but this whole idea of a black liberal President just got a whole bunch more scarier to me. I mean, we have oil gushing out of a busted well in the gulf and they are STILL praising him, like he is some sort of a Messiah!

When will the American people wake and realize that they have been duped? It is beginning to happen; but still you have this sort of nonsense. It is trouble unbelievable.

The 2010 elections and the 2012 elections cannot come soon enough. I just hope and pray that the GOP does not screw it up; like they did in 2008.

So much for Obama and the U.N. flexing its muscles on Iran

(H/T to Gateway Pundit)

YNet News reports:

Iran says Wednesdayā€™s Security Council decision to impose further sanctions on Tehran is worthless, stressing that it will not be abandoning its nuclear program.

The UN resolution ā€œis worthless for the Iranian people,ā€ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said following the vote.

The Iranian leader said that the latest Security Council decision will not be harming Iranā€™s citizens, slamming the US for using its own nuclear weapons to threaten other countries.

ā€œThose who possess a nuclear bomb themselves and used it in the past, are now using it to threaten others,ā€ he said. ā€œThese decisions are like a used piece of paper that should be thrown to the garbage.

So much for the muscle of the U.N. and the Obama White House. I guess Ahmadinejad is not going to be intimated by the United States after all.

Good Job Barry! Between the Oil Spill, Illegal Immigration, and your undying support of Israel; you’ll be easy pickings come 2012. šŸ˜€

The Obama White House pokes a finger in the eye of their biggest base

I’m sure by now that you have heard about the Left’s attempt to unseat blanch Lincoln, which ended up in epic failure.

A senior White House official just called me with a very pointed message for the administration’s sometime allies in organized labor, who invested heavily in beating Blanche Lincoln, Obama’s candidate, in Arkansas.

“Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members money down the toilet on a pointless exercise,” the official said. “If even half that total had been well-targeted and applied in key House races across this country, that could have made a real difference in November.”

via White House official: ‘Organized labor just flushed $10 million down the toilet’ – Ben Smith – POLITICO.com.

I don’t know about you, but I think that statement has Rahm Emanuel written all over it.

Of course, the Unions are not taking that little statement sitting down:

The major labor federation AFL-CIO took sharp objection tonight to a White House official’s assessment that they’d “flushed $10 million of their members’ money down the toilet” in the “pointless exercise” of supporting the failed bid of Bill Halter to unseat Sen. Blanche Lincoln.

“If that’s their take on this, then they severely misread how the electorate feels and how we’re running our political program. When we say we’re only going to support elected officials who support our issues,” said AFL-CIO spokesman Eddie Vale. “When they say we should have targeted our money among some key house races among Blue Dog Democrats ā€” that ain’t happening.”

“Labor isn’t an arm of the Democratic Party,” Vale said. “It exists to support working families. And that’s what we said tonight, and that’s what we’re gong to keep saying.

Heh… That’s pretty funny. Labor is not the arm of the Democratic Party — But they have been strong-arming the Democratic Party since about —oh, the beginning of the Auto Industry! Espeically here recently, during the election of President Obama. Does anyone remember Kenneth Gladney?Ā  Nice to see these bastards getting a dose of their own medicine for a change and getting told, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you….” Could not have happened to a better bunch of people.

I doubt the Obama White House would want to hear it from me. But Kudo’s to the Obama White House for telling these thugs, “You do not control us…”

Perhaps Obama should start with his own ass

The Video:

The Story:

President Barack Obama bluntly defended his administration’s response to the undersea gusher fouling the Gulf of Mexico on Monday, telling an interviewer he has met with experts to learn “whose ass to kick.”

“I was down there a month ago, before most of these talking heads were even paying attention to the Gulf,” Obama told NBC’s “Today” show in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday. “A month ago I was meeting with fishermen down there, standing in the rain talking about what a potential crisis this could be.”

A variety of critics have accused Obama of being too cerebral in his reaction to the undersea gusher now fouling the Gulf of Mexico, of failing to put the full force of the administration and of putting too much trust in oil company BP. But Obama told NBC his deliberations have been more than academic.

via Obama looking for ‘whose ass to kick’ – CNN.com.

Hmmmm, perhaps maybe The President should try starting in his own cabinet? Maybe he should start with himself? After all, he is a pretty skinny guy, I just wonder if he is double jointed?

We understand kid, we really do

I feel his pain, don’t you?


The Story:

One of the Kalamazoo Central students — who was seated behind keynote speaker President Barack Obama during Monday night’s commencement ceremony — fell asleep.

The student, who earned such a prime seat by singing in the choir, was captured on video due to his proximity to the president. He also was a hot topic on Twitter and the subject of several recently created Facebook pages.

Our video, at left, shows the student yawning and fighting to stay alert. At one point, he leans back, only to jump alert and join in during applause. The student then leans forward and appears to nod off.

via Student sitting behind Obama was asleep | WOOD TV8.

Man, if that is not a good video for someone running against Obama in 2012, what isn’t? Anyways, Yes, Kid, we feel your pain. Poor guy just was up late and had to get up early and listen to the President tell how wonderful he is. It can make for some pretty heavy eyes!

Hopefully, he ended up getting some good sleep. šŸ˜€

Van der Sloot Confesses to Killing in Peru

A fitting end to this man:

Dutchman Joran van der Sloot, long the prime suspect in the 2005 disappearance of a U.S. teen in Aruba, has confessed to killing a young Peruvian woman in his Lima hotel room last week, a police spokesman said.

Peru’s chief police spokesman, Col. Abel Gamarra, told The Associated Press that Van der Sloot admitted under police questioning Monday that he killed 21-year-old Stephany Flores on May 30.

According to La Republica newspaper, Van der Sloot told officials he broke Flores’s neck in a rage after he discovered she had used his notebook computer without permission and learned he was involved in the disappearance of Holloway.

“I did not want to do it,” La Republica quoted him as saying. “The girl intruded into my private life.”

via FOXNews.com – Police: Van der Sloot Confesses to Peru Killing.

I have no problem believing that this tool killed Natalee Holloway and covered it up. This time he was not so lucky to be able to cover it up. Throw the book at the bum and lock him away for good.

The Sunday Afternoon Stroll Around the Blogosphere

Some Stuff to Announce:

  1. As you might have noticed, I am running a new affiliate program for Gold and Silver. Please, check it out. They also have a cool newsletter that you can sign up for.
  2. I also have a new referral system for BlogAds. I am a part of the following hives: 1. Conservative Advertising Hive 2. Evangelical (!) Bloggers, International Bloggers, Government Relations Blogger Network, Gun Bloggers and Southern Bloggers. So, if you’re looking for some sort of advertising. Check BlogAds out!

Gun Blogger Round Up:

  1. Les Jones does Pants Blogging.
  2. NRA’s Blog does a piece on Boy Scouts and Guns.
  3. Say Uncle is always good for gun blogging. I’d point to a post, but they’re all good! šŸ˜€ Think of him as the Instapundit of the Gun Blogging World. I don’t read him nearly enough.
  4. Traction Control is not getting his Corvette this summer. Awwww… Poor Guy. Sounds like it’s time for a new “Boss” if you ask me. I’m just sayin’! šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜› šŸ˜€

Conservative Blogger Round Up:

  1. Of course, Smitty does his roundup and forgets about me, as always. šŸ™„
  2. A dusty frame is visiting family again and her hubby passed his CDL License. Excellent!
  3. Ace of Spades HQ has a interesting poll up.
  4. Alternative Right is still trying to turn the clock back to the Pre-William F. Buckley days.
  5. Stacy McCain is trying to keep the fags out of the Military over at AmSpecBlog.
  6. Ann Althouse cannot concentrate….Ooooh, Look Shiny!
  7. Another Black Conservative Asks, “What the hell is going on in South Carolina?!?!” Good Question… I’d say too many triple whoppers for Dinner for that idiot. šŸ˜‰
  8. The Barking Moonbat Early Warning System has a VERY political incorrect video up. I got one word to say, well, four… Oh no, no, no……. šŸ˜Æ šŸ˜®
  9. Be John Galt talks about “The Longest Day
  10. POWIP Remembers D-Day
  11. The Recovering Liberal on Wonkette.
  12. Republican Michigander on the Governors race in Michigan
  13. Return of the Conservatives remembers D-Day
  14. Right Wing News has a great video up.
  15. Bob McCarty writes about the misdeeds of Congressman Phil Hare. (rabbit congressmen? Hmmm…)
  16. Kelly O’Connell over at Canadian Free Press has an article up called “Great Highlights in Marxist ā€œLeadershipā€: Or, When Change Turns Malignant” — Just an FYI… Pop-ups galore over there. Might want to enable your blocker.
  17. Cold Fury Laments the demise of the Mercury.
  18. Da-Tech Guy is still begging for money. šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜› šŸ˜† …and yes, he does look much better than Andrew Sullivan. Anyone does for that matter. šŸ˜‰
  19. Fausta’s Blog explains what is wrong with the Obama Administration, Mentally… (Well, besides being liberal. šŸ˜‰ )
  20. Founding Bloggers agree…. with Mayor Daley?!?! RINOS! šŸ˜‰
  21. Front Porch Republic has a great article on the oil spill in the gulf.
  22. Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit on the Pope and Radical Islam. “He Gets it, Obama does not
  23. GM’s Place lays the smack down on Amoz Oz.
  24. Grandpa John’s makes some very politically incorrect humor.
  25. GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD remembers D-Day.
  26. HotAir.com, who still deaf to trackbacks, has a poll up for the stupidest thing the idiot President did this week. (besides wake up and breathe.)
  27. Humane Pursuits has an article up on the Moral Element of AIDS.
  28. Jeanie-ology has a article up on Condoms.
  29. JoshuaPundit comments on Helen Thomas
  30. Jumping in pools asks, “What the hell is going on in this World?” — Good question.
  31. The Left Coast Rebel remembers D-Day
  32. Libertas on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
  33. MacsMind on the Kagan Docs
  34. Neptunus Lex, Who I happen to think is a great blogger, remembers D-Day.
  35. Scott over at Powerline on the Flotilla Incident
  36. Public Secrets remembers D-Day
  37. Right Wing Nut House on the Gaza Incident
  38. Saber Point on Helen Thomas.
  39. Secular Right on “Jews & genetics
  40. SluBlog on Memorial Day
  41. Stop the ACLU on Rahm Emanuel
  42. Street Wise Pundit on….the Anti-Christ? Hmmmm.
  43. Texas Fred on the Mexican Police and Corruption.
  44. That’s Right on New Jersey Republican politics.
  45. The American Thinker ponders, What if D-Day had been reported by the modern day press?
  46. The Astute Bloggers remember D-Day
  47. The Blogmocracy has a Prayer List up.
  48. The Classic Liberal says that “CPI is a lie”
  49. The Cloakroom has a very interesting posting up
  50. Jonah Goldberg at The Corner has an interesting post up.
  51. The Sad Red Earth on OCID
  52. Eric over at THE TYGRRRR EXPRESS says “Give Seattle Canada!”
  53. The Vail Spot asks, “What Ailes this Country?”
  54. TigerHawk has a great poem up.
  55. Wake up America on Helen Thomas
  56. What Bubba Knows has a great posting up.

That’s it for this week! Any suggestions for next week? Contact me via the Blog with your best posting!