God Bless Shepard Smith at Fox News Channel

For this gem of a smack down of Donald Trump: (H/T to Mediaite)


Shepard Smith is correct, we need NATO, no matter what people like Pat Buchanan might say.

With SJW’s nothing is sacred, not even kids

Saw this over at The American Conservative, Rod Dreher writes:

You may recall the recent post here revealing that Highlights For Children, the venerable magazine, had come under fire from SJWs for its policy of not featuring families headed by gay couples in the magazine, out of a willingness to allow parents of the magazine’s young subscribers the opportunity to talk to their children about homosexuality as they considered appropriate.

Well, the SJWs got their scalp. A reader forwarded me the correspondence between herself and the magazine around the issue. She kept writing, trying to get a straightforward answer about whether or not the magazine was going to feature same-sex families. Finally, out of frustration, she cancelled her family’s subscription, and told the magazine, “I think Highlights should continue being what it is and leave conversations about this sort of thing up to families.

This is the e-mail she got back:

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your message, and I’m sorry that we were slow to respond.

Although I see that you have already canceled your subscription, I thought it still important to answer your questions about what Highlights means when we say we plan to be more fully reflective of all families, including families with same-sex parents.

As you know, Highlights publications focus on kids. We are general interest magazines, and we publish fiction and nonfiction of all types, as well as games, puzzles, jokes, and crafts. Our target audience is kids under the age of 12, most under the age of 8 or 9.

The themes we cover in our magazines are broad and universal—relatable to children trying to navigate childhood. Because children are our focus, we rarely show a full family in our illustrations, instead focusing on showing the child the reader relates to. When a parent is shown or integrated in a story, it is frequently just one parent because a good 800-word children’s story cannot support too many different characters.

When we do show families in the magazines, we make it a point to include diversity. We strive to be diverse in every way. The goal, however, is not to specifically call attention to diversity but instead to help kids understand that while differences exist, we are all actually more alike than different. For instance, from time to time we show families headed up by a grandparent or single parents. We show adoptive families, blended families, multi-generational families, and multi-racial families. In the future, we will depict same-sex families in our magazines in a manner consistent to the way all diverse families are depicted. This is in support of our mission to help children become their best selves and understand that all families, including theirs, are important.

We’re sorry to lose you as a subscriber, but I hope this email helps to clarify our position.


Christine Cully

Sickening… Steaming madSick smile

Dems platform change on Abortion could cost them votes from Anti-abortion Democrats

This could be bad for Hillary and the Democrats:

A Democratic Party proposal to amend the party’s platform to include more progressive language around abortion rights has outraged Democrats who oppose abortion, with some saying the issue has cost Hillary Clinton their votes.

The fallout centers around a proposal to repeal long-standing legislation that limits federal funds for abortions, except in cases of rape, incest or life-threatening pregnancies — the so-called Hyde Amendment. Some version of this ban has been included in annual federal spending bills since the late 1970s.

The draft platform says Democrats “will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers” and “will continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.”

Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, said the progressive language on the platform is making the party smaller. “This platform’s language just says (to abortion opponents) you are no longer welcome,” she said. “This has been the general message pro-life Democrats are receiving across the country.”

Day said ever since the Democratic National Committee released its 2016 platform draft July 1, she has gotten calls from Democrats that oppose abortion and say the language is keeping them from voting for Clinton.

Carol Crossed, 72, a retired elementary school professor from Rochester, N.Y., is one of those Democrats.“

They are pro-choice because they don’t want to be infringing their opinion on others,” she said. “Now their platform says if you don’t like abortions, too bad — you are going to pay for it anyway.”  – Source: USA Today Anti-abortion Dems outraged by platform change

You have to understand something here; not all Democrats are pro-choice. There are some Christians, who are very devout to their Church. But, because of their background, they are committed Democrats. I know, I used to be one of those kind of people. So, I see where these people are coming from. I mean, these people are put into a very tough position; they are horrified by what the Republican Party is running for President. But, that the same time, they are also horrified at what the Democrats are doing with abortion.

This is what happens, when a political party goes very far to the left, of what it was founded as. The Democratic Party was not founded as a “Progressive Party” in the modern day sense. It was founded as a populist alternative to the Republican Party of old; which favored the businesses tycoons of old.

Needless to say, both political parties have changed greatly as whole. The Republican Party now has many factions; you have the movement grassroots faction, you have the elitist faction; it is a sight to behold. The Democrats, on the other hand; have become this “progressive socialist” party, that seems to be anti-white, anti-police and it is, quite frankly, unnerving to people like myself, who have a keen sense of history to watch a political party like that shift that far to the left.

The Democratic Party and it’s followers, have embraced a strain of progressivism that is intolerance of dissenting views and wishes to prosecute anyone who dares to disagree with them; either by discrediting them or by violence. This is nothing more than left-wing fascism. It is the hallmark traits of communism. I have always said, since about 2007; that the distance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party and Communist themselves, used to be the width of the Grand Canyon. Now, with the infiltration of the progressive socialists in that political party; that distance is more like a small city block.


Media once again, gets it wrong

Big shocker here, not!

The anti-gun politimedia wasted no time at all demonizing the most common rifle in the United States as being the real villain of the Islamic terrorist attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando.


Judd Legume of Think Progress squeaked, “The NRA’s Love Affair With The AR-15, Weapon Of Choice For Mass Murderers, In 22 Tweets.”

Always wrong Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post whined, “The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice.”

Here’s the thing.The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was not an AR-15.sig suaer mcx

The rifle used by the Islamist terrorist in Orlando was instead a Sig Sauer MCX carbine, a modular, multi-caliber (able to swap to different calibers, including 5.56 NATO, 300 BLK, and 7.62×39) rifle system that sometimes utilizes STANAG magazines common to more than 60 different firearms, but otherwise has no major parts that interface with AR-15s in any way, shape or form.This of course, will make no difference at all to the anti-gun politimedia, who don’t particularly care about factual accuracy and who likely wouldn’t be able to tell an AR-15 from a toaster oven if their lives depended on it. – Source: NARRATIVE FAIL: Orlando Islamic Terrorist Did NOT Use An AR-15 – Bearing Arms

What am I not surprised?

Others: Townhall.com, Rolling Stone, Newsweek, Hit & Run, FiveThirtyEight, Washington Post, Advocate, Politico, RedState, Hot Air, Business Insider, ThinkProgress, Mother Jones and Guardian

With Video: Protester who rushed past secret service at Trump rally in Dayton, Ohio

The Video: (Via Gateway Pundit)

The Story via NBC Washington:

A Donald Trump rally took a dramatic turn Saturday when a disturbance broke out behind the GOP frontrunner — causing Secret Service agents to jump on stage and form a wall around the candidate amid the commotion, NBC News reported.

A campaign spokeswoman said that a man at the Dayton, Ohio, event “attempted to breach the secure buffer and was removed rapidly and professionally.”

The suspect, identified as 22-year-old Thomas Dimassimo, was charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic — both misdemeanors, Chief Mike Etter of the Dayton Airport Police Department told NBC News.

It was the first time at one of Trump’s events that agents had to swarm the stage in such a manner.

This guy Thomas Dimassimo has quite a profile, Click here to see.

I think what is happening here is that the left is scared to death that Hillary’s chances or even Bernie’s chances are being threatened and they are lashing out, in an organized manner. This is going to get worse, before it gets any better.

Memeorandum round up here.

Holy Moley! A progressive writer actually tells the truth about radical islam

Update – Sunday, May 17. 2015: I think that I need clear something up here. I do not support Pamela Geller’s abuse of freedom of speech at all.  Nor do I support that ISIS or any other radical muslim group. There is a solution to this problem; but it is not doing what Pamela Geller or Robert Spencer are doing. With these two, it is a religious war; Geller being Jewish and Spencer being a Papist. It is a religious war that almost got a bunch of people killed. For that alone; Geller and Spencer should be brought up on charges of hate speech which incited violence. With freedom of speech comes responsibility and they did not show that at all.

Consider this little snippet from a little video clip that I love: (Won’t work on mobile)

Think about that one, the next time you hear Pamela Geller say that someone is trying to take away her freedom of speech.

Here’s a headline you don’t see everyday:

The left has Islam all wrong: Bill Maher, Pamela Geller and the reality progressives must face – Salon.com

It was enough to cause the bloggers at “Chick’s on the Right” to issue a “Flying Pig Alert!” Yeah really. What the heck else is gonna happen this week? Obama comes out…..as a Republican? 😯

Strange…. 😮

Oh, and by the way, I still don’t like it that Geller did that stuff okay? But, I can see this dude’s point. I also wrote that before ISIS said, “yeah, we did it…”

A good read: Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist

Head on over and give this one a read. Many of the reasons why I walked away from the Democrats and “the left” are featured here. I was not what you would call a “leftist.” I just voted for Democrats. However, as I really began to look at the left-wing movement, I realized, whoops! I am in the wrong camp.

One thing he writes that really hits home is this one here:

7) Leftists hate my people.

I’m a working-class Bohunk. A hundred years ago, leftists loved us. We worked lousy jobs, company thugs shot us when we went on strike, and leftists saw our discontent as fuel for their fire.

Karl Marx promised the workers’ paradise through an inevitable revolution of the proletariat. The proletariat is an industrial working class — think blue-collar people working in mines, mills, and factories: exactly what immigrants like my parents were doing.

Polish-Americans participated significantly in a great victory, Flint, Michigan’s 1937 sit-down strike. Italian-Americans produced Sacco and Vanzetti. Gus Hall was a son of Finnish immigrants.

In the end, though, we didn’t show up for the Marxist happily ever after. We believed in God and we were often devout Catholics. Leftists wanted us to slough off our ethnic identities and join in the international proletarian brotherhood — “Workers of the world, unite!” But we clung to ethnic distinctiveness. Future generations lost their ancestral ties, but they didn’t adopt the IWW flag; they flew the stars and stripes. “Property is theft” is a communist motto, but no one is more house-proud than a first generation Pole who has escaped landless peasantry and secured his suburban nest.

Leftists felt that we jilted them at the altar. Leftists turned on us. This isn’t just ancient history. In 2004, What’s the Matter with Kansas? spent eighteen weeks on the bestseller lists. The premise of the book: working people are too stupid to know what’s good for them, and so they vote conservative when they should be voting left. In England, the book was titled, What’s the Matter with America?

We became the left’s boogeyman: Joe Six-pack, Joe Hardhat. Though we’d been in the U.S. for a few short decades when the demonization began, leftists, in the academy, in media, and in casual speech, blamed working-class ethnics for American crimes, including racism and the “imperialist” war in Vietnam. See films like The Deer Hunter. Watch Archie Bunker on “All in the Family.” Listen to a few of the Polack jokes that elitists pelted me with whenever I introduced myself at UC Berkeley.

Leftists freely label poor whites as “redneck,” “white trash,” “trailer trash,” and “hillbilly.” At the same time that leftists toss around these racist and classist slurs, they are so sanctimonious they forbid anyone to pronounce the N word when reading Mark Twain aloud. President Bill Clinton’s advisor James Carville succinctly summed up leftist contempt for poor whites in his memorable quote, “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

The left’s visceral hatred of poor whites overflowed like a broken sewer when John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate in 2008. It would be impossible, and disturbing, to attempt to identify the single most offensive comment that leftists lobbed at Palin. One can report that attacks on Palin were so egregious that leftists themselves publicly begged that they cease; after all, they gave the left a bad name. The Reclusive Leftist blogged in 2009 that it was a “major shock” to discover “the extent to which so many self-described liberals actually despise working people.” The Reclusive Leftist focuses onVanity Fair journalist Henry Rollins. Rollins recommends that leftists “hate-fuck conservative women” and denounces Palin as a “small town hickoid” who can be bought off with a coupon to a meal at a chain restaurant.

Smearing us is not enough. Liberal policies sabotage us. Affirmative action benefits recipients by color, not by income. Even this limited focus fails. In his 2004 Yale University Press study, Thomas Sowell insists that affirmative action helps only wealthier African Americans. Poor blacks do not benefit. In 2009, Princeton sociologists Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Radford demonstrated that poor, white Christians are underrepresented on elite college campuses. Leftists add insult to injury. A blue-collar white kid, who feels lost and friendless on the alien terrain of a university campus, a campus he has to leave immediately after class so he can get to his fulltime job at MacDonald’s, must accept that he is a recipient of “white privilege” – if he wants to get good grades in mandatory classes on racism.

The left is still looking for its proletariat. It supports mass immigration for this reason. Harvard’s George Borjas, himself a Cuban immigrant, has been called “America’s leading immigration economist.” Borjas points out that mass immigration from Latin America has sabotaged America’s working poor.

It’s more than a little bit weird that leftists, who describe themselves as the voice of the worker, select workers as their hated other of choice, and targets of their failed social engineering.

Via Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist – The American Thinker.

This guy is spot on, man is he ever. He also speaks about how his Faith in God came into conflict with the left as well. Believe me, I can relate to this one too. There was a time in this Country when the Democrats actually respected Christianity and Faith. Now, it is looked down upon.

Reading this article, was like reading my own reasons for leaving the Democrats and the left. Glad to see that I am not the only one, who has come to the conclusion that “the Left” simply is not the party of the working class American Christian any longer.

Others: protein wisdom

Video: Communists meeting at a college shut down meeting rather than allow blogger to film them

Communists never like when real Americans want to expose them for what they really truly are: (WARNING! LANGUAGE)

(H/T to Daylight Disinfectant)

The story:

Dateline Monday June 16, 2014 – Portland Oregon: On Thursday evening I decided to attend and film an event called “The Edifice Complex – A critique of how Capitalism Affects the Built Environment.” Held at Portland State University (PSU), this was an event open to the public. I went to sit and peacefully film. The event was sponsored by the International Socialists Organization (ISO) which teaches Trotsky Communism. Grant Booth, a senior member of the organization, who teaches Marxism at the University, decided to try to have me ejected. Booth’s group is heavily subsidized by the taxpayer on campus. After giving me looks that could kill, Booth calls Campus security. When Security arrives they of course tell me I can stay.

Update: Here is my video commentary on the above video and story:


Rule #1: Never, ever, ever lie about anything on the internet!

I happened to have run across this story over at Ace’s blog. I really do not know what this woman was thinking; but man did she ever step into it! SurpriseLoserDoh

The Story from one of the blogs over at Houston Press:

There are times when the good deeds that happen by the magic of the Internet make us quite giddy. This time? Well, this time they make us cringe, to the tune of $100,000.

If you haven’t read the “insightful” personal narrative that recently went viral, “Why I Make Terrible Decisions, or poverty thoughts,” there’s a good chance it’s somewhere on your Facebook news feed. This thing is everywhere.

The essay, which is being touted as a poignant look at the “terrible” decision-making processes of the poor, is the product of writer Linda Walther Tirado’s personal experience with poverty. Linda, a married mother of two, speaks of having to live in seedy motels, where there are roaches that she stabs with toothpicks. She can’t cook for her family because she lacks a kitchen, and she’s afraid of attracting more roaches, so they survive on junk food in said seedy motel.

Oh, and not only does Linda say she’s living in seedy motels and stabbing roaches, but she’s also working two jobs, taking a full load of college courses, and is banished to a life as a cook in the “back of the house” at a restaurant, as she is deemed too unsightly as a waitress — or apparently a legal secretary — due to an unfortunate set of teeth. She’s in desperate need of dental work, and her body is full of infection, but she can’t afford to spend the money on medical or dental care. It’s a tragic, tragic story.

It’s also tragically fictional.

There is more about it over at National Review and Mediaite; and boy does it ever get deep. The biggest and most important rule when it comes to the Internet, especially with charity, is to never, ever lie about anything at all. Because if you do, it will come out; one way or another. Stephen Glass did it, and he is still paying the price for it.

Not to toot my horn; but that is one thing that I have never done at all on this blog —— and that is lie about anything related to my personal situation here. Because I knew if I did, it would come back to haunt me. Now I will tell you this, I will share what I do truly have in my personal bank account:


In case you cannot see that, I have $73.70 in my personal checking account. I recently received a payment from infolinks.com, for about 2 years of running their ads here on my site. I was paid by Paypal. Anyway, that is my true situation here. However, because I am an honest man, I will tell you that I do live with my parents; and I do have a roof over my head and three square meals a day. Now, my parents have to foot my bill for medications, as I am diabetic, have high blood pressure and have ADHD. Plus, they pay for any and all doctor’s visits. So, it is not like I am on welfare or any other social program. Hey, at least I am honest about all of that. Heck, I could lie about everything here; but I am a bit more smarter than that. Again, anytime you lie about something like this woman did here; it always catches up with you.

I might be a bit of a jaded, opinionated old duffer; who’s bit of an eccentric. But, at least I am honest! Big Grin

As the old saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy.” Too bad this woman did not follow that teaching.

Update: …and of course, HuffPo doubles down.

What hath Detroit wrought?

This: (via The Southern Nationalist)

One of the many significant disadvantages to Southerners of being in the Union is the periodic transfer of wealth by the US Federal Government of Southern tax dollars to non-Southerners, including foreign dictators, Islamic terrorist groups and failed Third World countries. Recently, the US government decided to transfer $300 million to a Third World city – which, in this case, happens to be located within the United States. The City of Detroit’s decline over the past half a century has become the stuff of legend. It is now symbolic of the decline of the USA as a whole, a microcosm of the loss of industry and the demographic transformation of much of the US into a Third World society. In 1940 Detroit was 90% White and an industrial power-house. It was one of the most affluent and productive cities in the world. By 2010 the city was just 10% White and 82% Black. White flight from the failed city has dropped the total population of Detroit by 40% over what it was in 1950.  Any way that one looks at the numbers associated with Detroit it is clear that it is a Third World city in the middle of the United States. If one took a Haitian city such as Port-au-Prince, dropped it in the middle of North America and periodically transferred wealth to it from outside it would look very much like Detroit.

As much as it pains me to admit this; Michael is absolutely correct. Sad I am from the “Detroit Area” currently and I grew up in Southwest Detroit in the 1980’s. Even back then, Detroit was a different place in a different time. There are a ton of reasons why Detroit ended up like it did; I blogged about that in the past.

There are times, when I honestly wish that I could just pack up everything and move to another part of the Country. The flathead valley in Montana is where I would love to go; but, as many Americans, I simply cannot afford to move and I have parents that need me here for the time being. SighSo, I do what I can and wait.