Finally: The liberal media is wising up to President Obama


Via Newsmax:

President Barack Obama has recently been enduring some of the toughest and widespread media criticism of his presidency, not just from the right but, increasingly, from the center and left as well, reports Politico.

Time magazine political columnist and moderate Joe Klein, for example, told Politico’s Dylan Byers that the president’s public pronouncements on Syria are “inexplicable and perplexing and stunning.”

“Obama has lost some serious altitude: In the world, with the Congress, and most importantly with the American people,” he said.

Byers noted in his column Monday that the tone of both the news coverage and editorial analysis from reporters and pundits from across the political spectrum has been tougher on the president of late.

Even Media Matters for America, the liberal watchdog group that monitors conservatives, pointed out that there has been a new level of hostility directed towards Obama from previously sympathetic quarters.

“It is now almost universally hostile,” Eric Boehlert, a senior writer at the organization, told Politico. “It’s become consistently critical.”

Well, when you straight up lie to people in two elections, you should expect such hostility! AngryI just have to wonder about people who go into the tank for people like Obama. I really do. Raised EyebrowRolling EyesLoserThinking

Here’s another black on white crime that you’ve never heard about!

Because our liberal media refuses to report about it.

Via (H/T to

White Hater and Black Criminal – Lee Sanford

Last week, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police arrested Lee Sanford, 53, after he reportedly went on a stabbing spree along the famed strip.

In all, four people were stabbed, all of whom were white.

One of those targeted was Laralynn Stock, who was in Vegas on her honeymoon. She was stabbed from behind, as the couple walked back to their hotel.

The victim’s husband, Jackson Caldwell told KTNV:

“When I saw it was a knife, I thought it was a fake knife, and he was going around doing pranks,” said Caldwell. “(My wife) said lets go, he’s just a weirdo. She put her hand back there and when she pulled it out there was blood.”

Police officers caught-up with Sanford at a nearby McDonald’s. He was holding a bloody, nine-inch kitchen knife, according to police.

Sanford was quickly taken into custody without incident.

When asked why he went on the stabbing spree, Sanford replied: “because white people like to mess with the poor,” according to court documents.

The most seriously injured victim, a woman who was stabbed in the abdomen, required extensive surgery.

All four victims are expected to make full recoveries. However, because the knife was used on multiple victims, a series of blood tests will need to be performed on all of those stabbed to check for diseases.

The tests will likely take more than a year to complete.

Sanford has been charged with four counts of battery with a deadly weapon. He is currently being held at the Clark County Detention Center.

Despite the obvious racial overtones to the attacks, no hate crimes charges have been filed.

As I have reported on here before, this isn’t the only thing blacks like to do to white people. They have also killed my family and screwed me out of getting a good job. This is an Obama World until 2016, Enjoy! Sick

Another good reason why I do not vote Democratic Party any longer

Because nothing says asshole and anti-American more than taking a horrible tragic event and using it to score a pathetic political point.

If the tables were turned and this event happened in a LIBERAL part of the Country and a Conservative or libertarian, like myself, printed such tripe; we would be excoriated from one end of the blogosphere to the other. Not to mention the media!  However, because explosion happened in Texas, which is Rick Perry country, and it is printed on a Liberal rag blog; it is business as usual.

Here, go read this idiot’s tripe and go let him know what you think about it.


Google Maps satellite view of West Fertilizer and its proximity to West Middle School, along with many houses and apartments.

Who needs pesky safety regulations or zoning laws when there is money to made running a fertilizer plant? Sadly, the small Texas town of West, which is just north of Waco, is suffering the consequences of unregulated free enterprise today, as a massive explosion at West Fertilizer has leveled much of the town. Perhaps the only remotely fortunate aspect of this tragedy is that it occurred at 8 pm local time and so West Middle School, which burned after the explosion, was not full of children.

A look at the satellite image above shows the folly of putting “free enterprise” ahead of sensible zoning laws. At almost 20 miles north of Waco, Texas, one thing that is in abundance in the region is open space (I’ve driven past this spot several times in the last two or three years–it’s desolate), and yet this fertilizer plant is immediately adjacent to a large apartment building (see the photo at the top of this article for how that building fared in the explosion) and very close to a middle school. There is no reason at all for any other building to be within two or three miles of a facility that produces material that is so explosive.

via John Galt Kills Texans in Massive Fertilizer Plant Explosion | emptywheel.

For the record, this blog used to be hosted by some hate-mongering, blonde, bimbo, bitch; who wrote some screen play to a movie that hit it big back in the 1990’s. That is her claim to fame; and with that money, she started this blog. It is filled with hate-mongers like this woman here and an Anti-Semite Italian idiot, who is named TBogg AKA Tom Boggioni; whom I have went after before, because of his hate-mongering shit on that site. It now appears that this woman, is no longer with them; gee, I wonder why? 🙄

I am just going to say it to these idiots and the people who read those blogs; fellas it’s like this here — you are NOT doing your Party any favors for 2014 and 2016. I am an independent blogger and voter; I vote the issues and the person’s ability to lead the Country. Your man up in the White House, he ain’t worth a shit! Which is why I did not vote for him, either damned time. However, my vote is up for grabs in 2014 and 2016. I think you need to think long and very hard about doing dumb shit like this and you want to know why?  Because there are many, many undecided voters out there, that see stuff like this; especially in Texas, and they see what you write.

This is doing zero for your chances in 2014 and 2016. Simply put, you are on the wrong side of this issue and I think you need to reconsider the mocking of an accident that claimed the lives of that many people and injured that many people. It is lame, it is stupid and it will not do anything for you in the upcoming elections. Now, you can ignore me, all you want to; I really do not care. But, I happen to know a bit about this political game; and I have been right before. I suggest that you pull that posting and post and huge apology to those who you have offended, especially the Democratic Party of Texas; which is one of your bigger voting blocs by the way.

Other Liberal idiots rejoicing at the death and injuries in Texas: ThinkProgressNew York TimesCANNONFIRE and CBS Dallas

This is why our Colleges and Universities are Liberal

Remember I just wrote, that something was horribly wrong with this Country? Well, here is an example of what I am talking about.

Because of crap like this right here: (via\

The Story via

A professor at the University of Southern California (USC) appears to have used a fall semester 2012 political science class to deliver sustained and angered attacks on Republicans, who he characterized as old, white, racist, and “losers.”

In a 15 min. video secretly captured by USC student Tyler Talgo, political science Professor Darry Sragow also appears to endorse the illegal suppression of Republican votes.

“You lose their information on the election in the mail,” he suggested when a student asked him how to keep Republicans from voting. “I mean there is lots of ways to do it [SIC].”

A teaching assistant (TA), who also appeared to work for the university, then seemed to suggest Black Panthers could be placed at polling stations to intimidate Republican voters.

Rather than rebuking the TA, Sragow appeared to confirm the suggestion.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “You can do that.”

Neither a spokesperson for USC, or professor Sragow, responded to multiple requests from Campus Reform seeking comment.

While endorsing illegal techniques Sragow also accused the GOP of suppressing Democratic votes by supporting laws requiring voter I.D.

“Republicans are trying to prevent people of color and people of lower income from voting by requiring voter I.D.” he said.

This why our colleges all across America are full of liberal progressive students; because of the indoctrination of the kids. This idiot went on:

The recording also captures Sragow making dozens of other derogatory remarks about Republicans and Republican politicians.

For example he leveled personal attacks at both former-Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney.

“Romney tends to make shit up,” he said.

“[A]nn Romney to me looks like she’s out of 1955 and the women who are going to have to decide the race are women who have to work for a living. … she looks like she is hanging out at the country club in Mad Men,” he added.

He also characterized California Republicans in particular as “losers” and stupid and racist.

“California Republicans I just showed you are 30 percent registration in this state because they are really stupid and racist,” he said.” [T]he republican party in California as I say all the time on the record in print on the radio and on tv is the last vestige of angry old white people.”

“Old white guys are stubborn sons of bitches,” he added.

Max Horkheimer  and Theodor Adorno‘s dreams have been realized. Again, this was the fruits of their labors many years ago.

Others:  Fox News and The Gateway Pundit

Hanoi Jane Fonda to Veterans: “Get a life”

What a bitch!

LOS ANGELES –  When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum. Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War. “Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.” This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page’s fans. “Get a life.” In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Fonda said of her casting: “If it creates hoopla, it will cause more people to see the movie… I figured it would tweak the right. Who cares?” — Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie ‘The Butler’ to ‘get a life’ | Fox News

The only thing that this ugly woman regrets is that her and her hippy friends attempt to transform American into a fully communist Nation failed.

You know, I hate to be ugly; but I figure if this two-bit hussy of a woman does not care about our Veterans; then I really do not care about being civil. Having said that; I do truly hope that someone tosses a live hand grenade that this woman, when she is walking down the red carpet. Maybe if little Miss Fonda experienced some of the pain and agony that our American soldiers experienced during various wars; all so that this little cunt of a woman could say, “Get a Life”, maybe she would not be so quick, to be that glib and disrespect our Military in that manner.

There are many things that I am fair and open-minded about; wars, politics, and such. But, our United States Military is not one of them. As far as this writer , the insulting and disrespecting of the United States Military is akin to rank treason. Furthermore, if we lived in a sane rational society, these people would be rounded up and tried for treason and spend a nice good few years in re-education camps; if they did not change their treasonous ways, they would be executed. Anyone that is that disrespectful towards our Military does not deserve to live in my book.

I leave you with the following image:

This is the gravesite of my Great-Uncle, John Franklin Hayes. As it says, he fought in World War II. He fought in Germany. He lost a finger tossing a hand grenade at some Germans. It was sewed back on, but he never was able to use it. My Great-Uncle fought to protect this Country and to do his part to stop the axis powers from overthrowing this Country. But yet, Fonda tells people like him; “get a life.”

My friends, something is seriously, seriously wrong with this Country. 😡

Obama cuts into social programs, progressives not amused

I knew this was coming, but it is news: 

WASHINGTON — President Obama next week will take the political risk of formally proposing cuts to Social Security and Medicare in his annual budget in an effort to demonstrate his willingness to compromise with Republicans and revive prospects for a long-term deficit-reduction deal, administration officials say. In a significant shift in fiscal strategy, Mr. Obama on Wednesday will send a budget plan to Capitol Hill that departs from the usual presidential wish list that Republicans typically declare dead on arrival. Instead it will embody the final compromise offer that he made to Speaker John A. Boehner late last year, before Mr. Boehner abandoned negotiations in opposition to the president’s demand for higher taxes from wealthy individuals and some corporations. Congressional Republicans have dug in against any new tax revenues after higher taxes for the affluent were approved at the start of the year. The administration’s hope is to create cracks in Republicans’ antitax resistance, especially in the Senate, as constituents complain about the across-the-board cuts in military and domestic programs that took effect March 1. — Social Programs Face Cutback in Obama Budget –

Needless to say that the reaction in the progressive blogsphere has not been a good one. Personally, I think that the President has good intentions; but he is cutting the wrong things. I simply do not believe that our Nation’s seniors, like my parents; should be punished because the recklessness of people on Wall Street. We need to get rid of the pork that is laden in these bills that congress just keeps on passing. This will help with the spending problem. 

Furthermore, I believe Obama might be doing some damage to the Democratic Party brand. I mean, this guy promised his base that he would actually stand up to the Republicans and what is doing? Capitulating. From what I have seen, this is not going over well with his base at all. The Democrats should be quite worried about this; this will cuase them problems in 2014, and could very well cause them some serious issues in 2016 as well. I mean, why would anyone get exciting about a Democratic Party Presidental candidate, when the last one folded like cardboard? 

Just my opinion. 😀