It Begins: Protester arrested with a machete at RNC Convention

This is unreal….


A Republican National Convention protestor was arrested while he allegedly carried a machete strapped to his leg, according to deputies.

According to Hillsborough County Sheriff’s officials, Jason T. Wilson, of Tallahassee, was arrested as he walked in the RNC Event Zone carrying a “full size” machete.

When deputies approached Wilson, they said he continued to walk away despite orders to stop.

“When deputies caught up to Wilson, he advised he did not have to stop and that he was allowed to carry whatever he wanted,” HCSO spokesperson Larry McKinnon said.

When deputies attempted to physically stop him, Wilson allegedly began resisting arrest and was physically restrained.

Wilson was arrested and taken to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on charges of prohibited items in event zone and resisting arrest with violence.

via Deputies: RNC protestor arrested with machete strapped to his leg.

Also too, there is a report that antiRNC protesters are trying to shut down the EMS communications.  Add to the mix a category 2 hurricane coming ashore. You have chaos. This is your far left.

Others: ABCNEWS, Roger L. Simon, The Lonely Conservative, The Other McCain, The Raw Story and small dead animals


No, I am not going to the RNC Convention

I was not even going to blog about it, but I figured I would let all of you know. I really am not going to the Republican Party’s Convention in Tampa, Florida and I will list the reasons why:

  1. My financial  situation – I have not worked in over eight years, I blame the “disconnected from reality” politics of both parties for this; and that is on ALL levels, Federal, State and yes, local. Elections have consequences and because of this, myself and many other people that I know are paying for those stupid votes. So, the funds to go to a convention just are not there at all. End of discussion.
  2. I just do not get into establishment politics at all. – I mean, the idea of someone beating Barack Obama in this election is great and all, but to be honest with you; I have never really fit into the stereotypical “Republican” mold. I am from a working class, middle class, mostly Democratic Party voting family and neighborhood. I loathe that party with every fiber of my being, but I am not exactly smitten with the Republican Party either. Remember, just as recent as 2006, I was still running a “Historic Populist” blog. 7 years ago; Wow…. It really does not seem that long ago — that I was swearing about Bush and his politics; which were really not that Conservative or really even Constitutional.
  3. They all really, truly, hate me with a passion. — It is no secret, that I am truly the black sheep of the so-called “Conservative” blogosphere. This is mainly because of my past of being a former “Left of center” blogger and person. …and you know what? I am fine with that. I never started writing about the things that pissed me off about politics to get any sort of vain glory or popularity. I just did it to talk back to the forces that I thought were hurting this Country. So far, I have made some waves and a few enemies. Again, I am fine with that. Even if I had like a zillion bucks in the bank and could charter a flight to Tampa and had the money to stay in the nicest Hotel — I just would not bother. Hell, I cannot even afford to replace this stupid laptop that decided to wink the dashboard. Not only that, but my Mom has not gotten in a hurry to let me have back the laptop that I royally screwed up, and she managed to fix herself. So, I am still on the old monitor, which sucks to the high heavens, but, what can I do? I don’t have the money to buy a laptop. Which again, sucks. 🙁

However, I can recommend some places to read, with people that WILL be in Tampa.

  • The Other McCain, who’s owner is not really someone I like, but he’s a decent writer and will tell the truth; for the most part anyhow.
  • is the best, hands down, Conservative Blog around. It is in my sidebar and I read the site daily. Someone from HotAir will be there for the show. Which from what I read is going to be shortened a day.

Also too, I am sure Fox News will be there as well. I will be watching that as well. I will also give my feeling about what I see and here on the TV, like everyone else.

So, there you go, what is happening with me and the RNC Convention. If you are going to Tampa, be safe. There is a hurricane churning out at sea. If the Feds tell you to hit the road; by all means, please listen! But from what I have read, it is not expected to be that bad. The RNC is just being cautious and believe it or not, I think that is a very good thing.