The Political Stupidity has just shot over the Moon!

Oh My Gawd.

Racist PJ’s?!?!?!?!??!?! Raised Eyebrow

Does it get any more silly? Rolling Eyes

Ann Outhouse is, of course, a right wing wanna-be political hack. Loser

Others: The Jawa Report, JustOneMinute, AMERICAN DIGEST, Whiskey Fire, PunditGuy, Cliff Schecter and Riehl World View

William Buckley has passed.

William Buckley has passed. Go here to read the various Blog postings about it.

I wrote a special editorial about it.  I wish it could have been more in depth, But I really didn’t have a intimate knowledge of the guy. I worked with that which I had to draw from.

I will say this. I have read some of the Blog reactions about the passing of the man. Most were decent, but some, quite frankly, were downright nasty. These people are bastards, all of them. Angry

Why do I say this? I unwittingly insulted the dead wife of a man. To this day, I still feel horrible about it.  How these soulless bastards can do this sort of a thing, intentionally, and sleep at night, is quite beyond me. It’s uncalled for, it cheapens the discourse and quite frankly, it ruins the creditability of the Blogging World. 

Rest in Peace, Mr. Buckley. You have earned your eternal reward.

Speaking of Stupid

This crap here, is just totally wrong.

What do I mean? Because it cheapens the Political debate.

Is saying someone’s full name, racism? No.

Is saying someone’s full name to imply that he’s a closet Muslim, and working with terrorists to overthrow the country? Yes.

Why else would this idiot say that?

Good for John McCain for apologizing for this man’s foolishness.

(H/T Memeorandum)  

So Much for the Obama Hillary Love-in!

"No Fair! The Magic Negro is picking on me! Waaaah!"

Egad, It went from "We’ll be okay", to "I want to rip his friggin’ head off!", in the space of 48 Hours.


I guess she blew her stack over some mailers that went out in Ohio. Here’s what the Obama camp said about it:

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said his campaign looked forward "to having a debate this Tuesday on the facts, and the facts are that Sen. Clinton was a supporter of NAFTA and the China permanent trade treaties until this campaign began. "

"And she herself has said that under the Clinton health care plan, she would consider ‘going after the wages’ of Americans who don’t purchase health insurance, whether they can afford it or not," he added.

You all know me, I do not mince words on this Blog. I tell it straight out like it is. I always have. I do not discriminate against any. So, in continuing with that tradition, I am just going to say this:

Hillary, This is politics. It’s the damn real world.  If you cannot handle the heat sweetheart, then take your sorry behind, back to New York, or Arkansas or wherever the heck you live, and leave this politics business to the grow ups.

I find it very amusing, that every time someone calls this feckless closet lesbian to the carpet. She either cries and throws a hissy fit. 

Isn’t it quite obvious to the rest of the world, that this woman isn’t fit to the President of United States? 

and also, In case anyone has forgotten, this feckless idiot is also being investigated for wrong doing in a case as well.

The Video says it all:

Here’s hoping she finally pulls out of the race and we get a President that is honest. Unlike this criminal.

Sometimes the idiots make it too easy….

The Story: Bush admin: U.S. has ‘lost intelligence’ (via

The Bush administration informed Congress on Friday that the government has “lost intelligence” because of the expiration of surveillance legislation caught in a political tug of war.

“We have lost intelligence information this past week as a direct result of the uncertainty created by Congress’ failure to act,” says an underlined passage of a six-page letter signed by Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnel

I think Keith Olbermann’s Words sum it up for me. I’m referring to the last one on this video… Big Grin

(click in the arrow to play video…)

(H/T Memeorandum)


Obama catching sand over a comment.

Whoa Boy… Obama is catching grief over a comment made at the debates.

Mostly from the far right wing nuts, who refuse to believe that our Military is nothing short of perfect.

Some people need to really look into getting real.

Even some of the comments on the Wing Nut Blogs even ADMIT that they were using enemy weapons and bullets.

But let a Liberal diss our Military?!?!?! Off with his Negro head! Surprise

Stupidity at it’s finest. Rolling Eyes

(H/T Memeorandum)


The Real John McCain?

He’s talking a pretty mean game now, But what about….:

and This:

Seems John McCain had a different view of war, back in those days, now he’s very much pro war.

Some people will say anything to get elected.