How does Rudy Giuliani get away with saying stuff like this?

The Video:

The Story:

NEW YORK — Rudy Giuliani went straight for the jugular Wednesday night during a private group dinner here featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker by openly questioning whether President Barack Obama “loves America.”

The former New York mayor, speaking in front of the 2016 Republican presidential contender and about 60 right-leaning business executives and conservative media types, directly challenged Obama’s patriotism, discussing what he called weak foreign policy decisions and questionable public remarks when confronting terrorists.

“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America,” Giuliani said during the dinner at the 21 Club, a former Prohibition-era speakeasy in midtown Manhattan. “He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

via Rudy Giuliani: President Obama doesn’t love America – Darren Samuelsohn – POLITICO.

The proper answer is that Rudy is a part of a protected class of people, who can basically say and do anything that they like. If anyone says anything to criticize it; they simply yell, “Anti-Semite!” and the debate is over.  Update: Sorry, I was mistaken; Rudy is an Italian and his daddy was involved in organized crime and did time in prison. My apologies for getting that fact wrong.

However, Rudy is a neoconservative, a former Democrat, who brought his warmongering ways with him.

Will Rudy be banished from the Media, will Rudy be banished from the Republican Party? Will Rudy be banished from conservative circles? Nope! Because Neocons can engage in this sort of dog-whistle nonsense and nothing will be done….. ever.

Others: (Via Memeorandumalking Points Memo, The Atlantic Online, ABC News, OnPolitics, TalkLeft, NY Daily News, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Banter, The Daily Caller, USA Today, Chicago Boyz, Little Green Footballs, Wall Street Journal, PoliticusUSA, Mediaite, Washington Post,The Week, Gothamist, Daily Kos, Instapundit, Charting Course, Associated Press, Hinterland Gazette, Shakesville, White House Dossier, Fox News, RedState, Hullabaloo, Washington Monthly, CBS DC, The PJ Tatler, New York Magazine, No More Mister Nice Blog, Raw Story, Fox News Insider, rubber hose, Business Insider, Booman Tribune and Balloon Juice

Videos: Scott Brown Rally, Rudy Giuliani interview…

These videos were shot by R.S. McCain. I hope he does not mind me using them.

This is Scott Brown arriving on the North End in Boston.

Scott Brown Rally Part 1:

Scott Brown Rally Part 2:

Scott Brown Rally Part 3:

Rudy Giuliani Interviewed:

Looking back, I take back everything I said about him.

Scott Brown Supporter Interviewed: