Remember Samantha Power?

It seems that Samantha Power has gotten a new job.

“Yid with a Lid” reports:

Only Barack Obama! Today the President tried to show he was a friend of the Jews with a beautifully crafted speech Holocaust Museum. Showing his words mean nothing, also today Samantha Power began work today as chair of President Barack Obama’s new Atrocities Prevention Board. If you don’t remember Ms Power she once called for a US force to invade Israel and force through a “peace settlement.” Powers also had some unflattering things to say about about America’s Jewish population during the 2008 campaign

How long do you think it will be before Powers uses that board as tool to de-legitimize Israel?

via “The Lid”: Obama Selects Woman Who Wanted to Invade Israel As Chair of Genocide Panel.

This lady is a real piece of work; head on over and check out the video over at Lid’s site. Previous Samantha Power offerings at my old blog here.