Is it possibly to sleep too long?

Because if it is, I have done it.

I have been here as of late, getting to bed earlier than I used to.

Last night, after all the excitement with my blog’s server. I crashed out at around 9:30 or so. I was beat. So, I went to bed. I slept till like 3:30a.m.  I got up, went to the john and came back down here, and fiddled around a little on the iPod and noticed that Romney whooped Obama’s butt in the debate.

Finally, I laid the iPod touch on the chair here and zonked out around 4:30 and slept till like 8:00a.m. I feel like I could scale mount Everest at the moment. But, I do need to keep coffee intake going here; as I just spotted a funny typo in this entry.

Anyhow, that’s what happened to me last night. Anyone else have those oddball sleeping problems?

Off to get some sleep

Once again my body clock is all “catty whompus”, which means screwed to hell.

I zonked out last night at like 10:45 P.M. and woke back up around 2:00 a.m. I’ve been up ever since and right about now; I am quite pooped. 😛

So, I shall return when I arise from my slumber.

Meanwhile, check out some of the blogs in my sidebars. 😀

Good Night…

Wake Up