When Blogging gets personal and serious

First of all, go read here.

Now, go here, and here.

I simply ask this question; at one point does this stop because rhetorical political stupidity and start becoming criminal stalking? I will tell you when, when said person starts threatening your wife and kids.

This has to stop, because someone is going to end up getting shot and killed. I will tell you this; if that bald-headed, faggot prick comes at me; he’d better have his A-game on, because this white boy don’t play. I grew up southwest Detroit, and we didn’t put up with this sort of stuff in the ghetto. We settled our beefs man to man, face to face.

Again, let him come at me; and talk some stuff.

Update: Da’ Tech Blogger says what I am thinking too. But in a much better way, of course.