Uh-Oh – Iran carries out Airstrikes on Iraqi Kurdish Villages

Oh boy, this is going to throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the Obama Administration:

Iranian aircraft attacked three villages inside Iraq over the weekend. The airstrikes — Iran’s first on Iraqi soil since the U.S. invasion — could complicate the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize relations with Tehran.

“The bombardments appeared to have targeted the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), an Iranian Kurdish separatist group which has launched attacks on Iran from rear-supply bases in the mountains of northern Iraq,” AFP reports. Iran has attacked the Kurdish group before, with artillery. But this is the first time the Iranians followed up, with assaults from the air.

“The incident comes a week after reports of a clash between Iranian police officers and suspected PJAK fighters in the country’s western province of Kermanshah,” Al-Jazeera reports. “At least 10 policemen and 10 fighters were killed in the gun battle.”

Details on the airstrikes remain sketchy. Voice of America says the attacks were carried out by helicopters, which remained in Iranian airspace. Al-Arabiyah television, on the other hand, says it was “Iranian planes [that] raided those villages.”

via Iran Launches Airstrikes on Iraqi Villages | Danger Room.

Hmmm… Did not President Obama say this at one point?

Sounds like Barry is now going to get a full dose of reality, when it comes to Iran and their way of doing business. I wonder what he will do? Possibly employ some smart power and leadership to the situtation? Will he call for a meeting with the top military brass and make a decision based on the interests of the United States?


Don’t bet on it, he’s too busy out taking a stroll with his American-Hating, White Man-Hating Wife.

I am afraid that this is what the next 4 to 8 years is going to be like. International Threats and a Liberal President who is more interested in making photo ops that he is trying to defend our nation and interests. All the while spending this country into a giant economic hole. I am just glad, that I did not vote for the man; I couldn’t, I would not be able to live with myself, if I had of.  The man is obviously not qualified for the office; and I am not talking about the Birth Certificate thing either. I am just referring to the man’s ability to lead the country. President Obama is a complete buffoon, who landed this election because of his skin color.

This should be a very interesting story to watch and follow. If it is not buried by our drool bucket Liberal Media. 🙄

The Charles Johnson, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller feud…. A Follow up

This is a follow up to a posting that I made a while back about the running feud between Charles Johnson against Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and a few other players.

I realize that no matter how I phrase this posting; someone is going to be offended or is going to hate me to the point of wanting to see my death. I mean, in this sort of a damned thing, you cannot win. If you say anything that one of the parties dislikes, you will be smeared and forced to take a side in the argument. When I lost my other blog to a hacking job; by somebody who was angered about comment that I made about a person on another blog, which was a horrific misstep on my part, which I did and still do readily admit. I made a promise to myself, that I would never engage in Blog wars or any other sort of nonsense.

However, I believe it is important to be clear where I stand; and because of this, I am going to make my feelings clear…

I was contacted by Dr. Robert Spencer about my initial posting. We discussed what I wrote and how I phrased my posting. He did ask me some very pointed questions and I answered honestly, I commend him for writing and asking. Because of this I feel the important need to clear the air.

It appears that Charles Johnson is playing a little game; a deadly game, that hurts people, smears them and makes them into something that they are not. This, I am afraid is wrong. That game is called “guilt by association.” This is a game that liberals play, especially when they are trying to further their agenda of identity politics. It appears that Mr. Johnson is now trying to smear Pat Buchanan, he seems to believe, for whatever foolish reason; that Pat Buchanan is an Anti-Semite. This is nothing more than a classic liberal smear. That’s right, I question the very idea that Charles Johnson is even a Conservative.

For the record, I have zero against Israel, Jews or Judaism. I do however, reject the Zionist movement, on Biblical theological basis only. (See 2 Corinthians 6:14-18) I have Zero against those who choose to practice Islam. However, I reject Islam as a false religion, and those who practice it, as lost and in need of Salvation, that comes only by Jesus Christ. The same goes for those who reject Christ and follow strictly after of the Law of Moses. (See John 14:4-11 and John 10:22-38 and Galatians 3:6-18)

Now, I will be the first to admit that some of the postings over at Pamela Geller’s Blog are, at times, borderline hysteria and could be interpreted by some as Anti-Islamic. However, for Charles Johnson to simply smear someone, because they are associated with a particular group is, in my opinion, unfair and is borderline libelous. I suppose that someone like me would be labeled Anti-Semite by Johnson as well, because of my issues with the Zionist Movement and its influence on the foreign policy of United States. If that is the badge that Mr. Johnson wants to hang on me; fine, I will wear it, I make no apologies for thinking and believing that the Capital of the United States of America is Washington D.C. and not Tel Aviv, Israel. If the Neo-Conservative and Liberal thought police want to try and smear me on this one, fine.

While my initial posting might have sounded like I was praising Charles Johnson, I was not, at all. It was simply lamenting the fact that people, who are supposedly opposed to Islamic fascism, were engaging in a bitter feud. However, since that posting, it seems that Charles Johnson wants to go after people like Michelle Malkin and others, who are in support of the combating of Terrorism and Islamic Fascism. This is totally unacceptable, and I hereby reject Charles Johnson as an enemy to America and a Liberal.

Pamela Geller may not like me, because of my position on Zionism. However, I stand for Freedom of speech and against the Liberal thought police. Hopefully, she understands.

The Southern Avenger on "Tea Parties vs. The Warfare State"

How in praising the tea parties one week, then defending President Bush on torture and his “War on Terror” the next, conservatives negate their alleged anti-government message.

The Southern Avanger’s Blog

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine

The Obama “under the bus” moment of the day

Looks like President Bambi Teleprompter is now trying to appease the far left of his own party.

Jack Tapper and Company Reports:

President Obama suggested today that it remained a possibility that the Justice Department might bring charges against officials of the Bush administration who devised harsh interrogation policies that some see as torture.

He also suggested that if there is any sort of investigation into these past policies and practices, he would be more inclined to support an independent commission outside the typical congressional hearing process.

Both statements represented breaks from previous White House statements on the matter.

While the Bush-era memos providing legal justifications for enhanced interrogation methods "reflected us losing our moral bearings," the president said, he also that he did not think it was "appropriate" to prosecute those CIA officers who "carried out some of these operations within the four corners of the legal opinions or guidance that had been provided by the White House."

But in clear change from language he and members of his administration have used in the past, the president said that "with respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that is going to be more of a decision for the Attorney General within the parameters of various laws and I don’t want to prejudge that. I think that there are a host of very complicated issues involved there."

Just yesterday, asked by a reporter as to why the administration was not seeking to "hold accountable" Bush administration lawyers who may have "twisted the law," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, "the president is focused on looking forward, that’s why."

Here is some related video by the slime ball Liberal Network MSNBC, this is David Shuster who seems almost overcome with joy that the President is leaving the door open, to what will amount to a political witch hunt: (H/T Breit Bart)

Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Basically what this says to me is this; President Obama is scared to death of loosing his support among the far left, who want nothing more than to prosecute everyone involved with the so-called torture, the run up to the Iraq War, everything pretty much everything and everyone related to the Bush Administration. This is because the Democrats are still angry, because they lost the 2000 and 2004 elections; which the far liberal left ridiculously claim that the Republicans stole. Which is absolute idiotic nonsense. 

Let me clue you liberals in on something; you lost the 2000 and 2004 election, because your candidates quite frankly sucked. I mean, Al Gore for goodness sake, what a douche nozzle! John Kerry, talk about an out of touch Limousine liberal! Yes; I did vote for both of these idiots and yes, they both lost, and Yes, I knew why! This was before my blogging days and my close following of the politics of the left and the right. Yes, I voted for Clinton in his second term. Yes, I do regret that, highly. I remember just wanting Clinton out of office, after his little problem with Lewinsky.

What this will do is this; divide America. It will pit Conservatives against Liberals and visa versa. As we did not have enough that for the last eight years. It is too bad, Obama could have just left well enough alone. But, no, he has to dredge up idiot nonsense for we Americans to have live over again. What nonsense! But, then again, we are talking about Liberals.

The Southern Avenger on "War is Generational Theft"

I post this with a little bit of a note. While I agree with Jack on the subject of Iraq. I disagree on Afghanistan. I believe that the war there can be won, if it is one properly. The problem is, President Obama will most likely not want to fight it properly; and because of the stupidity of the Bush Administration, we have most likely squandered our chances of winning that war without the possibility of large amounts of American Deaths.

Having said that, here’s the Video:

The Southern Avenger’s Blog.

The Southern Avenger @ Taki’s Magazine

Of Idologues, Realists and, uh, Neo-Cons. Seriously.

Over at The American Conservative, Daniel Larison writes regarding Jeff Goldberg‘s latest attempt at Conservative punditry:

The way to tell an ideologue from a realist, and the reason realists are not simply ideologues posing as something else, is that the ideologue will persist in a course of action long after it has failed and long after everyone knows it has failed because he thinks that his “values” demand it. Instead of “let justice be done, though the heavens fall,” the ideologue says, “I am right, and the world can go to hell if it doesn’t agree.” The ideologue is terrified of having to make adjustments and adapt to the world as it really is, because these adjustments reveal to the ideologue just how far removed from that reality he has become. The ideologue keeps redefining the justification for the policy, he keeps rewriting history to suit his own purposes, and he never accepts responsibility for the failure of his ideas, because he believes they have never been faithfully followed. For the realist, cutting one’s losses and reassessing the merits of a policy are always supposed to be possibilities, but for the ideologue the former is equivalent to surrender and the latter is inconceivable. In his greatest confusion of all, Goldberg manages to mix up realists with their opposites.

Gosh is he ever right. I have never quite understood the whole “Defend Israel to the death!” mantra that emanates from those Neo-Conservative cesspools. Only thing further I can add to that, is what was described above is basically what the George W. Bush Administration was for the last 8 years. Ideology that was out of touch with the rest of the World. Believe me when I say this; I am no fan of Islam or the Islamification of America. But Iraq was a unneeded diversion from the REAL war on terror that was in Afghanistan; even now, there are signs that we might just have squandered that opportunity.

The thing that I detest so greatly about the Neo-Conservatives is the whole, “You’re either with us or your an Anti-American” bit that was put on those of us, who felt Iraq was just wrong; that and the whole playing of the race card towards anyone that spoke out against the Iraq war or the Neo-Conservatives foreign policy stance. A foreign policy; that while it may have kept us safe in the short term, in the long term, it makes more hated, and more vulnerable to attack, both here and abroad.

This is why I go out of my way to identify myself with the Paleo-Conservative right, and not your “Weekly Standard” Neo-Conservative right.  Because I disagree with the Bush Doctrine, the Iraq War and the whole idea of Christians aligning themselves with unbelievers; otherwise known as Jews, to support a Country that Christians, that is if they’re even truly Saved will somehow occupy once Christ returns for his Church. Which is pretty funny, considering the Bible says he will create a New Heaven and New Earth.

Just my two cents. 😀

Camel Jockey Chick lies her ass off and gets paid…

Must be nice:

The Washoe County School District in the Reno area will give Egyptian former student Jana Elhifny $350,000 and her non-Muslim friend and supporter Stephanie Hart $50,000 as part of the civil settlement.

Elhifny and her family came to Reno from Egypt in 2003, and the girl enrolled as a freshman at North Valleys High School.

She didn’t finish the year after she told teachers and administrators that someone had threatened to kill her in the stairwell because of her Muslim hijab or head scarf, the district’s independent attorney in the case, Robert Cox, told FOXNews.com.

Shortly afterwards, Cox said, Elhifny filed the lawsuit and returned to Egypt, where she married her fiancé.

The lawsuit, handled by U.S. District Court in Reno, alleges that Elhifny faced death threats and harassment and school administrators did nothing to stop the abuse.

Cox said that wasn’t true, and the teen was unable to give any description of her tormenter — including his or her gender, size and tone of voice.

He said the high school tried to investigate her claims but was unsuccessful because of the lack of information.

via FOXNews.com – Muslim Girl Gets $400G From Nevada School District in Head Scarf Bully Case

Wow, what a Country some sand nigger chick lies about getting harrassed, files a lawsuit and gets paid.

Only in America. 🙄

Others: Debbie Schlussel, JammieWearingFool and Jihad Watch

U.S. Ship captured by Pirates, Far Right Blames Obama

For the first time, A ship registered in the United States has been hijacked by Somali pirates, the Story via AP:

NAIROBI, Kenya – Somali pirates on Wednesday hijacked a U.S.-flagged cargo ship with 20 American crew members onboard, hundreds of miles from the nearest American military vessel in some of the most dangerous waters in the world.

The 17,000-ton Maersk Alabama was carrying emergency relief to Mombasa, Kenya, when it was hijacked, said Peter Beck-Bang, spokesman for the Copenhagen-based container shipping group A.P. Moller-Maersk. It was the sixth ship seized within a week, a rise that analysts attribute to a new strategy by Somali pirates who are operating far from the warships patrolling the Gulf of Aden.

The company confirmed that the U.S.-flagged vessel has 20 U.S. nationals onboard.

Cmdr. Jane Campbell, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, said that it was the first pirate attack “involving U.S. nationals and a U.S.-flagged vessel in recent memory.” She did not give an exact timeframe.

When asked how the U.S. Navy plans to deal with the hijacking, Campbell said: “It’s fair to say we are closely monitoring the situation, but we will not discuss nor speculate on current and future military operations.”

…..and naturally the far right is blaming Obama and is asking “Well, that are you going to do?”

Somali pirates have decided that it is great time to capture an American flagged ship crewed by our citizens.

Naturally, I have a few questions.

Why has this not happened before? Why were these pirates not deterred by the prospects of a response from the United States Navy (the very first mission of which was to stop piracy from Africa)? What will our president do about it?

This is a far more important moment for Barack Obama than the news media, judging by the lack of coverage on cable news this morning, believes it to be.

Unless I miss my guess, this President is going to do the SAME THING as the LAST President did; absolutely nothing. Seriously Republicans er… I mean; Wilsonian Neo-Conservatives, can you get any more lame? You honestly going to blame Obama and are going to expect him to send an invading Military force? Please, Obama’s name is not George W. Bush.

I mean, I can understand critizing his Political policy, but placing blame on Obama for something that he had zero to do with. Like I said in a previous posting, the Conservative Blogsphere is starting to look like the party of circus clowns.

Update: MSNBC is reporting that there are unconfirmed reports that the crew of the ship, have regained control of the ship. The reports say that the crew opened fire on the crew and one was killed, the others either were thown overboard and jumped. YES! Thank God for GUNS! wOOt! 😆

From the "Oh this is just flippin' great…." Stack: Americans Electricity Grid in U.S. has been Penetrated By Spies

Think of this the next time you start to turn on the light or crank up the laptop, or anything else for that matter:

Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used to disrupt the system, according to current and former national-security officials.

The spies came from China, Russia and other countries, these officials said, and were believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls. The intruders haven’t sought to damage the power grid or other key infrastructure, but officials warned they could try during a crisis or war.

“The Chinese have attempted to map our infrastructure, such as the electrical grid,” said a senior intelligence official. “So have the Russians.”

The espionage appeared pervasive across the U.S. and doesn’t target a particular company or region, said a former Department of Homeland Security official. “There are intrusions, and they are growing,” the former official said, referring to electrical systems. “There were a lot last year.”

Many of the intrusions were detected not by the companies in charge of the infrastructure but by U.S. intelligence agencies, officials said. Intelligence officials worry about cyber attackers taking control of electrical facilities, a nuclear power plant or financial networks via the Internet

via Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies – WSJ.com.

To be fair, this most likely has been going on since before Obama ever took office. Most likely the Wall Street Journal released this to remind America that we are still under threat from terrorist attack. Unlike some of my fellow Conservative blogger, I will not use this as a chance to attack The President. But rather I will hope that our President does gear up for a decent defense budget. Further more, I hope everyone up on “The Hill” will read this an realize that terrorist threats still do exist.

One thing that does bother me. This report is one of those, “New York Times” kind of reports. No direct quotes, just anonymous sources. That tends to make me disbelieve the report. How come the people providing this information, cannot just go on record. Another thing is that it the people doing this, is not Al-Qaeda, it is China and Russia. Which I highly believe will not try anything stupid. However, I believe the U.S. will be a bit less inclined to call China to the carpet on the situation of  North Korea.

This will be an interesting story to follow, if there is anymore information released.