UPDATED – A perfect example of how not to give the Republican Party a good image to the rest of the Country.

This is weapons grade stupidity:

The tornado damage near Oklahoma City is still being assessed and the death toll is expected to rise, but already Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., says he will insist that any federal disaster aid be paid for with cuts elsewhere.

CQ Roll Call reporter Jennifer Scholtes wrote for CQ.com Monday evening that Coburn said he would “absolutely” demand offsets for any federal aid that Congress provides.

Coburn added, Scholtes wrote, that it is too early to guess at a damage toll but that he knows for certain he will fight to make sure disaster funding that the federal government contributes is paid for. It’s a position he has taken repeatedly during his career when Congress debates emergency funding for disaster aid.

Scholtes points out that Coburn was one of 36 Republican senators who voted against disaster funding for Superstorm Sandy in January.

via Coburn Wants Tornado Disaster Aid to Be Offset | The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body.

There are no words. 😡 None that I choose to print, that is. 😡

Also too, This right here is seriously bad. Prayers for all involved. 🙁

Update: HotAir has some excellent video of the tornado that hit down in Oklahoma.

Update #2: American Glob has sad photos from the affected area.

Update #3: Two bloggers that have something to say about this and rightfully so, are The Reaction and Balloon Juice

Update # 4: This is now a huge Memeorandum thread.