The Southern Avenger on American Empire and Israel

Note to all my readers: I am posting these videos here, because I happen to believe in a diversity of opinion and discussion. The opinions expressed in these video should NOT be considered an opinion of the owner of this blog. I simply believe that ALL VOICES, not just a collective few, should be heard in the continuing discussion that is post-Bush Conservative Politics.


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In Memory: Jimmy Dean 1928 – 2010

The Working Man’s Country Music Singer has died:

Yahoo News Reports:

RICHMOND, Va. – Jimmy Dean, a country music legend for his smash hit about a workingman hero, “Big Bad John,” and an entrepreneur known for his sausage brand, died on Sunday. He was 81.

His wife, Donna Meade Dean, said her husband died at their Henrico County, Va., home.

She told The Associated Press that he had some health problems but was still functioning well, so his death came as a shock. She said he was eating in front of the television. She left the room for a time and came back and he was unresponsive. She said he was pronounced dead at 7:54 p.m.

“He was amazing,” she said. “He had a lot of talents.”

Born in 1928, Dean was raised in poverty in Plainview, Texas, and dropped out of high school after the ninth grade. He went on to a successful entertainment career in the 1950s and ’60s that included the nationally televised “The Jimmy Dean Show.”

In 1969, Dean went into the sausage business, starting the Jimmy Dean Meat Co. in his hometown. He sold the company to Sara Lee Corp. in 1984.

He was also a bit of a Conservative:

In the late ’60s, Dean entered the hog business — something he knew well. His family had butchered hogs, with the young Dean whacking them over the head with the blunt end of an ax. The Dean brothers — Jimmy and Don — ground the meat and their mother seasoned it.

The Jimmy Dean Meat Co. opened with a plant in Plainview. After six months, the company was profitable.

His fortune was estimated at $75 million in the early ’90s.

Having watched other stars fritter away their fortunes, Dean said he learned to be careful with his money.

“I’ve seen so many people in this business that made a fortune,” he told the AP. “They get old and broke and can’t make any money. … I tell you something, … no one’s going to play a benefit for Jimmy Dean.”

Rest in Peace, Mr. Dean. You have more than earned it.

(Fixed headline typo…. Sorry about that….)

Chilling to Watch: Black Students being Brain-Washed into saying, "I am an Obama Scholar"

(H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Jim Hoft says:

Obviously, that separation of church and state rule only applies to Christianity.
Praising their demagogue Obama is OK.

The kids are saying:

For I, am an Obama scholar.
An Obama scholar.
And I will strive to be.
Outstanding. Brilliant.
I will achieve. I will be motivated with a positive attitude.

Bill Hennessey says:

Quick quiz: name five countries, past or present, where the youths were required to chant praises to their omnipotent ruler? Any five. Then add together the number of innocentpeople those regimes slaughtered for political expediency.

P.O.’ed Patriot says:

When I first started watching this video I was impressed with the positive message, that is until the Adult Directed the Students to Chant “I am an Obama Scholar”. That is what we call Brain Washing.

Before all of the Haters leave their Comment remember this, Would it still be OK if the Kids were Chanting “I am a Regan, Bush or Clinton Scholar? …Um No…

Cassy Fiano says:

Indoctrination of children in schools is really nothing new, especially since Obama has been elected. Liberal teachers can’t contain themselves, I guess.


And what kind of scholar is Barack Obama, exactly? The kind that doesn’t exactly move a mountain of drugs away, that’s for sure — he admitted doing cocaine. He’s the kind of scholar who thought that there were 57 states during the 2008 election. The kind of scholar who can’t understand why we can’t just plug the damn hole to stop an oil spill. The kind of scholar who spends all of his time on the golf course instead of displaying any kind of real leadership.

Oh well. Chanting songs of allegiance to leaders is nothing new, I guess. It’s just new to us ignorant rubes here in the United States who actually love freedom and democracy.

I might be wrong, but, did not Hitler force kids in Germany to chant slogans? Did they also do that in Communist Russia?

I don’t know about you all; but this whole idea of a black liberal President just got a whole bunch more scarier to me. I mean, we have oil gushing out of a busted well in the gulf and they are STILL praising him, like he is some sort of a Messiah!

When will the American people wake and realize that they have been duped? It is beginning to happen; but still you have this sort of nonsense. It is trouble unbelievable.

The 2010 elections and the 2012 elections cannot come soon enough. I just hope and pray that the GOP does not screw it up; like they did in 2008.

The Southern Avenger on Nikki Haley and the New Conservatives

Transcript Here

The bit about Boss Hogg is too funny! 😆

There can be only one

AllahPundit posting over at the seemingly permanently deaf to trackbacks; posts a video of some tool showboating.


But there’s only one damn good drummer. He’s dead now, victim of his own excess:

That, my friends, is the late John Henry Bonham.

In case anyone wonders. Yes, I am a drummer. Been playing since about the age of 7 or 8. I do not own a drum kit, I haven’t played in ages. But yes, I do know my chops.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Response to the Criticism

(H/T to

Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to the criticisms of how Israel handled the flotilla event.