I do not think that making light of someone’s death is funny

I am referring to the Obama Campaign staffer that suddenly dropped dead today.

You see, I once, a few years ago, made a horrible mistake; I talked about it recently:

Also too, because I got into a little scape with another right blogger once, which they started and I took to another level. That one, I do regret, highly; mainly because the person named at said link’s dead wife got pulled into the mess, by me — by mistake. To my defense, I had zero clue who the woman is, I was out for revenge and her name was there. I had no idea that was the blog owner’s wife.

In hindsight, which is always 20/20. I wish I had just ignored that incoming poke and left stuff well enough alone. But, I didn’t and I will have to live with what I did. 🙁

Not only was what I did not funny; it was damned morbid, by accident mind you, but still just damned wrong. Go follow the link to see what I am referring to. I screwed up badly on that and I made a crap load of enemies on the right; which, by rights, they should be angry at me for what I did.

This is why I am tossing the red flag on this one; and basically saying:

No Sale. 

It isn’t funny, isn’t classy, it is low brow, morbid bull crap that I will not be a part of it, at all.

To me, it is the same as the idiotic birther crap. Which went in mainstream right circles for a week and yes, I got caught up in it and I got burned. After which I said, I would not write anything that could not be proven in a court of law. Further more, this is why the Mainstream media hates we bloggers with a passion. Because some bloggers, not all of them; will publish anything, just to get eyeballs on their site. I did that when I first got into blogging. It was stupid and I paid a price for it. I learned from my mistakes, from running my two previous blogs and I am not about make those same mistakes again on this one. Some Republicans and Conservatives just are not that smart. I pity them and hope I don’t ever see any of them in court, as it could get ugly.

I just wish other bloggers felt the same damned way.

Update: No sooner than I hit publish; I realized, I forgot something. Before anyone asks; yes, I did condemn the left for mocking Rick Santorum for bringing him his baby that died. This sort of thing goes well beyond partisan politics, this is someone’s real life that ended. We should be a bit more respectful here on the right —- just a thought.

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