Video: Living proof that Liberals are classless buffoons

I saw this earlier, and I did not want to watch it. Because I know the emotions that it would trigger inside of me.

But, I finally did and Yes, it did make me very angry. 😡

Watch MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the wife-beating drunk acting like a complete and total classless buffoon on National TV.


Later, the Republican chairmen got his revenge: (via

My feelings are simply this: what does it say about the modern day Democratic Party? When the only thing that they have left, is race-baiting? Their policies have failed, they’re ideas to recover the economy has failed and now all they have left, is smearing anyone that disagrees with them are racist? This is worse than the Neoconservatives, who call anyone who disagrees with them Antisemitic.  Both are equally as lame and ignorant, both cheapen the discussion, and both point to a loss of ideas.

This is another reason, of a litany of reasons, as to why I stopped voting for Democrats. I mean, they are quite obviously desperate and are now hurling anything that will stick. This sort of nonsense was predicted by myself on my old blog way back in 2008, when Obama was elected and now, we are seeing it first hand.

It is amazing to watch. Hope the Democrats enjoy losing, because that is what is going to happen.