Clintons try and suck up to Black people after Bill's stupid remark

I love it when people get caught being stupid and then have to try and talk their way out of it.

Clintons Move to Tamp Down Criticism From Blacks About Recent Comments – New York Times

The Clinton campaign moved Friday to try to quell a potentially damaging reaction to recent comments by Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton that have drawn criticism from African-Americans just as the presidential primary campaign reached Southern states with significant numbers of black voters.

In a call on Friday to Al Sharpton’s nationally syndicated talk radio show, Mr. Clinton said that his “fairy tale” comment on Monday about Senator Barack Obama’s position on the Iraq war was being misconstrued, and that he was talking only about the war, not about Mr. Obama’s overarching message or his drive to be the first black president.

“There’s nothing fairy tale about his campaign,” Mr. Clinton said. “It’s real, strong, and he might win.”

Lying idiot. He knows what he did and now Bill Clinton is trying to suck up to the Black community. I think that the African-American community needs to send Billary a message. We don’t want your cracker butt being our President. We want change, we want a new vision, we want someone who will unite and not divide. We want Obama.

The quicker the African American Community gets together and does this, the better. I say. The Clinton’s did NOT being change in America, at all, they simply rode the wave of success of the Previous Administrations. The only thing that the Clinton’s gave us was NAFTA, A disgraced White House and Waco and Ruby Ridge.

I say the quicker the Democrats drop slick willy and his ugly assed wife, the better!

Others: Ben Smith’s Blogs, The Swamp, The Politico, TalkLeft, Booman Tribune, TIME: Swampland, Political Machine, American Street, Outside The Beltway, News Hounds, Jules Crittenden, Connecting.the.Dots, Macsmind, TPM Election Central, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Bookworm Room, Althouse, Irish Trojan in Tennessee, Marc Ambinder and Sister Toldjah and More